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“Ah finally home” Alexandra said with a smile as she closed the door to her nicely decorated apartment “It has been too long since I’ve been home and now I get to enjoy a little me time” she continued to smile as she walked into her apartment while removing her shoes, her long black dress pressed up against her body as she glanced around the apartment “It looks like Catharine did a good job, all my plants are still alive. Little sisters can be a pain but they can come through when you need them too” she said as she removed her earrings and jewelry and placed them on a table “Now it’s time to get ready and take this dress off” she said excitedly as she quickly walked over to a door, beside the door was a pin combination on the wall, she entered the pin and she heard the door unlock. She opened the door and flipped the light switch as she gazed at the pink walls of her secret nursery she couldn’t help but giggle.

Alexandra walked into the room unable to stop smiling as she admired the crib in the corner, the stack of diapers that awaited her and the toys scattered across the floor ready for her to play with. “I haven’t had a chance to be little in so long, I can't wait to go into that mindset and relax” she said to herself as she unzipped the side of the dress and let it fall down to the ground, exposing her black bra and panties and her slim body. She quickly unclasped her bra and let it fall to the ground feeling more excited than she had in a long time, she took hold of her panties and pulled them down her legs and quickly stepped out of them. She stood for a moment admiring her hairless naked body with a smile “The number of people that would love to see me like this and nobody would ever believe that I’m about to cover myself up in a diaper” she giggled to herself as she looked up at the pile of diapers “Baby need diapee” she said in baby talk.

Alexandra walked over to the pile of cloth diapers and quickly grabbed three of them, a wave of pleasure passed through her as she felt the soft fabric against her fingers. She bent over and delicately placed them on the floor, she stood up and picked up four large pink diaper pins and a pair of clear plastic panties and turned back to the diapers placed on the floor. Slowly she lowered herself down onto the thick cloth diapers and giggled as she felt the fluffy fabric against her bum “Me missed me diapees” she said with a smile. She spread her legs wide as she took hold of the front of the cloth diapers, she pulled the diaper up and as she did so she slowly lay down on her back. The front of the diaper covered her vagina and a chill went through her as she felt the fabric on her delicate area, quickly she took hold of the diaper pinks and expertly pinned the diaper tightly against her with two pins on either side. Alexandria took hold of the plastic pants and lifted her feet up and pressed her knees against her stomach as she guided the pants over her ankles and then up her legs, once at her knees her legs straightened and she pulled the panties up towards her diaper. Once at her diaper she lifted her padded rear off the floor and pulled the clear plastic panties up over her bulging diaper.

She sat up and looked down at her diaper and smiled “Perfect” she said as she rubbed the front of the plastic panties “Me need a dwess” she said as she quickly stood up and waddled over to the wardrobe, she opened it up and looked at the all the different baby style clothing that hung inside “This one” she said as she took hold of a white dress with pink frills running all around it. She quickly placed her arms through the armholes of the dress and guided it down her arms towards her head where she popped her head through the designated hole and she let the dress fall. She lifted the front of her dress up and examined her diaper “Me need more panties” she said as she waddled back to her pile of panties and found a pair of thick white plastic panties that had rows of pink frills across the bum “Perfect” she giggled as she lifted up her leg and quickly pulled up the new panties.

Alexandra stood for a moment enjoying the moment, the new panties had made the diaper much thicker which made her smile “Pacifier and then playtime” she said in her baby voice. She turned and picked up her pacifier and held it in her hand as she lifted up her skirt and spun on the spot and suddenly she froze, her smile vanished, her eyes wide and her chest aching with embarrassment she stared at her younger sister standing in the doorway to the nursery.


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