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Written by Lena


Jess could be considered your average young woman growing up in her early twenty’s - petite and slender, always flaunting her radiant youthful beauty. Despite her stature she had a personality that could only be described as bratty, she used her looks to her advantage whether that was brandishing her figure, flourishing her short cut brunette hair or exhibiting her flirty tendencies at work, online or out. Her physical traits had been advantageous, landing Jess a full time job as a barista in an upmarket coffee shop. (The type of place that always felt rustic, the trademark smell of freshly ground beans barraging your senses upon entering, always filled with high profile individuals, suits and people who had money to burn; bites of discussions regarding potential business often overheard by the staff in amounts the constant rattles of people tapping away at laptops while quaffing overpriced drinks.) though not much of a prospect it was good enough for Jess, she was able to stand independently, renting out a small studio for herself a short distance from her job. Though this created a comfortable living (working five days a week, able to socialise with friends or do her own thing during periods of downtime: binging entertainment, cooking or pushing herself to go to the gym.) she had always strived for the missing link in the chain that was her life, she wanted a man and in future a more traditional life. Though a seasoned dater she’d never found someone who clicked, her needs required an older more experienced person someone she could experiment with. As a bit of a fetishist - someone to live out her wildest kinks and desires, a lavish lifestyle where she didn’t have to work, staying home while another provided for her. Yet, thus far no amount of copious flirting with men at work; slipping them a sly wink or innocent gaze with her deep natural blue eyes while sliding over an ice coffee or attempting to impress the more alpha of males she came into contact with while she was at the gym had seemed to produce the results she had anticipated. Sure she’d managed to attract the attention of a few characters that had led to one night stands or short term relationships but it wasn’t the optimal outcome. As someone heavily enticed by the world of DD/LG she desperately longed for someone to take control, only further fuelled by mindless hours scrolling through Tumblr and other various platforms observing other girls in similar positions living out her fantasies. As exciting as black and white gifs of certain scenarios where she wanted more, the perfectionist mindset she possessed demanded she find the right participant.

Adequately, Jess found herself being optimistic about her chances, with another shift drawing to an end she thought that later perhaps things would change. After innumerable matches on dating sites like Tinder, she came across a potential am match the other week and had arranged a meet up with the individual later that evening. Catching the attention of a gentleman older than herself, she had found after conversing about various hobbies and interests that that two were quite compatible, the subject of kink was aptly brought up. After a few attempts at coaxing the answers out of her, Jess had timidly alluded to what she wanted - she was relieved when the mystery gentleman had proposed the same, despite the odd mentions of something more profound. This was however quickly disregarded. “How much deeper could she go that calling a man daddy in the bedroom.”

She had pondered, unaware of how rooted her intrigue would go. He had hinted at other things - referring to her as “little one” a few times but to her that was just a harmless pet name she thought no more of. Her attention peaked when he mentioned getting her some more appropriate clothes to which she had concluded he probably meant lingerie or perhaps something more playful after she had sent a slight of provocative images in the last week to test the waters with the cryptic recipient, but she was curious of his intentions she had speculated on her way home that evening all the whilst meticulously crafting her image for the evening, planning what she would wear to meet this person, to see if their virtual foreplay could achieve something deeper.


