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Chapter 01

  Natalie looked down at the rearz rebel diaper that was tightly wrapped around her waist and shook with embarrassment as she stood in her bedroom nervously “Right I put it on….eventually” she shook her head “It took me so long to put it on I wonder if he will be angry about that” she let out a sigh as she brushed her long blonde hair back and continued to stare down past her black shirt that hugged her slim body at the black skulls that were scattered around the large white diaper. “This is not what I wanted, I’m 18 years old and in college and yes I have a diaper fetish but it's a secret one, nobody knows that I like to wear them and I had hoped to keep it that way. I can't believe my dad found my diapers, it was such an awkward and humiliating conversation. Found my bag of diapers and those clear plastic locking pants I bought years ago. Why did I tell him that I like to wear them?” she shook her head again “As soon as he heard that he told me to go put one on and come out wearing it to show him. I tried to protest but he told me that its his house and I obey his rules or I can leave. With studying at college I have no time to work and we have just moved here for my college so I don’t have any close friends or family to go to so really I don’t have a choice. I’ve been in here for thirty minutes now it took me twenty to get the courage to put it on and another ten to put it on and now I’m standing in a diaper and a shirt about to go out and show his only daughter wearing a diaper like a baby” she thought.

Natalie took a deep breath as she finally looked up and turned towards the door with a loud rustle which made her blush “This is so wrong, it's meant to be private” she said as she slowly walked towards her bedroom door with her heart racing in her chest and her mouth dry she opened the door “Right here we go” she said with a shiver and she slowly walked down the hallway towards the living room. “I wish these were quieter, they make so much noise” she thought while blushing bright red as she approached the family room where she had left her dad half an hour ago. She swallowed hard as her heart continued to race, she bit her bottom lip as she let out a small groan and quickly entered the room. She saw her dad sitting on the sofa looking down at his laptop on his lap with his short black and grey hair staring back at her until he looked up at her which made Natalie blush even more and quickly look down at the floor embarrassed “My dad is seeing me wearing a diaper, How am I going to live this down? Why did I go along with it?” she thought as her dad closed his laptop and placed it beside him.

“Come on over and sit down” he said calmly not taking his eyes off his diapered daughter as he adjusted his navy blue button-up shirt, Natalie swallowed as she slowly walked towards the sofa with eyes fixed on the floor, the crinkling of the diaper was the only noise to be heard as she slowly sat down beside her dad her cheeks becoming redder with every passing moment. The two adults sat in silence for a moment with Natalie still staring at the floor she could feel her dads eyes upon her which made her feel uneasy as he slowly adjusted how he was sitting on the sofa “OK” he said which broke the silence “I did a bit of researcher while you were getting changed and I have decided to be supportive with this. It was a shock but if this is what you want then I will support it” he said as Natalie slowly looked up at him confused “What does he mean to support me? Does that mean I can take this off now?” she thought as her dad let out an awkward smile. Natalie’s dad began to fidget as he cleared his throat “Right so if you want to wear diapers then you will, at all times” he said nervously but also firmly. Natalie’s jaw dropped open and she shook her head “What? No I don’t….” she was cut off as her dad raised up his hand “Yes you do, so you have a case of those skull diapers but I will order more for you, just show me where to order them from and you will have plenty of them to wear all the time” he said with a smile. Natalie’s jaw continued to hang down her eyes darted towards the bag of opened rearz diapers sitting beside the sofa with the clear plastic pants resting on top and suddenly her eyes went wide as she tried to run through what her dad was saying “But I don’t want to wear them all the time, especially not out to college” she said nervously. Her dad shook her head “Well you will have to get used to that, we will see if we can get you ones that don’t crinkle so much for when you go out but you will be wearing them to college”.

Natalie’s heart ached she shook her head “Wear them outside? I have never worn diapers out in public I’ve always been too scared to but now my dad is saying that I have to?” she opened her mouth again but her dad cut her off “I don’t want any arguments about this young lady, I’m trying to be supportive with this and I think I’m being more than reasonable, now I guess we need to go through some new rules”. Natalie’s eyes darted around “I can’t even argue about it? Do I have to just accept that I now wear diapers all the time? He is crazy!” she shouted in her head as her dad continued “OK I guess when you’re at home you don’t wear anything over your diapers, you wanted to wear them then you can wear them with pride” he said with a smile. Natalia’s head was spinning “Wait! What? No!” she shouted out “I don’t want to wear diapers all the time and even if I did I’m not going to walk around with you being able to see them at all times!” she shouted. Natalie’s dad shook his head and stared at her “Now you listen here, young lady! You live in my house you obey my rules! I’m paying for everything for you! I moved us here so you could go to the college you wanted! Now you will do what I say or you can go!” he shouted.

Natalie looked down at the rebels diaper between her legs and sighed “I can't see a way of getting out of this, Oh god I’m going to have to go along with this, I’m going to be the eighteen-year-old that wears diapers” she thought nervously as she looked up at her dad and slowly nodded. Her dad smiled “Good now another rule will be you wear diapers 24/7 no exceptions” he said firmly then he cleared his throat and looked at his daughter nervously “Do you poop in your diapers?” he asked. Natalie’s eyes went wide “Do I what?” she said shocked, her dad shook his head “I just read that some diaper lovers wear, wet and mess their diapers and some don't and I was just wondering what you do” Natalie shook her head “He actually asked me that?” she thought with a shiver. “Well?” he asked impatiently, Natalie rolled her eyes “No, I don’t!” she half-shouted. Her dad nodded with a smile “Good, so you can use the toilet to poop but you will use your diaper to pee in” he said.  

