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Hello guys, I usually don't say too much about my real life situations, but I thought you have to know this:

I don't want to tell this to my twitter public because it's not too big of a deal, but basically I had a car accident while I was on my bike, I did hurt myself just a bit around my leg and my left arm (the one I don't use to draw fortunately), That's not that big of a deal, just some small pavment scars, I'm safe, but my bike was destroyed, and after months of saving up with commissions and this platform, Now i don't have it anymore.

 I gladly got an insurance for the bike, but as usual, they don't want to give my money, or a new one back. The driver offered me buying a new one back, which is kind from him, but that's what I'm looking for, I've been paying an insurance for something, and that's why I'm mad about it.

Even though I draw with my other arm, I still feel a bit uncomfortable with using it on the table, and the shock of the situation got my mind blank for a few days, until now.

This patreon will continue, with the amazing support of every one of you, I'm sorry I don't keep too much on contact with you, It's just that i don't want to bother you with my life, and just post art for your own pleasure. 

I'm working on a lot of things right now, So I'll keep you covered always, I love you.

Feel free to ask me anything, thank you.



Thanks for being transparent,you do what you got to chief,take it one step at a time


Damn, that sucks dude. Seriously hope things get better for you really soon