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Chapter 01

Alexa screamed out in excitement as she hung up her phone “A full night to myself! Yes!” she shouted out as she lifted her legs up into the air and danced them around. She lay on the floor with her feet up in the air as she looked down at her white onesie and at the very large padding that formed around her groin, she smiled again as she placed her thumb in her mouth and began to suck. “So mum is now staying overnight” she said to herself from around her thumb “Which means I get to wear until tomorrow, she said she isn’t even going to be home until after dinner so that means” she removed her thumb and picked up her phone and read the time “Its 7:00pm! So that means I get to spend almost 24 hours in my onesie and diapers!” she let out another happy scream.

Alexa let her feet fall back to the floor as she looked up at the ceiling “What am I going to do though, I never get a chance to wear this for so long” she thought as she sat up with her legs spread wide she looked down at her large groin, she began to twirl her long blonde hair in her fingers as she began to think. She cocked her head “I’m wearing two rearz disposables, a rearz bulky cloth diaper and then this onesie” she gave the front of her diaper a pat “This has even more padding, I placed to cloth diapers in the slip of this onesie to make it huge and it feels great” she smiled as she rubbed the front of the diaper “I’ve had such a busy and stressful week with work that I need this, some proper little time. I might even put myself early like a good baby” she giggled to herself. “I wonder though could it hold up for 24 hours?” she thought for a second then shrugged her shoulders “Well there is only one way to find out, I’m not going to take this off at all until dinner time tomorrow, it doesn’t matter how much I use it I’m stuck in it” she said with a smile. Alexa gingerly stood up and with her legs forced apart and smiled as she shook her large bum from side to side “Yeah I can do this and might as well start now” she said as she squatted down and placed her hands on the top of her knees, she pushed her large bum out and closed her eyes. She grimaced slightly as she began to push, she let out a grunt but soon she felt it happen.

Her eyes went wide and she swallowed hard as she felt the solid mess slither into the seat of her diaper, she stopped as she shook her head “This is so much harder than I thought” she said to herself. Alexa took a deep breath as she squatted down almost touching the floor, she removed her hands from her knees and balled them up into fists at her waist and she took another deep breath before she pushed once again. She scrunched up her face tightly as she felt more of her poop enter into the diaper, pushing and spreading the original deposit around in her diaper. She grunted one last time as she squeezed her fists and the last of the poop filled her diaper, she released her hands and let out a sigh as she shook her head “I actually messed my diaper, I’m 20 years old and I’m squatting in a poop filled diaper just like a baby” she smiled as she shook her head.

Alexa placed her hand on the poop filled diaper and applied some pressure, she grimaced as she felt it press against her skin “It’s gross but it feels right. It’s so hard to explain but It shouldn’t be solid like it is, I need to change that” she thought as she removed her hand and slowly began to rise back up, she got to a sitting position and stopped. She held her breath and closed her eyes as she nodded to herself, suddenly her legs lifted off the ground and Alexa fell to the floor. She landed on her padded rear with a squelch, the mess inside her diaper squished and spread all over her bum and between her legs as Alexa’s eyes opened wide with shock “What have I done?” she thought as a wave of shame rushed over while she sat in her own filth in the middle of the living room. Alexa looked down at the large diaper and shook her head “I’m 20 years old and I’m sitting in a full diaper, what would my friends think if they knew this is how I’m spending my Friday. I can’t believe I’m doing this, I feel so much like a naughty child and I really want to take this off” she sighed. She sat for a moment and shook her head  “No I said I’m not taking it off until tomorrow so I’m going to stick with that. I wanted to poop my diaper like a good baby so now I have to wear my poopy diaper like a baby” she said with a nervous determination.

Alexa continued to sit in her messy diaper feeling slightly uneasy as the smell now entered the room “One full day in a messy diaper, I have wanted this for so long but now that it's here I don’t know its strange. Its good but bad at the same time, I need to stop overthinking it and just enjoy it because it might be my last chance to do this in such a long time” she said with a sigh then scrunched up her face and said in her high pitch baby voice “me baby-talking far too much, me need to stop that right away” she said with a smile. She rolled over onto her hands and knees and began to crawl out of the living room and down the hall towards her bedroom, she smiled to herself as she felt her diapered bottom swing side to side. She entered her bedroom and continued crawling to her bed, she reached under her bed and pulled out a pink suitcase “Me baby stuff” she said in her baby voice once again with a smile. She sat down on her sticky bum as she opened the suitcase to reveal the stash of diapers, other adult baby clothing and the item she came for. She grabbed the pacifier gag and giggled to herself “Me been a bad baby and talk too much, me need to shush” she said and she quickly placed the large rubber nipple of the pacifier in her mouth. She shook her head in amazement “It’s so big, I forgot how big it is! It covers my full mouth there is no chance I can talk while wearing this” she thought with a shiver. Alexa quickly took hold of the pink leather straps that were attached to the pacifier handle and placed them behind her head, after a moment and with a little struggle the pacifier gag was secured to her head.

Alexa breathed through her nose with excitement as she looked down her nose at the handle of the pacifier sticking out of her mouth, she tried to spit the pacifier out but it wouldn’t move which sent another chill through her. “Mmhah Aerfg” she mumbled out from the pacifier which caused her to giggle “I can’t talk! I can’t take it off and I can’t talk. I feel so naughty, especially sitting in this messy diaper” she giggled to herself as she got up onto her hands and knees once again. She looked down at the suitcase and shook her head “No point putting it away I might want to change my onesie into something else tomorrow” she thought with a smile.

She crawled back out of her room, down the hall and back into the living room, she crawled towards the centre of the room onto the soft white carpet where she stopped and quickly lay down on her stomach. She let out a satisfied moan as she pressed her inner thighs together and felt a wave of pleasure all over her body, she smiled from behind the pacifier as she squeezed her thighs together again as she closed her eyes. Her thighs pressed against the diaper, her hands had found their way down to the front of the diaper where they pressed it up against her, she let out another moan as she felt the diaper against her. Her body tensed up, she was unable to stop what she was doing even if she wanted to as another wave of pleasure swept over her. She found herself picking up pace and her breathing became shorter she couldn’t think of anything but the pleasure she was feeling as she arched her back “I’m such a naughty baby” the thought repeated in her head as she closed her eyes. She fixated on nothing but the messy diaper that was between her legs and the pacifier that strapped around her head as she repeated in her head “I’m such a naughty baby, I need to be punished. I’m so naughty!” she thought when suddenly her body felt like it was melting and exploding at the same time she didn’t have any control as a giant flood of sensation’s rushed through her, her hands moved out from under her and she breathed heavily from her nose as she collapsed on the carpet.

 Chapter 02

 Alexa moaned into the pacifier as she slowly opened her eyes, she placed her hands on the soft carpet and got onto her hands and knees as a wave of shame washed over her, she looked down at the white onesie and shook her head with a sigh from behind the pacifier. “What am I doing? I’m wearing a very large messy diaper. I can’t believe I just masturbated in a messy diaper. What would my friends think of me if they saw me?” she shook her head as she got up off her hands and knees and stood up in the middle of the room “I need to take this off, I can’t stay in a poop filled diaper all night” she thought as she turned to leave the room “Imagine if somebody saw me like this” she thought and her heart began to race with excitement. She looked down at the onesie and cocked her head “How could someone see me like this? Our maid has the weekend off so nobody is going to come around” she wondered for a moment when her eyes widened and her chest tightened “I could order food” she quickly shook her head as she sucked on the pacifier that was still strapped around her head. Her body buzzed with nervous excited energy once again “I can’t take it off, I said I was going to wear it all night and I am hungry” she shook with excitement as she waddled towards her phone that rested on the floor.

