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Hello guys,

My sincere apologies to my patrons, the Patreon community and Patreon official crew.

I've been contacted by support about some of my posts breaking the guidelines. I am to delete any posts that broke those guidelines. They did not specify which one's so to be safe I will be deleting a lot.  

Please remain calm as I try to resolve the issue in a cooperative matter with the support crew.

I would like to clarify that Max the Elf is officially 21 years old. He has been since forever. Here's my old official copyrighted reference sheet.

If you're worried I'm deleting an image or set that you liked, contact me on discord Tom Hoodie#6453  (case sensitive) and I'll let you know what the reaction is of the support team. And if there's anything that I can do.



Whatsit Tooya

Well that sucks. Buuuut I understand