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Chapter 01

Sarah sucked on her pacifier while sitting on her diapered bum as she watched her mother shower in front of her, she looked down at her naked body at the large diaper wrapped around her waist and relaxed her body. She felt the warm stream of pee enter into her already damp diaper as she shook the rattle that her mother had given her to keep her occupied while she showered. Sarah looked at the rattle and back up at her naked mother’s slim and toned body as she washed her hair with a sigh “I hope she hurries up so I can go back to my playpen, I have better toys to play with in there and maybe even a TV show to watch. I’m so bored with this rattle, I’ve had this same rattle for ages and it's so boring. At least in my playpen I have the dolls, the ball, my building blocks and loads of other things that I can do to pass the time. Right now all I have is this rattle” she sighed. Cynthia turned off the shower and reached out and grabbed her towel, she quickly dried her face and looked down at her infantile daughter sitting on her diapered bum beside the sink where she had left her and smiled “Peek a boo” she cooed. Sarah let out a smile from behind her pacifier “Yes she is finished and talking to me, much better than sitting in silence” she thought. Cynthia stepped out of the shower and she continued to dry herself “Who’s my good little baby, you are yes you are baby Sarah. You were such a good girl sitting and waiting for mummy now it's time for mummy to put some clothes on” she continued as she wrapped the towel around her wet hair and opened the en suite door and walked back into her bedroom, Sarah dropped the rattle on the tile floor and got up onto her hands and knees and crawled after her mother.

Cynthia walked over to her wardrobe while Sarah crawled over to the foot of the bed and sat down on her now soaked bum patiently sucking on her pacifier “It’s warm tonight I wonder if she will put on anything to sleep in, or just wear a dressing gown?” she wondered. Cynthia looked in the wardrobe for a moment before grabbing a black dress “I guess it's time to test this out” she said as she closed the wardrobe, Sarah looked up at her mother puzzled “Is she going out? She never said anything about going out? Is Phoebe coming over?” she wondered. Cynthia caught her daughter's expression out of the corner of her eye and shook her head “Silly mummy, I forgot to tell you the good news, your friend Carrie is coming over to look after you wouldn’t that be fun baby girl?” she said with fake excitement not expecting a response. Cynthia turned towards her mirror and began to dry her hair while Sarah inwardly groaned as she looked down at her breasts and the wet diaper around her waist. She shook nervously as she sucked on her pacifier “I hate when Carrie comes over, it’s so awkward she isn’t family and she isn’t a friend. She was someone we randomly met in a park and Jenn got talking to her and they exchanged numbers, I wonder if she knows what has happened to Jenn? I hate thinking about that day, her and her boyfriend Kyle seeing me dressed like a baby. I still can’t believe Kyle saw me like that but thankfully I haven’t seen him since. They only know me as a baby, they never knew me before this happened and they probably don’t even know that I had a job, friends and plans for the future, they might even think that I have always been like this. I might as well have it has been four baby birthdays now since this started? Over four years since I was a grown up and everything about my old life has gone, my job, dreams and future all gone and replaced with diapers, playpen and feeding times. I’m dependent on mummy for everything now, I need diapers, I can’t walk more than a couple of steps and I haven’t fed myself in years. It would take a lot of hard work to become a grown up again and with how the potty training went I guess I will never be free of diapers” she let out a sigh.

