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Folks, I am deep into the research for the upcoming video on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, and I will be interviewing one of the world's leading experts on suicide, Thomas Joiner, as part of this.

I am trying to get a sense of what might have inspired one of the pilots onboard to hijack his own aircraft full of passengers, and hide it in the far reaches of the ocean, if that is indeed what happened.

If you have any questions for Thomas, ask them in the comments and I will put them to him. 



We’ve often heard an argument for pilots becoming over reliant on automation in recent years, but with the advent of AI and the potential for more sophisticated systems, there may be an argument for *more* automation in some scenarios, wherein a rogue pilot with no viable course or destination airport entered has automation forcibly take control to turn the aircraft around and head back to the origin.


I thought you’d appreciate this documentary about dangerous maintenance practices in the U.S. from a public broadcaster: https://g.co/kgs/JHTq9R