Arriving at the chosen spot, once again Jess felt her nerves began to spike - what if he was nothing like his photos, a complete catfish? Perhaps he might have lied about these interests/kinks to get close to her, he might turn out to be nothing like she had anticipated. (Building up a mental image of the mysterious man in her head construe from fragments of text conversations and also her own thoughts.) Or worse yet what if he didn’t show up at all, though Jess being a seasoned dater she was yet to be stood up and wanted to keep it that way. With all of these lucid thoughts swirling round in her head, conquering all sense of reason and logic. It was only natural, wasn’t it? She thought as she graciously proceeded through the tall glass doors to the bar. The rendezvous they had agreed upon was a bar she often frequented, she liked to pick places she knew, it made her feel better about these nervous strange encounters. It was a more extravagant venue - much like her job, Jess brought her expensive tastes with her where she went. The atmosphere was cool, gentle and chilled whilst faint instruments could be heard in the background over the crackles and hisses of the fake fire strategically placed in the centre surrounded by tall homespun tables and rough leather bar seats. Her attire for that evening included her “going out dress” as she had previously dubbed it, the only nice dress she had and kept it reserved for special occasions/events. A dark, deep, rich shade of red much resembling that of wine, slender and revealing. Additionally, she always wore heels to add a few inches, she wanted someone who she could be shorter than even when she wore heels out - a tall man was every woman’s dream. Finally, she had finished her look with makeup creating a natural effect, with her hair tied up behind her. (She had felt that always made herself look sophisticated, and when out on a date she always liked to have as many balls in her end of the court that she could muster.) She had sat there for a moment; impatiently drumming her fingers against the table, stopping periodically only the glance down at her phone to check the time, yet to order she sat there in mild annoyance waiting for the stranger to arrive. Her stance and prose were quickly shattered however with the slow paced approaching footsteps she could hear advancing in her direction from behind her. (Sensible formal shoes on the dense ridged wooden floorboards. Quickly standing up, turning to greet this large looming figure. A tall well dressed gentleman met her gaze - she was shocked, unbelieving of her luck; he looked exactly like the person she expected, well groomed with little facial hair only slight stubble, shortcut brown hair that seems to effortlessly fade clad in a simple yet sophisticated button up white shirt, dark black suit trousers and shoes,

perfectly finished with an expensive looking old fashioned crack watch on one wrist and donning a worn silver signet ring on the opposite hand. He gestured by pulling out her chair for Jess to sit back down before taking up from across her, remarking as he did so. “Let me get that for you.” He spoke with a reassuring gentle voice, reminded her of her dad’s tone in a weird way Jess thought. (Fatherly with a hint of a condescending tone.) After a brief period of studying the menu, before asking with character what she was having. “Sex on the beach would be an obvious choice?” She hinted at it with a flirtatious tone as she spoke. However, the results were somewhat discerning. “I don’t think that’s really appropriate for a little girl your age?” He retorted - sure, Jess was a few years younger than the gentlemen, she took it as a playful joke. Not really sure what else to make of it. Regardless she ordered anyway - it was almost as if he was testing her in some strange psychological mind game as he gestured the wait staff to place their order.

The pair began to converse as they had done online, discussing various aspects and exchanging questions, while slowly sipping overpriced drinks. A seemingly normal placid date until the topic of kinks was once again brought up - having to mention these things verbally (even in a hushed tone.) publicly always made her feel a little flustered and embarrassed, the gentleman however seemed to embrace the question when it was returned to him. Almost seeming proud, responding with an admirable tone. He seemed very persistent, skirting around the rim of diving deep into talking more in depth about certain DDLG fantasies he’d explained previously which only tugged on Jess’s irregular intrigue more - wanted to listen to what he had to say, on the one hand out of pure curiosity and the other wonder. After being probed with the question to explain this more in-depth he calmly took a breath before elaborating. “I admit you may find this weird or strange but please hear me out before judging me. I’m looking for a particular kind of woman I can have fun with.” He stated, before continuing “not just a woman who wants to call me daddy only in the bedroom but someone who would also follow that through, live out the role if you will.” He stated. Mildly confused the perplexed Jess responded with “so just act like your my dad or something?” She was unsure how far she wanted answers to that question. Her curiosity abruptly fading, now replaced with that of growing distrust. “In a sense yes, however, there’s a bit more to it than you may think - not only acting the part. But also being treated as such.” He stated, Jess, finding comfort in the gentleman’s honest, certain explanation. “So you want to treat me like a kid? Like I was your actual daughter?” Jess’s intrigue continued to probe, her tone once again switching back to that of attentiveness whilst they finished their discussion. “Well yes… honestly give me a chance and I promise you’ll enjoy it.” He finished, Jess was planning to head back to her small apartment after such a strange encounter, no way he’d talk her into coming back to his with him? I mean he was nice but that whole kink thing was a bit strange and left me with more questions than answers she pondered finishing the dredges at the bottom of her glass. “Have I impressed you enough to see you again?” He remarked while standing up, slowly putting on his jacket. “Possibly.” Jess stated, she always liked to leave things available, it wasn’t a definitive no she made sure to convey with a genuine smile looking deep into his eyes. “Well either way it’s been nice to meet you Jess and get home safe, yeh?” He added, sounding genuinely concerned with her well-being. After finally exchanging formalities as you do after such an unexpected date that had left Jess with more questions than answers, she genuinely had to think things over before agreeing to another date - continuing to herself. “I mean, how deep can he make it?” She questioned his elusive remarks, already ingrained into her mind. Seeing him again would definitely be fun - he was really kind and sweet, bar the odd comment that Jess overlooked. However, before committing to anything yet she desperately above all else wanted to understand more.