Sarah shook her head and rolled her eyes “I really should have tried harder with the potty training but it was so embarrassing, I had to use the potty in the middle of the room and it didn’t matter who was in the room when I had to use it. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything when Ben was over and I would just use my diaper instead but when I did try and use the potty I would have to get mummy’s attention and tell her I needed to potty and she would pull my diaper down and place me on it. I would sit on the humiliating seat half naked with mummy or even Phoebe looking down at me and waiting for me to use it, usually when I had to pee it was too late and I had already used my diaper and when I had to poop my body would lock up. Not only that, but I wouldn’t be able to go until I was placed back in the diaper, after a couple of weeks of trying mummy gave up and I haven’t used the potty since. It eats me up inside that I could have been free of wearing diapers but I didn’t try hard enough and I’m still wearing them and I’m probably never going to be free of them” she thought when she heard a knock at the door. Sarah looked up at her mother wearing the black dress in shock “She got ready quickly? Didn’t she or did I go into my head again? I have to stop thinking about everything so much it's going to drive me crazy” she thought as Cynthia picked up her phone “Oh they are early” she said as she turned to Sarah and smiled “Let's go and say hello to Carrie and Kyle” she announced with a cheer.

Chapter 02

Sarah’s heart was racing as she sucked nervously on her pacifier “Kyle? Here? Now?” she thought as she looked down at her breasts and the wet diaper that was wrapped around her waist. Sarah watched as her mother opened the bedroom door and with a heavy heart Sarah got onto her hands and knees “Oh god Kyle is going to see me like this, I’m wearing nothing but a diaper” she thought as she slowly began to follow her mother out of the room and the short distance to the front door. Sarah sat back down on her wet bum as her mother turned to check on her while her hand rested on the front door “Good baby” she cooed as she turned back around and opened the door.

“Hello, I’m so glad you could do this” Emma cheerfully announced as she stood on the other side of the door with Katie in her arms, Sarah couldn’t help but smile from behind her pacifier as she looked up at her friend being carried by her mommy “It’s not Kyle!” she thought. Katie’s pink diapered bum was being supported by Emma’s firm hands, while her legs were wrapped around Emma’s waist. Emma frowned “Erm you do remember you offered to babysit tonight don’t you?” she asked nervously, Cynthia let out a gasp “Oh yes, yes I do erm….” she stopped herself. Emma faked a smile “You forgot” she said as she adjusted Katie on her hip, Cynthia shook her head “I’m sorry, please come in” she said as she stood to the side of the door. Emma walked into the house and looked down at Sarah “Hello Sarah, don’t you look adorable as usual” she cooed as she gave Katie’s padded bum a pat “Katie has been looking forward to spending time with you” she cooed. Cynthia closed the front door as she watched Emma walk towards the living room “Cathy is coming over to babysit Sarah but I’m sure she will be OK to also look after Katie” she said with uncertainty. Sarah watched her mother let out a sign and shake her head “This might not have been mummy’s plan but if Kyle is coming over with Cathy I would rather it happen with Katie here” she thought as her mum walked past her and she once again got up onto her hands and knees and crawled after her.

Sarah entered the room as Katie was being lowered into her playpen, she continued to crawl behind her mother towards the playpen as Emma stood up and looked at Cynthia “So where are you going? You look nice” she said with a smile as Sarah sat down on her wet bum beside the playpen patiently. Cynthia blushed slightly “I’m just going for drinks” she said shyly “Anyway what about you?” she asked as she looked Emma up and down. Emma was wearing a slim red dress that hugged her body and showed off her large breasts, her hair had been styled and she was wearing a generous amount of make up. “She shook her head, I’m going to that award….” Cynthia shook her head “Oh yeah I remember now the writers awards? Well you look very pretty” she said with a smile. Emma placed her hands on her hips and smiled “Thank you, I had someone come over and do it for me while Katie was down for a nap” she said. Cynthia eye’s suddenly widened as she looked down at Sarah “Oh” she said as she bent down and placed her hands under her daughter's armpits and lifted her up into the air and quickly deposited her into the playpen. “How about a glass of wine before you go?” Cynthia asked, Emma nodded “I thought you would never ask, I’m so nervous about this” she said with a laugh. Cynthia smiled as she walked over to the table beside the sofa and turned the baby monitor on “I’m sure you will be fine” she said, Emma shook her head “Maybe but anyway what about you, you’re not just going out for drinks, who is he?” she asked. Cynthia blushed as she walked out of the room while Emma continued to ask, following her close behind.