Chapter 02

Natalie’s head was pounding as she sat on the sofa staring at her dad in disbelief “I’m going to what?” she blurted out in which caused her dad to shake his head “You will pee in the diapers but you can use the toilet to poop” he cleared his throat again “Or you can just use your diaper for both” Natalie let out a nervous laugh “I’m not going to use a diaper for anything!” she snapped. Her dad sighed “Now Natalie you will be using your diapers, they are expensive and bad for the environment I’m not going to let you just wear them and then throw them out they will be used for their intended purpose” he said firmly. Natalie stared forward her mind racing as fast as her heart “He wants me to wear diapers 24/7? He wants me to use the diapers? He wants me to go outside in diapers? He wants me to go outside in wet diapers?” she suddenly shook all over which caused her diaper to rustle as she looked at her dad. “I, I...” she tried to get the words out but her mouth had become too dry, her dad smiled “I know this is a big change and you're overwhelmed by it all but you will get used to it and it will soon be normal” he said warmly which threw Natalie a bit as she found her voice again “No, I just...” she blushed as her dad interrupted “Let's just forget about it, for now, I have work to get on with, we can talk about it later but this is happening so don’t go taking that diaper off or putting pants on over it” he said and before Natalie could respond he stood up and quickly walked out of the room.  Natalie sat on the sofa dumbfounded as she looked down at the diaper between her legs “Is that it? Was that my argument? I couldn’t think of anything to say it's pretty hard to argue back about not wearing diapers when you're sitting in one” she shook her head as she sat back on the sofa “He isn’t going to budge on this though, I know my dad once he decides on something that’s it” she thought with a shiver “So it doesn’t matter what I say he won't change his mind and I’m going to be his diapered daughter” she sighed as she stood up from the sofa. She slowly began to walk out of the room when she suddenly heard the noise of a drill and she stopped “My dad using power tools? He’s a writer he doesn’t use tools. What is he doing?” she said to herself as she continued out of the room towards the noise.  She walked down the hallway towards the other end of the house where her bedroom sat on the left and her dad's bedroom on the right with the bathroom directly in front of her and that’s where she saw her dad on his knees drilling something into the wall beside the door of the bathroom “What’s he doing?” she thought as she walked towards him. He quickly stood up and nodded his head when he turned around and jumped “Oh Natalie, I didn’t hear you coming” he smiled “Which is surprising with your crinkle pants on” which caused Natalie to blush as her dad began to walk past her. Natalie looked down at the door and her eyes went wide “What's that?!” she shouted which caused her dad to stop and turn to his daughter “That’s a lock, so you need to come to me and tell me when you need to poop otherwise you can use your diaper” he said with a nod then began to walk away. Natalie shook her head, she clenched her fists as she stomped her foot down “What the hell?!” she shouted “That’s crazy! There is no way I’m going through with this! I’m going to take this thing off right away!” she shouted and turned to go to her room. She managed to open the door to her bedroom but was suddenly pulled away, her dad gripped her arm tightly and was dragging her back down the hallway.  She was suddenly back in the family room being pulled over to the sofa with tears in her eyes where her dad stopped and positioned his daughter in front of him and looked at her with a fierce stare “Now we can do this two ways, I can either pull you over my knee and spank you like the naughty child that you are or you can do as you're told!” he shouted. Natalie shook with fear and went white as a sheet “Spank me?” she repeated. Her dad nodded “Yes, I don’t want to but if I have to I will now, will you do as you're told?” he asked. Natalie felt sick as she stood before her dad with tears still rolling down her face “I can’t get spanked by him, that’s too humiliating. What does he mean thought why did he drag me back in here?” she thought when her dad said “Well?”.  Natalie shook all over and weakly said “I will be good” while shaking her head with embarrassment “This is just getting worse and worse” she thought as her dad released his grip from her arm and bent down. Natalie watched on nervously as he pulled out another rebelz diaper from the bag and held it out “Put it on” he said flatly. Natalie looked at her dad's hand and swallowed hard but didn’t move when her dad said “Either put it on now or I will spank you like the naughty girl you are then you can put it on” he said coldly. Natalie felt fresh tears run down her face as she quickly took hold of the diaper and unfolded it. “Why is he doing this? This is so weird, I’m now being made to wear two diapers but why?” she thought nervously as she blushed bright red “So I have to do this like normal? Put it on the floor and put it on over my other diaper” she shook again as she let held her breath and placed the diaper on the floor, she looked down at it and shook her head then back to her dad who nodded. She sighed as she sat down on the diaper, she adjusted it slightly as she lay down and then pulled the front up and quickly taped it tightly around her waist, she slowly stood up while keeping her eyes on her padded groin “It’s so thick, I have never worn more than one diaper, this is really weird” she thought as she looked up at her dad who was now holding the clear plastic locking pants “And these” he said.  Natalie stared at the panties “What? Why?” she asked but her dad didn’t say anything as he frowned at her which made Natalie feel cold all over as she took the panties, slowly she lifted her leg up and placed her feet through the foot hole and then did the same with her other leg and then gingerly guided the plastic pants up her legs towards the diaper. She shook her head as she heaved the plastic pants up over the bulge of the diaper. She quickly tucked in any loose parts of the disposable diaper and then stood ashamed in front of her dad “Is that it?” she asked hopeful but her dad shook his head “Not just yet” he said as he bent over and took hold of the chain that ran around the waistband and pulled it tight then locked it with the padlock and took the key.

Chapter 03

  Natalie stared down at her large diapered groin with the plastic pants locked around her waist in shock as her dad placed the key in his pants pocket “Why?” she asked as she continued to stare. Her dad sighed “You said you were going to go and take the diaper off and well that’s not what we agreed on so this is to make sure you don’t take it off until you need to” he said as he walked behind his daughter and examined her padded rear. Natalie continued to stare down at the diaper and shook as she felt her dads eyes on her “How is this happening? I’m now locked in diapers and my dad has the key, I’m just standing here while he examines the diaper, I need to get out of this it's just crazy!” she shouted in her head.

Natalie’s dad stood back in front of his daughter “Alright now follow me” he said as he picked up the bag of diapers and before Natalie could react he had left the room. “Where's he going? Do I follow him? I better had or I might never get out of this diaper” she shook at the thought as she took a few steps forward and blushed bright red. “I have to waddle?” she asked herself as she bent over and looked between her legs at the thick diaper that sat between her legs “Because of how thick it is between my legs I can't put them together which is going to make me waddle, this is why I don’t wear more than one diaper” she said to herself when she froze “Wait what must this look like? Bent over staring at my diaper if anyone could see me” she thought and she quickly stood up while blushing bright red, she looked over her shoulder outside the window and went white as a sheet “Somebody could have walked past and saw me, they could have seen everything” she said then shook her head “What am I thinking nobody would have seen me, but still I must look pretty weird” she thought when she heard her dad shout out “Natalie come here!”. She sighed as she began to slowly waddle out of the room towards where her dad had shouted.

Natalie waddled down the hallway back towards the other end of the house when she heard her dad shout out “Natalie!”, Natalie looked puzzled as she followed the voice “That’s coming from my room, why is he in my room?” she thought as she arrived at her open door. She walked into her room as her dad stood on the opposite side of the room in front of her cabinet with a garbage bag in hand “Finally, what took you so long?” he asked which caused Natalie to blush but she shook her head “Nothing” she said. Her dad rolled his eyes “Alright, now sit down on your bed” he said with an awkward smile, Natalie looked at him puzzled but did as she was told and waddled the few short steps to her bed and sat down. “In the middle with your legs crossed” her dad said “Why?” she asked “Just do it and don’t move from there at all” he said nervously, Natalie shook her head “Why what's going to happen if I do?” she asked sarcastically as she sat in the middle of her bed with her legs crossed. “Let's hope you don’t find out” he said flatly “Right now time to do this” he said and he let out a sigh as he turned around to face the cabinet and opened the top draw revealing all of Natalie’s underwear.

