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 Chapter 01

“I’ve hated you for so long, you took my sister and my Aunt away from me!” she shouted through gritted teeth as she stared down at the unconscious older woman lying on the floor, she was naked apart from a pair of pink locking mittens over her hands and matching booties covered her feet. The young woman shook her head as she picked up the large white diaper from beside her with her latex-gloved hands “All this happened because of you, because of your weird punishments and stubborn attitude!” she continued to shout as she unfolded the diaper, she took a deep breath and calmed herself “Now it's your turn to go through what you have put others through, your turn to be the baby” she let out a satisfied smile as she lifted the unconscious woman's legs off the floor with one hand while she slid the diaper under her bum with the other.

“I took all my anger for you and focused it in the gym, I got stronger but I couldn’t stop hating you so I decided that if nobody else was going to do something then I had to, I was going to make you pay for what you have done to your family” she said through gritted teeth. She pushed the woman’s legs towards her naked body exposing the woman’s bum to her, looking down at the older woman's ass hole the young woman nodded as she took two suppositories in between her gloved fingers and gently moved them into the woman’s bum.

“I want you to go through everything that you have put others through, you will be wearing messy diapers, you will be spanked and you will get punished if you act like an adult” she laughed a wicked laugh as she removed her now empty gloved fingers. She took hold of the baby powder that sat beside her and generously sprinkled the powder around the older woman’s bum, she lowered the woman’s legs down and her bum rested on the diaper. She poured more powder over the unconscious woman’s vagina and quickly pulled the diaper up and with a large sigh of satisfaction she tapped the woman tightly into the thick white diaper. She couldn’t help but smile as she gave the front of the diaper a pat, she removed the gloves from her hands and stood up “She is ready” she said as she turned her head “I hope you're ready to meet Baby Cynthia” she cooed towards Sarah who was sitting in her walker in stunned amazement.

Chapter 02

  Sarah was bouncing up and down in her walker while holding a crayon in her fist as she continued to colour in her colouring book, she looked up from her book to see her mommy sitting on the sofa reading her own book “I’m colouring in my book while she reads hers, I wonder if I could read something like that anymore, I haven’t really read anything for years now. Whatever, I’m just glad I get to colour, it's relaxing and time goes so fast when I colour” she thought with a smile. She looked down her chest at her breasts gently bouncing up and down and wondered “How much can I make my boobies bounce? How high can I actually get in this?” she thought with a cheeky smile as she sprang her feet off the ground, her eyes fixed on her breasts as they moved up and down as she bounced higher and higher “Wow they don’t move that much still” she thought when she looked up and suddenly felt scared “Too high!” she thought as she quickly tucked her feet up and slowly she began to slow down. Her heart was racing as she quickly reached for her pacifier that rested beside her colouring book and popped it into her mouth and began to suck, she quickly began to relax as her feet touched the floor again and slowly bounced her up and down while she continued her colouring in.

Sarah continued to colour in when she felt the familiar feeling of warm urine enter into her diaper, she looked down her flat stomach at the large pee-stained diaper that sat wrapped around her waist “I hope mommy stops reading soon to check if I need changing, this diaper is soaked I really need changing” she thought when she heard the front door open and close. Cynthia closed her book and sat up on the sofa with a puzzled look “Who could that be?” she asked, Sarah turned her head towards the entrance of the door in silent wonder “Phoebe? No she always arranges when to come over, Jessica and Jenn? No it's after din-dins they wouldn’t come over so late”.

Sarah cocked her head and a confused look crossed her face as a tall muscular woman entered the room, she was wearing black yoga pants and a tight grey shirt that showed off her muscular frame “Hi guys” she said with a smile. Cynthia stammered “Katy, what a surprise it is to see you”, Katy walked into the room as Sarah stared at her “Katy? Jessica’s daughters? She looks so different, she is so tall and muscular I hardly recognized her” she thought as Katy walked past Sarah towards her grandma “I thought I would come and say hi” she said with a smile. Cynthia shook her head as she stood up “Oh that’s nice, would you like a drink?” Katy shook her head “Don’t worry I brought my own coffee, I will make it. You want some?” she asked. Cynthia shook her head “No I’m alright thanks” Katy sighed “Oh come on, I brought it around especially for you, you have to have some” she gave a cheeky smile which caused Cynthia to roll her eyes “Alright fine then” she said while shaking her head. Katy smiled and quickly walked back past Sarah and out of the room.

