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Written by Lena from the DiaperedXtreme team:

Chapter 01 

Lena was in a bit of a predicament, she was desperately trying to hold in her pee in the classroom - hands pressed firmly against her groin (her bladder twitching.) “Oh why didn’t I go to the bathroom during lunch - I had to have such a big drink too” she cursed herself under her breath. The pressure was slowly building until it became insurmountable, she had to relieve herself. She wanted to ask to be relieved so she could head to the bathroom, unfortunately she already knew the answer. The college she attended was so strict, they’d just tell her to quieten down and tell her “she should have gone during her lunch break.” Like they’d told all other students that asked before her, at was almost clockwork at this point. That was the problem with this prestigious upper class colleges anything was labelled as a “distraction to the class.” No matter how pressing the issue. Her eyes desperately darted at the clock, there was no way she could hold it much longer never mind the rest of the lesson.

Time seemed to slow, she tried to focus on the lecture - take her mind off of the situation however it was no good, it wasn’t going to work. It was a slowly loosing battle and she knew it. Frantically she crossed her legs under the desk again trying to keep the pressure from growing, again looking at the clock to see only a few minutes had passed - despite it felt like a few hours and again she tried to concentrate until the inevitable happened. Fear washed over her as she could feel a small stream exit her and into her soft white panties a small stream that suddenly erupted into a torrent. She uncrossed her legs and breathed a heavy sigh. Unfortunately for her it wasn’t the relief she had hoped for. As she zoned out she didn’t notice the heavy sound of her pee trickling down her tights under her skirt and hitting the ground with a rather ungracious sound. Suddenly all eyes were on her. There was a brief pause and a moment of silence, the room felt a thousand times larger and she just wanted to disappear. It was so tense you could hear a pin drop. Her face blushed beat red and she quickly buried her head into her arms on the table before she erupted into tears. “How could this have happened” she sobbed to herself, she was a grown woman yet her she sat in her now sopping wet uniform in a puddle of her own per like a naughty toddler, she felt so ashamed, so much so that she didn’t feel someone gentle place a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

A gentle calming tone spoke over her shoulder “Cmon missy lets get you sorted.” Her teacher gently motioned her to stand up. As she picked her head off her desk she realized the room was now empty, the slowly stood up trying not to make more of a mess than she already had. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” She kept her head down as she was escorted out of the room - leaving behind a wet seat and a large darkened patch on the carpet where she had previously sat. As they both left the room she had noticed her class mates all lined up outside, sniggering and laughing to one another and exchanging short remarks. She tried not to pay any notice, Lena was too busy focused on her mandatory now uncomfortably damp college attire. Her polishes shoes, pristine white tights, black plaid skirt and panties were completely ruined. After walking for what felt like an age she arrived at the nurses' office, she was still quietly sobbing to herself so much so that she didn’t notice the nurse slowly but carefully removing all of her wet and ruined clothes. Only when the nurse had pulled out a large white crinkling object had she paid much attention, a look of shock set on her face as she understood what it was. A neatly folded thick disposable diaper. She briefly shuffled up the nurses bench not wanting to resign to her fate however she was stopped when the nurse reassuringly put a cold gloved hand onto her leg. “It’s okay. I'm sure we all have the uncontrollable accident at times. This is just a small precaution in case it happens again okay?” passively she moved back down and let the nurse slowly slip the garment underneath her. The diaper loudly crinkled as the nurse unfolded it before her and proceeded to slowly place the garment underneath her - feeling the soft quilted padding gently making contact with her butt. Lena slowly lowered herself down with an unflattering crinkle as the plastic backing rustled as it was pressed against the bench. She had resigned herself to her fate as the nurse pulled the object up right between her legs and proceeded to gently secure it around her waist.

Lena sat in the thick garment all the while crinkling, only interrupted by the brief ripping sound as the tapes were one by one done up sealing her fate in plastic. She sat up on the table feeling the diaper crinkle beneath her legs, she looked down in dismay. Briefly she pawed a hand at her new infantile underwear in shock as she felt the thick material bulk between her legs. Looking like the oversized baby she clearly was. Her thoughts were momentarily interrupted when the nurse knelt down beside her and spoke: “I’ll go see if I can find a replacement uniform down at the front office - we’ve called your parents and they’ll be here to collect you soon okay? Just sit tight for a minute dear.” The nurse then quickly stood up, turned on her heels and left the room gentle smiling at Lena as the closed with a gentle thud behind her.  

Chapter 02

  Lena was left alone in the nurse's office, sat up on the bench contemplating the events that had transpired for her to have wound up where she was. She shifted her legs to one side of the bench feeling the new bulk of her panties rustle between her legs, she placed a hand over them and squeezed, feeling the soft material rub against. Her hand then travelled up to the front of the diaper - her diaper. Lena the eighteen-year-old college student; eighteen - and still had an accident during class like a naughty child, she felt more like a naughty child never mind eighteen. “How am I going to live this down?” She thought to herself while her fingers toyed around with the ends of the large blue tabs that had secured her new fashion accessory around her waist and between her legs. She shifted slightly feeling her new panties move with her - moving a hand around the back she gently tugged against the waistband, feeling the soft material being pulled tighter between her legs.

Snapping out of her brief daydream she tentatively stepped off of the table and took a few small hesitant wobbling steps. She was slightly taken aback by how thick the diaper was between her legs before sitting back down on the table. Again she was left to her own devices inside the room until the silence was cut when the large office door was pushed open. Her eyes quickly looked up to see the nurse return with a new pair of tights and a new skirt identical to her last pair. “Fortunately the office has some extra items in your size.” The nurse had exclaimed with a comforting yet patronizing smile, looking down at the poor girl as she entered the room and proceeded to walk over to Lena and carefully set the new uniform beside her. “Let's get your redressed and sorted.” This took Lena back a bit as she was more than capable of dressing herself. Reinforcing the idea that she was just an oversized baby. She felt her face begin to turn red as the nurse gestured her to stand up and step into her new pair of tights - they were pulled up around her waist and she noticed the loud crinkling sound coming from her new panties, following this her skirt was promptly secured around her waist. “What’s next a pacifier?” She began to wonder to herself. She was already feeling like such a baby then they may as well complete the image. However, this was cut short when her eyes darted up at the now opening door. Her gaze was met by her lecturer and her father who promptly gestured for him to enter the room.

