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A continuation of Stevie's Sentence and a joint story with Stevie's Continued Sentence starring Stevie's sister: 

 Chapter 01

Alex felt groggy as she slowly awoke “What happened?” she said to herself, she kept her eyes closed as she felt soft plastic against her cheek “What’s that?” she wondered as she slowly moved her head on the floor. Eventually, she found the energy to open her eyes with a sigh when she noticed the bars of her brothers playpen surrounding her “What? Why?” she said ash she shook her head when she noticed her hand in front of her was encased inside a mitten. Her eyes widened and she quickly sat up with a rustle, she felt cold all over “No! They Didn’t!” she shouted as she slowly looked down and she saw the large pink disposable diaper wrapped around her waist. Her hands quickly went down to the tabs of the diaper to tear it off but the mittens made it impossible to grab anything “Fuck no!” she shouted as she shuddered with embarrassment.

Alex gritted her teeth as she looked down at her slim naked body and large breasts and shook her head “This can’t be happening! I’m not going to end up like Stevie! I’m not going to be treated like a baby. I’m a grown woman, 19 years old I am not going to be some pathetic baby” she thought. She tried to stand but found that she had no energy in her legs which caused her to let out a  groan. She looked down at her feet “The rounded booties? Fuck, I’ve seen these in action. Stevie couldn’t even keep his balance for a second while wearing these and now they are on me. Why am I wearing this?” she wondered when her eyes suddenly widened and she went white as she began to piece it all together.

Alex looked around the empty family room from the confines of the playpen “I can’t believe I’m sitting inside Stevie’s playpen the last thing I remember was” she looked up at the ceiling then nodded “Oh yeah I got arrested, It was only for smoking week and drinking underage. Not even really a crime and I was sitting inside the jail for hours. I had been told my parents had been called but I still waited and then a drink was passed into the room, hot chocolate I think it was but it tasted weird, slightly bitter and then I can’t remember anything after that”. Her heart began to race and she was shaking with nervous energy as she looked down at the diaper, her mitten encased hands and the booties that covered her feet and she felt her chest tighten and her mouth become dry “Steve got arrested and this was his punishment” she said weakly as tears formed in her eyes “No it can’t be happening to me. I’m good, I will be good, I won’t do anything just get me out of this!” she screamed.

Alex looked around the playpen frantically as tears ran down her face, she tried to move her legs up but still she had no strength in them “I have to get out of here I can’t go through it, I’ve seen Stevie go through this and it looks horribly humiliating, he has been baby Stevie for almost a year now and all he does is sit around and play with the infantile toys while wearing and using his diapers” she stuck out her tongue in disgust “It’s disgusting and now are they really wanting to do this to me? To make me use diapers and do nothing but sit around and play with toys! I would go crazy. I have no idea why he lets them go through with it. I got told it was either go through with baby punishment or go to jail, I have always said I would rather go to jail and if that’s the option for me then that’s what I’m choosing. There is no way I’m going to sit around in my own filth and then have my mom change me” she shook at the thought “I would rather die than go through that indignity” she thought when suddenly Stevie crawled into the room and froze, his face in shock, she quickly covered up her breasts as she looked down at the playpen floor “Oh god, he is seeing me like this. I look just like him some pathetic baby” she thought while blushing bright red.

Chapter 02

  Alex blushed furiously as her infantile brother crawled into the room closely followed by their mother, Alex quickly looked up at her mother and felt the anger build overwhelm her “Get me the fuck out of this stupid thing, I’m not some damn baby! You are not going to turn me into him!” she nodded at her worried-looking brother who was still on his hands and knees looking at her. She continued to sit inside the playpen with her hands over her breasts as she looked back up at her mother “If it's this or prison then send me to prison there is no way that I will be like him!” she continued to shout while still frowning at her mother as the room became silent. “That’s told her, she is not going to do this to me! Prison is much better than this humiliation” she thought.