Sarah shook her head as she looked at Katie, her dark hair was in a ponytail and she was sucking her thumb, she was wearing a bright pink shirt with yellow frills on the arms and waist and text in yellow block letters that read ‘Big Baby’ on the front. Sarah lifted her hands up “I glad you here” she signed with a smile, Katie smiled back and removed her thumb from her mouth“It good see you” she signed back before returning her thumb back to her mouth. Sarah scrunched up her face as she looked at her hands “We never made up a sign for Kyle, It's hard to do names. Oh I know she knows Cathy” she thought as she nodded “Cathy Man babysit” she signed. Katie frowned and shook her head as she sucked her thumb, Sarah bit into her pacifier “It’s so good that we made up this little language between us and I can finally talk to someone, it’s not proper talking but it feels so good to just let someone else know how I’m feeling and to know that she knows what I’m feeling but it's still not perfect” she thought. Sarah shook her head “Phoebe Ben, Cathy Man, Phoebe Ben, Cathy Man” she signed. Katie’s eyes widened and she quickly removed her thumb “Man babysit night now?” she asked. Sarah nodded slowly as Katie looked down at her pink princess diaper and frilly shirt “Man hot?” she asked while blushing, Sarah blushed as she remembered back to when she last saw him “He had a six pack and was muscular and I did think he was hot at the time” she winced and she nodded and let out a sigh. Katie rolled her eyes “We charm him, he be our man by night end” she giggled, Sarah smiled “We hot baby, we could” she giggled along. Sarah shook her head and looked down at her slim body, her breasts and her now soaked diaper and back up at Katie and signed“Me glad you here” she said with a smile.

Chapter 03

“Oh it’s great, you see it picked up that giggle from the baby” Cynthia said as she walked back into the room with a glass of wine in one hand and her phone in the other with Emma besides her. Katie quickly placed her thumb back into her mouth and picked up a toy each as the mommies entered the room, Katie picked up a large block and began to stack it onto another block while Sarah picked up her doll and walked her around the floor. Emma nodded “Yeah that’s a great baby monitor, I should get one that links to my phone. I still have the old fashioned one but it does the job” she said as she took a sip of wine. Cynthia smiled as she sat down on the couch “Yeah I needed it, since Phoebe moved out I couldn’t keep taking her out of her playpen every time I needed to go and get something from the other room. I won’t let her play with any little toys so she couldn’t put anything in her mouth and accidentally swallow but you know you never stop worrying about how helpless they are” she smiled as she looked over at her infantile daughter. Sarah sucked on her pacifier as she looked over at Emma and blushed slightly “It’s always when she talks to other grown ups about how much of a baby that I am that still embarrasses me. I have become numb to it when it’s just mummy and Phoebe but when they mention something like I’m helpless to someone else it still embarrasses me that it’s so true now”.

Emma nodded “So you leave her in the playpen for everything now and just use the baby monitor?” she asked as she took another drink of wine. Cynthia shook her head and smiled “No not really I place her in her highchair if I’m making dinner for us and I still have her follow me if I’m going to use the toilet or going for a shower and getting changed. Anything that will take more than a minute then she follows me but if I’m getting her a fresh bottle or myself a snack then I will leave her” she said as she took a large drink. Katie looked at Sarah and frowned, she removed her thumb and signed “Mom potty poop and you?” she asked, Sarah rolled her eyes and nodded with a sign from behind her pacifier. Katie gave her a sympathetic smile before returning her thumb to her mouth. Sarah looked down at the doll between her legs as she bit into her pacifier “Yeah I still have to follow her into the toilet even if she needs to poop. It’s always way worse if I’m already wearing a messy diaper and I have to sit in my mess while my mummy sits on the toilet, it hits me every time that I’m nothing but a baby that has used her diaper like a baby while I should be using a toilet like a grown up I am never going to do that again” she thought when the doorbell rang.

