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 Chapter 01

Dawn was sitting inside her playpen playing with a doll between her large pink diaper, she sat with her legs spread wide as she sucked on the rubber nipple of her pacifier while making the doll walk around the soft padded floor of her playpen. She was wearing a pink shirt that said ‘Padded Princess’ wrote on the front in large white letters, her brunette hair was in two pigtails with large pink bows, Dawn looked up and saw her mommy, Rebecca sitting on the sofa reading a book and quickly turned her attention back to her doll and sighed “I’m really bored but if I begin to fidget or get cranky about being bored then mommy might take me outside in the stroller” she shuddered “I would rather be bored than humiliated. I don’t want to go through that again, the last time she did that two school girls stopped us, they must have been in their teens and they couldn’t take their eyes off me as I sat inside the stroller with gag pacifier in my mouth I couldn’t even say a word as I sat there wearing just a shirt and nothing over my diapers” she shook her head “Yes I would rather be bored than have two teenagers treat me like a baby on the side of the street” she thought as she continued to move the doll around.

Dawn continued to play with the doll as she looked up at her mommy once again “Mommy sure is enjoying that book, I haven’t seen her put it down in days or maybe she is just bored with having to have baby shows on the TV or maybe she is bored with looking after an adult baby that is old enough to be her mother” she rolled her eyes “I might be physically old enough but my body and my mind is no state to be anyone’s mother now, I haven’t walked in years, I’m completely diaper dependant and then there’s the little stuff, I haven’t used a knife and folk in years. I haven’t held onto a bottle with just one hand, I probably couldn't even tie my shoes right now. I have forgotten so much, I probably would have a hard time reading it's been that long, definitely couldn’t write. Not just that anytime I’m hungry, thirsty or need a diaper change I just cry. I don’t even think about it anymore I know I’m not happy and I begin to bawl just like a baby, that’s definitely not the actions of a woman my age” she looked up at the ceiling “What age is that?” she wondered as she looked back down at the doll between her diapers “I guess it doesn’t matter, I’m just a large baby anyway. A large baby that has daddy and mommy look after me, the newlyweds” she scrunched up her face and quickly got up off her damp bum and crawled towards a toy.

Dawn sat back down and examined the toy in front of her, it had pictures of barn animals on it with buttons and each button made the noise of the animal. Dawn reached out and pressed the button below the cow and the toy went “The cow goes Mooo”, which caused Dawn to smile “This should distract me from thinking about that day, what a horrible day” she thought when the toy said “Can you find the duck?” Dawn smiled from behind her pacifier as she pressed the button below the pig “The pig goes Oink” it said and Dawn shook her head “It did say pig right? I thought it said pig but I was expecting a different noise” she shook her head again as she pressed the button again “The pig goes Oink Oink” Dawn smiled and clapped her hands together “That’s right, pigs go oink” she thought.

Dawn continued to play with the toy for a while when she heard a knock on the door and her mommy placed her book down and smiled down at her “I wonder who that is baby girl” Dawn began to shake nervously as Rebecca got up off the sofa and quickly walked towards her “I hope its just some post, I hate having to go to the door whenever someone is here but I’m not allowed to be left alone so I have to go with mommy to front door” she thought as Rebecca bent down and helped her adult baby up over the playpen wall where Dawn got down onto her hands and knees. Rebecca walked out of the living room towards the front door with the worried Dawn crawling behind, her diaper behind swaying side to side as she did so. “I hope mommy is kind today and lets me just sit to the side of her so the person knocking cant see in when she opens the door. I hate when she makes me sit just in front of her as she opens the door so anyone on the other side can see me in all my embarrassing shame” she thought as the approached the door and to Dawn’s relief Rebecca pointed out of the way “Sit there baby” she said with a large smile on her face.