The nurse turned around with the same patronizing smile and exclaimed in a calmer reassuring tone than usual. “There we are, all sorted.” She gave Lena's butt a quick pat reaffirming the status of her new panties (At this interaction Lena blushed hard, she felt like an immature school girl. On one hand she wanted to scream and shout at the nurse, how dare she but in her current state she knew she had no ground for an argument.) before sitting back down on the bench with a soft crunch and walking over to the cabinet across the room close to where her father was standing. As she bent down to open the cabinet doors she looked up at Lena's father and explained the situation. Lena just kept her head down looking at her feet swing and hearing her diaper rustle while she was sat there, being berated like a child-like she wasn’t even in the room. As she slowly lifted her head she saw the nurse hand her father her wet uniform in a clear plastic bin bag and an extra few diapers. She felt so embarrass, she wanted the ground to just swallow her up and disappear. Despite this she also somewhat felt safe, she had no idea why but something about her new special panties reassured her against further accidents.  “These should help Lena out of her little problem continues.” Explained the nurse, briefly looking over at her. Until now Lena wasn’t particularly paying attention to the conversation however she did catch the end of it. “... Again I apologize for her behaviour... Don’t worry she will be punished accordingly when I get her home.” Her father's tone reinforced how genuine his words were. He then turned to look at his childish daughter before exclaiming: “well looks like you’ve got some explaining to do. Let’s go missy.” She hated whenever he called her “missy” he only ever did that when she was in trouble, this time however since she felt like a baby it only seemed fitting. She stood up and walked over to him, he put an arm around her shoulders as he began to walk her down the halls and out to his waiting car. With every step, Lena felt her diaper shift and crinkle underneath her skirt, despite the bulky feeling she surprising found it slightly reassuring. That’s all she could think about as she proceeded to walk out of the main office and out into the car park.  

Chapter 03

  Once she had arrived at her family car she quickly went to the front passenger door and proceeded to open it. She stopped, hand firmly on the handle when her father spoke up: “Only adults get to sit in the front.” She slowly relaxed her grip on the handle and with a sigh while hanging her head in shame she slowly made her way around to the back, once she had climbed into the back of the car she was once again greeted by the feeling of the soft padding between her legs as she sat down. She shifted a little trying to get comfortable in her seat the thick padding between her legs became taught against the car heavily rubbing against her. She didn’t like sitting in the back it reinforced the whole situation, her father was right only children sit in the back — this didn’t really help her cause.

She opened her mouth to protest but no sound came out. Stopping before digging herself further into the hole. Lena knew better than to argue with her father, he was always very assertive and protective over her from a young age, she knew better than to act out. Especially since she was already in so much trouble already. She knew he wouldn’t let this go unpunished and decided that further acting out would only make things worse for herself and her situation. Crinkling all the while. Her diaper quickly became tighter around her waist when her father leaned in and buckled her seat belt for her. Again she felt nothing more than an oversized baby having her father do everything for her. Despite the situation Lena had always been very passive, growing up as an only child she never had to deal with competition, and during her earlier school-days shed always kept her head down to avoid conflict and arguments.

“You’ve got some explaining to do.” He stated as he quickly ducked into the front seat and began to start up the car. “But dad it was an accident...” she retorted back. “Lena... your eighteen not five, you don’t just have accidents like that.” he sighed. “You peed yourself in front of everyone? You’re in college not preschool.” He returned. “Please dad it was just an accident it won’t happen again... I’m sorry.” She sounded like a defeated toddler, not a mature college student. She wanted to cry but chocked back tears, she felt so embarrassed by the situation and truly became stifled to find words “Lena you know how much it took to get you enrolled there and this is what you go and do? Unbelievable.” He said while shaking his head as he began to sound angry, Lena just kept her head down and all the while trying to keep her thumb out of her mouth - she had found whenever she was scared or anxious she had a tendency to suck her thumb. It comforted her in a way, it helped her relax. Her focus was interrupted by her father’s loud affirmative voice: “You’ve been such a naughty girl missy. Are these accidents of yours going to persist? Do I have to keep you in diapers like a baby? The nurse was kind enough to give you some more diapers for future accidents. Additionally, you’re getting a spanking when you get home for ruining your expensive uniform and making so much of a show of yourself this afternoon” he stated as he drove down the road.

Lena began to sweat and it was at this point she didn’t even respond as she found herself sitting there, in the back seat, sucking on her thumb like a baby listening to her father hand down her punishment. Spankings were her father’s best method of punishment, over the years she had hoped that he would stop or find alternative methods as she felt to be too grown up and found it utterly humiliating. Despite all of this however she always found that it did drive the point home; recalling the time she had taken her parents car out to meet up with one of the boys from college. She never did that again after her father put her across his knee until her bum was red. Lena was pulled from her embarrassing thought as her father continued to berate her “Your nearly nineteen but you have the control of a two-year old and what am I to tell the college now, they will want an explanation as an adult doesn’t just have an accident.” He continued on. “Dad I can explain...” Lena timidly replied as she removed her thumb but all it took was one glare from her father in the overhead mirror to make her regret saying that. She slowly returned her thumb back into her mouth and sighed as she sat in her thick disposable plastic diaper that hid under her uniform trying to convince her father she was an adult and not the baby she appeared to be. Lena felt totally defeated she had no reserve left nor energy to talk back, sitting there she accepted her embarrassing fate. Oddly however she did find it slightly comforting in a strange way, she was struggling to place her hand on it. Wanting to try to make the best of the situation she tried focusing on that aspect as she aimlessly looked on out of the car window on the way home when it was at this point she realised that she needed to pee again.