She bent over and took hold of her phone “What am I going to order though? It has to be from somewhere that we don’t usually get from so they can never come back and weirdly tell my parents that the last time they were here they saw a giant baby” her heart raced in her chest as she sucked on the pacifier furiously. She walked over to the sofa and sat gently on her messy bum, she smiled to herself as she looked down at her heavily padded groin “Maybe I could, then I would get this nervous excitement every time they order food. I don’t know when I will get a chance to wear this again so that could work for a little while” she swallowed hard as she opened up the app to her local pizza place. Her hand was shaking as she scrolled through the menu and selected her order but quickly she ordered her food, a large cheese and ham pizza with garlic bread and a bottle of coke. She placed the phone down and sat staring at herself in the reflection of the TV for a moment, her heart racing, her fingers tingling and a nervous energy running through her.

Her eyes suddenly widened and she shook her head “What am I doing!” she screamed in her head “I can’t have somebody come to the house while I’m dressed like this! I don’t have time to take it off and clean myself before the pizza gets here. I need to cover myself up” she thought as she quickly stood up and waddled out of the room back towards her bedroom while sucking furiously on the pacifier. Alexa arrived in her bedroom, she quickly walked past the open suitcase on the floor and headed towards her wardrobe. She opened it up and stared at her clothes “I don’t have anything! I wear short shorts and crop tops why did I think that I would have anything to cover this” she thought while giving the front of the diaper a pat. She rolled her eyes and shook her head “I don’t have anything but my mum would” she thought and she quickly waddled out of her room towards her parent's bedroom. Alexa entered the large room and walked past the king-sized bed towards the walk-in wardrobe, her eyes darted around quickly when she spotted a long green dress “Would that work?” she wondered as she took hold of it. She placed the dress in front of her and shook her head “She is taller than me, all of her dresses will be resting on the floor that I would be scared to trip over and rip them. The joys of being the runt of the family. I’m 5 foot whereas my mum and dad are both 6 foot, maybe that’s why I’m drawn into this fetish so much with being so small and everyone treating me like a child” she thought when she shook her head “Focus” she thought to herself as she placed the dress back and continued looking “Nothing’s going to work” she thought with a sigh when suddenly she stopped “That will work” she thought and she quickly waddled out of the walk-in wardrobe towards her parents bed, she looked down on the bed at her mothers knee-length dressing gown “Yes this will work” she thought as she lifted it up when there was a knock at the door.

 Her heart was racing and she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment as her eyes widened, she shook her head “Mhhohh” she mumbled loudly when she suddenly realised the pacifier was strapped around her head. In a panic she dropped the dressing gown and cursed her stupidity and she placed her hands behind her head at the straps of the pacifier “How could I forget about this? What is wrong with me? Oh god I can’t get it off” she began to panic and her body shivered which caused her to scrunch up her face “It's not the time to get excited about being stuck” she thought when suddenly the strap loosened and she took the pacifier out of her mouth with a sigh of relief. She picked up the dressing gown again as another knock came from the front door, her heart raced in her chest as she turned her head towards the entrance of her parents bedroom and shouted “I’m coming!”. Alexa’s cheeks burned with embarrassment as she pulled the dressing gown on and wrapped it around her she tied the front of the dressing gown loosely shut and nodded to herself as she looked down. With her eyebrows raised she nervously looked at herself “I think it will work, it goes down past my knees and it doesn’t show the bulge of the diaper that much with it being so loose on me. I really wish I had time to do something about the smell though. Why did I mess my diaper before I ordered food” she said to herself with a sigh. She turned to leave her parents room while shaking with nervous anticipation “Nobody can tell I’m wearing a diaper, I’m just in my house while wearing a dressing gown” she said to herself as she began to waddle out of the room. She entered the hallway “I’m coming just wait!” she shouted as she continued to waddle down the hall “I just have to minimise my movement when I open the door and everything will be OK” she thought as she approached the front door.

Chapter 03

   Her heart was racing as she reached out to open the door “What if the robe comes open? Would it be such a bad thing for someone to see me wearing my onesie?” she blushed bright red as she shook her head “I can’t be thinking about that now” she thought as she opened the door. Alexa couldn’t help but smile as she looked up at the young man standing across from her “He is actually cute, I wouldn’t mind him seeing my onesie” she thought as her chest tightened and nervous excited energy ran through her. The man smiled at Alexa “I have your pizza and garlic bread here, your coke is in the car” he said as he handed Alexa the pizza box with the garlic bread sitting on top. “I will be right back” the man said with a smile, which caused Alexa’s heart to race “Should I do it? I really shouldn’t but I really want to” she thought as she turned around and bent down to place the pizza down on the small table that usually housed her parents shoes. She swallowed hard as her cheeks were hot with embarrassment as she heard the young man return and stand behind her “All he can see is my large messy bum, I have to do it or I will regret it later” she thought and with a sigh she tugged on the dressing gown and it opened up. Alexa closed her eyes as she stood up “I can’t believe I’m doing this” she thought as she opened her eyes and smiled, she spun around on the spot quickly which caused the dressing gown to show everything. Alexa’s hearts was racing a mile a minute as she watched the young man's eyes widen as he took in what he was seeing, he opened his mouth but no words came out. Alexa felt a shiver run through her and she bit her bottom lip without thinking as she reached out for the coke, she cleared her throat and smiled up at the young man “Thank you” she said and she quickly closed the door.

She froze nervously listening outside when finally the man left and Alexa quickly wiped her brow and shook her head as she looked down at the onesie on clear display “It’s so obvious I’m wearing a diaper under this, it's so big and he had a good view of my bum in this he must know I’m wearing a diaper” she giggled slightly as she turned and picked up the pizza and waddled back to the living room. “I must be crazy, I can’t believe I did that” she said to herself as she placed the pizza on the sofa, she took the dressing gown off and placed it on the arm of the chair as she looked down at her heavily padded onesie “Yes he knows I’m wearing a diaper” she thought nervously as she sat down beside the pizza with a squelch. She adjusted slightly trying to get comfortable in her large messy diaper, after a moment she settled down and opened up the box of pizza. She couldn’t stop blushing as she slowly ate “What is he going to tell people, that here lives a giant baby? Will he request to come here again to see me? Will I get to see him again?” she thought with a wave of pleasure running through her. Alexa slowly ate her dinner, she found she had little appetite after the humiliating but thrilling experience so she just sat on the sofa her mind racing with possibilities “What if he comes back and tells my parents? What would they say or do? Would they believe him? Would they make me wear diapers full time?” she thought with a sly smile.