Susan quickly walked past her son and marched towards her daughter “You can shut your mouth right now!” she shouted as she arrived at the playpen “You don’t get a choice in this, you are going to be a baby and if you don’t shut your mouth then I will shut it for you!” she continued to shout. Alex’s jaw dropped open as she nervously shook “I don’t get a choice!? What the fuck! You can’t do this to me! I’m 19! Now get me out of this stupid fucking diaper!” she shouted back with a dry mouth. She stared up at her mother nervously who was frowning down at her “She must be bluffing, she can’t really do this to me” she thought when her mother stood over the small wall of the playpen and bent over her. Susan took hold of her daughters chin with one hand as Alex tried to squirm away “Get th...” she was quickly cut off as the large pacifier entered into her mouth, Alex’s eyes went wide as she felt the nipple of the pacifier inflate inside her mouth, fully engulfing her mouth making it so she had to breathe through her nose. Alex tried to speak but only soft moans and groans came from behind the pacifier, her heart was racing as she stared down her nose “Oh god, I now can’t even speak but I still have my arms and she isn’t going to get away with this and I’m not going to stop fighting” she thought as she placed her left arm over her breasts and she swung her right arm up to her mothers face.

Susan grabbed her daughter's arm just inches away from her face, she frowned down at her daughter with anger in her eyes and in one quick motion Susan dropped down to one knee and pulled her diaper wearing daughters arm across her body forcing her over her knee. Alex’s arm was quickly pinned to her lower back and she was about to swing her other arm when her mothers hand came crashing down onto her padded bum, her body tensed up as the pain ran through her and tears formed in her eyes immediately “Fuck, that hurts so bad!” she screamed in her head as another hard hand came crashing down on her bum. Alex’s free hand fell to her side as tears ran down her face “No, stop it! Fuck it hurts so much! Why does it hurt so much?” she thought when another hard slap rippled through her. She shook her head “Fuck so I can’t get out of this with force, she is a lot stronger than...Ouch Fuck” her thoughts were interrupted with another slap. She wiped away the tears with her free hand as she shook her head “I am not going to end up like him, I will continue to fight this, somehow” she thought as the final heavy slap landed on her now burning bum cheeks.

Alex was guided off her mother's knee and placed sitting back down on her padded rear, she wiped away the tears from her face as her mother stood back over the playpen wall. Alex shook her head in disbelief as she sat on her diapered bum rubbing the tears away from her face “This is so wrong! How am I going to get out of this!” she thought with dread when she noticed Stevie had crawled up to the playpen, he stared at her while slightly blushing still sucking on his pacifier when she suddenly realized her breasts were on display, she quickly raised her mitten hands up to cover them while blushing “He looks so stupid sucking on that pacifier but I bet I look worse with my breasts on display and tears running down my face. How can they do this to me?” she thought miserably.

Susan looked down at her son and smiled “Now Stevie, let's get you your breakfast then we can deal with your naughty baby sister” she cooed as she walked around Stevie and towards the kitchen. Stevie slowly took his eyes off his sister and followed their mother into the kitchen, leaving Alex to sit silently in her misery. Alex’s head was pounding as she looked down at her hands still covering her breasts “My ass hurts so much and now that he has gone I guess I don’t need to cover up” she thought as she let out a sigh from behind the pacifier as she removed her hands. She gently lowered herself onto her side and with her mitten hands began to rub her padded bum hoping it would relieve the pain that her mother had caused “So what am I going to do now? I can't walk, talk or hold onto anything and I’m sitting inside a playpen naked apart from this stupid diaper. I can’t fight or I will get spanked and I can’t reason with them because I can’t speak. They have me captured. I’m a prisoner in my own home! I will get out of this though they will not turn me into Stevie” she thought with anger.

Chapter 03

  Alex turned her head around towards the opening of the kitchen where she could hear Stevie being fed when her stomach grumbled, she sighed from behind the pacifier as she turned back around and looked down at her flat stomach “I’m so hungry and with this horrible thing stuck in my mouth I’m really thirsty too. How am I going to get something to eat with this in my mouth?” she thought. Her eyes suddenly widened “Wait what am I going to eat? There is no way that I’m going to just eat baby food as Stevie does and how am I going to drink? I will never drink from a bottle like a fucking baby! I still can't believe that they are going to go through with this with me without even giving me a choice, forcing me to be as pathetic as Stevie” she thought with disgust.

