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  • Robby Climax movie preview.mp4



Finished Robby's climax today! Now all I have to do is make the transition frames and add some audio, and then I can make a full movie preview.




Looking great hoodie! Roughly how far done is this level? I can't wait to try it!


Thank you! I don't wanna disappoint, but these animations take time, this is the first enemy in level 4 that's (almost) done now, level 4 will probably have 6 or 7 characters I need to work on, and then also the end scene of the level, and the gallery update. It took me and my partners around a year for level 2 and then another for level 3, so I expect level 4 to be done in early 2023. I might release a working update with level 4 in winter 2022 though just like I did with level 3.


That's okay! I just didn't really have a frame of reference to when I joined you guys in this. I know how hard working on games are, not as an artist but I've seen how much work goes into this. Please don't feel like I was trying to rush you, you're doing great work as it is. In terms of gameplay though I think the cooldown for the sliding attack is a little too long, it doesn't often actually put me in danger but it's enough to be a little irritating as I have to wait to attack an enemy a little too long. That's just my opinion though, maybe play with the number and see if the game feels a little more energetic.