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Hey all!

Wanted to update you with a few things happening and also ask a question, Firstly This month is going to be pretty packed with content I have 5 commissions, 2 rough illustration requests and I'm still thinking about what to do for this months illustration (I'll put up a poll once I figure it out). Its a lot of work but I should be able to manage.

However what I really wanted to talk about is November. As some of you know I used to do a challenge in November where I would draw one illustration everyday for the whole month to try push my self, this however ended up causing issues with my wrist so last year instead I took November off. This year though I want to try something in the middle, So my idea is a month of learning and practice.

I'll use November to learn some new stuff and practice my drawing skills I already have some really good learning materials prepped for next month including some anatomy lessons and a character design course by rinotuna (which also covers a lot more than just character design). So because of that I'll be halting commissions and rough illustration requests next month until December.

Now here comes the question part, Originally I intended to pause billing for November but then I thought maybe you guys would like to come along for the ride, I could post about things I learn and also release 1 or 2 illustrations based on things I learn in November kind of like exam pieces. That is of course if you guys want that, so that is my question should I pause billing in November or do you guys want to see my studying and my "exam" illustrations?

Also in the meanwhile have these two WIPs that should be done within a few days.



Will I still be able to nut to Neroshi in November? 🤔