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 Chapter 01

I’m so confused! I’m shocked with myself! I really can’t believe it but that’s why I’m talking to you again Mr Teddy. It’s been so long since I spoke to you about this, I’ve tried to adjust to my life as a baby but it just hasn’t happened I’m still constantly embarrassed about everything to do with living my life like this apart from yesterday. Yesterday I actually enjoyed myself, I feel stupid actually saying that to you but I did and that’s why I need to talk to you and go through what happened.

You remember what happened to me right? Well look at me I’m sitting inside in a playpen wearing nothing but a damp white diaper, sucking on a pacifier and shaking a rattle while my neighbour Summerville is sitting on the sofa babysitting me. My parents turned me into an adult baby, with all the embarrassment that come with it. I wear diapers all the time and in the early days of this new life I was forced to wear them but now I actually need them. Think about that I’m over 18 years old and because of my parents I now need diapers, I can’t control when I wet myself and because of the expanding butt plugs that they used on me I poop myself without really noticing it. The butt plugs, why did they have to use them? Yes I did try to hold on and not mess myself in the early days but I stopped that when I realised there was no use and I would have to eventually use the diaper and a small mess was much better than a big one but then after a few months Summerville changed it all.

My Mommy and Daddy had gone to work and it was Summerville’s job to change my night time diaper into a fresh one for the day but as she had me naked on the changing matt with my legs up in the air she inserted the first of many butt plugs into me, I cried straight away at the invasion but it didn’t stop her as she quickly taped the diaper on me and deposited me into my playpen. I was so uncomfortable and my bum ached with size of the plug but I was left inside the playpen miserably all day until Mommy and Daddy got home, I had hoped it would come out straight away but Mommy had me crawl to the bathroom. She began to fill up the bath as she removed my diaper then had me sit up, she guided me up as she placed her hand over my bum and placed me into the shallow bath. After my entire body was cleaned by my mommy then I was removed from the bath and dried. I was lying back down as a fresh thick diaper was placed under me when my Mommy finally removed the plug, I felt so much better as soon as it was removed and I had hoped that was the end of it but it wasn’t. I had woken up in the middle of the night needing to poop and I couldn’t stop myself so I messed my diaper and then couldn’t get back to sleep, I lay inside my crib sobbing while sucking on my pacifier hating everything when morning finally came. Mommy left me in my messy diaper until Summerville arrived and then it wasn’t until after they left that I was finally changed out of the poopy diaper. I was finally cleaned and the fresh diaper was placed under me when the butt plug was once again inserted into me. I cried again not wanting the horrible device inside me but the diaper was placed on me and I was placed back into my playpen to spend the day.

I have a hard time keeping track of what day it is and how time has passed since becoming a baby but I think the butt plug was used on me for about three months. My bum had stopped aching from the size but after sometime Summerville placed a larger one inside me, this process continued and continued and now I have no control of when I need to poop. One day I hope to be an adult again but I don’t think I will every be free of diapers now, I really don’t like that idea but at least I will get to choose when I get changed out of it I guess.

Wow, I got distracted with that, what was I saying again? Oh yeah, I’m an adult baby that wears and uses diapers, crawls around and speaks baby talk all because of my parents and my neighbour. I finally found out why they did this to me, I had been treated like this for months and had no idea why. I had speculated so much on what possible reason my parents would have to turn their 18-year-old daughter into a diaper wearing adult baby, I had thought it was because they were lonely and wanted a baby again, maybe it was because I hadn’t found a steady job yet and was acting immature for my age so they decided to treat me how I acted or even maybe they had been brain washed by the government and it was happening to every one that was 18 years old. I had kind of hoped it was the government one so I wasn’t going through this alone but they eventually told me. Lisa was a girl I had gone to college with, we had a huge falling out when we were drunk and she ended up with a large cut across her face, It wasn’t my fault but she blamed me for it and the cut left a nasty scar across her face. She told me that she was going to get me back someday and she did. Mummy and Daddy had been told by Lisa that I was the town slut and I liked it up the bum she told them that she could show them pictures and that everyone has seen them, they refused to look but decided that I needed to be punished.

It wasn’t even true! I had slept with only one guy and I had never had anything up my bum until the day I was turned into an adult baby. There weren’t any images, she couldn’t prove anything but she knew that my parents wouldn’t want to see them so they believed her. I wonder if she knows that this happened to me, that I got turned into an adult baby and was forced butt plugs up my bum every day for months all because of what she told them. So I’m being punished in the worst and weirdest way possible for something that I didn’t do, also who came up with the idea of turning me into an adult baby? It’s not a normal punishment that my parents have come up with, especially after hearing that I’m sleeping around they must have had it suggested by someone? I wish I never knew that was the reason, I would have been a lot happier hoping it was the government thing and that I’m not the only one going through this diapered life.

