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Happy Thursday! Hope everyone Stateside had a safe and enjoyable 4th of July! I woke up to a mini flood in my apartment that morning from the top floor neighbors' having some malfunction with their water tank that caused a MAJOR flood in the apartment above mine. Luckily we just got some damp carpets and a puddle in the hallway. Been having to listen to giant fans and dehumidifiers running since that day.   

And I'm not whining. Everything's fine. None of our stuff got damaged, thankfully. But it kinda killed my opportunity on my single day off every 14 days to get any recording done. Hopefully the fans will be out some time today so I can get back to it for you all.   

In good news! I HAVE been getting some writing done on my novel that I bailed on about a year back. I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo and trying to hammer out 40k more words to finish the first draft. I've also gotten several scripts written, am planning to launch a website in case social media platforms crash harder than they already are, and have been taking better care of myself physically.  

Part of that self-care was spending a chunk of change to get the newest version of the Dragon dictation software. Writing is good for my mental health, and when my hands and wrists are too sore and tired from giving massages 6-7 days a week, it's a bad time all around. And now, even when my hands hurt too much, I can still keep going. There's a learning curve, but it's worth the time to train the robot-reptile.   

So I hope you're all doing well, and I'll hopefully have something new for you soon! Love, always. ~Darq


Stygian Marx

Nothing like a holiday to have a sudden and unexpected issue. As someone that came home to the roof of my room collapsed and raining water from the upper apartment, I am 100% sure that it only happens at the absolute least opportunist times. Just keep a vigilant eye out for mold. Regardless, good to hear nothing was damaged and you are taking some steps to enrich and make things a little easier for yourself.