Alexa let out a yawn and shook her head “I can’t believe I’m so tired, I guess the adrenaline has worn off and I’m back to being tired after a busy week” she said as she looked at the pizza beside her and sighed “I wish Zelina was working tomorrow so she could clean up this pizza, I haven’t even touched the garlic bread or the coke” she smiled to herself “All that happened and I didn’t even have to do any of it with the amount of food I have had, could have had cereal and been fine” she shook her head “But that wouldn’t have been as much fun” she giggled as she stood up and felt the mess of her diaper continue to stick to her as she stood “Well faster I go to sleep then faster I can get this dirty diaper off me” she said as she picked up the pizza, garlic bread and the bottle of coke and waddled into the kitchen where she placed each item into the fridge. Alexa waddled out of the kitchen and back into the living room, she fell front first onto the sofa and turned her head towards the TV, she picked up the remote and turned on Paw Patrol “I will watch an episode of this then I will go to bed” she said to herself through a yawn.

Alexa rubbed her eyes as she looked up at the now off TV when she quickly held her nose “Oh I stink, I really need to get this diaper off now” she thought when she looked at the TV again and noticed it was off which puzzled her “Did I turn it off?” she thought as she looked out the window to see the sun slowly rising “Oh I must have fallen asleep, I was more tired than I thought” she said to herself she slowly got up onto her hands and knees and then onto her feet “Right well I know for future that wearing a messy diaper from night till morning is not a smart idea” she shook her head “Like I’m going to care next time I get a chance to do it” she said to herself as she began to waddle when she looked at the arm of the chair and stopped, her heart began to race and her throat was suddenly dry. Her eyes darted around the room in a panic as her chest began to ache, her head was banging and she felt tears well up in her eyes “Where’s the dressing gown?” she said in a panic when she suddenly heard footsteps coming towards her.

Chapter 04

  Alexa’s heart was beating a mile a minute, sweat was dripping from her forehead as she stood in the middle of the living room in a state of panic. “Fuck” she whispered to herself through her dry mouth “Who is here? How am I going to explain this? What am I going to do?” she thought with sheer terror when her mum entered the room while on the phone. She looked at Alexa with a disgusted look “Yeah she is wearing a diaper” she said as she turned away from her daughter and walked towards the window “Yes she uses the diaper, the place stinks I’m opening the windows now to air out the house” she said as she opened the window and shook her head. Alexa couldn’t move she stood frozen listening in on the conversation “Who is she telling? Nobody needs to know I’m wearing a diaper” she thought when a wave of excitement ran through her and her eyes widened “No, this is not the time to enjoy this” she thought as her mother continued “OK, see you soon” she said as she hung up the phone and slowly turned around to face her daughter.

Alexa’s mum stared at her daughter for a moment, they stood in silence as Alexa’s heart continued to race “What is she going to do now? I can’t believe my mum caught me like this, I look and smell just like a baby” she thought as a tingle ran through her and she began to blush. Her mother sighed as she continued to stand beside the windows, the cold air entered the room but Alexa continued to feel hot with embarrassment. “So you're a baby?” her mum asked flatly, Alexa felt her cheeks burning red as she looked down at the floor, another tingle ran through her as the humiliating situation set in. She slowly shook her head  “No I...” “Ha” her mum blurted out as she shook her head “You’re standing in the middle of the living room in a used diaper while wearing baby clothes, you must be a baby”. Alexa bit her bottom lip as she felt herself going weak at the knees “Why am I finding this such a turn on? It's humiliating, I’m 20 years old and I’m being talked to like a naughty child” she thought as a wave of pleasure ran through her and she shook her head in frustration. “So are you a baby?” she asked again, Alexa continued to stare down at the floor “I can’t get out of this, what do I do? Do I try to argue that I’m not or...” she thought as her heart began to race and without thinking she slowly began to nod.

Alexa sighed as she slowly looked up at her mum “Yes, I’m a baby” she said weakly, she quickly looked down at the floor as a wave of humiliating pleasure ran through her. She bit her lip once again while fighting the urge for her hands to press against the front of her diaper, she shook her head as she stopped herself from enjoying her diapers once again. Alexa let out a small sigh “Why am I finding this such a turn on? I like to be humiliated? Since when and by my mum? Telling her that I’m a baby was humiliating but I also found it gave me so much pleasure. What else am I going to find out about myself?” she thought with a nervous shiver. Her mum rolled her eyes and shook her head “Right, well go to the bathroom, take your diaper off and get a shower. I have put several bin bags in there already, put the diaper in them and tie it tightly shut” she said with no emotion. Alexa swallowed hard as she slowly began to waddle forward, her mum continued to stare at her in disgusted amazement as Alexa waddled out of the room and towards the bathroom. She closed the bathroom door and lent against it and shook her head, she noticed the bin bags sitting on the bathroom sink under the mirror across from her and winced “It really did happen, she found me in a messy diaper” she thought as her hands quickly went to the front of her diaper and squeezed it against her sensitive area. She shivered with pleasure as she ran through her head what just happened “I just told my mum I’m a baby? I really did that? Why did I do that?” she said as she found her inner thighs squeezing against the diaper, another wave of pleasure ran through her. “I’m a naughty baby” she said as she dropped onto her knees and once again lay on her stomach. She kept her mouth firmly shut to stop herself from moaning as she pressed her inner thighs together and felt a wave of pleasure all over her body, she closed her eyes and shook her head “I’m such a naughty baby, my mum knows I’m a baby and whoever was on the phone knows I’m a baby. That cute pizza guy knows I’m a baby, I’m such a naughty baby” she thought as she squeezed her thighs together again. Her hands pressed the diaper up against her as her thighs squeezed the diaper, she bit her lip as she stifled a moan. Her body tensed up, she was unable to stop what she was doing even if she wanted to as another wave of pleasure swept over her. She found herself picking up pace and her breathing became shorter she couldn’t think of anything but the pleasure she was feeling as she arched her back “I’m such a naughty baby” the thought repeated in her head once again as she closed her eyes. She fixated on nothing but the humiliation of her mum catching her, the pizza guy seeing her and the messy diaper that was between her legs as she repeated in her head “I’m such a naughty baby, I need to be punished. I’m so naughty!” she thought as she felt a wave of warmth rise up from her clitoris, up her belly, up her chest and then it turned into a whole-body experience. Alexa knew she was getting to the edge and she knew that she couldn't stop it even if she wanted to. Her body was washed over and taken over by a wave of energy. She lost control over it and her body did what it needed to do. She surrendered to it and rode the experience like a wave in the ocean, she panted as she rested her head on the cool tile floors her body shook for a few seconds.

Alexa sighed as she slowly got up off the floor and stood back up, she looked down at her onesie and sighed once again “I don’t want to take it off, I don’t want to take off my diaper but I really should. I wonder what's going to happen now, will I ever get a chance to wear a diaper again now that she knows or will she let me wear all the time?” she thought with a smile. “I guess only one way to find out” she thought as she waddled towards the bathroom mirror, she reached behind her and located the zip for the onesie. Slowly she lowered the zip and removed her arms from the onesie and let it fall down to the floor, she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled at the large diaper that rested around her slim body “I am a very cute baby” she said with a giggle.