Cynthia shook her head again as she sat back down “I didn’t expect that” she said to herself as Sarah gently sucked on her pacifier “I can’t remember the last time I saw her, all the family stuff that has happened since I’ve become a baby she hasn’t been to any of them. She wasn’t even at Jenn’s first birthday, no wonder I didn’t recognize her but now that I know who it is she looks like a cross between my sisters Phoebe and Jessica. I can’t believe she is here and she didn’t even look at me, why didn’t she even talk to me? I wonder how old she is now? I wonder how old I am now” she thought as a cold chill ran up her spine. Katy returned carrying two mugs of hot coffee, she walked past Sarah and handed one to her grandmother and quickly sat down with a sigh “A nice drink will set the world to rights” she said as she took a sip, Cynthia looked at her suspiciously as she took a large gulp of the hot coffee. Cynthia opened her mouth to speak when Katy quickly interrupted “Oh what are you reading?” she asked as she stared at the book beside Cynthia, Cynthia looked down at the book “Stories from Wiacubbin, it's a collection of short stories based in the Western Australian bush” she said when suddenly she let out a large yawn, she quickly covered her mouth as Katy nodded “Tired, you needed this coffee more than you realized, drink up” she said with a smile as she once again took another drink. Cynthia raised an eyebrow “Yeah?” she said as she quickly finished the coffee and placed it down on the floor in front of her “Now Katy, why are you here?” she asked. Katy smiled “What you mean? Can’t a granddaughter come to visit her grandmother?” Cynthia shook her head “You haven’t come anyway near me or baby Sarah in years. I don’t even think you have met the baby have you” she said with another yawn. Katy turned to look at Sarah and blushed then quickly looked away.

She frowned at her grandmother “I had to take my time, I had to work through it and realize what had to be done” she said coldly as Cynthia once again yawned, she was having trouble keeping her eyes open as Katy continued to stare at her now with a wicked smile “I will set the world to rights, you just go to sleep and everything will be how it should be”. Cynthia shook her head “What are you up to?!” she shouted but as she began to stand her legs began to wobble and she fell back onto the sofa “What have you done?” she said with panic as Katy stood up and walked towards her and smiled down at her “Setting the world to rights” she repeated as Cynthia’s eyes closed and she was soon in a deep sleep.

Chapter 03

  Sarah’s jaw had dropped open and her pacifier was now resting on top of her colouring book she was shaking with fear as she stared down at her mother wearing nothing but a diaper as she lay unconscious on the floor “Mommy? Mommy is wearing a diaper?” she shook her head as it began to hurt “What is happening? What has Katy done?” she thought as terror began to run through her. What will Mommy do to Katy now? She has already turned Jenn into a baby but that was no way as bad as this, what if she wakes up? Would she punish Katy?” she continued to shake as she stared at her mommy in the silence of the room. Katy let out a sigh as she sat down on the sofa and stared down at her grandmother “That was easy” she said as she slumped back onto the sofa, she shook her head and closed her eyes with another satisfied sigh “I feel so much better now, I’ve been holding on to that anger for so long” she said with a smile. Sarah still couldn’t stop shaking as she finally looked away from her mommy and down at her tray, she quickly noticed the pacifier and reached for it “This will help, this always helps calm me down” she thought as she picked it up and guided it towards her mouth. “You don’t have to use that any more Sarah” Katy said, Sarah swallowed hard as she looked up from her pacifier towards her niece, Katy smiled “You are not a baby, you’re an adult and you don’t have to pretend anymore” she said proudly as she looked back down at her grandmother “She is going to be out for hours so you don’t have to worry about her waking up. You are free” she said as she turned back to Sarah with a large smile.

Sarah’s head was pounding and her heart raced, she stared down at the pacifier in her hand not knowing what to do “I’m free? Is that real? It could be a trick? Am I being tested? I’ve been such a good baby for mommy I don’t want to make her mad or I could get punished” she shook her head as she looked at her unconscious mother lying on the floor “But there is mommy, wearing a diaper and only a baby wears diapers and that’s why I’m a baby but if she is wearing a diaper then does that mean she is a baby” her head began to hurt again as she placed the pacifier in her mouth and began to suck while a tear ran down her face.