Natalie opened her mouth to say something when suddenly she watched her dad grab a hand full of her underwear and drop it into the garbage bag, she let out a gasp then shouted “What the hell?!” she was about to get up off her bed when her dad turned around and pointed at her “Now don’t you be naughty young lady, I said stay still or I will not unlock your pants until tomorrow morning” he said coldly which sent shivers through Natalie as she sat dumbstruck “Till tomorrow? What if I had to….” she blushed “…. Number two, he would unlock it then. I can't just sit here and watch him throw my underwear into a garbage bag” she thought as her dad turned back around and took another hand full “Now you won't be needing these now that your wearing diapers all the time, in time this draw will be full of your diapers” he said as he threw the hand full into the bag.

Natalie’s head was spinning and her chest ached “No dad you can't” she said but it didn’t stop him from taking another hand full and dropping them into the bag “Yes I can and I am, don’t you worry I have thought of everything to help you obey the rules of your new diaper life” he said cheerfully. She watched on with her mouth open and her eyes wide as the final hand full of underwear was dropped into the bag “But but but….” was all she managed to say as her dad tied the bag up and placed it on the floor, she stared at the bag in amazement “All my underwear gone? Is he really doing this to me? I’m really going to have to wear diapers 24/7 like a baby? I don’t want this! I only wear a few hours a week I don’t want to wear them all the time!” she screamed in her head.

  She looked up at her dad and shook her head “Dad I….” was all she said before her dad interrupted “Alright and now for your pants, skirts and shorts” he said as he walked towards her wardrobe. Natalie shook her head “What? What do you mean?!” she shouted, her dad turned around and sighed “I said you can't wear anything over your diapers while at home and because you proved to me that you don’t want to live by my rules then I’m going to help you, I’m going to take all your pants, skirts and shorts and put them in my wardrobe so when you need them you come and ask me” he smiled an awkward smile as Natalie shook her head “Wait? What? Do I have to ask you for clothes? I have to ask you to use the bathroom?” she clenched her fists as she stared daggers at her dad “Why don’t you just put a bed in your room and I will sleep in there then you can watch me 24/7!” she snapped as she quickly folded her hands and looked away from her dad.

Chapter 04

  Natalie’s dad shook his head “You’re lucky that I’m letting you have this much freedom!” he shouted which caused Natalie to jump, he shook his head again as he continued “You wear diapers just like a baby you’re lucky I’m not treating you like a baby!” he continued as he gritted he teeth “I could still put you over my knee for a spanking for shouting at me like that! Now if you want to carry on pouting like a baby then so be it and I will get a crib and have you sleep in my bedroom where I can keep an eye on you!” he took a deep breath “This is happening Natalie and I will continue to treat you like a grown-up but if you want to behave like the baby that you are then I will treat you like one, when you prove to me that I can trust you then we can discuss changes but for now this is the way things are going” he said calmly. Natalie’s jaw dropped open as she stared out her bedroom window “This is so wrong, I don’t want any of this and the last thing I want is to be treated like a baby by my dad. Oh god to be made to sleep in his room while wearing a diaper just like a baby, no I can’t let that happen. I have to show him that I’m not acting like a baby or this could get much worse for me” she shivered and let out a sigh as she unfolded her arms.

Natalie’s dad nodded “Right” he said as he opened up the wardrobe and began to remove all of Natalie’s long dresses, skirts, pants and shorts. Natalie continued to look outside as she heard her dad working away “How am I going to get out of this? I’m locked in diapers, the toilet is locked and soon anything that I can use to cover my embarrassment is going to be locked away as well. It's going to take a very long time till I get used to this, it's so embarrassing wearing diapers in front of my dad, how am I ever going to tell him that I need to use the toilet? How is it going to work when I go to college?” she shook as she heard her dad walk out of the room. She slowly and nervously got up off her bed with an embarrassing rustle from her diaper and made her way to her door, she looked down the small corridor to her dad's room where she saw him dump her clothes on his bed when she suddenly noticed the garbage bag full of her underwear sitting a few steps away from her “I need to get at least one pair out of there, I can’t have any adult underwear and only have diapers like a baby” she thought as she slowly waddled towards the bag when her dad left his room. She swore under her breath as she watched him close his door and lock it with a key, he turned and smiled at her “There we go, now you wait in your bedroom I will be right back” he said as he approached the garbage bag and picked it up “We still have a few things to do” he said with a nervous smile as he walked down the corridor.

Natalie shook her head as she looked down at her bulging diaper “Where is he putting my underwear? Is he hiding them? I guess I will need them for when this is over with but how long is this going to last for?” she thought with dread as she waddled back into her room and sat down on her bed. “I can’t continue to wear diapers, how am I ever going to get a boyfriend while I wear diapers. Oh you want to come back to mine sure just when we get there my dad is going to make me take off my pants so he can see my diaper and if I need to poop I have to ask him to unlock the toilet but don’t worry the diaper will be full of piss, no we can’t have sex because my dad has the key to the locking pants so I can't take the diaper off by myself. So when you want to get married?” she rolled her eyes. Natalie let out a frustrated sigh when she heard a noise from outside her window, she looked up to see her dad open up the trash can and empty a garbage bag of old food into the trash. She spotted the bag of her underwear and her mouth suddenly became dry as she watched him take hold of the garbage bag and empty her underwear into the trash. She shook her head “It’s OK I can still get some back” she said to herself when he took hold of a third garbage bag and once again emptied the contents of old food and waste into the trash can. Natalie felt cold as she watched various liquids pour from the bag into the trash can, her dad placed the lid back on and walked back towards the house as Natalie took a deep breath “I have no adult underwear, I can’t wear any of them now and there is no way I can get them and wash them without my dad knowing” she shook “What is going to happen next? What does he want now?” she thought nervously as she waited on her bed. 

Chapter 05

 Natalie swallowed hard as she stared down at the plastic pants that covered her two rearz rebel diapers “This is a fetish, I enjoy wearing diapers but not when my dad has full control of when I can wear them, he is treating me like a toddler and I hate it. I have tried pleading with him and arguing with him and nothing is changing his mind. He wants me to wear diapers at all times and he wants to have control over when I get to use the toilet” she shuddered “I can’t imagine telling him that I need to use the toilet and I’m only allowed to tell him when I need to poop, I have to use these diapers to pee” she sighed “This is so humiliating and what does he want to do next?” she thought nervously.