Dawn quickly moved beside her mommy and sat down on damp diaper and grimaced “It’s getting a little to wet, I’m going to need changing soon” she thought as she watched mommy open the door “Hello!” she practically screamed out, Dawn was happy to be blocked by the door so whoever Rebecca was greeting couldn’t see her but she sat confused as she heard her mommy giggle “Awww he’s adorable, you can put him down, I understand you’re in a rush it’s fine go and enjoy yourself” she said as Dawn watched on confused. Dawn cocked her head as she saw her mommy step out of the way “Who’s he? It sounded just like when she is talking to me, oh it's not another playdate with Karen’s baby boy is it? I have lost track of how old he is, I think he might be one now, I hate that I get treated like this in front of my grandson” she shuddered. She let out a sigh as she saw Rebecca look down with a large smile across her face, when suddenly Dawn’s eyes went wide as a young man crawled out from behind the door.

Dawn stared at the young handsome man in shock as he slowly crawled forward, his cheeks bright red with embarrassment as Rebecca bent down and patted his short dark brown hair “Keep going baby” she cooed as the man sucked on his blue pacifier furiously. Dawn watched stunned as he continued to crawl forward, in his baby blue shirt and then Dawn’s jaw dropped open as his large diapered bum came into view “He’s wearing a diaper! I’ve never seen a grown man wearing a diaper in person before, this is so weird” she thought when suddenly she heard a voice shout out “Bye Baby Ryan, mommy loves you” and the door closed. Dawn was staring at the young mans padded rear as she thought “Ryan? Baby Ryan?”

Chapter 02

Rebecca smiled down at the two adult babies at her feet “Awww you look adorable Baby Ryan” she cooed which caused Ryan to blush bright red “Now babies follow me, one behind the other” she ordered as she began to walk back towards the living room and Dawn’s playpen. Dawn’s heart was racing as she watched the young man crawl behind Rebecca “What is he doing here? Why did that woman drop him off? How long is he here for?” she thought. Suddenly she realised that she wasn’t following Rebecca out of the room, she hurriedly got up off her wet padded rear and onto her hands and knees and quickly crawled behind the new guest. Dawn blushed as she stared directly ahead at Ryan’s urine stained diaper wiggling as he crawled in to the living room towards the playpen “He uses diapers as well? Did he want to be a baby? How long has been treated like this for? I have so many questions and there is no way I can ask him” she shook her head out of frustration when she suddenly found her face squashing up against Ryan’s diapered rear.

Dawn’s eyes were wide with embarrassment as she quickly crawled back out of Ryan’s bum the waft of stale urine entering her nose when she heard Rebecca giggling beside her “Does Baby Dawny like Baby Ryan’s diaper that much?” she said through giggles which caused Dawn to blush once again “This is so embarrassing, being treated like a baby around another adult baby, its so awkward and confusing” she thought as Rebecca continued “Maybe I will have you share a diaper later on if you like to be so close to Baby Ryan” she giggled which made Dawn turn white with fear. “Would she really do that?” she thought with dread. “No way she would do that, I can’t even imagine it” she shuddered as Rebecca looked down at the two adult babies and smiled, now Baby Dawny crawl beside your baby friend” she cooed. Dawn blushed bright red as she slowly crawled beside Ryan which caused Rebecca to giggle “Oh you two haven’t said hello to each other” she cooed as she bent down. She took hold of Ryan’s and Dawn’s pacifier and gently removed them from their mouths, Dawn looked over to Ryan sheepishly “Without the pacifier he is actually very handsome, I wonder how old he is? He looks to be in his mid twenties, this is so surreal I’m with another adult baby who is probably half my age while my mommy who is half my age looks after us. I now have to say hello to him in my baby voice? How am I going to do that? Can I do that?” she shook with embarrassment.  

