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I have visited the Label Clothing company, and I have good news!

UPDATED 29 april 20224:
It's confirmed and official, we're doing the Green and Pink hoodie. Pink hoodie in the pictures above is a Pre-production SAMPLE! But it's looking good!
So to recap these are the steps before we can start selling them:

  • We're currently going back and forth with sample hoodies to get all the details right. I believe we will do one more sample and then we will go to the next step.

  • Once those are adjusted and confirmed the production will start, and they will have to ship them to me, and I will have to store and organize my place a bit.

  • After that I will try to set up some infrastructure for selling and shipping. But for now I will be focused on step 1 and 2. It will take probably a few months before we can start selling them.

We're not doing any pre-ordering stuff, I am doing this on the side of my regular work, so I don't want to overwhelm myself with more work. We will let you know when we are ready to take orders!

The price is still a question mark right now, but I do want a high quality hoodie, so it will most likely be around $70 (not including shipping).  I will post more information on progress when I can.



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