Chapter 02

  I’m letting it all out, I really need to do this more to stop myself from bottling it all up. It helped a little last time I did this I tried to accept that I couldn’t stop this from happening and I’m now an adult baby. I tried to accept this life for a while and it became a little easier but over time the frustration of not being able to do anything and the humiliation of being treated this way made me miserable and wishing that it would all stop and I could return to my adult life but with what happened yesterday will I want to return to my adult life? I enjoyed my day as an adult baby yesterday and I don’t know what this means, will I enjoy more days of living like this? Will I forget about my old life and stay a baby if given the chance? I really don’t know and it worries me that I was actually happy to be treated like a baby yesterday.

The day started a little strange, I woke up to my daddy placing the pacifier in my mouth and giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes as he removed the soft pink blanket that covered my snap crotch white onesie. I haven’t worn anything other than onesie’s since staring this new life and at first, I really didn’t like the feeling of them, they made me feel like a small baby wearing clothing that a real baby would wear but seeing as it covered my always present diaper I decided it couldn’t get much worse than wearing that. My daddy smiled down at me “Wakey wakey baby, its time for good little babies to be awake” he cooed at me, I smiled back out of habit from behind the pacifier. I had found out that if I didn’t look happy then he might think I’m sick and will need to check my temperature rectally, or he might think I need more sleep and leave me in the crib for hours. So whenever mommy, daddy or Summerville are looking at me I try to smile and look like a happy baby and I now do it without thinking. My daddy lifted me out of my crib as I let out a yawn and he placed me on the floor, I sat on my wet padded bum and sighed from behind the pacifier as he began to walk out of the room. That’s when I wake up when I feel the wet diaper against my bum, it always took me a while to wake up when I was grown up, I was never somebody that could just jump straight out of bed and even now when daddy wakes me I don’t really wake up until my bum hits the floor. That’s when I remember about the diaper and my embarrassing life, I feel the dampness press against my bum cheeks and I’m suddenly awake and feeling miserable that I’m now a bed wetter and I need diapers just like the baby that I am.

I crawled after daddy out of my nursery and down the hall when I wondered why he was waking me up and having me crawl to the kitchen and not mommy like usual, he was wearing his pyjamas still and I wondered if he had taken the day off work or if it was a weekend and I had the days wrong again. I crawled towards the kitchen and we arrived in the kitchen, daddy led me towards my high chair and prepared it for me to enter. He placed his hands under my armpits and helped me up into the large infantile chair, he strapped me in tightly and secured the tray while I sat sucking on my pacifier. It was then when things changed, daddy was placing bread in the toaster when mommy raced into the room all hot and bothered, she was wearing her fanciest suit but her hair was still a mess and her make up wasn’t on, she quickly approached me and gave me a kiss on the forehead but didn’t speak to me which was strange. She turned to daddy “I can’t believe I have to go in, how did it happen?” she said with a sigh as she shook her head. My daddy shook his head as he placed my oatmeal in the microwave, mommy sighed again “I’m going to have meetings and investigations, I’m going to be run off my feet all day” she let out a groan when the microwave beeped and Daddy opened the door. Mommy shook her head again as daddy placed a couple of pieces of toast on the table and approached me with my oatmeal. My mommy groaned again “I don’t have time for a proper breakfast, I’m going to have to eat this on the road. The baby's nanny will be over early, she should be here any minute now so you can get ready for work” she said as she picked up a piece of toast and with another groan left the room.

I sat in my wet diaper and found myself smiling, I know that both mommy and daddy have very busy and important jobs but this is the first time In a long while that I had seen mommy so stressed out and fed up. I thought about her day, meetings, investigations being busy all day and all I had to do was get my diaper changed and sit around playing with my toys while watching TV. Summerville would be over soon and she would change me and later on, at lunch she would feed me, everything would be done for me and I didn’t have to worry about being stressed like mommy. I continued my thought as daddy removed my pacifier and lifted the spoon full of oatmeal towards my mouth, I opened up and happily ate the food when Summerville entered the kitchen with a smile. She was wearing her white corset and blue jacket that showed off her hourglass figure and her ample breasts, her small skirt showed off her long legs as she walked towards my high chair and looked around the room “Has she gone?” she asked. My daddy nodded as he placed the spoon in the bowl and turned towards her with a smile “Yes now I can go get ready, can you finish getting the baby ready for the day?” he asked. Summerville nodded as she picked up the spoon and once again I was being spoon-fed just like a baby.