Rebecca stood up “Sit down babies” she ordered and both at the same time the adult babies sat down, Rebecca spun the adult babies around so they were now facing each other. She waited for a moment as the two adult babies sat in silence, she spun the pacifiers around on her fingers impatiently when she frowned “Well if you don’t want to say hello to each other than I think you two babies should give each other a big hug and a kiss on the lips” she smiled a wicked smile as she watched both Ryan and Dawn stare up at her with wide eyes “Go on little babies, if you don’t then I will give you both a spanking” she giggled. Dawn slowly looked back at Ryan her heart racing as he let out a sigh “A spanking in front of him? I bet he doesn’t want that either so instead we have to kiss each other? Oh great the first guy I get to kiss in years and he sighs before it, I have to actually kiss him? He is cute but what does he think about me? This is horrible” she thought. Ryan slowly turned around to face Dawn and gave her a sympathetic smile which made Dawn feel a little at ease as she too scooted around on her wet bum towards him. Dawn and Ryan quickly got to their knees and began to move towards each other where they soon gave each other squeezes with feigned enthusiasm. Dawn looked down over Ryan’s shoulder and saw his large padded rear sticking out and quickly closed her eyes “Is he looking at my wet diaper? Does it look that big? I think that’s long enough of a hug now” she thought as she began to let go, but Ryan was still squeezing, she blushed as she quickly wrapped her arms back around him, only to have Ryan begin to let go himself. They both quickly removed there arms and dropped back down onto there padded rears facing each other but not looking at each other “That was so awkward, it’s so difficult to know how long a hug that was almost entirely for show should last” she thought.

Rebecca squealed with excitement “That was so cute now babies time to give each other a big baby kiss” she clapped as Dawn swallowed hard “I have to give him a baby kiss? She is doing this to embarrass me I’m sure of it. I have never given a baby kiss to someone on the lips its always on the cheek, how is this going to work?” she wondered when she noticed Ryan leaning in towards her. They learned in once more but this time their heads did not go onto each other’s shoulder but rather their faces came in, both straight up with their chins extended somewhat so that they would not hit noses. Dawn’s eyes were wide as she stared at Ryan’s open mouth slowly come towards her, her heart was racing and her mouth was dry as she opened her own mouth “Well here we go, my first kiss in years and we’re both sitting in wet diapers” she shuddered slightly. Their mouths met wide open with their tongues stuck slightly out, Dawn felt Ryan’s tongue skim across hers and into her mouth and a strange tingle ran through her one that she hadn’t felt in such a long time. She quickly closed her eyes as they both began an overly exaggerated kissing noise and she felt Ryan’s tongue slowly pull away, she quickly closed her mouth and began to bite her bottom lip forgetting where she was and what she was wearing when she heard Rebecca cheer out “Awwww that was so cute” Dawn blushed bright red as she quickly opened her eyes and saw Ryan looking at her embarrassed.

Chapter 03

Dawn couldn’t stop blushing as the young diaper-wearing man sat in front of her while Rebecca stood over her with a smile “That was so cute” she cooed as she lent over and placed a pacifier in each of the babies mouths and stood back up with a smile. Dawn began to suck on the pacifier when she looked over at Ryan and her eyes widened “He has my pacifier? So I….” she looked down her nose and saw the large red handle of Ryan’s pacifier beneath her nose and she froze. She quickly stopped sucking as she looked up at Ryan who had also stopped and looked at her with a puzzled look “I have his pacifier in my mouth, this is weird. I want to spit it out but I know mommy would punish me for that. He has my pacifier, my mouth has been around that pacifier all morning and now he is sucking on it and...” she felt a shiver run through her as she once again looked down at the red handle “...his mouth has been around this all day, it’s like we are kissing but the most infantile way possible” she thought as she began to suck on the pacifier and Ryan followed.

Rebecca giggled “Good babies, now let's get you into the playpen so you can play together, wouldn’t that be fun” she cooed with delight. Dawn felt cold with embarrassment “I’ve just been made to kiss him and now we have to play together? This is so humiliating I’m old enough to be his mother and I’m sitting here being treated like a baby” she thought.  “Good babies sharing r Ryan’s armpits and quickly guided him up, she placed one hand on his diapered bum as she guided him over the small mesh wall of the playpen. Dawn watched in wonder as Ryan blushed bright red once Rebecca touched his padded bum “Why is he blushing? Why would he be blushing like that if this is what he wants” she wondered as Ryan sat down on his padded rear inside the playpen. Rebecca placed her hands under Dawn’s armpits and raised her up to guide her into the playpen “This is so embarrassing that I have to be helped to get into a playpen” she thought as Rebecca placed her hand on Dawn’s soaked diapered rear. Dawn blushed bright as Rebecca paused, her heart began to race as she felt Rebecca squeeze her diaper “What is she doing?” she wondered when to Dawn’s surprise Rebecca removed her hand and lowered back down onto the floor. Dawn sat back down on her soaked diaper with a cold chill as Rebecca smiled down at her “Before I let baby play with her friend she needs her diaper changing” she cooed.

