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Chapter 01

Emily stared at the blank screen, she let out a sigh as she opened up her textbook and shook her head “I can’t believe I forgot about this assignment, I need to write the entire thing this weekend or I could fail the class” she groaned. She shook her head as placed her hands on the keyboard and shook her head “Three years working on this degree and it could all mess up because I wrote the wrong dates in my diary, I’m meant to be on an adventure holiday right now, canoeing, rock climbing and sleeping under the stars but I have to be here instead. I’m annoyed and glad that Zooey took my spot though, it means she is out all weekend so I can get some piece but she doesn’t do anything and is basically getting rewarded for it. Life always seems too easy for her while our parents pay for this house I’m studying for a bachelor's degree and she just goes to the gym or the beach, she has no urge to work or to stop leeching off our parents” she let out a sigh. Emily frowned as her screen turned black and she caught her reflection in her monitor, her shoulder length light brown hair and hazel eyes stared back at her, she shook her head as she slumped in her chair and looked down at the long brown dress and blacktop she was wearing and frowned as she looked back at the blank screen “I have to get my mind sorted, I need to stop procrastinating and stop thinking about how much fun my younger sister is having and concentrate on this” she said with determination when the doorbell rang.

Emily rolled her eyes and sighed as she stood up from her desk and walked out of her room “Just my luck, just when I was motivating myself the doorbell rings” she said to herself as she approached the top of the stairs. She walked down the stairs as her long skirt trailed behind her and continued to the front door, she sighed once again before opening the door, a tall slim woman smiled at her briefly before looking her up and down while nodding “Yes” she said softly. Emily frowned “Can I help you?” she asked, the tall woman was holding her bright red purse up to her chest with both hands tightly like she was scared someone would snatch it away from her, she had nervous energy coming from her as her eyes darted around, watching and examining. She was wearing black office pants and a white button down shirt and her long blonde hair was in a tight ponytail. “Can I help you?” Emily asked cautiously, the tall woman smiled again “Deschanel?” she asked, Emily frowned as she nodded “Yes?” she answered “Zooey Deshanel?” the woman asked “Erm Yeah sh….” was all she got out, Emily was going to say “Yeah she lives here but is away at the moment” but never got the chance as the tall woman sprayed her with something from her purse.

Emily’s eyes blurred and her mouth dropped open “What have you done!” she tried to scream but all that came out of her mouth was a babble of noises, her head began to spin and she felt a rush of air around her as she fell to the floor. Emily looked up at the silhouette of the tall woman “What did she do?” she thought in a haze as she tried to fight the urge to sleep, the woman moved for something in her purse “Mr Deshanel? Yes, it’s Rose. I’m at the house, yes I’ve met Zooey, she is currently sleeping. I will begin the next phase, which room is hers again? Up the stairs and on the right. No problem. No she won’t be a bother I….” the voice blurred and became distant as darkness overcame Emily “I’m not Zooey!” she thought as the darkness took her.

Rose placed her phone back in her bag as she looked down at the young woman “Me and you are going to have some fun this weekend Zooey” she said as she walked around her, she placed her purse over her shoulder as she bent down and took hold Emily’s arms and dragged her across the floor. Rose dragged Emily into the living room and placed her in the center of the room, she squatted down and turned the unconscious woman’s head to the side and opened her mouth and looked inside, she smiled and nodded before walking over to the large dark sofa and sitting down. Rose took a deep breath “Right now to get everything ready” she said to herself as she removed her purse from her shoulder and once again took out her phone, she pressed a button and it began to ring “Yes, phase one is complete, start phase two. Up the stairs on the right” she said and quickly hung up. Rose placed her purse on the sofa and her phone in her pocket as she stood up, she looked around the room and nodded, it was a large room with a sofa, a dining table and a TV on a small unit, the window looked out into the front garden with the large wooden fence surrounding the house. She walked into the kitchen/dining room as footsteps appeared behind her, Rose didn’t react as she heard people go upstairs while she examined the room, she nodded to herself as she walked over to the kettle and turned it on. A rumble of footsteps ran through the house as furniture was being removed and replaced while Rose sipped at her coffee, she was standing in the back garden, once again examining her surroundings “A high fence and no other house has two stories, the sun is shaded from those trees and plenty of grass, noted” she said to herself. Rose finished her coffee and let out a satisfied sigh as she turned back into the house, she walked back into the now silent house and nodded at the high chair that sat at the dining table while she placed her empty cup in the sink. She walked back into the living room where Emily was still lying, she looked around the room and nodded again as the TV had been removed and was replaced with a large baby style activity center, with buttons and bright colors. Her purse had been replaced with a large bright pink diaper bag, sitting beside the bag was a bright yellow dress with ruffles on the arms and around the neck. Rose let out a satisfied smile “They are getting quicker” she said to herself with a satisfied nod, she walked over to the diaper bag and picked it up while turning to the sleeping woman, she rolled her eyes “Well time to do this again, let's make a baby out of you Zooey”.