Chapter 04

  Lena knew she had to pee soon enough and not risk another accident in her new panties however these wouldn’t leak like the ones she had worn to class that morning. Lena wanted to summon the courage to tell her father she needed the toilet however in her current state she couldn’t bring herself to even lookup. Softly from the back seat, she exclaimed “Dad I gotta pee.” Her voice trailed off. Her father glanced back at her through the mirror unaware of what his “adult” daughter had said. “What did you say Lena?” His voice was firm. “I said I need to pee.” She spoke up. “Well if your an adult you can hold it, we’re nearly home anyway and then you have a spanking to receive and then you may go to the bathroom.” The words hit her like a ton of bricks she was unsure if she could even hold it until she got home never mind longer.

She began to forget and become restless, all the while crinkling from under her tights as the thick bulky disposable diaper rubbed against the seat. She tried to close her legs but the thick bulk prevented it. “Dad please I need to pee.” Lena once again spoke up. This time with a bit more force behind her tone. “Lena I’ve told you, you’ll have to hold it till we get home.” Responded her father. Lena just crossed her legs feeling her and hoped for the best; trying to ignore her bulky crotch that seemed to puff out from underneath her skirt. She was determined to prove to her father that she wasn’t a baby and she could indeed hold it in, this afternoon was just a slip up she thought to herself - buying into the idea that it was alright for a college girl like herself to have an accident every once in a while. She was an adult after all. Once again she tried to occupy her thoughts, gazing out of the window trying to distract herself from the growing pressure inside her bladder. This time however it had nearly worked she only snapped out of her trance when she was greater by the familiar sight of her parent's front gate.

As the car crept up the driveway she realized how close to wetting herself she once again was. As the car came to an unruly stop Lena felt a small trickle escape into her waiting padding, she scrunched up her face in disgust but it was quickly absorbed by the quilted fabric like nothing had happened. Her dad looked up at her in the mirror “Wait till I get to you” he commanded which sent a shiver down Lena’s spine. He unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, he made his way to the back and opened the door to his daughter and bent over her and released the seat belt from her. Lena climbed out of the car and began to slightly waddle to the front door behind her father. He turned the key in the lock and he looked back at her. “Quickly fetch your soaked clothes I’ve left them in the boot.” Not wanting to get into any more trouble she meekly obeyed. She noticed that with every step it became increasingly harder to hold in her pee, she was going to have another accident one way or another. Lena bent over into the boot to retrieve her clothing she felt another small splash of pee trickle into her new thick panties. Frantically she looked down at the damage, using one hand to cup her crotch, the other to hold up her skirt. Thankfully the damage was yet unnoticeable but for how much longer? Lena practically sprinted back to the house. “Dad please I really need to pee, can I take this stupid thing off please!” She sounded desperate, her father on the other hand just looked on. “Remember what I said to you in the car missy. Spanking first.” Lena opened her mouth to oppose however she was cut short when her father firmly took her by the hand and marched her into the living room. He sat down on the sofa and quickly proceeded to bend his daughter over his lap and firmly pulled her tights down around her ankles. “Take your punishment like an adult little missy and then and only then you can go and pee.” He didn’t even wait for a response before he began to spank Lena’s padded butt, she felt like a large baby - over her father’s knee in a diaper receiving a spanking. Granted the thickness of her new panties helped cushion the blow a little but it wasn’t much and it was a constant reminder of what she was wearing, every time his hand struck the thick material coating her behind she further felt the need to pee. Barely five swats in she felt another sudden trickle escape, then another five, then every other two until she was fully struggling to maintain control. Then all of a sudden it happened, her body froze and her face felt pale. She stopped flailing her arms and kicking her legs like an oversized toddler and she audibly wet her diaper.  

Chapter 05

   Lena lay there, frozen on her father’s lap helplessly wetting herself Like a baby, she could hear her pee violently flowing into her waiting diaper, the warm urine sat under her for a second before being quickly absorbed by the soft material between her legs. Her entire crotch grew warm as her diaper began to become yellow and expand, it was obvious to anyone what she had done - including her father. When he noticed his daughter freeze he quickly hesitated, his suspicion was reaffirmed by the loud audible sound and the rubbing of the tabs against the thick plastic as Lena’s diaper grew thick and full. “Lena? Are you...” her father stammered out, he was completely taken aback by this. “I’m sorry daddy.” She cried out as she began to cry from the overwhelming shame. Lena the eighteen-year-old college student, lay across her father’s lap in a thick full diaper - there was no mistaking it now she definitely was a baby.

She wasn’t surprised when her father spoke up. “Lena did you honestly just wet yourself on my knee? You really are a child, aren’t you? You cannot even hold it for twenty-minute before wetting yourself like an overgrown baby?” he said with disgust as he shook his head. He let out a sigh and without saying a word restarted her spanking. Lena could feel every firm-handed swat push her warm urine against her skin, this made her punishment at least ten times worse. She felt cold all over with embarrassment, the colour drained from her face as she felt every swat on her wet padded bum from her father, she continued to cry as the shame of what was happening ran over her like a wave.

“It’s a good thing the nurses decided to put a diaper on you otherwise you would have peed all over the carpet, the furniture and my clothes!” her father shouted while Lena continued to cry uncontrollably as she felt her wet mess heavily hang between her waist. She hoped to get out of the sodden diaper as soon as possible and be left alone with her thoughts, away from her father and try to forget that what had happened. Unfortunately for Lena her father had other ideas as he shouted down at her “Honestly this is how you act?”. A final firm-handed smack hit into her wet bum before she was hoisted up by her father and ingloriously placed on his hip. Her wet diaper tightly squeezed against her, Lena could feel every bit of her accident in her new panties while she put her arms around her father, she put her arms around him and buried her head deep into his shoulder. She blushed bright red as the tears began to wet her father's shirt, she didn’t know what to do but she wanted comfort and hoped that this would help. Her father began to gently rub her back until Lena’s crying subsided, she just wanted out of the diaper now, it had been at least ten minutes that she’d been sitting there in a puddle of her own mess and it was beginning to grow cold and uncomfortable. Without even a word Lena’s father picked her up so she could stand up, Lena stood before her father blushing bright red as he stared at the obviously wet diaper that was now at eye level, he sighed as he stood up and left the room. Lena didn’t want to move - fearful to squish her accident around even further, she reached a hand behind her cupping her wet diaper still in disbelieve she had even wet herself once never mind twice in one day. She couldn’t believe what was happening to her, she was not a toddler but an eighteen-year-old and this was too humiliating but she couldn’t think of anything she could do to stop what was happening.