Dawn’s eyes went wide with terror “A diaper change now? In front of him? Please no!” she shouted in her head as Rebecca spun around, she bent over with her bum facing Dawn as she rummaged through the diaper bag that sat beside the playpen. Dawn quickly looked over to Ryan and felt her mouth suddenly become dry “I can’t believe he is about to see me get my diaper changed? I just kissed him on the lips and now he is going to see me naked. Would he turn away?” she let out a sigh from behind the pacifier “Honestly I wouldn’t if it was him, I would be too interested to turn away, hell it would be the first time I get to see a naked man in years” she thought as she blushed once again. Rebecca stood up and turned to face her adult baby daughter with a smile and a fresh safari diaper in her hand “I know it's not too uncomfortable for you little baby otherwise you would be crying for a change but I think it would be nicer for your friend if he didn’t have to smell your weewees while you were playing” she cooed.

Dawn’s heart was racing as Rebecca squatted down, she placed the diaper on the floor beside Dawn and lent forward as she gently pushed Dawn onto the floor. Dawn lay on her back staring up at the ceiling her head pounding and her heart racing, she tried to calm herself down but she could feel Ryan’s eyes fixed on her. Rebecca was preparing for the diaper change, pulling out baby powder and wet wipes as Dawn continued to worry “People have seen me have my diaper changed before, friends and family have seen it. I always hate it and feel ashamed that its happening but this is different. I don’t know him and he doesn’t know me, he is so much younger than me and we kissed” she blushed “Why does that matter?” she thought as she slowly looked over towards Ryan. His bright eyes were staring down at her in amazed wonder which caused her to quickly look back up at the ceiling her chest tightening, she quickly looked back up at the ceiling as she felt a tingle run through her as she bit her lip.

Rebecca placed her hands on the front of Dawn’s diaper and released the taps on either side, Dawn quickly closed her eyes as Rebecca opened the front of the soaked pink diaper. She felt faint her head was spinning as she felt the cold chill of a wet wipe against her skin, she couldn’t think of anything but what was happening, imagining how she looked through Ryan’s eyes and it sent shivers down her spine “How old is he? He looks young but not too young and he is seeing me like this? He is seeing me fully exposed!” she shouted in her head as her legs were lifted up into the air. Dawn felt Rebecca’s gentle touch on her exposed bum which sent another shiver down her spine “I’m a baby, I’m a baby. I was only just thinking this earlier but I’m not. I’m a woman and he is an attractive young man who is seeing me naked. He has a front-row view to everything and I’m not doing anything to stop it. I’m an adult baby and so is he this shouldn’t be so horrible but it is” she thought as her legs were lowered back down onto a fresh diaper. She felt the powder being applied and the front being pulled up and she let out a sigh from behind the pacifier as she slowly opened her eyes and turned her head back to Ryan, who was smiling from behind the pacifier which angered Dawn slightly. “He is smiling because he got to see me get my diaper changed? Well I’m going to be staring right back when it's your turn” she thought with a shiver and a smile.

Chapter 04

  Rebecca took hold of Dawn’s hands and helped her up as Dawn looked down at her dry diapered groin she blushed bright red “He saw everything” she thought miserably as she was being raised up into a sitting position. Dawn spread her legs out wide which she had been taught was the only way that a baby could sit as Rebecca released her hands. Dawn sighed from behind Ryan’s pacifier “How does she keep doing this? I think I’m OK being treated like this now, I can finally get into little space and enjoy myself being a baby but then she finds some way of embarrassing me or making me feel stupid or just not right. It has been years since I was treated anything other than a baby and I have accepted that but it’s times like this or when Karen brings her baby boy over and I’m forced to play with my grandson while being treated like a baby that I wish I could return to my old life” she sighed again as she sat on her padded rear in front of her smiling ‘mommy’. Dawn tried to keep her gaze away from Ryan, her heart ached “Now a young attractive man has seen me get my wet diaper changed, he gets treated like a baby just like me and mommy doesn’t think there is anything wrong with him seeing me that vulnerable, I really just want him to go this is horrible especially when I was grown up I enjoyed seeing pictures of men in diapers. It was always a turn on and now there is a real-life man in front of me wearing a diaper and sucking on a pacifier and he does make me feel funny but also so very embarrassed I just want him to go” she thought.