Sarah’s heart began to race as she watched her mummy finish her glass of wine and stand up “That must be them” she said with a smile”, Emma frowned “You sure they will be fine looking after both babies?” she asked. Cynthia nodded and smiled as Emma finished her wine and looked at her phone “OK well I have to be going or I’m going to be late” she said as she stood up. Cynthia nodded as she began to leave the room“No problem, I will go meet them at the door and explain everything while you say goodbye to Katie and then you can meet them and go”. Emma nodded as she watched Cynthia leave the room and took a deep breath, she turned to Katie and smiled down at her “Now you little stinker you be a good baby for your babysitters. I’m sure you will now give mummy a big kiss” she cooed as she walked towards the playpen. Katie removed her thumb and smiled as Emma squatted down on the other side of the playpen and leaned towards her, Emma puckered up her lips and closed her eyes as Katie leaned forward and did the same. Sarah watched on in with raised eyebrows as their lips touched and Katie let out a loud “Mwaah” for a few seconds before pulling away. Emma opened her eyes and smiled “Good baby, mommy loves you” she said softly, Katie smiled back “Me wuv you mommy” she lisped out before placing her thumb back into her mouth. Emma turned to Sarah and smiled “Love you too baby Sarah” she cooed, Sarah blushed “Wuv woo awty Emmwa” she lisped out from behind her pacifier. Emma giggled as she stood up and left the room.

Sarah quickly turned to Katie and shook her head “What that? Kiss on mouth? Love?” she quickly signed. Katie frowned as she removed her thumb and frowned “What? I have to” she signed back. Sarah shook her head back as she sucked on her pacifier “That was a real smile? I’m sure that was a real smile when she went in for the kiss and a real smile when she said that she loved her back. Was it or am I just reading too much into?” she wondered. Katie sighed as she continued to stare at her “What?” she signed. Sarah bit into her pacifier “Nothing, my…..dream” she signed hoping that she would understand the substitute word. Katie nodded slowly as she placed her thumb back in her mouth and continued to build the blocks. Sarah sighed “I’m so glad we can sign to each other but I really wish we could just talk, maybe I am reading too much into it and it’s just something she has become accustomed to. Maybe she just likes the physical affection and touch which is understandable, I mean I miss when mummy doesn’t give me a cuddle or a kiss on the forehead goodnight after I have been naughty so maybe it’s just that. We both have to do things that we never thought we would ever do and we have got used to them, I never in a thousand years thought I would spend each day sucking on my mummy’s breast while she pats my diapered bum but here we are and I’m sure she never thought she would be living with a random woman that treats her like a baby. Maybe she has grown feelings for her just because of the time spent together or something, whatever it is I can’t really judge if it helps her cope with everything going on with her” she thought with a sigh. She looked over at Katie and smiled from behind her pacifier “I’m glad you’re here” she signed, Katie turned to Sarah with a smile but it quickly disappeared and the color drained from her face as she looked up at the doorway and the tall man staring down at them.

Chapter 04

Sarah couldn’t help but blush as she looked up at the tall viking looking man, her heart was racing as she quickly looked away and down at the bars of her playpen. She frowned as she bit into her pacifier “He looks so different, his messy hair is now long and tied back, the sides of his head are shaved and he has a long but neat and styled beard. He looks nothing like I remember, he looks like a stylish Viking, this is much worse than I thought it would be. How will I get through this with me wearing nothing but a diaper and sucking on a pacifier. Oh god I’m naked apart from this diaper and he is seeing me like this, this isn’t like when Ben sees me like this I have got used to that and I knew him before I became a baby. Kyle only knows me as a diaper wearing adult baby and somehow that’s so much worse” she thought with a sigh as Carrie entered the room with a smile. “Hello Baby girls” she cooed loudly as she stood in front of Kyle, she looked over her shoulder and her partner and smiled “Did you say hello to the babies?” she asked. Sarah nervously looked up at Carrie, she wanted to turn away but she had to look at a grown up when they were talking to her, she looked at Kyle once again and felt a wave of excitement and utter humiliation run through her as he nodded his head “Yeah” he lied.