Katy let out a frustrated sigh as she watched Sarah stop shaking and relax slightly in her walker, she gave her a sympathetic smile “I’m sorry Sarah, I don’t know what you're going through but I hope that the old you is still in there, my Aunty Sarah” she said, Sarah’s eyes widened as she looked up at Katy “Aunty Sarah?” she thought with a nervous swallow. Katy continued with tears in her eyes “I want my Aunty back that taught me how to swim, the aunty that I wanted to one day be able to beat in a race, the aunty that would watch Disney movies with me and let me eat ice cream. I want my adult Aunty Sarah back so please show me that you are still in there” she said through sobbing.  

 Sarah bit down on the pacifier as another tear ran down her face “I taught her to swim? I can't even remember that I can’t even remember being in anything larger than a bathtub let alone swimming or being able to teach someone to swim. I need to try to remember, I remember people like Katy from before this baby life but other than that all I can remember are diapers, punishments and humiliation. I know I had a life before I became a baby again, there was a time when I wanted nothing more but to return to it but I can’t remember it” she let out a sigh from behind the pacifier. She shook her head “I once wanted nothing more than to be able to grow up again but I gave that up when I realised it wasn’t ever going to happen. I need to want it again but is this even real? Is this my chance to grow up? To break free? I just need to show her that I’m not a baby, just the small gesture” she began to shake nervously again “I don’t want to be punished, why has she done this? I was happy colouring in my book and now I’m shaking and crying and my head hurts. I just want it all to stop and for it go back but it's not going to and I need to do something” she thought as she relaxed her jaw and opened her mouth. Sarah watched in fear as the pacifier fell back down onto the tray “All I want to do is pick it right back up and suck on it” she thought as she heard Katy let out another sigh, she looked up at her niece who was smiling at her “Aunty Sarah, we are going to get you out of here I promise but it's going to take some time and I first have to put this baby in her crib” she said as she looked down at her diaper wearing grandmother still unconscious on the floor.

Chapter 04

 Katy nodded to herself as she looked down at her unconscious grandmother lying naked on the floor in nothing but a diaper then looked over at her aunt and smiled “First let's get you into something more comfortable” she said as she quickly left the room. Sarah’s head was still spinning “More comfortable? What does that mean? Usually that means a onesie and they are comfortable. Warm, soft and snug but she can’t mean that” she wondered as she felt the familiar warm trickle appear in the diaper. Katy quickly returned carrying a bag, she placed the bag on the floor in front of Sarah and squatted down in front of her aunt as she pulled out a pair of white underwear and looked up at her aunt as she held the underwear up. “They aren’t anything pretty but they will be more comfortable than a diaper. These are training pants just in case you have an accident until you can use the toilet again” she said with a sympathetic smile. Sarah stared at the padded underwear in amazement “No more diapers? Underwear? Not even pull-ups but actual underwear. I don’t know if I’m ready for that. It's going to be so weird I’ve worn diapers for so long, I even chose to stay in diapers rather than wear pull-ups and learn to use the potty that mommy bought me but now I’m going to be wearing actual underwear. Like a grown-up” she thought with a nervous swallow. Katy also pulled out of the bag a plain black shirt and black baggy shorts, she placed the items on the tray that was fixed to Sarah’s walker and stood up “Now let's get you out of this stupid thing”. She bent over and placed her hands under Sarah’s armpits and lifted her out of the walker and gently placed her on the floor. Sarah sat on her wet padded bum nervously “Do I really want this? I really want my pacifier, I just want to suck on it and continue to play in my walker. I’m so scared of what might happen. Do I really want this?” she thought with a sigh.

Katy had walked back over to her grandmother and without saying a word she quickly squatted down and took hold of Cynthia’s arm and pulled her limp body off the floor and over her shoulder. Sarah watched on from the floor as Katy easily stood up while carrying the tall woman over her shoulder, she turned towards Sarah and smiled as Sarah stared up at her mothers diapered bottom staring back at her. Katy shook her head “She will get a shock when she wakes up” she laughed as she gave her grandmothers padded bum a quick swat “I will be back soon, why don’t you get changed into those clothes while I put her in the crib” she said. Sarah watched as her niece carried her mother out of the room and a cold chill ran through her as she was left alone in the room “This is naughty, I shouldn’t be left alone, I can’t remember the last time I was left alone without a grown-up while not in my crib” she thought. She nervously looked around the room when she spotted the clothes that Katy had left on her walker “Was she serious? I can't put my own clothes on and I’m not allowed to touch my diaper” she began to shake with fear “No I can’t do it, It's naughty and I’m a good girl. I want mommy this is wrong I’m a baby” she thought as a tear formed in her eye.