Rebecca smiled as she lent forward and took hold of Dawn’s pink shirt “I think we can take this off little one” she cooed. Dawn’s eyes widened as her heart began to race as she felt Rebecca gently pull her shirt up. Dawn shuddered “Now he is going to see me topless? Why is she doing this? I don’t want him to see my breasts” she thought with dread. Rebecca ignored Dawn’s panicked look and continued to lift the pink shirt up. “Arms up silly girl” she cooed which caused Dawn to sigh as she quickly closed her eyes and lifted her arms up”. She felt her shirt lift up past her breasts and quickly up over her head. Dawn slowly opened her eyes “I bet he is staring at me” she thought as she slowly looked over towards the playpen where Ryan sat. His eyes were fixed on Dawn as he sucked on his pacifier quickly, Dawn blushed bright red and looked away “I want to cover myself up!” she screamed. Rebecca stood up and smiled down at her adult baby daughter “Now baby girl, let's get you into the playpen so you can finally play with your baby friend” she cooed. She once again bent down and placed her hands under Dawn’s armpits and helped her up to guide her into the playpen she placed a hand onto Dawn’s now dry diapered rear which caused Dawn to blush as she was guided over the small wall and she sat back down on her padded bum beside Ryan.

Dawn stared down at the soft plastic-covered floor that surrounded her as she sat once again with her legs spread wide on her diapered bum, she slowly sucked on the pacifier for comfort as Rebecca stood over the two adult babies. Dawn felt cold with humiliation “I’m old enough to be his mum I’m sure of it but here I am sitting beside him in a playpen wearing nothing but a diaper while I suck on his pacifier, this is wrong on so many levels but there is nothing I can do about it. If I misbehave then mommy will punish me” she shuddered “I can’t go through any of mommy’s weird punishments while he is here. A spanking would be bad but mommy has more painful and more humiliating punishments in her arsenal and I can not give her the opportunity to use any of them on me today” she thought with a cold shiver. Rebecca smiled down at the adult babies “Now babies I think its time for you two little cuties to play patty cake. Baby Ryan your mummy has told me your good at patty cake and my little baby Dawny just loves to play it” she cooed. Dawn couldn’t stop blushing as she looked up and saw that Ryan was also blushing. Rebecca continued “Now baby Ryan you scoot over in front of your baby girlfriend and cross your legs” she commanded as Dawn’s heart ached “Baby girlfriend? What does she mean by that?” she wondered as she blushed even more. Ryan crossed his legs and slowly shuffled around on his padded bum to face Dawn, Dawn noticed him look her up and down then blush as he looked away shyly, which caused Dawn’s heart to race “Did he just check me out? I think he did? He must have been to busy looking at the areas that were on show to not see me as a whole person” she rolled her eyes “Men” she thought as she slowly sucked on her pacifier. Rebecca continued to stand over them as she commanded “Move closed to your baby girlfriend, don’t be shy you little cutie” which caused both the diapered adults to blush once again, Ryan shuffled closer to Dawn as she looked at the young blushing man “He checked me out and then got shy and looked away, wait? Did he like what he saw now that he saw me as a woman? A woman that is wearing nothing but a diaper but still a grown woman” her heart began to race and she felt a tingle run through her “If he likes me and I feel these feelings what does this mean? Will mommy let me have fun with him or is this just another way to make me feel like a baby? I’m so confused but I don’t want him to go I want to see what's going to happen” she thought as she slowly sucked on the pacifier.

Chapter 05

   Dawn placed her hands in front of her on either side of her breasts as she watched the young man do the same, she blushed as Ryan looked down at her hands “I know from experience that I have to have my hands here, beside my boobs so mommy doesn’t think I’m covering them. Which means that Ryan can look right at them while playing this infantile game, why did mommy take my shirt off? This is so humiliating” she thought with a sigh from behind her pacifier. Ryan placed his hands up while still staring at Dawn, Rebecca smiled down at the two adult babies “Now clap your hands together and left-hand then right, you can do it little babies” she cooed. They both blushed as they clapped their hands together and moved out their left hands to clap each others hand and back, they quickly got into the rhythm of the game and Rebecca was satisfied that the baby's were playing well together that she went back to the sofa and sat down.