Natalie’s dad returned to her room carrying his laptop “Now show me where you got those diapers and we can see what other designs you want to get, we need to get you a few different ones” he said with a smile. Natalie turned bright red “Different diapers? Are we really going to start shopping for diapers together?” she shook as her dad sat down beside her on the bed “Come on, we can’t have you wearing skull and crossbones all the time, it doesn’t really suit you anyway” he said as he pointed to his laptop. Natalie’s chest ached as she stared at the blank screen “What does he mean the rebels don’t suit me? Why don’t they? Why am I even thinking that it's a diaper none of them really should suit me at my age” she sighed. Natalie’s dad pointed at the screen again “What's the website?” he asked out of frustration, Natalie sighed “I’m not getting out of this I might as well get some diapers that I like I guess, this is so weird” she thought as she said “rearz.ca”.

Her dad nodded as he typed the address in and a large image of the new brand of diapers appeared on the screen, Natalie blushed and quickly turned away in embarrassment “I don’t want to do this” she said quietly. Her dad turned to her and said “If you don’t want to help me then I might just buy diapers you won't want and when I do I don’t want any arguments about you wearing them” he said firmly. Natalie closed her eyes as she shook her head while blushing bright red “I’m always going to argue though I don’t want to wear diapers” she thought but she bit her tongue and said  “That’s fine” with a sigh. Natalie’s dad turned back to his laptop “Alright then” he said as he continued through the website.  

Natalie stared out the window as she heard her dad clicking away beside her, the thick diapers between her legs a constant reminder of what her dad was shopping for beside her. She hung her head in shame as she stared at the plastic panties that were locked around her waist “How am I going to get out of these? How am I going to go out...” she quickly looked up her eyes wide, her skin had gone pail “How am I going to go to college tomorrow? I seriously can’t go while wearing diapers. No way he must be bluffing he wouldn’t do that to me” she thought as she swallowed hard. Her dad continued to click beside her as her head began to hurt as she glanced at the bin full of her underwear “I don’t have any other underwear and all my clothes are locking in his room, he isn’t bluffing is he. He is going to make me go to college wearing diapers. Oh god, what am I going to do? I need to make sure he gets slim diapers and quiet ones I can’t go out wearing something like these rebel diapers they are so big and noisy” she blushed as she turned her head.

She let out a gasp as she stared at the screen and saw the receipt page “You've finished already?” she asked in shock, her dad nodded “Yeah, you want to see what I bought you?” Natalie’s heart was racing as she shook her head but said “OK”. Her dad smiled and went down the list “OK so I bought you these Safari ones, they look cute”. Natalie blushed “They are really thick and so loud!” she thought as her dad continued “Princess pink ones, think they suit you” which caused Natalie to scrunch up her face “I hate pink and now I’m going to be wearing pink diapers” she shook her head. “Bambino Classico ones and PlayDayz pink ones” he said with a smile. Natalie wanted to faint on the spot “They are all thick and noisy diapers, he didn’t get any that I would choose to wear outside” she thought with a shudder. “Now that’s the disposable diapers, I also bought you another pair of plain white locking panties and pink nursery prints ones. Two training pants, one princess pink and pink rebel ones because you liked the skull and crossbones” he smiled proud of his order as Natalie wanted to be sick.

Natalie’s dad closed his laptop and stood up from her bed “Alright, I’m going to organize dinner, how does pizza sound?” he said cheerfully, Natalie slowly nodded still in a state of shock. He grabbed his laptop and left, leaving Natalie to process what had just happened “He bought me diapers, he bought me the loudest and thickest diapers. Why did he buy another pair of locking panties and why the training pants?” she blushed “Does he expect me to just walk around in those training pants? It would be like walking around in just underwear, actually with what he has been saying he wants me in diapers at all times so why the training pants? Put them over my diaper?” she shook her head “I hate this and it’s just going to get worse”.

Chapter 06

  Natalie sighed as she looked down at the plastic pants that were locked around her waist that covered up the two thick rebel rearz diapers “I need to get out of this” she thought when suddenly she felt the urge to pee and her eyes widened “What do I do?” she wondered to herself as she suddenly stood up from the bed. She stared down at the diaper and shook “I can’t use it and then tell my dad I’ve just wet a diaper” she shook, she tried to pull the plastic pants down but they wouldn’t move and she let out a frustrated groan as she swore at her predicament. “What if I go to him now and tell him I need to use the toilet? Would he let me use it? He was pretty insistent that I now use diapers” she shook her head “He is treating me like a toddler this has to stop. I need to just go to him and tell him that I’m going to use the toilet and that he should let me go” she said with a nod of the head. With a wave of confidence over her, she left her room and waddled down the hallway towards the living room but with every step forward her confidence leaked from her “What am I doing? He isn’t going to let me use it and if I say that he is just going to make sure I stay in this longer, even if I….” she swallowed “...need to mess myself” she shuddered at the thought.

She let out a sigh as she entered the empty living room “Where is he?” she thought as she quickly looked around, she shook her head when she looked out the window and her heart stopped. A tall man walked up the driveway and his eyes locked with Natalie’s for a moment then a puzzled look came across his face as Natalie quickly ducked down behind the sofa out of view. Her chest was aching and her cheeks were red with embarrassment when a slow knock at the door ran through the house, which sent shivers down Natalie’s spine “He saw me!!” she screamed in her head. “Natalie the pizza is here” she heard her dad shout out from behind her as he approached the front door, Natalie heard him open the door as she continued to squat out of sight from the large window, she looked around the room and saw the bag of rebel diapers still sitting on the floor and sighed “All because he found that bag” she thought. She was shaking with nervous energy as she replayed what just happened in her head over and over again “He saw me in a diaper!” she said to herself when suddenly her eyes widened and she felt warm urine spread into the diaper. She looked down in horror as the sound of her peeing echoed through the empty room “What am I doing? Stop!” she screamed in her head but she was unable to until her bladder was empty and her diaper was full.

Her dad entered the room carrying two pizzas and paused “Natalie? What are you doing?” he asked, Natalie held her breath and bit her lip as she felt herself stop peeing into the diaper, her heart was racing but she didn’t move. Her dad walked into the room and placed the pizzas on the coffee table not taking his eyes off his daughter “What are you doing?” he asked again. Natalie swallowed “I can’t tell him that I’m peeing myself! I can’t believe I ended up in this position, he literally scared the piss out of me” she rolled her eyes “I guess I can tell him that’s why I’m like this though” she thought with a sigh. She looked up at her dad with her cheeks bright red “Has he gone?” she whispered, her dad looked around confused and then noticed the delivery guy get into his car and he smiled “Yes he has gone, is that why your down there, you were hiding from him?” he let out a laugh as he sat down on the sofa and opened the pizza. Natalie grumbled as she slowly stood up then turned to her dad “What's so funny about hiding from a guy while I’m wearing this?” she said firmly while gesturing towards the diaper, her dad shook his head “You wanted this” he said as he took a piece of pizza. Natalie frowned “I didn’t want this!” she said as she sat down on the sofa and she felt the warmth of the wet diaper press against her bum which caused her to blush once again. “Why didn’t I use any baby powder when I put this on I can’t stay in this diaper for long or I’m going to get a rash. I never thought that this was going to happen that I would be sat beside my dad in a wet diaper. I can’t get a diaper rash I need to get this diaper off me” she thought.

