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Hello again!
It took a while, but they're finally here!
 I have about a 100 Green Hoodies, and about a 144 Pink Hoodies. Size ranges from XS to XXL, but most of them are in the range of M-XL. They turned out great, and I love them a lot!

BIG NOTE: I know a lot of you are excited to start ordering, but I am currently overworked on the other projects I have going on for the DOKOMI event (see previous post). After DOKOMI I will slowly recover and set up the infrastructure and details on how to order! So aroud mid-july I will have more news on it!

(I wish I had more green ones, they made enough fabric to make 150 just like the pink one, but according to production, a lot of them ended up having errors and were deemed unqualified.
Anyway, if they sell well I'll probably get more in the future!)



Keflex Addict

Looks like I gotta keep my ears to the ground for when they go on sale, would love to snag one