She moved her legs slightly and the diaper rustled loudly which caused her to blush “They have me exactly where they want me though, I can’t fight out of this right now so what am I going to do? I can’t just sit back and let them do this to me” she thought as she banged her mitten hands on the soft floor around her. She let out a groan as she heard her mother cooing to her infantile older brother from the kitchen “He is so accepting of it all, since the first time I saw him sitting inside this playpen he hasn’t put up a fuss to any of this. Not that I have seen anyway. It's so pathetic my older brother the willing adult baby, I have seen him sitting in this very spot and mess his diapers just like the baby that he is. I will never be like that I couldn’t even imagine having to do that” she thought with a sense of dread.

Stevie crawled back into the room followed closely by their mother, Alex’s hands quickly went up to cover her breasts as Stevie crawled directly in front of Alex while sucking on his pacifier “I might be wearing a diaper but I am not going to just sit around and let everyone see me naked!” she thought. Susan sighed as she turned to Stevie “Sit down on your bumbum baby boy, mommy needs to talk to your baby sister”. Alex felt the anger building up in her again as she watched Stevie sit down in front of her “He is so pathetic” she thought as her mother cleared her throat and placed her hands on her hips, Alex looked up at her mother nervously “What does she have planned now? I am not going to do anything like a baby” she thought as Susan continued to stare down at her.

Eventually after a few moments of silence, Susan shook her head “So baby Alex like I said you are now a baby, you are under the exact same rules as your baby brother and if you break any of those rules you will be punished. The first rule is the most important and once you accept rule one then everything else will become easier for you, rule one is you’re a baby. You are not pretending, you are not acting, you are a baby” she paused with a smile as Alex’s eyes bulged in her head. Alex’s head was spinning “They mean to really treat me like a baby? A full-time baby?” she suddenly felt sick when her mother continued “Rule two is that you will always wear diapers, unless you are being bathed or in between diaper changes. Yes that means that you will be using your diapers just like your baby brother”. Alex’s head fell down to her diapers and she shook all over “I will not use these, not a chance! I will hold it and….” her eyes darted back and forth “….and then what? I can’t hold it forever so what am I going to do?” she felt a cold chill run through her. Susan smiled slightly as she continued “Rule three, babies don’t care about being naked, you are a baby so you don’t care who sees you naked, so remove your hands or you will be punished”.

Alex’s chest ached as she stared at her mitten hands covering up her large supple breasts, she looked up and saw Stevie looking at her and she shook all over “No way, I am not going to let her do this to me, I’m not going to remove my hands so my brother can see my breasts! So what if I get spanked, I can put up with the pain!” she shouted in her head. Susan shook her head as she watched her daughter not move “Fine, you will be punished” she said with a sigh as she opened up the small door to the playpen and walked inside. Alex was frozen with fear as her mother stood beside her when suddenly her mother bent down and placed her hands on Alex’s waist and lifted her up slightly, Alex moved her legs around out of instinct and found herself on her knees “What is she doing? Why am I on my knees?” she thought as her mother stood behind her. Susan bent over and placed one hand on her daughter's stomach while the other wrapped around the back of her neck, Susan quickly pushed Alex down by the neck while keeping her up on her knees. Alex stared at the floor that was quickly coming towards her and hands quickly left her breasts and planted on the ground to protect herself, Alex was breathing heavily from her nose as tears began to roll down her face while Susan kept her daughter pinned down. “I didn’t have a choice, I either moved my hands or smacked my face on the floor. How did she do that? My breasts are now on show while I’m on my hands and knees in a diaper! How stupid I must look right now!” she screamed in her head as she kept her eyes fixed on the floor. Susan smiled “Good baby but we are not finished” she said her hand moved from her stomach to the tabs on the diaper and in one quick motion, the diaper was removed and tossed aside while Susan’s hand quickly returned to Alex’s stomach. Alex went white as a sheet as she tried to move and squirm but her mother had her pinned on all fours “I’m now naked! I’m fucking naked!” she screamed in her head.

