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Thank you all for the continued support! Level 2 is now finished and live! Let me know if you find any bugs, and have fun! I put a lot of effort into it, and I really hope you like it.

Play it in your browser here:
or here:

The file doesn't seem to upload to patreon, but you can download the game on Itchio:

For windows PC downloaders:
Unpack the .RAR file, and run Max_The_Elf_DEMO. If it doesn't start up, try checking your firewall, or run as administrator, it might be getting blocked. 

FOR MAC OS downloaders: I'm on a new PC and ran into a problem not being able to build the game for MAC right now, but I notified my partner! He should be able to help and get a MAC build up and running hopefully later today!


PLEASE READ: Please make sure you have hardware acceleration on in google chrome, otherwise Max is way too slow!

FOR MAC OS downloaders: I packed it as a .RAR file! On Macs some unzippers can corrupt the files, We've tested unpacking with "StuffIt" and it worked. If you need a different one, try:  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-unarchiver/id425424353?mt=12 This one should be official but we haven't tried it!

If you still get an error (this application cannot be opened), try this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50577473/unity-game-compiled-in-windows-doesn-t-open-in-mac






Is there a link to the download?


mhh I thought I put the file here on patreon, but it doesn't seem to accept my .rar files. You can download it on itchio though, check out this page: https://thoodie-draws.itch.io/max-the-elf It should have the downloads if you scroll down.


max take pony dong??? OWO


Your game is soooo good haha! Your game is the best I've ever played! I log in to Patreon every day to see if you have released level 3. Continue to create it, please! Haha. And congratulations on being so skilled!