Her contemplation ended when she saw her father return, he folded a large towel in half and proceeded to cover the carpet with it. Lena’s eyes widened and she let out a gasp as she understood what was happening - this was going to be her glorified changing mat for the next couple of minutes. With an innocent look on her face, she just stared at her father hoping he wouldn’t make her wear another diaper, but she knew better. “Cmon missy sit down.” Her father gestured, Lena stood frozen for a second, her heart racing and her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She wanted to run and lock herself in her room but the pain vibrating from her bum stopped that idea. She didn’t want to get her diaper changed by her father but she didn’t know what else she could do, with fresh tears in her eyes and a pit in her stomach she tentatively placed her wet butt against the towel. She shook as she felt the wet diaper rub against her, this paired with the soft stinking on her bum reaffirmed indeed she was nothing more than a baby that was about to get her diaper changed by her father for the first time in years.  

Chapter 06

 Once on her changing mat Lena’s father quickly got into position at his daughters feet, he pushed up her skirt to keep it away from the change then began to get to work, first pulling open each of the thick tabs holding her accident in place as a solid reminder of all who could see that she was nothing more than a naughty child. Then he began to pull away her wet accident firmly imprinted in the diaper. The warm air from the central heating felt good - much better than her cold diaper or the wipes the followed but Lena felt cold with humiliating at her father seeing her naked from the waist down. She shivered as she swallowed hard wanting to get away she lent up in a tactical move, hoping to forgo having another childish garment taped to her waist, but her resistance was just met with a gentle but firm hand that proceeded to slowly push her back down. “Lift your butt.” Her father instructed her, she felt so childish as she lifted her legs up into the air like the baby she now was. Lena was instructed to lower herself back down on to the soft comforting material as she had done once already this afternoon in the nurse's office. Once again the material crinkled as it was pulled right between her legs. As the comforting embrace of the padding was slowly brought up between her legs she felt a little better than her father was no longer seeing her naked but the realization that she was being covered in another diaper made her heartache.

Her father taped the diaper tightly around her waist and sat back, he looked down at his infantile daughter “I don’t want to see any more accidents missy. If you need to go you will come here and tell me appropriately and I will take it off and let you go to the bathroom.” Lena couldn’t believe what her father was saying she was an adult not a helpless child. “And if I find any more accidents you’ll earn another spanking.” He continued. Lena felt her cheeks burn at the sound of this she was an adult, she didn’t need her father to help her to the toilet and she certainly wasn’t going to have another accident, she kept telling herself that the previous ones weren’t her fault, she hadn’t been allowed to use the toilet she had no other choice except to relieve herself right there and then. “Do I make myself very clear?” “Yes daddy...” Lena exclaimed in a soft muffled voice trying to avoid making eye contact. “Good.” He stated as he examined his daughter's new diaper, he lent forward and forced Lena to roll onto her side so he could examine her padded rear, Lena scrunched up her face as her dad gave her padded rear a pat and let her lie back down on the changing mat. Lena once again found herself sealed in her padded prison until further notice.

“Now miss, go put your soiled uniform in the wash and then go catch up on what you’ve missed this afternoon.” He sternly stated as he helped his daughter to her feet while her diaper gave off the crackles that it was most definitely there, before letting her go he bucked up her tights and gave her a final firm pat on her thick padded butt which caused Lena to wince as he pulled down Lena’s skirt. He stood there for a brief minute watching his “adult” daughter teeter off like a glorified toddler all the while she waddled up the stairs with her sodden uniform in her hands, her new panties visibly on display peaking out from underneath her plaid skirt.

Once her uniform was in the washing machine Lena waddled to her room, she left ridiculous. With a soft thud, she dropped herself onto her bed - cushioned by her thick underwear. Lena proceeded to throw off her tights and skirt before pulling out her textbook and her laptop to continue with her study’s. She noticed how noisy her newly tight fitted panties had become as every small movement let out a small noticeable noise that confirmed she was still wearing a diaper between her legs. She ran a hand over her bulging crotch and around the two tight leg bands, giving the thick plastic of her padded panties a firm rub before getting on with her study’s. Lena sat up on her bed tossing and turning every few minutes, trying to get comfortable - however she found that very hard with the unflattering puffy diaper snugly secured around her waist. Eventually, she found a comfortable position, on her bedroom floor, on her stomach legs bent and outstretched behind her with her laptop in front of her. Laying on the floor like a baby. “Tummy time” her family called it when she was a young child. Lena wondered to herself as she opened her studies folder: “How was she possibly going to show her face at college given all that had happened.” She was too scared to think too long or hard on the subject. To distract herself she queued up a lecture video that she had missed from this afternoon, lost in the video she became unaware she had once again begun to suck her thumb. Gently suckling at it; all the while more she playfully kicked her legs about being her. Clad only in her school shirt and a diaper she did look the picture of innocents just an overgrown baby at her finest.  

Chapter 07

  After a few hours of note-making in her babyish state Lena finally snapped out of her somewhat trance - only by the nagging pain of her bladder. Desperately she needed to pee again. At first, she ignored it, pushing it out of her mind, trying to focus on the task at hand slowly but surely dipping back into her trance-like state. Focusing on the note making for class the next day she was half-heartedly unaware by the fact she had slightly leaked into her new protective panties, it was at this point she was finally aware of what was happening. Frantically she pressed down on her bladder and jumped up but it was already too late. By the time she had stood up on her feet and ran the five steps or so to her bedroom door it was already too late - her latest accident now pooled beneath her.

She stood there, frozen on the spot like an innocent toddler.  Trying to take in what just happened. (The events going to fast for her to even comprehend.) Reaching a hand down - assessing the situation; she gently put a hand to the warm padding between her legs and began to squish her hand against her crotch. The wet mess slowly began to be absorbed by her panties. Lena then attempted to close her legs unable to with the mass of damp padding underneath her butt. She quickly waddled over to the mirror. Tethering over to the mirror - she peered down hesitantly lifting her shirt, admiring the damage in a weird way. Peering down she noticed the large stain that had formed between her legs and how her once pristine white panties had now slightly dulled, mutilating into a dark shade of grey. Lena still couldn’t believe herself. Trying to stop her head from racing. She started to worry. How was she going to tell her father about this? How could she explain her actions?