Chapter 05

 Alexa turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, her slim naked body glistening with water as she sighed to herself. “I can’t spend all day in there even though I want to, now that I’m not wearing the diaper” she looked over at the bin bag that was tightly sealed that contained her messy diaper. She shook her head “I feel so stupid that my mum caught me in it. I really don’t want to go out and see her but I can’t keep hiding in here” she thought as she took hold of the towel and began to dry herself. She looked at her naked body in the mirror, admiring her slim figure and her large perky breasts and she shook her head “As soon as I took that diaper off I felt so embarrassed, I don’t want to wear another diaper again if it means my mum knows I wear them. I’m her grown daughter what must she think of me?” she shook her head “I know what she thinks, she thinks I’m a baby but I’m not, look at me” she thought as she smiled at her stunning reflection. Alexa wrapped the towel around herself as the smile changed to a nervous awkward smile and she let out a sigh “Right let's get this over with” she said to herself. She turned and slowly walked towards the bathroom door.

Alexa had turned bright red as she walked out of the bathroom and towards her bedroom “What's going to happen now? My mum isn’t going to let this slide, I told her I’m a baby, I was wearing a full diaper. She won't let me forget that any of that happened” she thought as her chest tightened and she turned into her bedroom. She stopped suddenly as she stared into her room, her mum was sitting on the bed patiently scrolling through her phone and sat beside her were two rearz rebels diapers and her onesie dress. Alexa swallowed hard as sweat formed on her forehead and her mouth became dry “Does she want me to wear that?” she thought when a wave of excited energy ran through her which caused her to blush “NO! I can’t get excited about my mum putting me into diapers and baby clothes” she thought but another wave ran through her and she sighed. Her mum looked up from her phone “Ah finally, alright well take that towel off and lie down on the bed” she said matter-of-factly as she stood up and faced the bed, she sighed “Come on, you’re a baby, you told me that you were so I will treat you like a baby” she said firmly.

Alexa swallowed hard as she stared wide-eyed at her mum, she opened her mouth but no words came out, she felt a flutter of different emotions run through her which caused her head to hurt. “She is going to treat me like a baby? No! How embarrassing! I can’t let her do that but what's my defence? She caught me red-handed, I even told her I was a baby. I can’t let her do this even though I kinda want this it’s just not right and I don’t want it that much” she thought with a sigh. Slowly she shook her head “No” she said weakly, her mum stared at her which caused her to shake nervously but she stood her ground “I’m not going to let you do that, I know what I said but I didn’t know what else to say. I’m not a baby” she said. Alexa’s mum let out a sigh “Come on hurry up and lie down” she said with a hint of frustration, Alexa shook her head as she stood in the doorway “I’m not going to do it”.

Alex’s mum smiled a wicked smile that sent shivers down Alexa’s spine “Fine don’t do it then I will post the baby video I have of you”. Alexa’s eyes widened and her heart began to race “Video? What video?” she sputtered out, her mum looked down at her phone “Well some money has been going missing from our bedroom, we thought that Zelina had been stealing from us, so we decided to install a spy camera” Alexa felt like a great weight had hit her she stood in shock, her heart ached and sweat ran down her face as a feeling of dread ran over her. “Now you understand what video” her mother continued with a smile “When the camera detects movement in the room it sends a live steam to my phone and it begins to record. You see both me and your dad saw you enter our room last night and we couldn’t believe what we were seeing, you dressed as a baby. We thought it must be for a fancy dress but the camera has a microphone and we heard you saying something like ‘Why did I mess my diaper before I ordered food. Nobody can tell I’m wearing a diaper’ before you left the room. We were both in shock and after a long talk I decided that to come home early and catch you being the baby that you are”. She looked down at the diapers resting on the bed and sighed “Now baby Alexa lay down on the bed or I will post this video onto Facebook and everyone can see that you’re just a baby” she ordered.

Chapter 06

   Alexa’s heart was racing as she stood in the doorway keeping a tight grip on the towel that covered up her nudity from her mum “How could I be so stupid and go into my parent's room. Zelina has got some explaining to do, I’m being blackmailed by my own mum into wearing a diaper?” she thought as her heart skipped a beat “That means I don’t have a choice I have to wear diapers just like a baby” her eyes lit up and she had to stop herself from smiling as she looked away from her mum and down at the diaper on the bed. She closed her eyes and nodded with a sigh “This is so humiliating I don’t want my mum to do this I’m an adult but I actually want it. I really don’t want my friends to see me dressed up as a baby so I have to go along with this. Why did I wear that diaper last night? What is wrong with me?” she thought as she opened her eyes and slowly approached her bed in silence. Her mum stood up from the bed as Alexa slowly got on while not looking at her mum, she lay down on her back and stared up at the ceiling when her mum lent over and opened up the towel exposing Alexa’s slim naked hairless body to her. Her mum said nothing as Alexa felt her mum looking down at her, she felt a cold chill run through her “My mum is seeing me naked, I’m her adult daughter she shouldn’t be seeing me like this” she thought. Without saying a word her mum took hold of Alexa’s short legs and lifted them up into the air with one hand while she unfolded a diaper with the other, she quickly placed the rearz rebel diaper under Alexa’s round bum.

Alexa took a deep breath, she felt a wave of excitement run through when her bum touched the soft fabric of the diaper and she heard the rustle of the plastic, she blushed bright red as she continued to stare up at the ceiling. “I really hope she didn’t notice that, if she knows I get turned on by this I don’t know what she is going to do” she thought nervously. If her mum had noticed she didn’t comment as she continued to diaper her adult daughter, she lowered Alexa’s legs while taking hold of the front of the diaper with one hand and grabbed the baby powder with the other. She sprinkled the powder onto her daughter's groin and quickly pulled the diaper up over Alexa’s vagina and tightly secured it around her waist.  Alexa winced as she looked down, past her boobs and her flat stomach and saw the rebelz diaper wrapped around her slim waist “My mum has just put me into a diaper? She is treating me like a baby?” she blushed as she felt a tingle run through her. She shook her head as she looked up at her mum who was unfolding the second diaper “Why is she putting two on me?” she wondered with a split of nerves and excitement running through her. Her mum lifted her legs once again and placed the diaper under her already padded bum, she lowered her legs and quickly lifted the front of the diaper up and taped it into position.

Alexa’s mum nodded to herself “Right now for your dress” she said as she took hold of the dress that rested on the bed “Sit up baby Alexa so I can put this on you” she said flatly. Alexa looked at the dress and swallowed hard “My cream onesie dress I haven’t even had a chance to wear this yet, It looks like a dress but its basically an onesie. The dress part flows down from just under my breasts with a blue bow in the middle, it flows down to my hips where it stops with a blue strip running around the bottom. Under the dress it still acts like a onesie, it goes all the way down and has a snap crotch for easy changes. My diaper is clearly visible while wearing this and I’m going to look so much like a baby. I would look so cute in it but I don’t want to wear it around my mum, I guess it does hide up my nudity from her though” she sighed. Slowly Alexa sat up on the bed as her mum nodded and rolled up the dress in her arms “Arms up little baby Alexa” she mocked. Alexa rolled her eyes as she lifted her arms up and her mum guided her arms through the armholes of the onesie dress and guided it down towards her head. Her mum gently pulled the onesie dress over Alexa’s head and let it fall down her body. Alexa looked down at the baby-style dress and smiled to herself before quickly hiding it “I hope she didn’t see that but look at me I look so adorable, so much like a baby, I can’t believe it” she thought. Her mum sighed “Lie back down baby Alexa so I can close your dress up” Alexa thought she sounded fed up with her and swallowed as she did as her mum ordered “I don’t want to get her angry with me or she might just send that video out just out of spite” she thought.