Father and Daughter ate their dinner in silence, Natalie’s thoughts kept running back and forth about asking her dad if she could change out of the wet diaper which slowed her eating and reduced her appetite greatly. She let out a sigh as she stared straight ahead and nodded to herself “Dad, I….” she paused the embarrassment of it all overwhelming her as she felt her dad staring at her “You?” he asked. Natalie closed her eyes as she took a deep breath “I need to change the diaper” she rushed the words out of her mouth as fast as she could but the shame of what she had said washed over. Her dad looked at her puzzled “Have you peed or pooped your diaper little girl?”, Natalie’s jaw clenched as she scrunched up her face “I can’t believe he just asked me that! And called me a little girl? I’m 18! This is so humiliating but I can’t back out of this now I need to get out of this diaper quickly!” she screamed in her head as she began to shake, she let out a long breath “I hate this I hate it. I’m never going to be able to do this on a daily basis and I’ve been sitting in this diaper for too long, I can’t get a diaper rash” she thought as she took another long breath. “I peed but I didn’t use powder so I need to change quickly” she said calmly as she opened her eyes, her dad nodded and stood up “OK, let's get you out of your wet diaper” he announced.

Chapter 07

  Natalie slowly stood up while still shaking, her whole body was tense as her dad approached her pulling the key out of his pocket, he took hold of the lock on the plastic pants and unlocked it “Right, come on I will unlock the toilet while you get another diaper and baby powder this time you silly little girl” he said cheerfully as he walked out of the room. Natalie blushed bright red as she waddled after him down the hallway “I hate this especially him calling me little girl, there is no way I’m telling him next time” she thought. He stopped at the bathroom door while Natalie turned to her bedroom and entered when she paused “Wait the rebels diapers are out in the living room still and that’s the only ones he knows about so why did I come in here?” she thought when she felt her dad standing behind her “I knew that those diapers weren’t the only ones you had, come on show me what else you have little girl” he said as he crossed his arms. Natalie hung her head in shame “How did he trick me so easily? Is there any reason in keeping it a secret anymore I mean look what I’m wearing now and they are less thick ” she thought with a sigh. She pointed towards the bed “I have less than half a bag under the bed” she said weakly, “Well whatever they are you can wear one of them next, the bathroom is unlocked, leave the locking pants in there and don’t forget the powder also it would be a perfect time for you to poop little girl” he said cheerfully as he gave Natalie a gentle pat on her padded bum which made Natalie jump with freight as he left the room “What the hell was that? He didn’t just pat my bum? What is going on? I can’t believe he just said it’s a good time to poop, like I’m just a toddler!” she screamed in her head.

Natalie shook her head “Is this because I’ve wet my diaper? He has been treating me more like a child since I told him that, I can’t let him know ever again if this is what he is like” she thought with a shudder. She bent down and reached under the bed and pulled out the bag of carousel diapers and the baby powder and placed them on her bed, she stood up and shook her head “I’m swapping one diaper for another, maybe now is the time to just take everything off and make a run for it, cover myself in a sheet-like a toga and run away” she thought as she took a diaper out of the bag and picked up the baby powder “Can I really do that?” she wondered when she turned around which caused her to jump again. Her dad was standing against his bedroom door across the hallway watching her “Well there goes that plan, what is he doing? Just watching me? Is he making sure I don’t do anything? Am I going to be under constant watch now?” she thought with a sigh. Natalie waddled out of her room and into the bathroom where she closed the door “First things first” she said to herself as she dropped the diaper and baby powder onto the floor, she quickly pulled down the plastic locking pants and threaded them over her ankles and off her feet, while she did that her hands were pulling the tabs on the diaper and quickly she just wearing the one wet rebels diaper. She took hold of the tabs of the diaper and pulled them away and watched as the heavy diaper fell down to the floor, she looked down at her naked waist and smiled “Now this feels good” she thought with a sigh “So I now change out of this diaper and put that one of me?” she thought as she looked down at the carousel diaper sitting on the floor in front of her. She shook her head out of frustration “Then what go out and show it off to my dad?” she shook “This is so humiliating, a secret fetish I wore for comfort and fun now has turned into something so embarrassing” she sighed.

She looked around the bathroom and eyed the toilet and shook her head “I hate to admit it though he is right, now would be the best chance to use it, then I can go for a shower and worry about it after that” she said to herself as she walked towards the toilet, she shook her head “To finally be able to actually walk normally” she said as she sat down on the toilet “At least until I put the carousel diaper on but that’s not as thick as the rearz so I should be able to walk and not waddle in it like some toddler”. She sat on the toilet for a moment and pooped, she wiped herself clean and flushed the toilet when she stood up she let out a sigh “That’s the first time in hours where I’ve felt like an adult and its when I pooped into a toilet” she shook her head as she walked towards the shower and turned it on. Natalie pulled off her shirt and removed her bra while she waited for the water to become hot, she stood inside the shower as the water rolled down her slim body and she let out a long satisfied sigh. A long while later she got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself and was feeling happy when she noticed the diapers on the floor and she shook all over “Can I get away with not putting it on? What else am I going to wear? He won't let me wear this towel as he won't let anything cover the diaper and I don’t want to go around wearing nothing. What would he do if I didn’t put it on?” she shuddered “It’s really the best out of a bad situation. I hate this so much” she said to herself.

She dried herself thoroughly, wasting as much time as possible when there a shout through the door “Hurry up little girl or do I have to come in there and help you?”. Natalie went white as a sheet “Not a chance, I can’t have him do that! No way!” she screamed in her head, she shook her head “I will be out soon!” she shouted when her dad quickly responded, “You have one minute and then I’m coming in”. Natalie's eyes went wide as she quickly dropped the towel and grabbed her shirt “Don’t have time for the bra” she said to herself as she pulled it over her head, she then quickly sat down on the tile floor and grabbed the diaper, her heart was racing as she unfolded it “So I’m now rushing to put a diaper on” she shook her head as she lifted up her bum and slid the diaper under her. She lowered herself down and was about to pull it up when she eyed the baby powder, she let out a groan as she grabbed it and sprinkled it all around her vagina and under her bum. She placed the powder back down as she lifted the front of the diaper up and quickly tapped it tightly against her with a sigh when the door swung open and her dad stared down at her “Ah you're all ready for bedtime my little girl” he said with a smile.