Feeling like her heart was racing a million miles an hour. She tensed up when she heard the front door click open and her mother walked in. She wasn’t afraid of the woman however just more so afraid and embarrassed of what her father would tell her - unaware of the days events that had transpired. Lena then heard her father call her down. It was time to eat. She felt a fresh wave of humiliation run over her as she knew she would now have to face both her parents while wearing a diaper just like a baby.

Frantically Lena rushed to find the loosest pair of trouser she had in a vain attempt to hide her unbearable shame and soaked padded behind. She did, however, find it very difficult to pull up her trousers over the swollen diaper wrapped around her waist. No matter her attempts even with the loosest of clothes, it was still extremely noticeable. She tentatively moved downstairs constantly aware of her actions. The slight rustling sound of the dry front of the diaper between her legs was not only a dead give away however the smell was also quite apparent - Lena could feel her damp sodden crotch rubbing against her with every step. Once downstairs she winced as she was forced to sit on the hard wooden chair in her damp panties. Her mother shooting her a look as she crinkled past her. She hated this fairly new feeling, it was bad enough she had to wear them let alone wear one that she had used - her accident clung to her waist waiting for someone to reveal her shame.

She virtually ate in silence, constantly eyeing the clock. Abiding her time before she could run upstairs and throw the “thing” off. So she sat there cold and uncomfortable, just biding her time, she endured the belittling comments made by her mother “How’s the baby doing?” She occasionally retorted with a slightly warm and friendly tone attempting to mask the sense of displeasure in her voice. “... I’m not a baby...” she let out with a whine which just made her sound even more like the child that she being treated as. (Comments like just made her think more about her accident she was currently wearing.) Lena just kept her head down. It was embarrassing enough that her mother commented on her like this never mind having to sit with her family, diapered at her age and in need of changing. Though no one had said anything looking around the room it was clear that there were some suspicions as to the state of the poor girls' panties. As she stood up once dinner was finished she thought she was in the clear she began to make a B-Line for the door but stopped instantly. “Don’t go anywhere until I’ve checked on you missy.” Her father retorted. Lena was slightly surprised by this. Despite her farther words earlier she’d hoped he hadn’t followed through. “Daddy please this is embarrassing... I don’t want too.” She knew her words were in vain. He approached her and firmly put a few fingers in the waistband of her trousers. Lena skewed up her face waiting for the inevitable. There was a moment of silence that hung slightly in the air as her father admired the state of her diaper. “You're wet. Again?” A slight tone of surprise in his voice.” She felt tears began to collect in the corner of her eyes. “Awh sweet girl what’s happened?” He was calming and reassuring a drastic juxtaposition from before. Lena stood there unable to look at him choking back tears. “Hey... it’s okay sweet girl.” Lena just completely let her guard down and began to cry. She quickly wheeled round on her feet and nestled against her farther. She felt defeated. She’d lost. The walls were down.

Chapter 08

   Sleepily Lena opened her eyes, slowly awakening back into existence. Something was off, the first thing that struck her was the smell, next was her surroundings and finally the sounds. Lena slowly blinked open her eyes looking up at the mobile on her ceiling - playing such an innocent melody. She began to worry not knowing where she had woken up. She was finding it hard to move. Every movement felt heavy all she could do was wiggle and squirm about. She tried to talk however something was stopping her, a large pink pacifier had been placed into her mouth which she was gently nursing. She let out a small frustrated whimper - helpless as she was, hoping someone would hear her calls. Lena tilted her head to the side, she was still in bed however it wasn’t hers, Lena then noticed the large wooden bars stretching above her. She was in a crib, slowly she eyed up her surroundings still worried. Recognizing the room as an oversized nursery, how had she woken up here? Looking down she saw her bedsheets that had been once plain adult sheets had gone, replaced with a more bright colourful child-friendly design had been kicked off her. Her pyjamas had been removed and she found she was now wearing an infantile onesie, dotted with small childish patterns. Confused by her new surroundings and clothing Lena began to worry even more.

Her whimpers grew to cries as she began to tear up. Her behaviour mimicking her infant surroundings. She was suddenly greeted by the sight of both of her parents standing in the doorway. “My my you're a fussy girl this morning.” Her mother patronisingly spoke with a smile. “What’s wrong princess? Don’t you like your new room.” Her father equally continued the patronizing tone before speaking again: “You really proved yesterday that you couldn’t adult at all, having those accidents at school hmm?” He walked towards her inside the crib and placed his over the bars to gently run his hand over her head - stroking her hair. Despite the affection Lena continued to cry, squirming in her crib, an unfamiliar feeling ran through her body. “Such a fussy baby.” Her mother coed down at her.  “Baby needs to accept this is where she belongs now. No more college. No more homework. All you need to worry about now sweet girl is playing with all of your lovely new toys and filling up your diapers for mommy and daddy. Speaking of which...” her mother's voice trailed off as she intrusively pocked a hand into Lena’s onesie and inspected her diaper. “Does someone need a change?” Her father added. Lena looked down in shock and disgust at the invasion but her mother didn’t stop as she snapped open the onesie to review a thick pair of plastic pants and underneath the unmistakable bulk of a very used diaper. This is where the smell was coming from. Lena lay there in a sodden and very obviously dirty diaper. She hated the feeling of her mess smeared against her butt and the cold front that pressed against her. She cried out for a change but her pleas fell on deaf ears.  “Not yet sweetie. Make one more wetsie for mummy first and then she’ll change you... cmon princess be a good girl now.” Her mother chimed. Lena couldn’t believe what was happening, this cannot be real. It’s not happening she thought to herself. Suddenly her mind went blank as she began to uncontrollably wet her already well-used thick diaper. Even under the plastic pants, the tell-tale hissing sound was unmistakable. “There she goes.” Her mother said. “Such a clever girl isn’t she?” Her father added. This was too much for Lena. She couldn’t handle it. She began to cry even more while her parents leaned in to pick her out of her crib and get her sorted for the first day of her new life ahead of her.

