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I will be hosting my entire drawing history on google drive here:


Alternatively you can use this dropbox link but it is limited to 20gb a day:


End of 2017 message from T-Hoodie:

I wanna thank everyone for their help, support, interest, care, share and talks!

It really motivates me to see the level of progress in all fields this year, and I hope to make every year after this one as productive and awesome as this one!

Thank you guys. <3




Best wishes for 201`7 for you and all your friends and family! And thank you very much for sharing this. I'll be sure to take a look at your older work, since I've already seen many drawings and sketches I've never seen before. Keep up the great work! :D


What a great New Year's gift. Thank you! Aside: I'm actually upset at the state of the comics folder. How could you end both the enchanted hoodie comics like that!? xD


Thank you both! I had to stop the production of the enchanted hood prequel, I wasn't ready for comics and I definitely was spending too much time not making money if I did finish it for free. Maybe I'll pick it up again sometime but for now it's gonna stay unfinished for a while. Sorry :p, at least I have plenty of other stuff I still work on!


Ohhhh, yeah that makes a ton of sense. Good move actually. A lot of artists fall into a trap where they think they can continue and feel obligated and find themselves swamped. Also, I've looked through the whole folder and it's really cool seeing your old stuff and how you progressed as an artist. Was one of your earlier inspirations Wakfu?


hehe I never showed the enchanted hoodie prequel to anyone except my friends so there was little obligation. But yea Wakfu was (and still is) a pretty big inspiration for me, I still follow the show and I think season 3 was actually really well done!


Nice! I had some issues getting into the first season of Wakfu but I absolutely adored Dofus Book One: Julith which I believe comes from the same universe.