Carrie smiled and turned back to the two diapered women sitting in the playpen and shook her head “I can’t believe we get to look after both of you tonight, we are going to have so much fun” she cooed when she looked at Katie and cocked her head. She smiled as she walked towards the playpen and bent over Katie and smiled “You probably don’t remember me little one, you were much younger then. I’m Aunty Carrie and I’m a good friend of Baby Sarah and I hope we can be friends too” she smiled. Katie sat in silence as she continued to suck on her thumb while looking up at the young woman, Sarah could tell Katie wasn’t sure what she was meant to do with the information that Carrie had given her so she sucked on her thumb a few more times before going back to stacking her blocks. Sarah looked up at Carrie, her long red hair was tied back into a ponytail and she was wearing a short blue summer dress that showed off her slim figure with white half length leggings hugging her legs. “If she weren’t wearing those leggings she would be showing her ass off, I remember I used to wear something similar when I was a grown up, now I’m lucky if I can wear anything that doesn’t show off my diapered ass” she thought. Carrie looked over at Kyle and shook her head “You can sit down you know, you’re not going to be like this all night are you?” she asked with a sigh as she stood up. Kyle frowned “Erm like what?” he asked, Carrie rolled her eyes “Awkward, you are being weird, just relax they are just like any other babies” she said. Kyle shook his head “Sure” he said flatly as he turned towards the couch.

Carrie opened her mouth again but before she could comment Cynthia entered the room and stood beside Carrie “Now Sarah probably won’t need a changing till before she is put down for the night, she did poop her diaper just before her afternoon nap so she shouldn’t need to go again but you never know with her” she laughed as Sarah's eyes darted towards the floor. Her chest ached and her head was pounding “Did she really have to mention that I messed myself? Kyle doesn’t need to know that I was wearing my own mess earlier” she let out a sign “Thankfully though she didn’t mention that I had messed while I was lying across her lap while sucking on her breast and it was just after I had my wet diaper changed so I didn’t get a change out of my mess till after my nap. Yeah good thing she didn’t mention that” she shuddered with embarrassment. “What about Katie?” Carrie asked. Cynthia raised an eyebrow as she looked down at the young diapered woman “I’m not sure sorry, I think her mommy only changes her once maybe twice a day so if you don’t change her before you put her down for the night she will be fine” she said as she looked back at Carrie. Katie frowned and signed “It better not to change when man here?” she asked, Sarah sighed “Yeah she knows that she might not have to go through the humiliation of getting a diaper change in front of Kyle but on the other hand she might have to stay in a messy diaper in front of him and carry on like sitting in a messy diaper is normal. Well I guess it is” she shook her head slowly and shrugged. Cynthia looked at her phone and smiled “Well I best be going, wish me luck” she said with a nervous sigh. Carrie smiled “Good luck, you will be fine, just relax and be yourself” she said, Cynthia half smiled before turning to her infantile daughter “Give mommy a kiss goodbye baby” she cooed as she squatted down on the other side of the playpen and presented her cheek. Sarah swallowed “She is too far away for me to just lean forward and give her a kiss, I’m going to have to get up onto my hands and knees” she thought nervously. Slowly she got up off her padded bum with a rustle and got into the humiliating position with her head now inches away from her mothers, she leaned forward slightly and pressed the end of the pacifier against her mother's cheek “Mwahh” she shouted from behind the pacifier. Cynthia turned to her daughter and smiled “Now you be a good little baby for your babysitters” she said firmly which sent a chill down Sarah’s spine, Carrie laughed “Oh I’m sure they will both be little cherubs for us”.


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