Chapter 09

 Lena jolted awake with a gasp. She sat up in bed for a second - taking inventory. Okay, normal bed, normal room... it was just a nightmare she thought to herself with a large sigh. Noticing the soft morning light creeping in under her curtains she tossed around gently in bed, trying to settle herself. She slowly reached for her phone that lay on her bedside cabinet and read the time - a few minutes after her alarm would have gone off.(provided she had set it the previous night.) she laid back in bed slowly trying to wake herself. She let out a slight whimper as she tried to sit herself up unwilling to get up and embrace the day.

There was a gentle knock at her door before her father entered - it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. Days when he didn’t have to work early mornings he often checked on her before leaving. As somewhat of an only child she had been doted over for many years. He walked in placing a small cup of tea on her bedside cabinet and proceeded to sit down beside her. “Sleep well?” He asked with a smile. Lena just groaned and slumped back into bed. “Come on you need to get ready for college... first get changed out of that diaper.” He remarked with a playful tone. Lena had completely forgotten about that. Quickly she shot up and tossed off the blankets once again revealing her sodden crotch. In the madness of her nightmare she had wet the bed. She looked down with an abject look of terror. This was equally matched by her father who was clearly stunned for words. “Well... come on get up and get ready for the day.” He commented as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Producing his phone as he stood up he briskly walked out of the door closing it behind him. With the brief remnants of an unknown phone call before her door was briskly closed once again she was left to her own devices. She was still trying to comprehend things - Lena a full-grown woman had wet the bed like an immature child.

Slowly she got out of bed cringing as her cold damp diaper brushed against her. Stumbling into the bathroom she removed her school shirt that she had slept in, she took off her bra revealing her supple breasts and looked down at the diaper between her legs and sighed. She couldn’t believe she was standing wearing only a wet diaper like a toddler. She deposited the sodden garment into the bathroom bin before jumping into the shower to clean off - quickly she washed off her slim body, cleaning herself up before rushing back to her room. Throwing on a new black bra and underwear she looked in the mirror at herself in her underwear and smiled, she was beginning to feel normal as she looked at her slim body in her grown-up underwear. Lena grabbed a fresh shirt and the rest of her college uniform and put them on. She straightened her tie off in the mirror nervously dreading what the day was going to bring.

She briskly hopped downstairs to eat picking up her bag along the way. Lena began to question why she was suddenly having these accidents, why now and why at this age. As she walked she felt the freedom of not being trapped in another one of those “things” feeling the freedom to walk normally but contemplating the removal of her protection in case her accidents persisted.  Pondering her thoughts she plated herself some food and produced her phone from her pocket. She began to scroll through social media ideally whilst eating with her other hand. Her thought process was only interrupted by her father. “I don’t want you to be late and add any more negative connotations to your record. I’ll drive you in this morning. I’ve got matters to discuss.” The last part shocked her slightly. What did he mean by that - however she was just too afraid to ask. Meekly she looked up and slightly gestured with her head. No sooner had she finished her breakfast she was whisked out of the door.

As per yesterday’s events, she went for the back seat. “You can sit up front you know?” Her father answered almost playfully watching his daughters action. After a brief pause of weighing her options, she climbed into the front as the car started up and the pair began their drive to school. Once there they parked up and headed in through the large main doors with her father accompanying her inside. Strange she though. However, the confusion cleared when they entered the reception. The receptionist looked up taking a brief look at Lena and then to her fathers and began to talk almost as if she wasn’t there. “She’s expecting you.” The receptionist gestured as she pushed the small desk switch unlocking the doors ahead of them. The enigma was finally unravelled when her father walked her towards the nurse's office. Her footsteps felt louder than usual as her feet clashed with the cold material of the floor - they were the only two there, class had already begun for the day. The corridor was desolate. “Ah perfect.” The nurse exclaimed as she appeared in her office doorway. “How’s she doing this morning?” She commented toward her father whilst making eye contact with Lena. Her ears burned at her father’s next words. “Nothing yet this morning but as per our phone call she’s might need some more protection today in case matters continue.”

No sooner had Lena entered the office she found herself up on the bench like the previous day - her skirt and tights pulled down. She started at the walls trying to occupy her mind and disassociating herself from what was to come paying no attention to the conversation going on around her. She only snapped back when she heard the all coherent newly familiar sound. The nurse produced another thick plain white folded diaper as the day before. Begrudgingly Lena lifter herself - allowing the soft thick plastic fabric to be placed beneath her and raised between her legs. Oddly unlike last time, it felt comforting - almost good. In a strange way; trying not to play on this fact for too long. Once again she felt the large tapes being tightly crossed over her waist, tightly ensuring a snug fit. Again encasing her into her protective panties.  

Chapter 10

  With her new protective panties tightly fasted around her waist, Lena once again shifted herself up from the nurse's bench - feeling as if the days were repeating, slowly blending into one another. She was overcome with emotion, on one hand feeling the unbearable shame of once again being confined to the use of a diaper like a child and on the other hand, she felt slightly relieved, she was protected and safe in the case her accidents persisted - despite all of this, however, she was unsure how she was going to proceed with the day, as she pulled her school tights back out around her waist and the ever-present bulk between her legs and around her butt she realized that her skirt was barely long enough to cover her now large padded rear.

She sat there for a minute on the side of the bench contemplating this, completely oblivious to her surroundings. Lena had only begun to faze back in when the nurse had put a friendly and gentle hand on her shoulder “Don’t worry I’m sure it was just a bad day yesterday.” She comforted the girl in a reassuring tone. “This is just in case any more of your little accidents persist today okay?” She continued on. Lena’s cheeks now beet red she just silently agreed, subtly nodding her head as she stood up from the bench. The nurse resumed her conversation with Lena’s father Lena stepped over to the full-length mirror positioned in one corner of the room. Admiring herself as such. Checking her reflection and the somewhat new noticeable bulk that greeted her as her eyes peered down towards her rear. “On the plus side it does make my butt look nice,” she thought to herself playfully trying to make light of her situation; slowly turning on her feet - eyeing herself up from every angle.