Her mum bent over and took hold of either end of the onesie and snapped it closed “Wait there” she said as she turned around, Alexa looked over at her mum puzzled “What is she doing now?” she wondered. Her mum opened up Alexa’s sock drawer and pulled out a pair of knee-high white socks, she turned around and lifted one of Alexa’s legs and began to pull the sock down her short leg. Alexa’s heart was racing with nervous excitement “I thought I looked like a baby before but with these socks, I look perfect if only I had my pacifier” she thought as her mum finished placing the second sock on her foot. She lowered Alexa’s legs as she squatted down and placed something on either one of her feet “She put shoes on me? Why would I need shoes on?” she wondered as her mum stood back and up nodded to herself. “Right come on baby” she said as she lent forward and took hold of her daughters hands and pulled her up and off the bed, Alexa looked down at her feet cautiously “Why am I wearing my black slip-on shoes?" She asked as she looked up at her mum confused. Alexa’s mum shook her head “I’m taking you to Dr Fisher’s, we are going to see what she thinks about all this and what’s best for both of us moving forward”. Alexa’s jaw dropped open, her heart was racing and her mouth was suddenly dry “G….going out l…..like this?” she stammered nervously, her mum nodded “Yes I was on the phone to her earlier when you were dressed like a baby and she thinks it best we go in straight away, now come along baby”.

Chapter 07

   Alexa’s stood shaking in her bedroom, her diaper rustled with every shake from her legs which caused her to sweat with nervous energy. She placed her hands at the bottom of her dress which stopped at her waist with the bulge of the diaper clearly visible under the white onesie. She took a deep breath as she looked up at her mum leaving her bedroom “Is she serious? She can’t be serious? She wouldn’t have me leave the house like this would she?” she thought as a wave of nervous excitement ran through her which made her blush bright red. Her mum stopped in the doorway “Come along you big baby or do you need me to hold your hand?” she said flatly as Alexa winced, she looked up at her mum with pleading eyes “Please, I can’t go out like this” she said as she looked down at her dress once again and shook with embarrassment.

Her mum shook her head “I was going to take you out right away, you’re lucky I let you change out of that stinking onesie and those shit full diapers that you were happy to run around in last night and this morning. I didn’t think it was fair to let grown-ups smell what you had done in your diaper though so I let you shower and change. Now you don’t smell like you have messed yourself, you smell of baby powder like the baby that you are and you're not wearing such a large onesie now that makes it obvious what you're wearing a diaper. It's a cute dress and it's perfectly fine to go out in. I have no problem spanking you baby if you keep arguing with me, does baby want a spanking before we leave?” she asked with a frown. Alexa blushed bright red as her heart raced in her chest, she looked down at the floor humiliated as she slowly shook her head “Would she spank me? Like I’m a bad baby?” she swallowed hard as she shook with excitement at the thought of being pulled over her mum's lap like a naughty child. She winced as she shook her head quickly “Why is that something I want? My mum to spank me? It must be because she would be treating me like a baby, is that what I want? Why is this happening? I just want everything to return to normal” she thought as her mum cleared her throat.

Alexa looked up at her mum sheepishly and shook her head once again, she swallowed hard as she opened her dry mouth “I don’t want a spanking” she lied as her mum nodded “I will go like this” she said weakly. Her mum didn’t show any emotion as she turned and left the room, Alexa took a deep breath as she slowly took a step forward and felt the diaper between her legs and heard the rustle echo in the silent room. She turned white as a sheet as she took another step forward “I hope nobody will be at Dr Fisher’s office, I don’t want anyone to see me like this, with the noise of the diaper and the obvious bulge from under the short dress everyone will know that I’m wearing diapers and that I’m a baby” she thought as a wave of electricity ran through her body and she placed her hands on the front of her diaper, she pushed the diaper against her without thinking as she continued to waddle out of the room. She continued to rub the diaper against her and took a deep satisfied breath as she turned the corner and walked down the hallway towards the front door.  

“Alexa you stop that right now!” her mum shouted. Alexa jumped as her hands quickly moved away from the diaper and hung uselessly by her side, she quickly stared down at the floor ashamed as her mum stood in front of her shaking her head “Well I have something else to tell Dr Fisher, I hope she can tell me what's going on with you” she said with a hint of disgust “Now let's go”. Alexa stared at the floor wide-eyed as her mum placed her shoes on “What was I doing? I was masturbating in a diaper? I didn’t even realize I was doing it, I didn’t stop myself and my mum saw me doing it! I think going to see Dr Fisher might be a good thing” she admitted as her mum opened the front door. Alexa took a deep nervous breath as she waddled forward towards the open door, she felt the warm air against her skin and it gave her goosebumps as her heart raced in her chest. Her mum was halfway to her car that was parked on the driveway, several steps behind Alexa stood in the doorway of the house. Her eyes darted around hoping not to see anyone, she let out a satisfied sigh at the end empty street before her. She stepped out of the house closing the door behind her locking her out, once again she began to shake “I’m actually outside, I look like a baby and wearing a diaper while outside and I can’t go back, I have to make my way towards the car and hopefully nobody sees me in that time” she thought. She took a shaky step forward on a leg that felt like it couldn’t hold her weight, she frowned as “Come on you stupid body, I need to get in the car quickly stop making this harder!” she shouted in her head as she took another wobbly step forward. Slowly Alexa waddled over towards the car, her mum was already inside and had started the engine, Alexa let out a slight sigh “At least the diaper doesn’t sound as loud out here” she thought with a slight smile. Her mum she was adjusting the radio as Alexa finally approached the passenger door, she opened the door and quickly sat down on her large padded rear, she closed the door and put on her seat belt as her mum checked her mirrors, she looked at her daughter and sighed “I think I’m going to have to hold your hand when we get to Dr Fisher’s if that’s the speed you're going to travel at” she shook her head as she placed the car in reverse and drove off the drive.