Jess had taken a few days to reply to the mysterious gentlemen she had met the other day - still pensive she was unsure if she wanted to peruse things further - yes, granted he was friendly, perfectly behaved and did dress up spectacularly well even if just for a date, but still the constant presence of his words still rung true in her ears, she was defiantly unsure what he was asking of her, that role became even more faded with each passing day that seem to jump by until Jess’s memories of that conversation had turned to haze. It almost felt like a metaphorical double edged sword. Ever the kinky type, she didn’t want to miss out on such an opportunity. “Hell, it could be fun.” She thought “who knows, I might even enjoy it?” She retorted to herself alone in her flat. Jess lay there sprawled across her bed, her phone laying next to her - the dim display flickered as another unrelated notification came through, a short simple sound that let her knee another moment had passed. Her head was a mess of mixed emotions and confused feelings - on the other hand she though, what if it’s something a lot darker than she had calculated, some sort of dark sadistic fetish that she would love to regret even if it was just to dip her toes into the water so to speak. It was odd, this was the kind of thing that she had always wanted to explore by the additional layers proposed by the gentlemen had only driven a wedge between what she wanted - pushing her in reverse, back peddling against what she wanted. Again that was the loaded question that hung like a dense and heavy cloud above her, how deep could things go? Like how serious was he about making her act as his daughter? She always wanted a man as another father figure in her life in a more fucked up kinky way but she wasn’t sure if this was finding the limit - smashing through and going beyond.

Tentatively, she picked up her phone, opening another incognito tab adding to the collection that were already present, Jess thought that perhaps if she looked into it more - research it, it might bring her some clarity, peace of mind, a definitive decision. Tapping at the search bar, she started entering a few keywords - trying to best summarise what the gentleman had said. The few days break since the conversation made the words in her memory feel like sand, slowly seeping through the cracks in her mind, till the dust was tended to nothing. The furious fast pace tapping on her phone screen broke the faint hum of passing traffic and soft gliding winds that billowed past her bedroom window. “DDLG daughter” “DDLG act like a child?” “DDLG little girl” “BF daddy kink role play?” “DDLG detailed limits.” She continued on, opening page after page, proof reading and glossing over various interesting articles in amongst the torrent of porn links. A digital mine filed. Though none of the pages she found seemed to yield any results. Jess sat there for a moment, racking her brain, trying to find the missing detail. The key to all of this. Though she thought she was close, she had realised that she was only yet to break the surface. After reading some specific pieces more in depth and drawing a blank she turned to the next tab, then the next, the next infill she found a snag, a loose thread that would unravel the enigma she was desperately trying to solve and understand. A promising looking link that lead to a very expressive page that even an open minded woman like herself wasn’t ready for.

