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This is a standalone piece, not related to anything particular, enjoy though!





Nyeh Hehe

THIS IS LITERALLY ONE OF YOUR ALL-TIME BEST PICTURES AND I DIDN'T EXPECT TO BE GREETED TO THIS THIS MORNING AAAAAAAAAAAAA Seriously. I've seen your entire collection. This picture is EASILY top 5 out of everything, and this is my top candidate for my favorite T-Hoodie art of all time. THIS IS WHY I'M HERE. KEEP UP THIS AMAZING WORK.

tHoodie (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-16 04:15:18 Thank you! Those are very kind words! I will try to keep it up <3
2020-06-26 12:48:34 Thank you! Those are very kind words! I will try to keep it up <3

Thank you! Those are very kind words! I will try to keep it up <3