Chapter 08

  Mother and daughter drove towards Dr Fisher’s office, Alexa could hear nothing but the sound of her heart racing in her chest as her mum listened to music from the radio. “I’m dressed like a baby, I’m in a car with my mum dressed as a baby” she shook her head in disbelief as she felt a wave of pleasure run through her. She looked down at the diaper bulge poking out from under the short dress and quickly looked out the passenger window “If anyone looks in they are going to see me dressed like this, its obvious I’m wearing a diaper” her heart continued to race as she blushed bright red. A wave of mixed emotions ran through her as the car pulled up to a set of lights, she quickly looked around and saw a group of teenagers about to cross in front of them, her eyes widened as she ducked down in the chair trying to make herself disappear from view “Hopefully they won’t see me, I don’t want to be seen like this by them” she thought nervously. Her mum looked over at her daughter and shook her head, she smiled a wicked smile as she pressed a button. Alex’s jaw dropped open as she watched the window lower and suddenly music blasted from the speakers, Alexa glared at her mum “What are you doing?” she shouted. Alexa’s mum shook her head as she lent over and pulled her daughter up in her seat and turned the music down as she shouted back “You admitted you’re a baby when you were wearing that messy diaper this morning so you can't now go around hiding what you are!”. Alexa turned bright red with embarrassment as she saw from the corner of her eye the teenagers laughing as they walked past the front of the car, she felt a familiar tingle of pleasure run through her body as her heart raced in her chest. She quickly looked away from her mum and back down at the diaper as the confusing emotions swept over her “What is wrong with me, I want to be humiliated? I want people to see me like this? I want my mum to embarrass me?” she felt her body shiver with pleasure as she placed her hands on top of her diaper “I’m a naughty baby, I need to be punished and embarrassed?” she wondered as she closed her eyes. Alexa got lost in pleasurable thoughts as she pressed the large diaper against herself “Mommy is right, I’m a baby and I shouldn’t turn away from it. If I tell Dr Fisher this what will happen? Will be a baby?” she shook with excitement, “Alexa we are here!” her mum shouted.  

Alexa’s eyes shot open and her mouth suddenly became dry as she quickly removed her hands from the diaper, she swallowed hard as she heard her mum sigh from beside her before removing her seat belt and getting out of the car. Alexa sat stunned “What was I doing? My mum was right there and I almost began to lose myself” she said to herself with a sigh when the door opened, Alexa blushed again as she released the seat belt and quickly looked around the small parking lot. There were only a few cars in the lot but it caused Alexa to sweat nervously as she continued to look around, her mum sighed again as she took hold of Alexa’s hand and dragged her out of the car “We don’t have all day little girl” she said with a sigh. Alexa’s mum slammed the car door shut as Alexa stood on wobbly legs as the cold breeze ran past her, she shivered as she pushed the short dress down and sighed as the diaper bulge continued to be visible to anyone who looked. Her mum took hold of Alexa’s hand and began walking towards the buildings with Alexa stumbling behind her, caught off guard by her mums taking hold of her hand and pulling her along it took a second for Alexa to get her footing as she waddled beside her mum with her free hand pressing down the short dress.

They arrived at the row of buildings and entered Dr Fisher and Dr Pride’s practice, Alexa felt hot with embarrassment as she saw a woman sitting in the waiting room, she was middle-aged slim with a pretty face,  at her feet sat a young girl playing with the dolls that the practice kept in the waiting room. Alexa quickly looked down at the floor, her mouth was suddenly dry and her chest ached but her mum hadn’t noticed her daughters discomfort as she continued to hold onto her hand and walked towards the counter. Alexa’s mum smiled at the receptionist “Hi Mandy, Alexa here to see Dr Fisher” she announced, the young blonde-haired woman looked up and smiled “Hi Angelica, let me check” she said to Alexa’s mum as she looked down at her booking form “Oh I don’t see her name, you sure it's today?” Alexa’s mum shook her head “Yeah, it might not be on your forms, it's an emergency booking. I caught Alexa dressed as a baby this morning and wearing a messy diaper. Dr Fisher told me to bring her straight in”. Alexa’s eyes widened as she looked up at her mum with her jaw open, she had turned white as a sheet as her legs began to wobble “What is she doing? Why is she telling everyone about this?” she suddenly felt sick as Mandy looked at Alexa for the first time and a cheeky smile crossed her face “Oh wow, Yeah I see. OK, I will just call her, please sit down and if you need to change Alexa the baby changing rooms are to the left of the toilets”. Alexa quickly looked down at the floor as a wave of pleasure and humiliation rushed over her, she couldn’t think properly she was so confused with the mixed emotions running through her. Angelica smiled as she shook her head “Oh I don’t think she needs this diaper changing, she changed out of her messy one at home but I guess I will check her later. Thank you though” she said as she turned and led Alexa over to the chairs in the waiting area.

Alexa’s mum guided them over to the seats directly across from the woman and the small girl, Alexa sat down with an audible crinkle which caused her to blush once again. She quickly placed her knees together and rested her hands on her knees trying in vain to hide the protruding diaper, while the woman stared at Alexa with a shocked look. Alexa continued to blush as she looked down at the floor “What must she think? A grown woman is sitting across from her wearing a baby dress and diapers. She must think I’m crazy that’s why I’m here, that I have lost it and I now think that I’m a baby. I can’t believe this is really happening to me” she thought with a sigh. The little girl noticed Alexa and smiled as she stood up from the floor and walked over towards her while holding out the doll, Alexa swallowed hard as she looked down at the child holding out the doll. Alexa’s mum turned to Alexa “She is offering to play with you baby, why don’t you go and play with the big girl?” she mocked. Alexa turned to her mother and frowned when Mandy announced “Alexa Dr Fisher will see you now”

Chapter 09

  Both Alexa and her mum stood up, however, Alexa stood relatively slower than her mother, her hands staying firmly on the front of her dress to try to hide the diaper. Mandy smiled from her desk at Alexa’s mum “She would like to see Alexa on her own then she would like to see you Angelica” she smiled awkwardly as she looked down at her desk. Angelica frowned and shook her head as she sat back down, Alexa let out a little sigh of relief as she stepped past her mum and waddled towards Dr Fisher’s door “I’m so glad I’m going in on my own, it's going to be a lot less embarrassing talking about this without my mum being there. I just wish I wasn’t wearing this dress though, I wonder what she is going to think when she sees me dressed like this” she thought as she reached the door.

Alexa took a deep breath as she screwed up her face and slowly opened the door, she blushed bright red and the strange feeling of mixed emotions began to run through her once again as she saw Dr Fisher sitting at her desk. She looked up from her desk and her eyes widened as she stood up “Hi Alexa” she said questionably. Alexa closed the door behind her while feeling even more foolish as she stared at the young woman, her short black hair was tied back and she was wearing a dark blue dress that hugged her body and showed off her slim womanly figure. She walked from behind her desk slowly while looking Alexa up and down, Alexa couldn’t help but blush even more while her heart raced “Here Jeri is looking like a professional, wearing a fancy dress and looking so mature and I look like a baby. I can’t believe that she’s only a few years older than me we went to the same school and look at us both now” she thought with a sigh. Jeri sat down on her wing-back chair and gestured for Alexa to sit beside her, Alexa scrunched up her face again as she waddled forward with her hands in front of her bulging diaper but the rustle of the diaper nosily joined her as she made her way towards the Dr. Slowly she sat down and quickly looked at the floor, her heart racing and mouth feeling dry as Jeri took hold of her notepad and pen.