Katy arrived in Sarah’s nursery and walked over to the adult-sized crib, she gently placed her grandmother on the mattress and smiled “A few more diapers and you will be ready” she whispered. She turned around and walked over to Sarah’s changing table and looked underneath at the large number of diapers that sat neatly waiting for someone to use them “Well we can't waste them” she said as she grabbed hold of a large stack of safari diapers, then another pink pile and finally a pile of plain white diapers. She piled them on top of each other in her arms and walked back to the crib, she neatly placed them on the mattress beside her grandmother's waist and nodded to herself again “This is too easy” she said as she took the top white diaper and unfolded it.

Sarah shook her head out of frustration “I wanted this, I wanted this for so long but it just got easier to accept that it wasn’t going to happen and that I was a baby, I can be a grown-up, I can wear clothes, I can cover up my boobies. Mommy is not the boss anymore, she can’t punish me for being naughty. I’m a grown-up” she thought as she wiped the tear away from her face and reached out and took hold of the black shirt. She unfolded the shirt and placed it on the floor in front of her nervously “I can do this, I haven’t used my hands for anything but playing with toys but they can do this, I know how a shirt goes on I will just do it the basic way for now” she thought as her heart began to race. She was shaking as she placed her hands inside the bottom of the shirt “I can do this, I won't get punished” she thought as her mouth became dry and her arms made their way up the shirt towards the armholes.  Her hands went through the large armholes and slowly she lifted her arms up while ducking her head down. The shirt fell down around her head and Sarah’s eyes widened, her breathing quickened as her heart continued to race, she swallowed hard as she looked out into the darkness of the shirt “I shouldn’t have done this, I’m stuck and I can’t breathe. This is why grown-ups dress me, I’m a baby I can't dress myself that’s what mommy says. Why did I go through with this” she thought as her breathing quickened and she became light-headed. Sarah shook her head as she lowered her arms and grabbed hold of the shirt in a panic “I shouldn’t have done this, I’m a naughty baby. I don’t want to be naughty. I’m good!” she thought as tears rolled down her face. Without thinking, she tugged on the shirt and her head popped through the hole and her breathing slowed, she looked down at the large baggy shirt that now covered her diaper with a sense of unease. “It's covering my diaper? I can’t see my diaper while I’m at home and not in my crib. I don’t like this what if mummy comes in? What if it was all a trick?” she suddenly felt sick with worry as she squeezed tightly on the fabric of the shirt “No mommy wouldn’t wear a diaper to trick me, diapers are for babies, she says that all the time and she isn’t a baby. I’m a baby and I’m wearing a shirt, a shirt that is covering up my boobies” she thought with a nervous smile.

Chapter 05

Sarah continued to sit in her damp while wearing the black shirt she looked down at the white training pants and grimaced “I don’t think I could wear them, would they even hold up when I use them? I didn’t want to get potty-trained trained when mommy tried because it was too hard and also embarrassing to sit naked on the potty when people were around, especially when Phoebe and Ben were over but it's different now. Isn’t it?” she wondered as she looked out of the room and wondered what was happening to her mommy “Katy is taking me away from this and everything is going to be different now and I could potty-train on my own terms when I want and in my own privacy” she shook with nervous excitement as a smile appeared. “Privacy? I could get privacy again, I can now take this diaper off with nobody around and put on training pants without anybody seeing me naked. I could return to my old life” she thought as a wave of excitement ran through her and her smile grew.

Sarah took hold of the bottom of the black shirt with one hand and lifted slightly to reveal the white diaper that sat wrapped between her legs she took a moment placing her hands over the soft plastic of the diaper and squeezing her legs together against the thickness of the three soakers that sat inside the diaper “I’m actually going to take this off? I’m going to be free of diapers? I won’t be a baby anymore? When this is off me then I won't be a baby? Babies wear diapers and I won't be wearing diapers” she thought as her mouth once again became dry and her heart raced as a wave of nervous and excited energy ran through her. Sarah's free hand she took hold of one of the four blue tabs and bit her lip nervously as she slowly pulled it away. Her chest tightened and she began to sweat as the tab pulled away and suddenly the diaper became looser around her waist, she swallowed and suddenly smiled “I’m doing it! I can’t believe I’m actually doing it” she thought and without thinking she quickly pulled the remaining tabs off and the diaper fell away. Sarah sat in stunned amazement as she looked down at the three stained soakers that sat inside her diaper resting on the floor away from her hairless groin “I did it! I actually did it, I took my diaper off!” when suddenly her smile left her and she felt uneasy “What if mommy comes in now? What if it was all a trick and I’m going to get punished. What if mommy took hold of Katy and made her into a baby as she did with me and Jenn” she thought as she nervously began to shake and tears formed in her eyes. “I don’t want to be punished, I will be a good baby, I need to put it back on and take off this shirt before mommy sees me” she thought as she looked down at the diaper and winced “Can I get it back on and will the tabs stick? Mommy will notice anyway with how loose it will be. What have I done?” she thought as she continued to shake.