Chapter 08

 Natalie hung her head in shame “This is not happening my dad is standing over me while I sit on the floor in a fresh diaper, I’m an adult that goes to college I shouldn’t be going through this humiliation, how am I going to get out of this for college tomorrow?” she thought as stared down at the diaper and shook. Her dad quickly turned around facing out of the bathroom he said “Come on, let's get you to bed”, Natalie opened her mouth to argue when she quickly closed it “I don’t care that it's so early actually, I would rather go to bed and be left alone than staying up wearing a diaper around my dad” she sighed. Slowly she stood up as the diaper rustled between her legs it made her blush “I’m never going to get comfortable wearing a diaper in front of my dad, even him hearing it is making me cringe” she thought.

Natalie followed her dad out of the bathroom and they both walked the short distance towards her bedroom, with Natalie blushed bright red silently wishing the diaper would stop its constant rustling as she walked. They entered her room and her dad walked to the foot of the bed and gestured towards the bed, Natalie looked at him confused for a moment, “Get in, like I said it's bedtime now don’t be naughty” Natalie rolled her eyes “Did he just say don’t be naughty? Why is he now treating me like a child? I’m not a child. I’m an adult” she wondered as she looked down at the diaper and sighed “I really don’t have an argument about being an adult while wearing this” she thought and with another sigh, she got into her bed and pulled the covers quickly over her covering the diaper as she lay down. Natalie’s dad walked over to the bedroom window and closed the curtains as he walked back towards the bedroom door he looked down at his daughter “Now Natalie, You remember that security system that I got a while ago that I never set up?” he asked. Natalie looked at her dad confused as she nodded which caused her dad to smile as he stood leaning against the door frame to her bedroom “Well….Oh wait, first things first” he said while shaking his head “I almost forgot but I brought in that water for you, I want you to drink it all before I leave”. Natalie looked over to her bedside table where she noticed the large pint glass of water “I have to drink all of that? I only have a small bladder, I will be peeing all night!” she thought nervously. Her dad continued “You didn’t drink anything with dinner so I want you to drink it up, I’m not leaving until you finish it” he said as he folded his arms. Natalie shook her head “Whatever it's only water and the faster I drink it the faster he will leave me alone” she thought as she sat up with a rustle and grabbed the large drink and began to slowly drink it down.

Natalie’s dad smiled as he unfolded his arms “Now where was I? Oh yeah, I’ve set the security system in here, if you take that diaper off I will know about it” Natalie’s eyes widened as she choked up some water, she quickly moved the glass away from her and wiped her mouth as she scanned the room “Has he really? Where is it? What is it? I can't remember what he got it was so long ago. What were they again? Was it noise? Motion? Video?” she shook with shame as she felt the anger build up inside herself. She looked back at her dad and shouted “You ca” but she was quickly cut off “If your good and don’t remove your diaper during the night then I will let you have the day off college tomorrow” he shouted back. Natalie felt a great weight lift from her shoulders suddenly “No college tomorrow? I wouldn’t have to worry about going outside in a diaper” she thought with a slight smile. Her dad continued “It would be a rest day for you to get used to your diapers. If you take it off for any reason though then I will make sure your diapered bottom is at that college bright and early. I will even march you to your classes if I have too” he said firmly. Natalie’s heart suddenly began to race as her eyes darted back and forth “I” was all she could say as she looked down and felt hot all over as she sighed “I can't go to college wearing a diaper and I’m not having him march me into any classes. This is horrible and I would really like a day off but that means wearing this diaper all night and having to use it. How am I letting him have this much power over me?” she let out another sigh as she weakly said “Fine”.

Her dad smiled “Great now finish your drink” he said calmly, Natalie rolled her eyes as she lifted the glass back up to her mouth and continued to drink. Natalia’s dad nodded “Good girl, now I will let you sleep in tomorrow but I will come and get you if you sleep too late and check if your diaper needs changing” he smiled as Natalie finished her drink while blushing bright red. Her dad took the glass from her and smiled “We will both adjust to this little one, I hope you enjoy your first night in diapers” he said with an awkward smile as he closed the door leaving Natalie alone in the darkness of the room with her full bladder.

Chapter 09

 Natalie stared into the darkness of the room as she lay in her bed trying to process everything that had happened, she shook her head and let out a groan as she sat up and placed her hand on the front of the diaper “This is it? I just have to adjust to this way of life. I now wear diapers 24/7 and there is nothing I can do about it” she thought with a sigh. Her bladder began to ache as she shook her head “I can’t get out of it and if I even tried to then that means he will force me into college tomorrow” she shook all over at the thought “I can’t imagine having to wear diapers out in public. I’ve never been brave enough to do that and now its meant to be part of my normal life. This is so wrong!” she shouted in her head as the urge to pee got greater.

Natalie’s legs were shaking as she placed her hands between her legs “I have to do it, I just have to use the diaper and then try to get to sleep” she said with a sigh as she turned on her bedside lamp. She removed the sheets that were covering her legs and looked down at the diaper “Get it all out now and then I won't get woken up with the urge to pee again and having to go through all of this again” she thought as she gently got out of bed and squatted low with her knees far apart, she looked up at the ceiling while shaking her head and she let her body relax. She let out a satisfied moan as the pressure from her bladder released, she felt her diaper become warm as the pee spread around her lower half. She placed her hand over the front of the diaper contentiously as she continued to pee “Will it hold everything? I hope it doesn’t leek” she thought when suddenly the door opened.

Natalie jumped with freight as she lost her balance and fell down onto her now wet bum, she had stopped peeing with the fall as her dad stood holding onto the door looking down at his daughter. “Oh sorry but I heard you getting out of bed, I was making sure you weren’t being naughty” he said with an awkward smile. Natalie blushed as she looked down at the floor “He must know what I was doing, I can’t believe he just came into my room without knocking and checking if I’m naughty! I’m not a kid” she thought. Her dad cleared his throat as he began to close the door “Well when I said bedtime I meant bedtime, I don’t want you getting out of bed again until the sun comes up. Now come on get into bed little one”. Natalie scrunched up her face as she bit her lip “Little one? I’m 18 years old I’m not little” she thought as she slowly got up and felt the wet diaper once again between her legs. A wave of shame washed over her “I don’t care, I just want him to leave now. I will do what he says if it means he will leave me alone” she thought as she got up to her feet and quickly got back into her bed. Her dad nodded to himself as Natalie pulled the sheets back over her “Good girl, night night” he said softly as he closed the door.

Natalie banged her head against her pillows out of frustration “He must think I’m loving this! I’m peeing my diaper just like a child. I bet in his eyes I’m not even putting up a fight, I have just accepted that this is the way things are now” she shook her head and took a deep breath. She continued to take in deep breaths and slowly she began to relax as she closed her eyes when she felt a fresh stream enter her diaper, she quickly pulled the sheets away as she sat up in her bed looking down at her damp diaper “I didn’t mean to get that relaxed” she thought as she placed her hand once again on the diaper “It's already so wet” she thought as she continued to pee, slowly the diaper was becoming stained as Natalie shook her head “I hope it lasts the night and I hope I don’t have to go again” she thought nervously.