She had been too busy focusing on the girl in the mirror staring back at her she hadn’t noticed she was now the only one left in the room, and as if by clockwork at that point the nurse re-entered. “All set for the day?” Again Lena just gave off a subtle nod. “First class of the day is almost up, there’s no point going back now. Why don’t you head off to the library for a short while and get some work done okay?” With that Lena picked her bag up off of the floor and was gestured out of the office. She began to walk hearing the large office door close behind her - in the empty corridor, she was one with her thoughts. Walking down the hall she was ever aware of two sounds. The soft clicking of her shoes on the rough laminate floor and the surprisingly loud sound created by her padded butt with every step she took, crinkling all the while as the harsh thick plastic rubbed against her tights and skirt. Despite trying to put off the sound produced by her rear she was unable to - it seemed to grow louder with every step she took down the empty corridor a constant reminder of her embarrassing situation.

Once inside the library, Lena retreated to a small empty table at the back away from others and prying eyes. Her job was to make it through the day without any accidents nor anyone catching wind of her new panties - her heart sank when she realized due to yesterday’s events she was sure that everyone already knew this. She wasn’t ready to face that yet. She considered these ideas until the bell rung signalling the start of the next class. Lena frantically packed up her things - making sure not to bend forward and expose her new thirsty white thick panties, before tentatively walking back out into the bustling corridor, ready to face the day.  

Chapter 11

 Tentatively Lena stepped into the already full classroom - she was slightly late and after missing the first class of the day she didn’t want to be in even more trouble. She blushed bright red as she felt the eyes of her classmates upon her, her heart was racing as she hesitantly stepped through the rows of desks her diaper slightly crinkling as she walked until she arrived at her seat. Lena placed herself down at the desk with an ungraceful thud - one hand on her skirt at all times to prevent it riding up and exposing her new panties, until she was firmly seated. She tried to calm herself down as she noticed some of her classmates looking her way and pointing, she turned white as a sheet as she looked down her desk trying to avoid their gaze. She couldn’t attempt to play off the large white bulk under her skirt as anything else than what is was, A diaper, A thick diaper, Her thick diaper. Her cheeks burned all the while from the embarrassment unbeknown to her classmates. All the desks were shared between students and she was cautious around the person sitting across from her she wasn’t particularly good friends with her but nonetheless just wanted to coexist - the lesson mostly went by as normal, the bell sounded and Lena was off again. Taking every precaution she could not expose herself.  Her next class went by just the same; however during the short morning break that followed she had the slight urge to pee. She didn’t want to go into the bathroom stall - her diaper was loud enough as it was and the additional sounds of the large thick tapes ripping off would be a dead give away. If that wasn’t bad enough what would she do with the diaper? She couldn’t leave it on the floor - someone would see, neither could she walk out with it to put it in the bathroom bin, she would be caught red-handed and she couldn’t deal with that. Contemplating her options Lena did think about sneaking off into the disabled toilets however what if she came out and someone was waiting? Questions would be asked, again she didn’t want to risk it. Once again the bell sounded out signalling the start of her next class, Lena ignored her bladder and waddled off to class.

As the pressure built she hatched a plan. Her hand shot up and she asked to be excused, fortunately the teacher allowed it “There shouldn’t be anyone in the bathrooms during lesson time right?” She thought to herself. She stood up and turned around ready to leave when she heard someone say “Probably pissed herself again.” Lena blushed bright red hearing this coming from the back of the room, she stared down at the floor as she waddled out of the classroom and passed through the door, she was furious however she knew they were true or anyway about to be. Frantically Lena rushed through the corridor her hand strongly clasped on the hem of her skirt as she did. Upon reaching the bathroom she quickly locked herself into one of the stalls gathering up her skirt she clawed at the large bright blue tapes - she was just about to peel it off when she heard voices. They entered the bathroom and Lena realised she was trapped, she just sat there tights around her ankles, diaper tightly fastened around her waist, frantically fidgeting as her bladder twitched, feeling the soft inner material rub against her waist and between her legs, whist the harsh outer plastic creaked against the toilet seat. It was clear the two figures talking outside the stalls had no intention of leaving anytime soon. Lena quickly pressed her legs together as a small shot of warm pee splashed against the inside of her protective panties, she clasped a hand over the thick plastic making it loudly rustle. Overwhelmed by the pressure in her bladder and despite her best effort another small trickle escaped her, flooded by another, then another until it erupted into a torrent. Despite her best efforts she was desperately peeing herself. Her wet pee forever preserved in her panties for all who could gander to see. She began to choke back tears as she begun to feel the warm bulk of her crotch expand beneath her. She was unable to remove it and hide it now with the two guests still in the bathroom so she sat on the toilet with the feeling of the warm thick diaper wrapped around her waist.

Chapter 12

  She sat there for a minute her recent accident clinging to her, her diaper weighing heavy - becoming even snugger against the tapes that held her accident tightly against her skin. It was disgusting. Not wanting to walk to the nurse’s office - admitting defeat. However, she was desperate to get out of her damp soggy diaper.  Lena produced her phone from her pocket, bringing up her messages. She messaged her dad to pick her up under the prefix that “she was not feeling well.” She sat there for a minute praying he would quickly respond. If she could just get home she could dispose of the garment and change into something clean and dry. The voices outside of the stall subsided. Not wanting to be in more trouble Lena pulled herself to her feet, she winced as she pulled her tights back up and they squeezed and held the warmth tight against her skin. Lena tugged down at the waistband of her skirt trying to cover the saggy bulk of her behind.

Trying not to cry Lena waddled slowly back to class her while her diaper became cold and uncomfortable still pressing against her with every step. As she shuffled her way through the door and back to her seat (Now came the part she was dreading.) carefully she lowered herself into her seat with a small squelch as she sat firmly on the cold mess that had pooled beneath her. She felt unclean. Sitting there like a baby waiting to be checked and changed. With an unhappy look on her face, she persisted with class. Her phone buzzed in her pocket - Lena hoped this was the relief she so desperately craved. This illusion was shattered when she read the message from her farther “Sorry, important meetings all day. Try sticking it out, please. If it’s that bad go to the nurses.” Lena sighed that was the one place on campus she didn’t want to go, but waiting the entire day in her cold uncomfortable accident was a worse fate.