The page offered some resolve to the pressing question that stung like a knife in her back as she was bribing to get desperate, hungry for answers. Unable to comprehend she took a moment to sit back and digest all the bright pastel colours and soft gentle text with seemingly infantile images that on further inspection were fully grown women roughly the same age as her, all draped in clothes laden with childish prints and shapes, drench in warm, simple child friendly colours shot perfectly in various situations and poses. Some Jess could understand and even to a point sympathise with, okay yes maybe some clothes were nice, no harm in that right? Okay maybe it looked a bit ridiculous from her perspective but who knows maybe it could be fun to set aside half an hour of something to just switch off, take a step back and play with some wooden blocks or stuffed animals again - it could be therapeutic, a stress relief away from her hectic life. Until she looked deeper, at the finer details. Maybe sucking on what could only be an oversized pacifier might be a bit too far, not having an oral fixation defiantly didn’t play into that. Maybe just leave that one out, she continued? Drinking out of an overgrown bottle didn’t seem like her sort of thing either, I mean sure the people in the photos seemed to be enjoying it but Jess was guessing that they were already into that sort of thing. It did look kinda of warm and inviting in some strange way but again it was something Jess brushed to she side. What really horrified her the most however was seeing all these women wearing what looked to be thick oversized baby diapers, large broad and abundant diapers all again draped with childish designs and loud bright patterns and colours. Though fazed by this she was unable to take her eyes off what she was looking at. It didn’t look like just a fashion accessory either - she could tell from the obvious discolouration and the faded prints that some were obviously very wet and even more spooked to see the same but with an unmistakable bulge in the back completely with a heavy brown stain - jess was mortified: “is this his fucked up idea of fun? Is this what he meant - is he trying to turn me into some sort of ridiculous oversized baby for his own amusement? What sort of pervert does that to a person, never mind enjoys it?” She pondered. Jess couldn’t see herself enjoying something like this, even becoming slightly repulsed but there was something so enchanting, something that seemed to transfix her to the screen, how could something she despised so much keep her so fixated. She wanted to shut this off - message the gentlemen and tell him what she really thought but found herself unable to, her brain washing away her frustration in a sea of colours. She wondered how it was possible to enjoy such bliss? How could someone be turned on by such a thing? So possible to disconnect from their adult lives and live like this? Where would one even start? Strangely enough Jess's appeal had begun to change, ticking over slightly - a slight drop of understanding that soon started to run faster and develop into a trickle. Could she get a kick out of this? How long would she have to act this way before she could dress and act like an adult again? I could just see about wearing some cute clothes she pondered, everything else seemed too overwhelming and she wasn’t about to get thrown in the deep end here, was it possible to try? Test the waters? Maybe she could just stick to the verbal things like calling him daddy or something? The thread has begun to unravel as Jess had continued to descent down the rabbit hole, exploring this new world just blossoming, blooming opening up to her that she had unknowingly been living on top of thus far when she was satisfied with her basic understanding of the new world she had breached she finally had the confidence to reply. Still doubtful however if she had made the right decision she fired off a message. “Coffee?”


Jess had tentatively and anxiously awaited the second date with the mysterious gentlemen, she was yet to pry him further and to dive deeper into the loaded questions that she had weighing on her mind since doing some “research.” the other day. Since then she had slightly come to sympathise more with the idea of such a ridiculous fetish - sure it was just a bit of harmless fun and sure it wasn’t hurting anyone but she was still very hesitant to even consider trying such a thing herself. After another slow day at work, slaving herself in the summer heat she began to lock up shop for the evening, her mind still a tangled mess of slowly failing imagery and strings of questions she wanted to ask. She had to admit that since he had replied to her invitation she had left him on read, Jess was determined to confront the questions head on; so no one was able to cower away behind a screen and more importantly find out what had slowly been pulling her down such a deep twisted rabbit hole. Admittedly, since her “research” session Jess was yet to close those tabs, there was something that seemed to pull her in, entice her. Whether it was the colours lulling her into a false sense of security or the inviting, warm look that the cutesy aesthetic constructed. (She was guilting, having gone back to them maybe once or twice a day since then.)  Regardless of the past however, it was time for answers, after a brief detour home to change out of her work clothes and dress into something more comfortable, casual and presentable she had headed back out that early evening to her second date with the gentlemen.