She rubbed the front of the diaper a few times as she felt the dampness of the diaper press against her, she felt a tingle run through her, which caused her to quickly stop and pull the covers over her once again. She shook her head “I can’t do that, I have no idea how my dad is listening in or even if he is watching somehow but I can’t do that in this” she turned off her bedside light as she lay down once again and stared into the darkness “Will I always be under his watch?” she thought with dread. She closed her eyes tightly “If he is listening in then how long is that going to last? Will I ever get to enjoy myself again? Do I want to really do it though? Wearing a diaper was so taboo and secretive but soon everyone will know and then will I even get the same enjoyment out of it? How am I going to get any enjoyment out of having to wear them instead of choosing to? How has my life gone so fucked up?” she thought with a sigh and a slight tear in her eye as she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 10

  Natalie tossed and turned, she let out a groan in the darkness as she slowly opened her eyes “No! I have to pee again” she grumbled silently to herself, she rolled onto her back with a crinkle and let out a sigh. She shook her head in frustration “I don’t want to wet this diaper again, I just want to get out of it and sleep normally. It's so weird to sleep in a wet diaper I’m really not used to it. Will I get used to it? Will I have to get used to it? I don’t want to even think about that. I just want my clothes back, I would be normally sleeping in pajama shorts but instead, I’m forced to wear this diaper” she let out another sigh as the pressure continued to build up inside her. She removed the covers and scrunched up her face as the stale smell of urine entered the room “Could I take it off? Would he know? He can’t be awake now” she thought as she looked around the darkened room. Natalie placed her hand on the front of the diaper and shook her head once again “I don’t want to risk it though, I can’t go to college wearing a diaper. If I have a day with him maybe I can convince him to let me be free of this, that I don’t want to wear diapers 24/7 and that I want my normal clothes back” she thought. She swallowed hard and took a deep breath as she sat up in her bed and looked down at her diaper, she closed her eyes as she let go and felt the fresh warm urine gush into the already wet diaper.

She felt the pee quickly spread all around her bum cheeks and she shook her head as she sat in the damp diaper, she felt the diaper slowly soak up her urine and become firmer all around her “I’m never going to be able to sleep in this now” she thought with annoyance. Natalie placed her hand over the front of the diaper and gave it a gentle pat “It’s so thick now, how am I going to sleep in a soaked diaper. It smells and it's warm and my whole lower half is damp and soon it is going to be itchy and then what am I going to do?” she groaned. She lay down once again and closed her eyes as she placed the covers over her once again “What is he going to say when he comes in? He will obviously know that I have wet my diaper with this smell, I wish I could open the window but even if I get out of bed he could come rushing in here wondering why I’m up. I’ve become a prisoner in my own bed” she thought. She closed her eyes “I wish this wasn’t happening, I wish he never found the diapers. I wish I never had the diapers in the house. I’m 18 years old, slim and guys find me attractive and here I am lying in my bed in a soaked diaper because my dad has forced it on me. If only those guys that find me attractive could see me now, what would they think?” she shook.

Natalie was shocked to open her eyes and see light beam into her room “I slept? I’m still lying on my back, did I not move at all during the night? Maybe my body was too exhausted to move” she thought as she lay on her back in silence staring up at the ceiling when the horrible feeling washed over her again. “How do I have to pee again? I shouldn’t have anything left” she shook her head in annoyance. She looked around her bedroom as she gritted her teeth “This diaper isn’t going to hold much more and then what? I will be lying in a wet bed with a wet diaper on” she thought with a sigh as her body relaxed her eyes suddenly widened. She quickly removed the sheets and looked down at the diaper as a fresh stream of urine entered the already soaked diaper “I didn’t mean to do that!” she shouted in her head as she nervously placed her hand on the front of the diaper, she quickly stopped peeing as continued to feel the front of the soaked diaper “It hasn’t soaked through yet but it's so close”. She let out a groan as she placed her head back down on the pillow “If I need to pee again I will have to get off the bed, I can’t wet the bed but then if my dad comes in and sees me out of bed what will happen? Will he force me to go to college today? Will I get a chance to even change out of this horribly soaked diaper? Oh god there would be no hiding it from anyone if I had to go in this diaper, it stinks and it's now so thick. My ass would look huge and I would be waddling around everywhere” she thought while blushing bright red.

A sudden urge to pee came over her “What the fuck?” she said quietly as she looked down at her body “How? I can’t have anything left?” she shook her head with a sigh “Right I’m not going to wet my bed, I will have to get up and use this diaper” she blushed again “I just hope I don’t get punished for it” she thought with a sigh. Slowly she maneuvered herself off the bed and stood beside the bed and looked down at the hanging sodden diaper “It's not going to last, If I pee while standing or squatting it's going to splash and go everywhere, If I sit at least if it does leak then it's not going to go far” she rolled her eyes as she slowly lowered herself down onto the wooden, with a squish she sat down on her wet bum “I hate this!” she thought as raised her legs wide and once again peed into the diaper. She looked up at the ceiling as the warm pee once again spread around her groin and her bum “It's like sitting in a puddle” she thought, she placed her hand on the front of the diaper and gingerly rubbed against it “It's going to leak anytime now I know it” she thought nervously when her bedroom door opened and her dad stood looking down at her.

Chapter 11

Natalie’s turned bright red as she looked down from her dads gaze back down to her soaked diaper, her mouth was dry as she nervously sat on the floor “Why isn’t he saying anything? I didn’t take the diaper off and the sun is up so I’m allowed out of bed” she rolled her eyes “Allowed out of bed? Like I’m a child. What does he have planned? What'shats going to happen now?” she thought with a small sigh. Her dad cleared his throat “Well little one, you definitely need a diaper changing don’t you, you want me to do it or you want to go and clean yourself up?” he asked warmly. Natalie’s eyes widened as she continued to stare down at the pee-stained diaper “My dad change my diaper? Him seeing me naked? No way! How could he even ask me that?” she thought as she quickly shook her head “I will….” she swallowed nervously “...I will go for a shower” she said weakly. Her dad nodded “Good the bathroom is unlocked” he said as he held out something, Natalie noticed the item from the corner of her eyes, she looked up at the black skull and crossbones themed diaper that was presented to her while turning bright red once again as her dad smiled “Here you go little one, now run along and get showered we don’t want you to get a rash now do we” he said cheerfully. Natalie winced as she took hold of the diaper and felt the soft plastic in her hands while her dad stepped out of the doorway, she sighed once again as she slowly stood up and felt the great weight of the pee-soaked diaper hanging from her waist. “How am I going to get out of this after the first night of wearing a diaper I’m now wearing a soaked diaper. He will just see this as I need them or that I want to pee myself. Either way, I can’t win” she thought with a frown.

