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Emilia smiled as she slipped her hand under her blanket and placed it on top of her dry nappy, she rolled onto her back as she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling with a satisfied smile. She rubbed the front of her nappy gently as she slowly woke up “It's so weird to finally be home and get to wear a nappy with no shame, I’ve had to hide this for so long but for the next few days I can wear my nappy wherever I want” she said to herself as she continued to smile. Emilia removed the blanket that was covering her exposing her naked body and the large white nappy that was wrapped tightly around her waist, her hand stayed firmly on the front of the nappy as she  looked down at her slim body and shook her head “If any of my fans could see me now” she let out a giggle. She continued to rub the front of the nappy as she bit her lip, she closed her eyes as she felt a wave of pleasure run through her. Emilia arched her back as she rubbed faster, the crinkling of the plastic covered nappy echoed through the room as she took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and turned her when saw the clock beside her bead and shook her head “05:00pm? That was a long nap” she sighed as she stopped the rubbing and lay on the bed for a moment in silence. She shook her head as she rolled her eyes “I’m not over my jet lag yet I guess, I have to get up now otherwise I will want to just go back to sleep again” she said with a hint of sadness as she stood up.

Her nappy rustled as she walked over to her wardrobe, she opened the door and looked around “I don’t want anything that will hide my nappy but I want something warm” she said to herself as she looked at her clothes when she noticed a black top, it was a woolen jumper that was too short on the arms and on the length but fit her slim body perfectly. She smiled to herself “Perfect, it will keep me warm but won't hide my nappy” she thought as she took hold of the woolen jumper and quickly placed it over her head. The jumper fell down her slim body and stopped at the top of her nappy, while the arms of her jumped stopped just past her elbows. Emilia nodded to herself as she closed the wardrobe door and walked past her cupboard while picking up her brush and began to brush her hair. She walked towards her full length mirror while still brushing her hair and looked at her self with a large smile “Perfect but….” she said to herself nervously as her heart began to race “I haven’t done this for so long” she thought as she bit her bottom lip. She shook her head as she stopped brushing her hair, she turned and threw her brush onto her bed as she took a deep breath and turned towards her bedroom door. Emilia walked towards her door as her nappy rustled with every step and her mouth became dry, “I can do this, it's not weird” she thought as she stood at her door.

She reached out for the handle of the door while holding her breath, she gripped the handle and slowly she opened the door and took a deep breath as she forced a smile. Slowly she walked out of her room and towards the stairs, slowly she walked down the stairs with a rustle from her diaper with every step. She arrived at the bottom of the stairs and turned towards the dinning room, the door was closed and her heart was pounding in her chest as she reached out for the handle, she took a deep breath as she took hold of the handle and opened the door to see her mum and nephew looking back at her. Emilia blushed bright red as her mum smiled at her from her seat at the table “Afternoon baby” she said softly to her daughter, Emilia smiled shyly as she walked into the kitchen while her nephew sat in his high chair eating a yogurt. The sound of the nappy sounded ten times louder to her now that she was around her mum, she continued to blush as she walked towards the table “Hi, sorry I slept so long” she said. Her mum shook her head “Stop being silly and stop being so shy baby girl, I have seen you wearing your nappies so much. It's fine little one you’re here to relax so relax you can wear your nappies and after dinner you and your older nephew can play some games together, OK?”. Emilia blushed as she looked at her nephew in his high chair and smiled “I haven’t had a chance to go into little space for so long, it will be fun to play with James” she said as she pulled out a chair and sat down beside her nephew. Emilia’s mum smiled “Good girl, now I have a surprise for you baby” she cooed as she stood from the table and walked into the kitchen, she frowned as she crossed her legs on her chair “A surprise what is it?” she asked.

Emilia wondered what it could be as she looked over at her nephew and smiled “We are going to have so much fun playing together, I can't wait but remember you're older than me so you will have to help me out” she said in her best little girl voice. “That’s so adorable” her mum shouted from the kitchen which caused Emilia to blush, “I haven’t heard your baby voice in so long I forgot how cute you sounded, I can't wait to see you and James playing together” she continued to shout from the kitchen. Emilia smiled awkwardly as she looked down at her nappy “I have to stop being so shy about this, It's why I came home to relax and be myself” she said quietly to herself when her mum entered the dining room carrying a large cake “Happy Birthday baby girl” she announced. Emilia’s eyes went wide with excitement then she looked puzzled “But it's not my birthday, that was months ago” her mum shook her head as she walked over to her “Yeah but you were busy filming then and I didn’t get to spend your birthday with you, now I can” she smiled. “Now blow out all the candles little girl” she cooed.


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