“So Alexa, how are you feeling?” she said with a smile as she sat back in her chair, Alexa let out a sharp laugh and shook her head “Could be better” she said with a sigh. Jeri nodded “Is this the first time your mum has seen you like this?” Alexa swallowed as she shook her head “No, I….” she trailed off. Jeri nodded “What happened last time?” she asked, Alexa frowned as she thought back “I erm...” she sighed again. “It was about a year ago I had a really stressful week and I needed to relax. I got home and my parents were out so I quickly….you know got changed” she blushed but Jeri didn’t say anything. Alexa took a deep breath “After I got changed into a….diaper, I felt more relaxed and calm. I placed my jeans and shirt on and went and made dinner. After dinner, I went back to my room and took off my clothes and just lay on my bed in my diaper” she looked up at Jeri nervously who smiled “And?” she asked warmly. Alexa half-smiled back as she continued “Well I was playing with some toys and I had a….pacifier. I had it in my mouth when my door swung opened and my mum saw me. My jaw dropped open and the pacifier fell out, I stammered to mum that I could explain but she quickly shut the door. I felt cold with shame and quickly took the diaper off and felt so stressed and humiliated I didn’t leave my room till late the next day. When I finally saw my mum she didn’t mention it and I was too scared to so we just left it alone. I don’t know why it's changed now”.

Dr Fisher wrote a few things in her notebook and smiled “So wearing these clothes help you cope with stress?” she asked as she looked up at Alexa. Alexa wondered for a moment and then nodded “Yeah, I don’t know why but when I wear this I feel like I don’t have to worry about anything, I’m….” she blushed “Am I really going to say it?” she thought as she took a deep breath “...a baby” she said while turning bright red. Dr Fisher nodded “I see and would you like to be a baby all the time?” she asked seriously. Alexa raised her eyebrows and she shook her head “I erm I don’t know….” she sighed as she relaxed in the chair “…. Yes, I mean I don’t like wearing this in public, well I do but it's weird I’m 19 I shouldn’t be wearing this” she said as she looked up at the ceiling. Jeri nodded “So why are you wearing it? If you really didn’t want to wear it you wouldn’t be. If you didn’t want to go out in public like a baby you wouldn’t. Somewhere you want to go out like this and you want people to see you for who you are. Don’t you think?”. Alexa looked down at her padded groin for a moment “Do I really want this? Would I want people to know that I’m a baby? I do get a thrill from it and I do enjoy being embarrassed by it….” “Tell me what you're thinking Alexa” Jeri said with a warm smile. Alexa winced as she nodded “Yeah maybe” she said weakly as Dr Fisher nodded “Alright I think its decided, thank you Alexa, now can you go and get your mum for me, I want to speak to her alone” she said. Alexa looked puzzled as she slowly stood up “OK” she said as she turned and waddled out of the office with her hands by her side. She opened the door and made her way back to her mum who was still sitting in the chair across from the woman and her little girl “She wants to see you” she said. Her mum nodded as she stood up and walked past her daughter and into Dr Fishers office while Alexa slowly sat down in the chair with her arms resting on the armrest. “What did I just say? What does she want to talk to my mum about? What's going to happen now?” she wondered nervously.

Chapter 10

  Alexa’s mum pulled the car into the driveway, she hadn’t said a word to Alexa since leaving Dr Fisher’s office, she left the office and went to the desk to pay, Alexa stood up and the next thing she knew she was in the car on the way home. She had noticed her mum open her mouth a couple of times to speak but no words came out. She felt very uneasy with this silence as she looked down at her baby outfit and the large diaper that wrapped around her waist “What's going to happen now? What did Dr Fisher say?” were the thoughts that ran over and over in her mind. Her mum turned off the engine to the car and was about to open her car door but stopped and instead looked directly in front of her, Alexa removed her seat belt and sat silently not knowing what to do. “Alexa” her mum sighed as she continued to stare forward not looking at her “Dr Fisher said I shouldn’t stifle these feelings that you have and I shouldn’t mock or berate you for them. If you want to be a baby then I should fully support your decision and I will it's just going to take me some time” she let out another sigh as she nodded to herself and then opened the car door and got out. Alexa sat in stunned silence as her mum closed the car door “What? Really? I can be a baby around her if I want to? I can dress however I want and I won't be mocked for it? This is so strange” she thought. Her car door opened startling her slightly as her mum stood impatiently “Come along” she said before quickly turning around and walking towards the house. Alexa looked around nervously “I don’t want anyone I know to see me like this that would be so humiliating” she thought with a sly smile, she shook her head “What is wrong with me?” she thought with a sigh as she slowly got out of the car, closed the door and waddled towards the house.

Once inside the warm house Alexa’s mum was nowhere to be seen, Alexa closed the door behind her as her mum shouted out from her bedroom “Make yourself comfy but I want you to keep a diaper on then we need to set some ground rules”. Alexa swallowed nervously as she stood in the hallway “Ground rules? What does she mean?” she wondered as she slowly waddled back to her bedroom, she quickly removed her black shoes and socks and flung herself onto the bed and screamed into the pillow out of frustration she rolled onto her back and looked up at the ceiling and shook her head “What the hell is going on? Ground rules? She wants me to stay in diapers? Do I get a choice in this? Do I want a choice?” she thought as a tingle ran through her and she smiled then quickly shook her head and sighed. She rolled back onto her stomach and felt the diaper bulge between her legs and smiled “Am I going to be a baby from now on? Be forced to wear diapers and baby clothes?” a wave of pleasure ran through her as she squeezed her inner thighs together and smiled as the diaper crinkled and rustled. Once again her hands had found there way down to the front of her onesie and pressed against the diaper, she let out a small moan as she felt the diaper against her. Her body tensed up and she was unable to stop her hands and thighs pressing the diaper against her even if she wanted to as another wave of pleasure swept over her. She found herself picking up the pace and her breathing became shorter she couldn’t think of anything but the pleasure she was feeling as she arched her back “I’m going to be a full-time baby, I’m going to be mommy’s baby girl” the thought repeated in her head as she closed her eyes. She fixated on nothing but the embarrassment that she had gone through that day “Those girls in the street saw me as a baby, that woman at Dr Fisher’s saw me dressed like a baby, I was clearly wearing a diaper because I’m a baby” she thought when suddenly she took in a deep breath in and a long satisfied moan left her lips as a wave of pleasure ran through her body and exploded into her diaper, her hands moved out from under her and she breathed heavily as she collapsed on her bed with a smile.

Alexa rolled back onto her back and smiled as her breathing slowed and she bit her lip “That was so good” she thought with a satisfied sigh. Slowly she sat up and looked down at her padded waist and blushed “I can’t go out there in a diaper that I just did that in, I need to take it off” she thought as she reached down past the short skirt, between her legs and released the snaps on her onesie. She looked down at the black skulls on her diaper and shook her head “I can’t believe I went outside wearing this” she thought as she took hold of the onesie and pulled it up over her head and threw it onto the floor beside her bed “It's so thick, I love thick diapers but wearing these two thick diapers out in public was so scary. Everyone knew I was wearing a diaper it was so humiliating” she thought as she placed her hands on the diaper and listened to it rustle in her hands “Even if they didn’t see it they would have heard it, I love these diapers but they are so loud and not something I would have liked to go out in public in” she thought with a blushing smile. She stood up and took hold of the diapers and wiggled it down over her firm bum and down her legs to her feet, she stepped out of the diaper and walked over to her wardrobe and opened the door to the full-length mirror and smiled as she looked at her slim naked body “I need to wear some normal clothes for a while” she said to herself as she opened up a draw and pulled out a small pink top. She pulled the top over her head, it stopped just below her breasts showing off her flat stomach, she nodded to herself as she opened her underwear draw and paused. Alexa shook her head “Where's my underwear?” she asked the empty room as she stared at the empty draw, she shook her head again “Did she remove my underwear?” she thought as she scrunched up her face and turned back towards the open suitcase full of her diapers and baby clothes. She sighed as she suddenly remembered what her mum said “She wants me to stay in a diaper for our talk, I don’t want her to see me in a diaper again but what am I going to do?” she shook her head and then smirked. “Fine if she wants me in diapers then I will wear as many diapers as I want” she thought as she walked towards the suitcase and took hold of four diapers and placed them on the bed.

