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Max the Elf ? is now available for download! We made a lot of adjustments and fixes since last post (23 may)! It should be easier, faster, and more enjoyable now. Give it another try <3

play/download on itch.io:


Or play it on newgrounds:

You can also download the game below here in the patreon post.

For windows PC downloaders: Unpack the .RAR file, and runMax_The_Elf_DEMO. If it doesn't start up, try checking your firewall, or run as administrator, it might be getting blocked.

FOR MAC OS downloaders: I packed it as a .RAR file! On Macs some unzippers can corrupt the files, We've tested unpacking with "StuffIt" and it worked. If you need a different one, try: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-unarchiver/id425424353?mt=12 This one should be official but we haven't tried it!

If you still get an error (this application cannot be opened), try this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50577473/unity-game-compiled-in-windows-doesn-t-open-in-mac




I don't think I've ever seen a game's core mechanics and performance improve so much in a single update. I think the level feels really balanced now. Keep up the great work, I'm enjoying this game a ton!

Ayman Alabbad

The game is so difficult. Can u make it easier?


I'm sorry to hear that, we've been listening to feedback of the players. We also have people who think the game is too easy now, so I think we're at a balance where we don't really want to make the game much easier. All I can recommend is to keep trying!


i only have seen the demo so far (and if theres a full download past the demo please let me know) but i enjoy difficulty in games like this, since it generally means i can actually TRY and still get me some fun game overs. maybe its just part of my kink though.