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Taylor lay on the sofa pouting, her arms were folded as she hung her legs on the arm of the chair “This is so embarrassing” she said to herself as her nanny entered the room. Her nanny smiled at her as she walked over to Taylor carried a fresh diaper “Time to get you changed little one” she cooed, Taylor blushed bright red as she looked down at the wet diaper that sat between her legs “Not only do I now have to wear diapers but to have this woman change me is so humiliating, I should have never hade agreed to her working for me and now I’m stuck with her. If I argue with her then she pulls me over her lap and spanks me like I’m a bratty toddler” she let out a sigh as she watched her nanny stand between her feet and unfold the diaper “So I have to let her change me like I’m a baby, I was told it would be easier this way, cleaner and quicker but its so humiliating. I’m a grown woman I shouldn’t be going through getting my diaper changed by someone that works for me” she thought as she continued to pout.

The young nanny placed the open diaper on the arm of the chair as she bent down and took hold of the tabs on either side of Taylor’s diaper “Won't it feel better when nanny has changed you out of this soaked diapee” she cooed. Taylor blushed bright red as she looked away “I hate to admit it but it will be better, this diaper is soaked and I hate sitting in a wet diaper to long so yes it would be good to get into a clean one but not wearing any would be the best option” she thought as nanny released the tabs pulled the stained diaper away exposing Taylor’s smooth pee covered vagina. Taylor scrunched up her face as the smell of stale urine entered the room but nanny didn’t seem to notice as she quickly took a wet wipe and began the task of cleaning the young woman. She stared up at the ceiling as nanny lifted her legs exposing her round bottom, she gave her bum a couple of wipes with the wet wipes which caused Taylor to shiver “I must look just like a baby, I think this every time I get my diaper changed but it must be true. I’m lying here not even putting up a fight with my legs up in the air while someone cleans me and puts me in a fresh diaper” she thought as nanny removed the soaked diaper.

Nanny quickly placed the fresh diaper under Taylor’s bum, Taylor smelt the now-familiar sweet smell of baby powder enter the room as nanny sprinkled a generous amount of baby powder on her bum and into the seat of the diaper before lowering her legs onto the awaiting diaper. Taylor felt the soft fabric of the diaper against her bum and she sighed “I’m now stuck in this diaper till I use it and nanny once again changes me out of it” she thought as she continued to have her arms crossed. Nanny sprinkled more baby powder onto Taylor’s groin and quickly lifted the front of the diaper up and secured it tightly around Taylor’s slim waist. “All done little one, now you go off and play with your music, nanny will come and check on you in a little while” she cooed. Taylor sighed “What she means is she will check on my diaper, she will pull the back away and look to see if I have messed and then place a finer in between my legs to see how wet I am. The indignity of it all, I really hope I don’t mess before she comes back she treats me just like a baby when she finds out I have messed myself and I’m not a baby I’m a grown woman” she said as she continued to pout.



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