Minutes had passed and Sarah hadn’t moved, she also hadn’t heard anything, nobody had returned and with it her nervous energy had subsided as she once again gazed at the training pants “If mommy was coming back she would be back by now, she wouldn’t want to leave me on my own for this long. What is Katy doing though? I should get ready for when she gets back” she thought as she took hold of the training pants. Her eyes widened as she examined the thick underwear “They look just like normal underwear but they are so thick and they don’t crinkle, it will be like wearing a diaper but it won't” she shook her head as she gingerly moved her bum up off the diaper and moved slightly to the side and sat down on the soft carpet. Once again her heart was racing as she looked back at the thick wet soakers and the familiar wet diaper that she had worn for so many years “I need to get these on before I wet the floor, mommy….I guess it doesn’t matter if….I don’t know” she thought with a puzzled look. “Best way to put these on? The easiest way I guess” she thought as she slowly lay on her back and looked down her body, she pulled her legs as close as possible to her body with her knees resting on her chest as she gingerly attempted to put the training panties over her feet. She let out a groan of frustration as her hands weren’t doing what she wanted them to do “So many years of not grabbing anything but toys and crayons, I didn’t think this would be so hard” she thought out of frustration. Eventually, she managed to get both her feet in the holes and a large smile crossed her face “I did it! I can do it, I will be able to do everything again!” she thought as she guided the training pants up to her legs, she lifted her feet up into the air as she continued to pull her new underwear into place. Sarah’s hands went over her underwear nervously as she felt the strange feeling against her skin “It's not a diaper, it's thick though, I can still feel the bulk between my legs but will it be able to hold” she thought when the color from her face went as she heard someone walking towards the living room.



I'm glad this story exists, I hope Sarah gets some kind of revenge and if not a happy ending we get a satisfying conclusion maybe something a little twisted.


I love it ❤️ more please


OMG!!! Could this be revenge by Jenn's younger sister? I truly hope so!


THANK YOU!!!!! Just as I had hoped. Can't wait to see where this goes. Hope Sarah recovers. Also wonder what happened at Katy's house given Jenn's situation. This is awesome!!!!


I love this story! I love how you write what’s going on inside your character’s heads. I would love to see Katy helping Sarah through her brain washing by having deep conversations with her about the years of abuse, helping her learn skills such as feeding herself, going to the bathroom, walking, and accepting the fact that years of being a baby still leaves habits and mental scaring that will never go away. I’d imagine it could take a whole trilogy lasting a year before we see Sarah begin to be able to become a fully functioning. adult.


I’d also imagine that she would feel immense depression from all the years stolen from her. Sarah could also be dealing with self worth and In adequacy issues, feelings that she is too stupid to do certain things when she fails at simple tasks, and continues to have trouble speaking,. Sarah can also suffer from panic attacks. Maybe have Phoebe and Ben feel deep remorse for the trauma they’ve put her through. Would love to see Sarah eventually physicals fight phoebe and get revenge for stealing Ben away. Am I the only one who wishes they were in the same mental conditioning as Sarah? Really wish I was in diapers coloring in a bouncer and sucking on a hunky.


I'm glad you like it, I'm not sure where its going at the moment. I want to try to keep it in the genre that I write and not make it a drama peice. Thanks for giving me something to think about with it though


I’d love to listen to this series as one big audiobook


Keep up the great work👍 I can’t wait to read more💕😻 I really want Ben to pay for sexually assaulting Sarah. This guy should be thrown in jail for taking advantage of a person who is at this state severely mentally and physically handicapped due to her conditioning over the past four years.


I love chapter 7!! I would love to read more and see Sarah slowly relearn how to be an adult again.