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 Korra let out a sigh as she moved the mushed food around in the bowl in front of her, Asami shook her head from across the table “What's wrong?” she asked, Korra shook her head “Nothing, I...” she trailed off. Asami looked up at the ceiling “I thought you could tell me anything” Korra blushed slightly as she looked at Asami “I can it's just this is….weird” Asami looked at Korra, her long brown hair was tied up and her blue eyes had a worried look behind them, her soft complexion hiding the soul of a warrior and the strength to lead a nation, she smiled “Now I really want to know”. Korra shook her head “Fine, every night this week I’ve been dreaming, in the dream I’m in the spirit world but I’m not the age I am now?” she stopped as she nervously played with her food, Asami raised an eyebrow “Right what age where you? Older? Younger? Is it like when you became a child in the spirit world? It's just a flashback” she said as she took a spoon full of her breakfast. Korra blushed and slowly shook her head “No, I was younger, I was a baby” Asami looked at Korra puzzled with the spoon still in her mouth. Korra smiled awkwardly “See weird” she said, Asami removed the spoon and shook her head “Right and you’re dreaming about being a baby, it isn’t that weird”. Korra looked down at her bowl of mush and blushed “I liked it though like I liked every part of it and when I wake up I miss it” she said as she looked up at Asami. Asami looked at her and smiled “Every part of it? What were you doing? What were you wearing?” she said with a smile. Korra blushed and looked back down at her bowl “I was just lying around with toys and I was wearing a…..diaper” Asami let out a laugh which angered Korra “See this is why I didn’t want to tell you?” Asami shook her head and reached for Korra’s hand, she held her hand softly “I’m sorry it just took me off guard, so you miss being a baby? Even the clothing?” Korra sighed “Well yes, when I wake up I can still feel the calmness, no stress and I can still feel the thickness and warmth of the…..diaper but it fades away and I miss it” she let out a sigh “I sleep through the night, I don’t have nightmares of when I lost control I’m just happy, letting myself not worry about anything just being free”.

The two women sat in silence for a moment when Asami nodded “Well let's do it then” Korra looked at her confused “Do what?” she asked nervously, Asami smiled “Let's continue your dream, I will go out today and get you diapers and some toys and you won't have to deal with being the avatar you can just lie back and relax being my baby girl” she said with a beaming smile. Korra let out a nervous laugh “No….” she stared but Asami shook her head as she quickly stood up from the table “OK, I will be back later with all the supplies, you just relax till then” she said as she walked around the table towards the young avatar. Korra looked up at the pretty young woman and opened her mouth to speak but before she could Asami lent in, they both closed their eyes and they kissed. Asami stood back up and turned around while Korra continued to enjoy the kiss and the tingling that it caused her, she slowly opened her eyes and realized Asami had gone “She wouldn’t?” she said nervously.

Korra paced up and down in the large house, it had belonged to Asami’s father but after he died she inherited it. Korra still couldn’t get over the scale of the place but that wasn’t what was on her mind “I am not going to let her treat me like a baby, I’m the avatar, I saved the world and I’m not going to wear diapers and crawl around” she said to herself but as she pictured herself lying on the floor in a diaper a large smile appeared on her face. Korra stopped suddenly and quickly removed the smile from her face “What is going on with me?” she groaned as she shook her head. She took a deep breath as the image of her lying down in a diaper appeared once again in her mind's eye, she smiled and she swore she could feel the bulk of the diaper between her legs. She felt relaxed, calm and comfy.

Korra opened her eyes and slowly shook her head as the feelings faded away replaced by a wave of nervous energy and stress “What is happening to me?” she shouted out in frustration, she let out a groan as she looked down at her slim body “I can’t be a baby, I’m the avatar I have to help this world find balance I can’t crawl around on the floor and play with toys while Asami looks after me” she groaned when suddenly she imagined being cradled in Asami’s arms and a strange feeling ran over her, a feeling of warmth and love and she couldn’t help but let out a satisfied moan. She opened her eyes and once again the feelings faded and she felt empty, she frowned as she rolled her eyes “If Asami does come back with diapers and toys, I have at least got to see if it will help” she said with a nervous smile.


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