Susan kept Alex pinned on her hands and knees for a few minutes while not saying a word, Alex struggled at first but stopped as tears ran down her face “I can’t get out of it, I can’t cover myself up, I can feel her hand pushing me down still if I move my hands then I will just face plant. I didn’t want my brother to see my boobs and now he is able to see everything, I’m completely naked in front of my brother and my mother while a pacifier is sticking out of my mouth” she shook “I need to do what she says or something worse is going to happen. That’s what this punishment is” she let out a sigh from behind the pacifier “Fine, I will go along with it for now because I don’t have a choice” she thought as her body slowly relaxed. Susan smiled to herself knowing full well that she now had her daughter where she wanted her “You stay on your hands and knees baby” she cooed as she slowly removed her hands away from her daughter. Alex closed her eyes tightly “I can’t believe I’m doing this! I was going to fight her but now look at me, this is so humiliating”. Susan smiled as she stood up behind her daughter looking down at her round bum and cooed “Now its time to give you babies a bath”.

Chapter 04

 Alex couldn’t stop shaking as she stayed perfectly still on her hands and knees, she was blushing bright red as she felt her mums eyes on her red bum and her brothers eyes on her embarrassing position. Susan smiled down at her daughter and cooed “Now baby crawl to the bathroom so you and Stevie can have your morning bath together” which caused Alex to let out a groan but it was muffled by the pacifier as she stared down at the floor. “A bath together? No fucking way! I am not going to sit in a bath naked with my brother” she shook her head when she let out a sigh “But what am I going to do? There is no way I’m going to crawl to the bathroom and have a bath with Stevie. Not a chance, but I won’t be allowed to just stay here thought she will punish me again and I can’t go through anything else. What the fuck am I going to do?” she screamed in her head as tears ran down her cheeks. Susan sighed “Crawl now baby girl, if you don’t start to crawl then you will be punished again!” she said sternly. Alex shook her head as more tears rolled down her face “This isn’t fair! I don’t deserve this. I’m a 19-year-old woman! I can’t let them do this to me. I need to keep protesting every time to show I will not allow them to turn me into a baby but every time I do it just makes everything worse. I could still have something covering up my bum and vagina if I had moved my hands if I didn’t swear and spoke like a baby I wouldn’t have this pacifier in my mouth. I keep making it worse for myself but I can't just let them do this to me. I have to keep fighting or I would never be able to live with myself” she thought while shaking furiously.

Susan shook her head as she bent over towards a black bag that rested beside the playpen, Alex noticed her mother move and closed her eyes “Whatever she does to me I can't let it influence me, I won't let them win” she thought as fresh tears rolled down her face. Suddenly Alex’s eyes shot open and she turned as white as a ghost, she lurched forward as she felt her something hard and firm quickly and painfully enter her bum. She screamed in pain into the pacifier “What the fuck is that? What has she done? Is that a plug?” she thought frantically as she felt her bum ache like it was on fire. Susan stood over her daughter holding a long tube that guided down to her daughters bum, in her hand was a pump, she gave the pump a tight squeeze and Alex let out a groan from behind the pacifier. Susan smiled “Now baby girl, you are going to crawl forward and if you don’t then I will give this another squeeze and it will make your bum bum hurt. Now baby girl crawl” she commanded. Alex’s forehead was dripping with sweat and tears streamed down her face as her bum continued to ache “She has put a butt plug in me? An inflatable butt plug? It hurts so much and if I don’t move then it's going to get worse. Fuck I need to crawl I can’t have it bigger it hurts so much already and what could happen if she continues to make it bigger? I don’t want to move but...Fuck!” she screamed in her head.