Upon arriving, seeing such a distinguished figure as before she noticed that (unlike herself) he was still quite formally dressed given the casual nature of the venue. Just another chain coffee house, much the same as all the rest in the area - then after sitting down and exchanging pleasantries, Jess began to pounce. “So… I did a little looking around on the internet… I don’t know if I have got the wrong idea but I found some things that, well quite honestly. Shocked me.” She began to exclaim, much to the flustered and almost off guard look of the gentleman whose face had begun to light up almost embarrassment. “But.” Jess continued. “I want to hear things from your side, what exactly do you want?” She offered her words in a compromised but hushed tone, not wanting to tip off any other patrons to the nature of her business. “Well.” He began to exclaim. “I want you as my little girl.” He opened with yet another vague and open ended question. “Perhaps, if you would like - you could entertain me by trying it out?” He forwardly proposed. Jess was kind of stumped in this situation. Sure she wanted to learn more and maybe even understand it from his perspective, however she was still unsure. “So what? Parade around dressed like an oversized child? That’s your idea of fun?” She retorted. A hint of aggression pitched in her tone. “You could say that.” He replied, his voice as understanding and calming as it had been the first time they met. “Look I’ll level with you, I understand you're unsure about this, however if you're willing to give it a try I promise you’ll enjoy it.” He almost seemed as if he was toying with her, baiting her in. His words hung like a lure on the end of a fishing pole. “I’m not into all of this oversized baby play. There’s no way…” she abruptly stopped. Hushing her tone. “No way I’m gonna be pissing and shitting my pants for your amusement.” She added. He smirked, taking a second to savour her words. “Well if you cannot keep them dry and clean like a girl your age should, perhaps you’d be better suited to do your business in a diaper.” Built upon. Almost flaunting her own remark in front of her. Jess by this point, sat flustered, she was scrambling - finding it hard to compose a sentence, all of which only seemed to hearten the gentleman’s return. “I’m perfectly capable of taking myself to the bathroom, thank you very much.” Jess answered, maintaining her hushed tone. “That’s what they all say at first.” He replied. “No. I’m not doing it. Is there not just something light hearted we could start with here?” Jess accommodated. “Something fun that doesn’t involve me using my pants as a bathroom? Ya know like something more light hearted.” Jess spoke laying out her terms. “Well we could sort something out I’m sure.” He commented - more in tune with what Jess had asked for. Coming to a seemingly reluctant compromise. “How about this. Meet me here same time tomorrow and we can go shopping, get some adorable clothes and maybe a pretty dress if you behave. On me. How about that?” Jess was undecided, she knew if she didn’t take the step she would only regret it later. "What’s the harm in that?" She though. “Alright, fine.” She stated, still fearful this was the wrong decision. “One more date, tomorrow - you're on.”