Dawn quickly became bored with the infantile game but knew that she had to continue to play for a few more minutes before she would be allowed to move onto something else, she looked Ryan up and down once again as she sucked on her pacifier as the young man continued to play patty cake with her. “I wonder what his life is like? Does he get treated like a baby full time? Is his mommy his actual mommy or girlfriend or something else? So much I don’t know about him and I want to find it all out but I have no idea how I would. Does his mommy let him change games when he gets bored or does she make him continue to play them? I’m glad that mommy doesn’t mind me moving onto other games while I’m stuck in here for most of the day. If I had to play with the same toy for the whole day I would go insane” she thought as Ryan’s pace slowed somewhat and Dawn noticed him looking around the playpen. Dawn slowed down herself to match Ryan’s distracted play “This must be so weird for him, coming to some strangers house and to continue to get treated like a baby. The worst time I had when going to someone’s house was when mommy and daddy went on their honeymoon and I was left with Karen, my daughter and her husband treated me just like any other baby for two weeks. Karen was four months pregnant at the time and she wanted her husband, Russell to get plenty of practice in before her baby arrived. I never met Russell before my life as a baby so it was so humiliating having this stranger talk to me like a baby, play games with me and even change my diapers. Karen had him change my diapers most of the time over the two-week period, he was very bad and slow at it at first but by the last day he could change me quickly and efficiently. So I guess that worked out well for them but for me it was two weeks of humiliation” she thought with a shudder.

Dawn let out a sigh as she placed her hands down, Ryan hadn’t noticed as his left hand reached out and placed on Dawn’s breast. They both sat for a moment not moving, Dawn stared down at Ryan’s hand pressed against her boob not knowing what to do. Ryan removed his hand as he blushed bright red, Dawn’s heart was racing as she continued to look down at her chest “He just felt my boob? I didn’t even stop him? It must be from all the times I’ve been bathed and had someone touch me there that I know I’m not allowed to stop them. This just gets more and more embarrassing, he has seen me get my diaper changed, he has stared at my breasts and now he has felt them. What else is going to happen?” she thought nervously. Ryan blushed as he looked at her confused, Dawn shifted on her padded bum slightly and picked up the toy that she was playing with earlier it had pictures of barn animals on it with buttons and each button made the noise of the animal. She pressed the button below the cow and the toy went “The cow goes Mooo”, Ryan didn’t move as Dawn pressed another button on her toy. Dawn looked over at Ryan from the corner of her eye “He better play with something soon or mommy will come over, why isn’t he picking up a toy? Is he embarrassed about what just happened? I don’t want him to get punished for that, should I give him this to play with and I pick up something else?” she blushed as she nodded to herself. She placed the toy on the mat between the two of them and gave it a gentle push forward towards Ryan’s crossed legs, “Can you find the duck?” the toy said and Dawn pointed towards the duck “I hope he gets the point I’m trying to make” she thought as Ryan looked down at the toy and slowly pressed the button of the duck “The duck goes quack” the toy said and Dawn smiled from behind her pacifier “Hopefully he won't get into any trouble from mommy now” she thought. Rebecca sat on the sofa with a large smile on her face, she was so proud of her baby girl for sharing her toys with her new friend.

Chapter 06

  Dawn couldn’t get over the awkward feeling she felt as played with her toys beside Ryan, they both sat inside her playpen on their padded bums not really interacting with each other but it still made Dawn feel uneasy. She looked up at the young man who was still sucking on her pacifier and blushed as he looked at her, she quickly looked away and continued to play with the doll in her hand “It’s so weird, I’m wearing nothing but a diaper, I’m old enough to be his mother but we are both behaving like baby’s. Why is he going along with this? Does he like being a baby like I did before I was forced to live my life like one, does he get to go home and return to adult life? Is his mommy his girlfriend or what? I have so many questions and I can’t ask any of them it's so frustrating” she thought as she looked down her naked body past her large breasts towards her now damp diaper. She sighed from behind her pacifier “I’ve caught him looking at me while he was playing with the toys, looking at my breasts mainly. He saw me get my diaper changed, he has seen me completely naked and yet I have seen nothing of him, he is sitting there in a diaper and tee shirt” she sighed again.

