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Working on some of the less exciting stuff this week, but this stuff has to be done as well!
For those who are wondering about the progress for level 2, here is a to do list of sorts:

Dee: - animate spawning mirror (almost done)
- animate reflecting light

Anubis: - animate flying around (hover) (done)
- animate attacking animation (done)
- animate projectile flying
- animate Max struggling in bondage

Succi Twins: - animate spawning/flying
- animate attacking animation (summons glyph)
- animate sex scene 1
- add transition frame 1->2
- animate climax scene

Enemy 4: ??? (ground-type, forces Max to masturbate)
- animate spawning animation
- animate attacking animation
- animate sex scene 1, scene 2 and climax + game over screen

Enemy 5: ??? (pool with tentacles, maybe slows max)
- animate spawning animation
- animate attacking animation
- animate sex scene 1, scene 2 and climax + game over screen

Cleo ending:
- Figure out the entire riddle/text scene and script
- Transition from dancing to sex scene
- animate Cleo Climax
- animate Cleo idle pose

extra stuff:
-add love filter on higher corruption (hearts on the screen, heart beat)
-add gallery functions
- more stuff




"animate Max struggling in bondage." I like. :D