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Story 01 – Dionne Degression

Margret sighed as she walked into the dimly lit living room with a glass of wine in hand, she took a quick sip as she stared into the corner of the room with disgust “How are we going to get through this?” she thought as she walked forward. She took another sip of wine as she straightened her tight gray skirt “I never thought this would happen, who would have thought our lives would become this, forever changed” she sighed as she stopped. She fidgeted with her silver shoulder-length hair before finally looking down at her daughter “Why didn’t you fight it Dionne? You must have been able to stop them from doing this to you” she said as Dionne looked up at her with a smile “Mamma” she shouted out and drool ran down her chin.

Margret sighed as she pulled out a tissue from her gray suit pocket and squatted down on the outside of the playpen, she reached over and quickly removed the drool from her daughter's chin as she went back to playing with a baby style keyboard. Margret stood up and walked towards the bin and threw the tissue away “My daughter, the heir to the estate now can’t even stop herself from drooling” a tear formed in her eye and she quickly rubbed it away “Dionne, my twenty-five-year-old daughter, you were so promising. A part-time model while also training to be a lawyer and learning the responsibilities of the estate and now look at you” she turned back to the young pretty blonde woman sitting in the playpen as she continued “Sitting and playing with baby toys, drooling and even using a diaper” she shook her head. Margret let out a sigh as she continued to stare at her daughter “How did they do this to you? Why didn’t I just pay the ransom?” she groaned “I have to stop thinking that way, what’s done is done and Dionne is no longer my twenty-five-year-old daughter anymore she is a baby, well that is until we can remove what they did to her”.

Dionne looked up at her mother quickly then back down at the keyboard and her hand tapped the keys as a tear formed in her eye “Mother get me out of here! I don’t want to be a baby!” she screamed in her head as she continued to play with the toy. She felt the tear run down her face and she tried with all her might to get her mothers' attention “Look! I’m still in here! It’s just my body that is acting like this! I’m still here trapped!” she thought but her mother took another sip of wine and began to walk away. Dionne continued to play as she felt the warm urine enter her diaper “No not again” she thought “It’s going everywhere, I can feel it spreading down between my bum cheeks. This is disgusting and now I have to wait around for my body to start crying before I even get out of them but that’s not going to happen till after I poop. Oh god I’m going to have to sit in another poop filled diaper, I want this to end! I want to return to my life where I drank and showed off my slim body, wore skimpy outfits and had men drool over me. Now though I’m the one doing the drooling and dribbling and I’m wearing the most embarrassing clothing ever, not just wearing but using it. I’m wearing a diaper like a baby if anyone outside the family knew about this I would die. At least I made it out of there I hope Dana and Faye are doing OK, I can’t believe they did this to us all and we weren’t the first and unless someone stops them we won't be the last” she thought as she finally stopped peeing.

Story 02 – Diapered Dance

Dana swallowed hard, she nervously fidgeted with her hands as she stared down at her feet “How has it come to this, I’m eighteen years old and I should not be forced to do this” she shuffled her feet as she heard the now familiar rustle from under her black dress “This is so embarrassing, I’m about to go out there and dance for these men, dance and...” she bit her lip and closed her eyes “...slowly remove my dress and show them all my diaper” she turned bright red as she shook her head.

Dana shuffled forward towards the curtain that separated herself from the other room “Fuck, they are all there” she placed her hand over her mouth “No why are they here?” she stood back from the curtain as she removed her hand from her mouth and slowly placed it on the front of her diaper “Dionne and Faye are here too, it must be a reminder that it could be worse for me but I wish I was just getting them drinks or food or even just cleaning. Anything else than this” she swallowed. She peeped through the curtain again and sighed “Dionne is sitting on a guy's lap, wearing only her diaper while sucking on a pacifier, I could have easily been in that position, not have any control of my body, just wearing and using diapers like an adult baby. I can’t believe they turned her into that and so quickly” she closed her eyes and shook her head. Dana continued to look out at the small room “Or I could have ended up like Faye, sitting on the floor...” her thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone shout out “One minute Dana!”.

She stared up at the ceiling “Yeah it could be worse but I’m still being forced to wear a diaper, forced to tell these creeps when I need to go to the bathroom and if they are to busy to take me to the toilet then I’m forced to...” she shook her head “...use the diaper, it’s so disgusting to use a diaper just like a baby would but I don’t have any choice. At least I still get to wear clothes, for the most part and I can still walk and talk. I’m still me which is more than I can say for Faye and Dionne” she sighed. “Well it’s almost time, I have to smile and get through this, do a good job and I won't be punished, I’m not even a good dancer, this is going to look so awkward and I’m so nervous” she thought as she smiled and opened the curtain and made her way out to the cheering crowd.

Story 03 – Faye’s Unfortunate Fate

The lights in her room turned on and Faye slowly awoke, the soft dark blue plastic mattress crinkled as she got up onto all fours and looked around her cage. The black bars surrounding her a constant reminder of her place in the world “Going from a famous model to this” she thought as she wiped the sleep from her eyes “I don’t even get to sleep in a bed, I sleep in a cage like an animal and as soon as the lights turn on I have to get up onto all fours to await someone to enter” she sighed as she stretched her leg and felt the now familiar feeling of the diaper between her legs.

She let out a sigh as she stretched her other leg and turned to look at the white diaper with the safari theme “I get treated like a dog at all times apart from I have to wear diapers because they say I’m not house-trained. It’s so humiliating to be crawling around on the floor while wearing something so infantile but I guess it does cover up my bum and my pussy” she thought.

She wiped more sleep out of her eye with her hand as she waited patiently “They could leave me here for ages waiting but if I’m not ready when the door opens I get punished. I can’t believe out of me, Dana and Dionne I got this fate, I have to be the pet to these people. Dana is their slave and yes she has to wear diapers but she also gets to wear clothes, all she has to do is get them drinks and food and occasionally dance for them while I’m crawling around on the floor barking. Dionne probably has it the worst though she has no control over her body as it acts like a baby while her mind watches on. Would that be so horrible at least you have no excuse for what you're doing whereas I do this now because I’ve been conditioned, trained to do it or face the punishments” she shook as the door opened.

In walked Alicia, a skinny woman with shoulder-length brown hair, she smiled down at Faye “Hello doggy” she cooed. Faye blushed “I hate being called that and now I have to wiggle my bum like I’m happy to see her” she thought as she began to shake her padded rear and Alicia bent down and opened the cage “Let’s play some games doggy” she cooed as Faye nervously crawled out of the cage onto the soft carpet. Alicia took hold of a chew toy that rested beside Fay’s cage and stood up with a smile on her face “Does doggy want this? I think she does” she cooed and she threw it across the room. Faye watched it land on the other side of the room and she rolled her eyes while shaking her bum “I have to look like I want to play this stupid game” as she quickly crawled over to the chew toy, her diaper rustling with every movement she made a constant reminder of her humiliating situation. She reached the chew toy and leaned down making sure to stick her padded rear high up into the air as she bit down on the toy, she grimaced at the taste of plastic in her mouth but quickly hid her disgust as she faked a smile from behind the toy and spun around on the spot. Faye quickly crawled back to Alicia and dropped the toy at her feet, she sat down on her knees and looked up at the attractive woman nervously “Was that OK? I hope I did it right, I can’t be punished again” she thought as Alicia smile down at her “Good doggy” she cooed.



Oh this is a great story!! Cant wait for more!!