Alex shook her head and slowly moved her mitten encased hand forward, she gingerly moved her leg forward and slowly but surely she began to crawl forward. Susan followed close behind with a smile on her face as she continued to hold the hose like an anal dog lead, she looked down at Stevie and smiled “Come on baby boy finally its bath time” she cooed. Tears continued to run down Alex’s face as she crawled forward towards the entrance of the living room “I said I wasn’t going to let her influence me and straight away I’m doing what she wants. I’m crawling around my own house naked! No wonder Stevie has become such a wimp if this is the type of punishment they are willing to go through. I hate this, my ass hole is on fire because of the plug and my ass cheeks are on fire from the spanking. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed and I just want this to stop. I want this out of me right now” she thought as she crawled into the hallway. Alex continued the crawl down the hallway towards the bathroom as tears continued to roll down her face “I keep making it worse for myself, I need to think of something better than fighting them. My only over option is tricking them, thinking that they have control over me and then when their guard is down I can make a run for it. Stevie doesn’t have the mittens or booties on and he crawls around if he wanted he could jump up and run out of here but he doesn’t for some strange reason but I will. I have to bite my tongue and trick them into thinking I’m doing what they want me to do. This is going to be so embarrassing” she thought with dread as she entered the bathroom.

Chapter 05

  Alex’s bum ached with pain and she blushed red with embarrassment as she crawled naked in front of her mum “I can't get out of this right now or I’m going to go through more pain” she thought. “My mum is holding that pump that leads into my bum like some humiliating leash while my brother crawls behind me with a clear view of my naked body. I’m 19 years old! I want to scream and shout but with this pacifier in my mouth, these mittens and booties on my hands and feet I can't do any of that. If I try to run away she could just squeeze on the pump and my ass would expand even more and I will be in even more pain” she shook as tears ran down her face. Alex stopped beside the bathtub not sure what to do as her mum stood beside her patiently waiting for Stevie to crawl into the small room.

Once Stevie entered the room Susan closed the bathroom door behind him, Stevie crawled over to the opposite side of the room from Alex. He was directly in front of his naked sister who was staring down at the floor, Susan cooed  “Sit down baby boy” Stevie looked over at his naked sister who was still on her hands and knees and sat down on his wet padded bum with his legs spread wide in front of him as he had been trained to do. Alex was blushing bright red as she watched her infantile older brother sit down in front of her “All I want to do is hide my breasts from him but I’m too afraid, I don’t want her to make my asshole bigger with that horrible thing. I bet I look ridiculous with my breasts handing down. I want this just to end!” she shouted in her head as she let out a sigh from behind her pacifier. Susan sat on her knees beside her daughter and placed her hand on her head and began to stroke her hair “Now baby girl for bath time I will remove your friend from your bumbum and your booties, if you can be a good baby during bath time then I will leave them off you after you are dry. I hope you understand little one” she said firmly.

Alex shook all over as she inhaled deeply through her nose “Do I have a choice? I don’t want this thing back in me and if I don’t have the booties on then I can run, maybe even make a break for it” she thought as she slowly opened her eyes and nodded her head. Susan smiled “Good baby” she cooed as she shuffled around on her knees to her daughters firm rear. “I’m going to be slow and be gentle baby, I’m sorry if mommy hurts baby girl” she cooed once again, Alex grimaced as she felt pressure on her bum “This is so humiliating, I want to smack her in the face what she is doing to me” she thought. Susan deflated the expending butt plug and Alex let out a sigh of relief as the pain from her bum subsided somewhat, Alex scrunched up her eyes as she felt her mum take hold of the butt plug and slowly remove it from inside her. Alex quickly squeezed her bum cheeks together as her mum didn’t waste any time and lent over and began to fill up the bathtub, she breathed deeply from her nose as she stared down at the floor wide-eyed “I feel like I need to use the toilet now! I need to keep hold until I can get to a toilet. I’m not going to use anything else. I will keep my ass firmly shut” she thought with a cold shiver.