Chapter 11

Alexa lay on the bed with her legs wide, she took hold of a diaper and unfolded it with a nervous smile across her face “Is this really a good idea? It was a second ago? Oh, what the hell” she thought as she moved the diaper under her round bum. She took hold of the front of the diaper and lifted it up, quickly and tightly she tapped the diaper around her waist as her heart began to race. Alexa sat up and got onto her hands and knees “If there are going to be rules for this then I want to have some of my own rules and one is that I can wear as many diapers as I want. I will at least get to be in charge of that” she thought as she admired her padded self. She sat down on her knees and took a deep breath as she took hold of the second diaper and unfolded it in front of her before setting it down on the bed and climbing on top of it. “I know what this is missing” she thought as she took hold of her pacifier, placed it in her mouth and began to happily suck as she lay back down and pulled the second diaper up and tightly secured it around her waist.

Video Here

Alexa’s heart was racing as the fourth diaper went one and she sat up on her heavily padded bum, she got onto her hands and knees and examined herself with a nervous smile “I can do this, just go out and see my mum while wearing this. If she says I can be a baby now but I have to follow her rules then then I’m going to be a baby that I want to be not what she wants me to be, I’m going to be a bratty baby and make sure I get my own way because I’m a naughty baby” she thought with a sly smile as a tingle ran through her body once again. She shook her head and sighed from behind her pacifier as she got up off the bed and began to nervously walk towards her bedroom door, her heart was racing and her hands were shaking while she sucked on the pacifier for comfort as she opened the door and took a nervous step out of her bedroom into the hallway. She took a deep breath as she began to waddle down the hallway towards the living room, the loud rustle of the diaper made her blush “I can’t believe I’m doing this but hell I went outside while dressed as a baby, strangers saw me like this and I lived through that. My mum has already seen me like this I should just accept it and not worry about it, she is about to accept me like this so I should just enjoy it. This is what I wanted” she thought as a smile appeared from behind her pacifier as her heart rate calmed down.

Alexa held her head up high as she entered the living room, her mum was sitting on the same sofa that she had caught Alexa wearing her large messy diaper a few hours earlier. Angelica looked up from her phone as her daughter slowly waddled into the room, she frowned slightly as she stared at her daughter's large padded groin and see-through shirt while she sucked on the adult sized pacifier but she didn’t say anything as she waited for Alexa to sit down. Alexa sat down on the sofa beside her mum with a large rustle from her diaper “OK, now tell me the rules you have in mind and I will tell you the ones I want” she thought confidently as she continued to suck on her pacifier. Angelica cleared her throat as she continued to stare at her daughter, she faked a smile and nodded “OK, It will take me some time to get used to seeing you like this but I’m sure your dad and I will get used to it over time” she said calmly. Suddenly Alexa’s cheeks went bright red and she looked down at her revealing shirt and large diaper and felt embarrassed “Wait my dads going to see me like this?” she thought as she suddenly looked back up at her mum “I...I…” she stammered out nervously from behind the pacifier. Angelica shook her head “I haven’t finished, now don’t interrupt me or I will….I will give you a spanking and put you in the naughty corner” she said firmly. Alexa’s eyes widened as her wave of pleasure ran through her which caused her to blush even more “I never even thought about my dad seeing me like this, I thought it would be just between me and her. No I can’t let that happen” she thought as she sucked furiously on the pacifier.

Angelica sat back on the sofa relaxing herself while keeping her eyes fixed on her adult baby daughter “Dr. Fisher said I should accept this part of you and treat you just like a baby but she also said that you need to follow rules to your baby treatment otherwise it could get out of hand. I’ve discussed these rules with Dr. Fisher and your father and these are not negotiable” she said as she sat up firmly while taking hold of her daughter's hands firmly. Angelica nodded to herself again “The first rule is you are a baby, which is obvious from what you are wearing but this means you will be treated like a baby at all times 24/7by any grown-up this is looking after you” she said as she looked down at her daughter's large padded groin “The second rule…” she said without missing a beat or giving Alexa a chance to process what was happening. “….I know you like wearing these and that’s good because the second rule is you will always wear and use diapers. You obviously like wearing big diapers so we will help you with that so your dad and I will get you more to keep them thick and we will change you when we decide to change you, you won't be touching your diapers from now on”. Alexa’s head was spinning a whirlwind of emotions were running through her but she didn’t have time to pause on a thought as her mum continued. “Rule three you will crawl around whenever you are in a house when you go outside you will either hold a grown-up's hand or we might see about getting you a harness. Rule four you can talk but not big words and only in a baby voice. Now this came to mind when you interrupted me and I will have to let your dad know but rule five is if you break any rules you will be punished, these punishments will range from spankings, time-outs or going in the naughty corner. Now if you have anything to say about these rules you can do it now otherwise they will start straight away”.

Alexa’s eyes were darting back and forth trying to remember everything her mum had just said, her hands had become sweaty in her mum's firm grip and her mouth was suddenly very dry. She took a deep breath “I have so many questions” she thought nervously as she tried to lift her hands up to remove her pacifier but her mum kept her hands pinned down. Angelica could see her daughters frustration “You can talk from behind the pacifier” she said calmly, Alexa frowned “How am I meant to make an argument when I’m dressed like this with a pacifier in my mouth” she thought with a sigh. She rolled her eyes “OK ermm 24/7? What about my life and around dad? I don’t want him seeing me like this or treating me like a baby” she said weakly. Angelica smiled “Your dad has already seen you like this, he saw the camera from last night. Yes it has to be 24/7, you don’t get to pick and choose with this” Alexa blushed as she moved the pacifier around in her mouth with a sigh “Changing me? I’m not going to let dad change me! That’s just wrong” she said with disgust. Angelica cocked her head slightly “OK to make it easier for you at first he won't change you, anything else?” she asked. Alexa’s eyes widened “Yes!” she blurted out from behind her pacifier “Crawling? Baby talk? Spankings? I don’t want to crawl everywhere! I can’t just talk baby talk and spankings really?!” she shouted out. Her mum sighed “Yes they are all the rules, now you aren’t making any good points against these rules baby girl so the rules start now, if you break any of them from now on you will be punished” she said firmly as she released her daughter's hands, she moved towards Alexa and gave her stunned daughter a gentle kiss on the forehead and smiled “Now baby off the sofa” she cooed.



Hi it seems that chapter 4 and 5 don't show up for me is there a reason for it?


Solved was a bug


Definitely one of my faves! Can’t wait for more!


I like that in his story has more ps picture not just in the begining, In the future will be more?


Yes i have an image made up that would work for a fiture chapter


Keep it going, especially since Alexa now dresses like a toddler in overalls to the ring


Awesome story