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Patrons! What incident would you like me to cover next?

  • Olympic 411 4
  • Iberia 610 18
  • 2023-01-19
  • 22 votes
{'title': 'Patrons! What incident would you like me to cover next?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Olympic 411', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Iberia 610', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 19, 17, 18, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 22}


I'm in the early stages of researching two different incidents. Which would you like to see most?

Olympic 411 - A 747 which suffered an engine failure on take off from Athens, and  barely scraped it back to the airport without crashing into the city.

Iberia 610 - A 727 which, due to bad CRM and bad navigation, crashed into a mast on approach to Bilbao in Spain. 

They're both really interesting stories, but whichever get the most votes, I'l cover next! 



Hi GD, both are great choices I'd say. The Olympic story was covered over on Mentor Now I think...if memory serves me right, but dont think I know anything of the Iberia story.... So for me, I may be inclined to choose Iberia. However, as far as 'gripping story' goes, Olympic must be waaay up there on the scale, and they made it out, which is always so satisfying to see, particularly when airmanship saved the day rather than relying solely luck... FWIW, my favourite incident of yours so far, out of all of them, superb as they all are, is Air India 101 'Danger over NY'. Was the first one I saw of your channel and was hooked ever since. Still my favourite and have re-watched it many times. Can't quite put my finger on precisely why, but I warmed to the real dialog (and calm dialog) between captain and ATC along with the building building tension, and successful end... So it's a toss-up for me :-)...or may be Olympic at a pinch


I agree with Simon. I chose Iberia because I've already seen videos on Olympic, though it is a gripping story indeed! I'm always keen to learn about one I've never heard of before and so my vote is for Iberia.


Thanks for this, Simon! And I love to hear that the Air India episode is what got you into my channel, I really enjoyed making that video. Your point about the Olympic plane having a miraculous resolution is well taken. It's much more rewarding to watch these when things go well. But as you say, the Iberia accident has gotten very little coverage. It would be great to do a proper job of it. I appreciate you including your reasoning in this comment, as it's going to be useful when I make future episodes :) Emmet