Chapter 03

   After my feeding Summerville gave me my bottle, she held onto it tightly as I sucked on the nipple. Milk poured into my mouth from the bottle and I was happy to finally have something to drink, it took me a long time to get used to not choosing when I could have a drink. I only drink from my bottles now, usually only a few times a day and always when a grown-up would decide I needed a drink it didn’t matter how much of a fuss I made I never got a drink when I wanted one. I don’t like that I can’t have something to drink or snack when I’m thirsty or hungry but its something I have slowly adjusted to, I guess with not doing much but crawl around and play in my playpen it's a good thing I don’t snack during the day. In my old life I would always snack when I was bored but living my life as a baby now its equal parts boring and humiliating so I would be snacking all the time.

Summerville removed the bottle from my mouth and wiped my face clean, she grabbed my bowl and turned around, she walked over to the sink and placed my bowl and bottle inside ready for her to clean up later. She turned back around to face me and smiled “Time to get you all clean for the day little baby” she cooed as she walked back towards me. I hate her cooing at me, I hate any grown-up doing it really but Summer doing it is the worst. We used to be good friends and even though she is older than me I always thought of us as equals but now all she thinks of me is an overgrown baby. She removed me from the confines of the highchair and placed me on the floor diaper first, I scrunched up my face as the wet diaper squished against me before quickly getting onto my hands and knees and crawling after my babysitter. I watched her long legs walk in front of me as I crawled behind her, my wet diaper shaking side to side as I moved across the floor. I can’t believe how quickly I got used to crawling around, at first my hands and knees would ache after a while but now it doesn’t bother me and I would rather crawl around after a grown-up then stay cooped up in my crib or highchair with nothing to do.

We arrived in the living room where Summer walked past my playpen and towards my ‘baby cupboard’, the cupboard used to be my bedside table from my bedroom but after my room was turned into the nursery there was no use for a bedside table, especially when I didn’t have a bed anymore. Summer opened the cupboard to reveal two piles of diapers, a white pile and a pink pile on the bottom and the baby powder, changing matt and baby wipes on top, she took out all the items needed for my changing including a fresh pink diaper to replace my wet one. She turned around to face me and squatted down as she unfolded the safari-themed changing matt onto the floor beside me, she patted the matt and smiled “I think baby Candis needs her diaper changing, yes I do little baby” she cooed once again. I blushed bright red as I manoeuvred myself onto the changing matt and lay down on my back with my feet at Summer's feet. I stared up at the ceiling still blushing bright red, I still get embarrassed about anyone knowing that I’ve used my diapers. I’m still over 18 years old and I shouldn’t be wearing diapers let alone using them and having someone change me but if I resisted at all then I wouldn’t get a change and I would also get punished. Summer would end up placing more diapers on me and probably make me play in the back garden for the day if I made any fuss about getting my diaper changed. I never complain now, I let her change me then I finally get out of this wet diaper and into a fresh one so there isn’t a reason to make a fuss, just lie back and accept the diaper change.

I don’t want to go through the diaper change with you but I have to because that’s when my daddy came rushing in obviously annoyed, I will go through it but not in too much detail because having to go through a change at the time is embarrassing enough I don’t want to relive it again if I don't have to. My feet were up in the air, my diaper had been removed and Summer was cleaning my bum when my daddy rushed into the room. His eyes were wide “Have you seen my car keys?” he asked. I didn’t respond now that I’m considered a baby I’m only allowed to reply to simple questions that are cooed to me, like where’s my toys, where's my bellybutton and do I need a diaper change. Each answer has to be said in a high pitch baby voice with enthusiasm or I will get punished, I really don’t like having to answer anyone that I need my diaper changing because I have to also tell them what I did in it. “Me need diapee change, baby made a stinky” would be what I would have to say if asked, thankfully it doesn’t happen that much.

Summerville shook her head “No I haven’t seen them, sorry” she said as she continued to clean my bum, my daddy looked over at us which caused me to blush. He shook his head as he looked at Summer “I can’t find them anywhere, once you have changed the baby can you help me look for them?” he asked. Summer nodded as she placed the fresh diaper under my bum. I watched on as my dad frantically ran around the house looking everywhere, he was getting more stressed and frustrated as each minute past. Summer had sprinkled baby powder on me and lowered my legs, she pulled the front of the diaper up and taped it snug around my waist. She stood up and walked over the playpen and opened the gate as I got up onto my hands and knees and crawled inside, the gate was closed and Summer began to help.  I sat down on my diapered bum and watched on from the confines of my playpen as the two grown-ups searched for the keys when after five minutes Summer stood up after searching under the sofa and turned to daddy “Here they are” she announced with a smile. My daddy let out a sigh and rushed over to Summerville and took the keys and gave her a quick hug “Thank you” he said and he turned and quickly left. I watched as Summer stood there for a second with her eyes closed and breathing deeply then she opened her eyes and let out a frustrated sigh as she slunk onto the sofa.


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