Minute's ticked by slowly, every hour felt half an hour longer than it should, no matter how many times Jess glanced up from her bed, trying to fix herself on anything but glancing over at the clock it was almost as if time wasn’t moving forward. Since parting ways yesterday with the man she still only really knew as the mysterious gentlemen (granted she knew his name but was yet to use it in conversation, he always had a certain mannerism when he had spoken to her only referring to Jess by pet names and thought she enjoyed this aspect, she felt slightly awkward being the only one. He wanted to be called daddy but Jess was hesitant, did he mean just in the bedroom or was this more of a full time thing that he had alluded to?) though eager, Jess was growing impatient; she knew that today would be make or break. Though she enjoyed spending time with her new found boyfriend, she was still as yet unsure if she wanted to continue with this. Granted the two clicked very well and they shared very similar interests, however she was unsure if the whole kinky situation was perhaps a bit too much for her. She previously never even known that the wonderful sprawling vast world of AB/DL existed and how deep someone could dive into the realm of DD/GL, she was slowly beginning to tilt her moral scales and further open her mind to this new frontier. Slowly becoming more inclined. Before her next date later today, Jess had planned on doing a bit more online digging, as she referred to it. She’d had the day off and spent most of the morning lounging in bed, basking in the radiant morning sun and mild creeping heat. Picking up her laptop and carefully laying it next to her, she was greeted once more by the soft weer of the machine as she powered it on. After entering her password, she welcomed by the collective of tabs she had bookmarked and pinned as she opened her browser. Jess was still undoubtedly shaky about the whole situation but her constant intrigue pulled her along to keep searching into what her potential partner wanted. She had reached the zenith of fascination but was unsure which way the scales would tip, though she admired and even wanted to try some things this new world had to offer - dressing up in cute clothes and dresses; that caused no harm to anyone? Plus it would be fun, sort of like a costume party, she said to herself. Being honest with herself, she could see that even if the situation went sour she might find herself purchasing a few of these cute onesies she’d found dotted around on the internet, all paraded with bright colours and cute patterns aimed to mimic something she might find on the toddler section of her local store. The diversity of products kept Jess motivated, when she had thought she’d seen the lot, there was always more in the recommended search section that she would shortly idol over. There were some cute playful dresses adorn with the same themes, some quite skimpy while others quite modern and reserved. Jess had figured that if she could find one aspect of this new expanse she liked, then perhaps it might lead her to try more and slowly open up further. While browsing, Jess had noticed another section she was yet to click (possibly because she was too anxious or possibly just out of ignorance.) she figured that the “underwear.” The section probably included the adult diapers that the mysterious gentlemen had been quite dead set on but after daring to explore that section of the website she found that (though there were still lots of them.) there were also alternative options. There were scarce amounts of what were described as adult training pants - not diapers - but cloth pants like more childish versions of the ones she already owned, only checked with cuter designs and more childish colours. Upon discovering this Jess’s interest peaked. These didn’t seem so bad she thought, opening up a few new tabs of ones she’d liked the look of. I mean what was so bad about these? They were pretty, adorable and not diapers. Just like regular pants but a bit thicker right? She didn’t have to use them right? Only wear them for the comfort value she supposed to herself, rationalising her decision. She wouldn’t wet herself? No - that was too much, she’d never do that. But these… well, these are… nice. She imagined from staring intently at the images that they might be quite soft and delicate, upon further inspection she noted that the elastic cuffs around the waist and legs might fit her curvature very nicely. The extra padding would give her some extra definition and perhaps she could even wear them under her normal clothes, they looked durable? She could see herself wearing them on her day off but not using them as her bathroom like they were intended, Jess concluded. Maybe she was too harsh to hard pass diapers like her gentlemen had suggested, I mean these are kinda similar but not that much? (Jess’s brain rationalised, trying to get her mind to stop drawing comparisons between the two.) Hesitantly she clicked off, but left the page open so that she could come back at a later date after finding something new to fixate upon. They could be kind of fun? She pondered as a closing thought. She continued browsing as she let her thoughts wander to later in the day. Where would he take her shopping? She’d always been the partial type to shopping, her wardrobe was practically overflowing as is. What would he buy her? Maybe she could find something cute and along the lines of what she’d been drawn to online or perhaps that’s what he was planning all along? A sneaky way to further drawn her into his world - targeting her strategic weakness. Peeking up at the clock she would soon find out, it wasn’t too long now, only an hour or so. That would give her time to get changed into something casual for though she no doubt wondered if he’d once again out stage her, wearing something much smarter and overdressing for the occasion like last time. Only time would tell she though, her mind preoccupied with the afternoon ahead.


Jess had made her way to the all too familiar local shopping centre, living in a fairly middle class small town it was to anything too extravagant however it was enough to entertain the young women and her peers growing up, nothing too high end - a few chain fashion stores seamlessly stitched together with the occasional food outlet or independent business. Though considered a conventionally womanly hobby, Jess did enough shopping, mostly when that included buying herself the latest fashion trends and or outfits. (As a working class woman she always found enough money to splurge on clothes sometimes.)  Tentatively she had walked thereafter another one of her research sessions, she found that no matter how hard she pushed herself to walk at a seemingly normal pace she seemed to shuffle her feet as she walked - was she stalling for time? Granted she was nervous but that was countered by her senses of intrigue, curiosity and lust. Jess had slowly begun to open up her mind in the passing weeks, becoming more suggestible to kinky ideas, thoughts and scenarios she once thought too vulgar or outlandish, and though not fully accepting of her potential partners idea of a fun time in the bedroom as of yet she had broken her boundaries at the moment and allowed for some compromise. The fine line she had carefully marked out in her mind had begun to blur. Merging the line of what she deemed sexually exciting and what she still considered off the table. “I mean as long as it’s not affecting anyone other than herself it was fine right? As long as she enjoyed it, it would be fun wouldn’t it?” These enigmatic questions had kept Jess up late at night a few times already, constantly staring into the blank void of her bedroom ceiling as she gazed up unable to sleep or staring out of her window, listening to the slow calming breeze that passed by her window. Almost sharply awaken by her thoughts, she was greeted visually by the unquestionable outline of the physique of the mysterious gentle standing somewhat off in the distance at the agreed meeting point that he had proposed over drinks the other day. As he stood there his presence was undoubting, he stood overdressed and well groomed as always. Regardless of this however this factor was beginning to grow on Jess, granted he was a little older than her anyway as the days passed he seemed to look increasingly familiar as a conventional father figure to her. Always standing tall with a certain aspect of prowess and significance about him, he played the role of the authority figure he was so keen to be seen as remarkably well, causing a fluster to stir deep within the young girl he was so eager to impress. Upon meeting the two exchanged the usual pleasantries - a short hug followed by a quick and delicate kiss to the cheek. He spoke “I’m really pleased you decided to come, it’s always nice to see you. You're such a sweet girl.” He commented. Jess blushed at the remark, though not her most dominant love language she was always weak to some positive praise and affirmation. There was something about herring those words spoken - being called a good girl that made her knees weak.