Susan took hold of Alex’s feet and removed each of her padded booties before leaning back over and turning off the tap to the bathtub, she stood up behind her naked daughter and smiled down at her “Now sit down on your bum bum baby girl while I get your baby brother ready”. Alex scrunched up her face as she swallowed “I now sit down naked in front of my brother, where he can clearly see me naked! He hasn’t seen a woman naked since his girlfriend and I really wish it wasn’t me he was seeing now” she thought with a shiver. She took a deep breath through her nose as she shook her head “I don’t have a choice, the door is shut, I’m still wearing these mittens. Even if I got up and tried to run I wouldn’t be able to open the door and then what would mum do to me? I need to go through with this horrible situation until I can get away” she thought. Slowly she sat down on her firm red bum while crossing her legs and placing her mitten hands over her groin “I hope he isn’t looking at me, looking at my breasts. I know I can’t cover my breasts but hopefully this is fine” she thought nervously. Susan rolled her eyes as she walked from behind Alex and stood beside her “No baby, you sit like your baby brother and with your hands by your side, don’t be naughty or I will have to bring your friend back”. Alex blushed bright red as she looked down at her slim naked body, past her large supple breasts towards her mitten hands, her heart ached as she slowly moved her hands away from her groin and shook with disgust “Am I really going to sit with my legs open with my vagina clearly visible for anyone to see? I don’t have a choice I have to show them every part of me or I’m could get punished again. I hate this! I hate her and I hate Stevie sitting there letting this happen!” she shouted in her head as she swallowed hard. Slowly with several deep breaths from her nose with her head pounding and her chest aching she uncrossed her legs and placed them out wide in front of her while placing her hands at her side. Her jaw tightened as she thought every urge to cover herself up, she looked up at the ceiling and rolled her eyes “How am I going to get out of this? Stevie didn’t and look at him now. Look what she has made me do in such a short period, I wasn’t going to let her control me and now look at me” she thought with a groan.

Susan smiled as she walked past her daughter “Good girl” she cooed as she stood in between her children and in front of Stevie “Let's get you ready baby” she cooed as she squatted down. Alex couldn’t see what was happening and she didn’t really care as she looked down at her hairless body and sighed “I might be beaten now but it won't last, I won't let them win. I will not become a diaper wearing baby. I will beat this and be free of this madness” she thought nervously.

Chapter 06

  Alex winced as the smell of stale urine entered the small room “Oh is that Stevie? That’s horrible” she thought, Susan eventually stood up after preparing Stevie and turned towards the bathtub, Alex’s eyes widened as she quickly blushed and looked away from Stevie who was sitting directly in front of her naked with his legs open wide as he sat on his wet diaper that had now been opened up revealing his shaven groin. Alex heard the water rushing into the bathtub as she continued to look away from her naked brother as she slowly sucked on the large pacifier stuck in her mouth “I didn’t want to see that, my brother's naked body. I can’t believe he gets to see me naked, this is so wrong. I hate this and I can’t do anything to stop it otherwise something worse could happen to me, I mean I could jump up and make a run for it but the doors closed and by the time I stand up, she will have hold of me and do something even worse to me. I need to keep my cool for now until I can find my perfect moment, If I ever find it” she shuddered as she looked down once again at her hairless body. “Great we are now sitting naked completely shaven and looking ridiculous what's going to happen next?” she thought miserably as her mother turned around from the bathtub with a smile “Baths not too hot now and it's ready for my little babies” she announced.