Rebecca left the two babies playing for a while as she continued to read her book, she looked up occasionally to check on them when after a while she knew she would have to get up, she placed her book down and stood up from the sofa with a smile as she walked towards the two infantile adults. Dawn looked up at her mommy curiously “What is going to do now? Is it nap time? Oh no how is that going to happen?” she wondered nervously. Rebecca bent down and placed her hand on Ryan’s head “I think someone needs his diaper changing” she cooed as she placed her other hand on the front of Ryan’s pee-stained diaper and gave it a pat “Yep baby boy you are soaked, change time for baby” she announced. Ryan blushed bright red as Rebecca once again placed her hands under his armpits and began to guide him up, Dawn watched in stunned amazement as her heart began to race and a slight smile appeared “Is he really going to get changed now? He will have to go through it now, getting changed while someone watched. I will get to see everything” she thought as Ryan was guided back down onto his wet bum directly opposite her on the other side of the playpen wall.

Dawn watched as her mommy went into the same diaper bag that she had earlier and once again pulled out a safari diaper and smiled “Awww you are going to match, that’s so cute” she cooed as she placed the diaper beside Ryan. She placed both her hands on Ryan’s shoulders and gently began to push him down, he was still blushing bright red as he slowly allowed Rebecca to lower him down onto his back. Rebecca nodded as she went to Ryan’s feet and sat on her knees, she looked down at the young man and smiled as she gave the front of his damp diaper another pat “Let's see what you have inside your diaper for Aunty Rebecca” she cooed. Dawn’s heart was racing with nervous anticipation as she watched Ryan suck furiously on the pacifier while he stared up at the ceiling, her mouth had become dry and she felt a tingle run through her “I get to see a naked man, Finally! All I’ve seen since my baby life started is naked women, They all take me to the shower with them so they can keep an eye on me. I’ve seen Rebecca naked so many times I’ve lost count and before that, it was my daughters and even my own mother when she has babysat me, but never a man and the last man I saw was Steve when we were married but now a young cute man will be naked in front of me” she thought with a shiver of excitement.

Dawn’s eyes were fixed on Ryan’s diapers as she watched her mommy place her hands on the front, she sucked on the pacifier slowly as she continued to stare when Rebecca cleared her throat. Dawn looked up from Ryan’s diaper nervously and turned to her mommy who was staring at her with a frown “Assume the position you naughty baby” Dawn’s eyes widened “What did I do? I didn’t break any rules? Why am I getting spanked?” she wondered nervously as Rebecca continued to frown at her. Dawn swallowed hard as she turned around on the spot so her padded bum was now facing Rebecca and Ryan “This isn’t fair I didn’t do anything, why am I getting punished? Great now Ryan gets to watch me get spanked as well as everything else that has happened to me” she thought with a sulk. She then placed her elbows on the ground and folded her arms, she placed her chin on top of her arms while sucking the pacifier nervously, she lifted her padded rear up high into the air as she closed her eyes in nervous anticipation.

“Now you know the rules you don’t move from that spot until I have given you your spanking baby girl” Rebecca said firmly. Dawn sighed from behind her pacifier “I know but what did I do? Was it because I was staring? I don’t want to be spanked” she thought with another sigh when she heard the familiar sound of tabs being opened. Dawn’s eyes widened, they moved around frantically but all she could see was the wall that her playpen rested against. “I’m going to miss it!” she screamed in her head as a wave of sadness rushed over her “He got to see me naked but I can’t see him” she thought miserably as she heard Rebecca announce “Oh baby boy, you sure are a wet little boy aren’t you”. Dawn bit down on her pacifier as she continued to stay in her spanking position “Why does he get to see me naked but I can’t see him? Why did mommy do that?” she wondered as Rebecca began to clean the infantile man.



I hope there is more for baby Dawny