Chapter 02

Emily’s eyes sprang open as a shot of pain ran through her body like lightning energizing every part of her and she was suddenly awake, alert and terrified, her hands reached up to the pacifier gag that was strapped around her head as she frantically tried to remove the contraption.  She groaned and moaned “What is this thing? A gag? Why does it look so weird?” she thought as she sat in the bright pink adult sized highchair, she looked down her body and shook with embarrassment, fear and confusion as she stared at her slim naked body and the large pink puffy plastic underwear she was now wearing. “What the fuck?” she screamed in her head as she let out a groan from behind the pacifier gag “What is that? Why am I wearing it? Why am I naked? How am I naked?” she wondered with dread. Emily tried to put her legs together but realized she couldn’t “What is between my legs? Why can’t I put them together, what the hell am I wearing?” she wondered with a nervous shake. She swallowed hard as she spotted the oversized baby toy where the TV used to be “What the fuck is going? Wait?” she thought as she tightly gripped the tray of the highchair “It’s a pacifier gag thing, I’m sitting in a high chair and that’s a large baby toy. Does that mean I’m wearing a…” her body shook as she came to the horrible realization “...Oh god. I have to get out of this”.

Emily’s hands frantically moved around under the tray “There must be a switch, a lever or something to open this and then I can get out of this!” she screamed in her head when she heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. Rose entered the living room with her arms behind her back and a large smile on her face “Ah baby is awake” she said calmly as Emily went white as a ghost “You! You did this! You blew something in my face and I fell!” she screamed in her head while mumbling and groaning into the pacifier gag while quickly hiding her nakedness. Rose nodded as she walked towards the young woman “Now Zooey, that’s quite enough of that. I want you to sit quietly in your high chair like a good baby” she said softly. Emily’s eyes widened “Zooey? She thinks I’m Zooey? What is going on? I’m Emily” she shouted in her head as she moaned and groaned into the pacifier while shaking her arms around. Rose sighed “Fine have it your way” she said and without warning Emily bit into the pacifier, her eyes clenched shut and she gripped the tray tightly once again, sweat poured from her head as she moaned in pain into the pacifier. Rose smiled “What you are feeling is Mr Plug” she said as she removed her hands from behind her back, Emily squinted in pain as Rose held what looked like a silver remote control. Rose played with the remote in her hand as Emily took deep breath's from her nose “Mr Plug has made friends with your hole and they are now hugging” she said as she pressed a button and Emily’s body collapsed, tears formed in her eyes as her body shook with relief “What the fuck was that? It felt like my ass was being ripped open and I was being electrocuted at the same time, it was so horrible” she thought as she wiped away the tears from her face. Rose nodded “Mr Plug is a hollow butt plug but he is special, he can get bigger and bigger and he can send shocks through your body. He doesn’t have to do them at the same time but I wanted to show how good Mr Plug is. Now will you stay quiet so I can talk baby Zooey?” she asked while playfully pressing the remote to her chin. Emily bit into the pacifier as she folded her arms covering her breasts “I really don’t have a choice do I, I can not go through that again it was so painful!” she thought as she pouted.

Rose smiled at the pouting woman before shaking her head and clearing her throat “I’m Nanny Rose, you will call me nanny. Baby Zooey your parents have hired me to teach you some lessons. I work for a large company that deals with naughty girls and boys and each case is different but your parents have told me that you don’t respect your elders, you don’t listen to your elders, you don’t respect your body and you’re not motivated. I will be hoping to teach you how to be a good girl for your parents and I’m sure you will be hoping that these lessons work because if they don’t, I will have to tell your parents that I have failed and you will have to carry on living your life as a baby” she said with a smirk. Emily’s head was spinning and she wanted to be sick, she stared up at Rose and almost moaned into the pacifier but stopped herself “I’m not Zooey, I shouldn’t be going through this!” she looked down at the large pink plastic pants wrapped around her waist and winced “Zooey shouldn’t either. What the hell were our parents thinking! How could they think this was a good idea? I know Zooey has her flaws but this is far too much!” she thought. Rose sighed “Now baby Zooey I want you to uncross your arms and place your hands on top of the tray, you don’t have any trouble showing off your body normally so how about now when you don’t have a choice” she said firmly. Emily bit into the pacifier as she looked down at her arms “I don't want to go along with her stupid lessons! I don’t want to go through with that pain either” she thought when Rose pointed the remote at Emily and sighed while pressing a button. Emily’s eyes widened as she felt the plug expand inside her, her ass ached with pain “Oh god!” she shouted in her head as she moved her arms, revealing her breasts, she blushed bright red as she placed each hand on top of the tray. Rose nodded “Good baby, now I’m going to leave Mr Plug like that for a while, maybe if you need to go poopy it will be easier for you baby Zooey” she said with a large smile.


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