Alex’s heart began to race as she nervously continued to stare down at the floor “A bath? Who is going to go in first? I never really thought about this bit is she going to clean me or will I get to do that myself? If she is really treating me like a baby then….” she shuddered. Alex watched as her mother lent over and placed her hands under Stevie’s armpits, Alex frowned as Stevie smiled and was slowly helped onto his feet, she quickly looked away at his naked body in disgust “Oh god I saw it again, it's so weird he's a grown man but with no hair and how he acts it really is like a baby dick” she smiled to herself before she looked down at hairless vagina and sighed as the smile disappeared and she stopped sucking on the pacifier. Alex’s eyes widened “Wait how long have I been doing that for? No, I’m not going to become a baby that sucks on a pacifier, I’m a grown woman” she frowned as she looked back up at her infantile older brother gingerly taking a few guided steps towards the bathtub. He stopped before he stepped over into the bathtub and Susan moved one hand from his armpit and down to his bum to help him over the lip of the bathtub “Over we go baby boy” she cooed. Alex watched in shocked amazement as her older brother sat down in the water “He didn’t even react, our mother's hand was on his bum and it didn’t even bother him, is that what's going to happen to me if I don't get out of this?” she wondered with dread. “Now baby put your feet on the floor and knees-up, that’s a good boy” Susan cooed to her son which he did with a sulk, Susan smiled down at Stevie “Good baby boy” she cooed before she turned around to face her adult baby daughter. Alex looked at her mother confused “What does she want? Isn’t she going to wash Stevie?” she thought nervously when Susan lent over and placed her hands under Alex’s armpits. Alex’s eyes widened as she shook her head “No she isn’t going to put me in with him! He is covered in his own piss I’m not going to sit in a bath with him” she thought as she began to flail her mitten encased hands around. Susan sighed as she removed her hands from her armpits and took hold of Alex’s jaw, she moved very close to her daughter while keeping a tight grip on her daughter's jaw forcing Alex to look at her she stared at her for a moment. Alex’s heart was racing as she began drip nervous sweat from her forehead, her jaw ached from the pressure but she was too afraid to move as her mother continued to stare at her. “If we have any more of that then I will put your booties back on, place ten diapers on you and lock you in the crib for the next week, I have had enough of your behaviour young lady. Are you going to be a good baby for mommy now?” she asked firmly. Alex swallowed hard as a single tear left her eye and rolled down her cheek “Ten diapers? A week in the crib? Would she really do that? Of course, she would she has locked Stevie in it for a day when he misbehaves, I couldn’t think of anything worse. I can’t win, if I try to do anything then she will punish me. I have to go along with it” she thought with a sigh from her nose as she slowly nodded her head.

Susan smiled slightly as she released her daughter's jaw, she moved her hands back to under her armpits and she slowly began to lift her up onto her feet. Alex felt foolish being guided over to the bathtub by her mother she felt every urge to fight against the humiliating situation but instead, she slowly walked over to the bath where her infantile brother sat with his knees under his chin he was staring up at her with a curious expression on his face which caused Alex to blush bright red. “This is really happening I’m being turned into him, I never thought this would happen to me. I always felt disgusted with Stevie for going through with it but I see now he didn’t have a choice I would still rather go to prison than have this happen to me but I don’t have a choice either” she thought with a sigh. Alex’s eyes widened as her mother's hand moved away from her armpit, she scrunched up her face knowing what was to come, she groaned into the pacifier as her mother's hand cupped her firm red stinging bum and pushed her forward. Alex turned white as a sheet as she lifted her leg up over the lip of the bathtub and stood in the warm water in front of Stevie. She looked down at the water that came up to shins and frowned “Is that it? Why is the water so low? That’s not a bath it's more of a puddle” she thought as Susan’s hand stayed under her daughter's armpit as she stood in the shallow water. Susan smiled slightly to herself “Now sit down baby girl, you're not going to get clean like that” she cooed, Alex blushed bright red as she hung her head in shame “I’m not going to get clean sitting in that water with him” she thought with a shiver as slowly lowered herself into the shallow water. Alex sat down in the warm water with her legs crossed, she was about to place her hands over her vagina when her mother took hold of her mitten encased hands “No baby, you can't put your hands in the water, not while you wear your cute little mittens, mommy will wash your hands later but baby girl has to keep her hands dry, can baby do that for mommy?” she cooed. Alex didn’t respond as she once again began to suck on the large pacifier while she looked down her naked body, the water level was just reaching above her groin, she felt defeated, exhausted and heartbroken as she saw no hope of getting out of the horrible situation she gotten herself into.


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