Gesturing, he pointed to a nearby clothing store, whilst reminding Jess of her previous promise to win over her heart through her love of fashion. The two spent a while browsing the racks of clothes. (All carefully coordinated and ordered with such careful index, sprawling far in every shape, cut and  colour.) Though Jess’s date for the day seemed to be very fixated with choosing outfits and different items of clothing for Jess to try on, she on the other hand spend her time aimlessly flicking through different, shirts, summer shorts and so on to make herself look busy while carefully watching (mainly in anticipation.) of what her date was picking out for her, every time he draped another item over his arm Jess’s heartbeat spiked with suspect trying to subtly eye out what he had pulled out, not trying to seem obvious. Though the pair were obviously enjoying themselves, when he once again walked over to Jess to present her with a small stack of clothes, carefully handpicked by himself, though at first glance nothing seemed too outlandish Jess was still hesitant, reserving her judgement until she had tried them on. Granted once she had entered the changing rooms - abruptly pulling the curtain back behind her, she felt indifferent admiring the items at closer inspection and she modelled each one. Though sure he had picked out a handful of cute dresses, something seemed a little off, she didn’t mind the bright colours - some looked good on her when she wore them. It was the childlike patterns dotted inverted most of them or the strange stylist choices that pushed her away, the puffy sleeves, ruffles collars and lace trims that Jess found a bit much. Tentatively she dressed, peering into the mirror eyeing up her ridiculous reflection. Looking more like an oversized child than an adult however that didn’t stop her from eyeing herself over. “You gonna come out or stay in there all day?” A familiar voice questioned from outside. “This is too much, I look ridiculous…” Jess retorted from within. “Just come out please I bet you don’t.” He argued in rhetoric. With that, Jess slowly peered around the curtain, slowly brushing it to one side revealing herself. She felt her face burn bright red, avoiding eye contact, she felt completely embarrassed standing there. (It was all a bit much she thought.) As much as her date tried to positively affirm her Jess still felt a little strange, she felt weird standing in the corner of a store dressed like that however she did enjoy the positive praise she was getting - maybe this wasn’t all bad she thought. “You make the cutest little girl!” He commented, Jess again saying nothing. “Cmon don’t you think you just look completely adorable?” He added.  “Can I take this off yet? Don’t you think it’s a bit… childish?” She finally built up the courage to speak. “Have you done it up properly?” The questioned, the enjoyment bursting through his tone. Jess had assumed she had, it did feel a little loose around her waist however she thought it was down to the size of the thing. “Yer I think so, but I’m taking it off now.” She commented almost trailing off at the end there. “Why not try something else?” He offered as Jess had disappeared dissatisfied back to the confines of the dressing room almost throwing off the dress. Though it wasn’t to her liking she did kind of enjoy all the positive praise she and attention, maybe it wasn’t so bad she thought - yes it was a bit over the top however it was quite cute, maybe she could just wear it at home and no out like this. It did make her look younger though she concluded to herself and maybe it was a bit adorable but not something she would often wear if at all. It was sort of comfortable too she noted taking it off, maybe the rest would be more to her taste she thought with optimism.


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