During her lunch break, she shuffled off to the nurse's office who greeted her with a friendly smile “Is everything okay?” She asked as Lena walked inside. She stood in the middle of the room - her head down looking at the tips of her shoes. “I need a change...” she meekly spoke. “What was that sorry?” The nurse asked walking closer to her. “I had an accident... but it wasn’t my fault.” Lena exclaimed her voice trailed off, beginning to cry. “I’m wet.” She sobbed. “Of course it’s not your fault.” The nurse reassured her gently guiding the girl over to the bench that Lena had grown all to accustom too. Once more Lena was deposited onto the bench her full weight crushing her wet mess; this only made her tear up more. The nurse offered a reassuring smile as she professionally proceeded to remove Lena’s tights and then her sodden diaper. Bundling it up and dropping it into the bin in the corner of the room. The cool indoor air offered brief relief from her uncomfortable wet skin. Lena shuddered with embarrassment as she nurse cleaned her and before she knew it a new diaper was slipped underneath her raised butt. The dry fluffy fabric offering reassurance - the garment was pulled upright between her bare exposed legs. She once again felt the strange safe and protected feeling she was slowly getting used to. The tapes firmly crossed across her torso sealing her into another but by the way, things were going not her last diaper. Lena sat up as the nurse proceeded to run a finger through the leg opening making the elasticated band gently snap back against her thighs. “If you need a change again just come and let me know. Don’t be ashamed.” The nurse added as she helped Lena up. “Now hurry along.” She said as Lena pulled her tights back up over her once again poofy butt. Thankfully the rest of the day passed uneventfully with no further accidents however the constant confines of the thick material did make Lena hot under her uniform which caused her to shift uncomfortably in her seat however she mostly ignored this feeling, even during the private shuttle home. She was ready to get into her house and tear the garment off - to loosen the metaphorical shackles that bound her to her babyish state. She didn’t want to be the baby she thought she was becoming.

She approached her home and saw her fathers car was already parked up - a little strange as he wasn’t usually home this early. However, Lena thought nothing of it and wondered inside. Lena emerged through the large wooden doors of her house. She was ready to get inside and remove her (currently dry) diaper. She hadn’t had any accidents yet this afternoon however the material mad swollen a little given the fact it had been a warm day. Lena awkwardly walked through the front room, her legs slightly pulled apart by the warm padding between them - it did make her feel slightly uncomfortable due to the irritation but she tried to ignore it, just a few more seconds and she would be able to take it off in the bathroom before showering off. However, this realization was quickly shattered as she walked past the small downstairs office by the base of the stairs.  “Did you have a good day today?” Her father spoke up. “Anything you need to tell me?” Lena stopped dead in her tracks, by the way, her father was talking she had guessed he somehow already knew of her ‘accident’ earlier today. “No why?” She answered back in a slight suspicion tone. “You know your not supposed to lie - I brought you up better than that hmm.” He defiantly knew.

Lena turned her head trying to avoid eye contact; awkwardly shifting on the spot. “I peed...” Lena sounded defeated. She brought her hands up to cover her face as a tear left the corner of her eye. “Yes, you did didn’t you.” Her father spoke in a gentle tone as he stood up and walked over to her. “What happened this time?” He asked with a reassuring tone to his voice. As he stood in front of her he lowered himself on to one knee as if he was in fact talking to a child - not his fully grown adult daughter. Lena put her arms around him and her farther responded with a gentle hug. “It’s okay sweet girl. Your college told me what happened.” In response to this Lena just sniffled gently wiping a tear from her eye. “Are you wet now?” He asked reassuringly, slowly and carefully pulling up her skirt to check. “Dad please this is embarrassing,” Lena muttered under her breath. Her father stopped for a second and looked her straight in the eye. “Now, please don’t get angry with me but your mother and I have decided that perhaps it would be best if you continued to wear your protective new underwear until these accidents stop.” He asserted whilst pressing two fingers against the dry material around her crotch, the plastic crinkled reaffirming the garments were still dry. “I was going to let you change yourself, however, I think your accident today has demonstrated that you're not grown up enough to do that yourself.” Lena began to softly sob into her father's shoulder at this news, to which he gently ran his hand through her long beautiful hair and began to gently rub her back. “Now I know that sounds a bit harsh but you can still use the bathroom like everyone else - just come and ask someone to help you take your new panties off.”

Lena was horrified at hearing this. She was more than capable of going to the bathroom by herself she was an adult, not some stupid baby. “This includes when you’re at school or out and about okay?” His tone was gentle and kind which made Lena feel so babyish, she didn’t want to fight nor did she want to raise her voice to disagree. “Your mother and I will check you regularly. If you can show us you can keep yourself ‘accident’ free for an entire week you can have your normal panties back. If during this time I find you’ve taken your diaper off without anyone’s permission we will have to further punish you.” There was a brief moment of silence in the room only interrupted by Lena’s soft periodic cry’s. Her father stood up, he put one hand behind her legs and gently scooped her up, sitting her on his lap on the sofa a few steps away. “I know this is a lot to take it but I promise we’ve only done this because we care about you.” Lena just sat there. The picture of innocence - clad in her school uniform with the slight glimpse of a large thick bulky diaper exposed underneath her skirt. She sat there for a minute enjoying the warm embrace, quelling her crying until her breathing fell soft and rhythmic. “Go on. I’m sure you’ve got plenty of work to be getting on with.” Her father started, gesturing her to move off of his knee. Lena began to slowly stand up knowing he was right - yet at the same time she wanted to stay seated, she was enjoying this downtime. It made her feel warm and safe. Oddly reassuring. She felt so small, like a child again. She enjoyed this - adulting was hard. With a firm but loving pat to Lena's padded butt she was off, waddling up the stairs as she went. She still wasn’t used to the thick bulk of the material between her legs as she moved.  


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