Slowly she waddled forward, feeling the huge diaper swing side to side as she walked towards the door and past her dad when suddenly she froze solid and felt as cold as ice but her chest was on fire as she felt her dad's hand press against her soaked diapered ass. “Well it's a good thing we went through this when we did isn’t it little one, you are soaked now you better go and clean yourself up while I get you some clothes to wear for the day” he said as he gave Natalie a gentle push on her squishy bum. Natalie’s eyes were wide with shock as she silently waddled out of the room and into the bathroom where she closed the door and let out a silent scream as she threw the diaper onto the floor, she shook her arms and head out of frustration as she swore under her breath “What the fuck!”. She took a deep breath as she let out a groan “What the hell was that? He just felt my wet bum and I was in such shock that I didn’t even stop him, I let him feel my diaper like a child being checked. Why didn’t I do anything? I should have done something but I was in too much shock I never thought he would touch my bum, especially not my wet diapered bum. I need to get this off me and get in the shower and hopefully the warm water will help me calm down” she said to herself as she waddled towards the shower and turned it on. While she waited for the water to heat up she pulled her shirt over her head and threw it on the floor and took hold of the tabs of the diaper and pulled them off, it quickly fell to the floor with a thud and a stench of stale urine quickly entered the room. Natalie winced as the smell assaulted her nose “I can’t leave this out while I shower” she thought when she noticed something new beside the toilet. It was a white thin tube the height of the toilet with a lid on top, Natalie cocked her head curiously when she let out a gasp “It's a diaper pail? He actually put a diaper pail in here for me to use?” she said as she gritted her teeth. “How far is this going to go? He bought me diapers? He has a diaper pail in the bathroom, I can’t pick out my own clothes and he is treating me more and more like a toddler” she sighed as looked down at the foul-smelling diaper. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head as she picked up the diaper and folded it up and walked the short distance to the new diaper pail beside the toilet.

After depositing the diaper she quickly walked back to the shower and adjusted the temperature slightly before jumping in, her body quickly relaxed as the hot water ran down her slim naked body. “Much better” she said as she began to clean herself “What am I going to do? I do like wearing diapers and he knows that but he is treating me like a child so much it's weird but he still seems very uncomfortable with it all…” she paused for a moment and smiled slightly “I could go all out behave like the child that he is treating me like, maybe go younger and act like a baby and see how uncomfortable he goes with that. If I fully commit and start acting like this doesn’t bother me and that I am an adult baby then that could freak him out that he won't want to be around me when I’m like that and just leave me alone once again” she thought with a frown. “Could it work? He does run away from things if they get too uncomfortable and he just doesn’t know how to deal with things. I bet he found my diapers about a month ago and spent all that time building up to all this so if I now go full out on him then I could scare him off and stop him from taking this further. It is a risk and I’m going to have to swallow a lot of pride to do this but if it gets him to stop and make it so I don’t have to wear diapers to college then I win….” she let out a sigh “...I think that’s a win” she said as she turned off the shower and stepped out, she took hold of the towel and began to dry herself.

Chapter 12

Once dry Natalie walked over to the rearz rebel diaper that she had thrown on the floor and picked it up as she nodded to herself “Yes I’m going to do it” she said to herself as she looked around the room and noticed the baby power on the sink, she walked over and took hold of the powder as she unfolded the diaper. Slowly she squatted down and placed the diaper under her, she sat down and felt the soft fabric on her bum cheeks which caused her to smile slightly “These diapers do feel super comfy” she said as she opened the powder and lay back on the tiles of the floor. Once again she sprinkled powder over her vagina and around her bum and gently rubbed it around her lower half as the air smelt of sweet baby powder she smiled to herself, she lifted her legs up into the air and poured more powder over her firm bum cheeks and once again rubbed the powder around. She lowered her legs and took hold of the front of the diaper and pulled it up and tightly taped it around her waist when she heard a knock on the door “You finished little one?” her dad asked from the hallway. Natalie’s heart began to race as she looked down at her breasts and then at the diaper  “I can’t do this, I can’t let him see me like this or treat me like a baby. It was so embarrassing him just patting my bum and now I think I can actually go through with him seeing me naked apart from the diaper” she thought as a cold shiver ran through her body.

Natalie let out a large sigh as her chest ached she continued to stare down at the diaper unsure of what to do, she shook her head out of frustration as let out a groan “How did it seem so right while I was in the shower? Now actually doing it and it's so wrong and humiliating. I’m 18 years old and I’m sitting here in nothing but a diaper. I can’t let him see me like this and I can’t just play along like I am a baby. What was I thinking?” she rolled her eyes as she looked around the room for her shirt. “I will just have to grit my teeth and go through another humiliating day” she thought and paused with a sigh “Whatever I do I’m going to be humiliated, if I wear a shirt and walk out of here I will still be wearing a diaper around my dad and I will just have him controlling me, controlling what I wear or what I eat just like if I was an adult baby so….” she trailed off as she looked up at the ceiling “If I swallow my pride for now and pretend I’m a full adult baby then it will make him reconsider this entire thing. I’m sure he doesn’t want to deal with what it would be like to have an actual adult baby around the house”

Nervous energy ran through her body as she tightened her jaw “At least this way nobody else will know, I won't have to go to college wearing diapers and have the risk of people finding out. Yeah, my dad will see me acting like a baby and that will be humiliating but it's nothing compared to having my friends or any of the guys at college seeing me wearing a diaper. Oh god have I actually decided to go through with this? To try and out embarrass my dad with this whole thing and make him back down? How far will I have to take it? I’m going to have to go all the way and just act like a baby, no taking, walking or……” she turned bright red “….using the toilet for anything” she grimaced. Natalie shook her head “That would definitely put him off if I actually did that but it will have to be a last resort, I really don’t want to experience that but it's for the greater good”.

Natalie slowly got up onto her hands and knees and started crawling towards the door with her large diaper rustling with every movement she blushed bright red “I will wait for him to come in and will begin my show then, I will be the worst baby. I will cry, fuss and let out screams and I will not utter a word. He wants to treat me like a baby then he will see what it's like to get a real adult baby” she thought as she once again sat on her padded bum while facing the door. She looked down at her ample breasts and the large rebelz diaper and winced, she looked back up at the door nervously  “Game face on, I’m going to hate this but I can't let him see it. I’m pretending to be a baby, babies don’t wear shirts just diapers and they crawl around and they use their diapers. I can do all of this today and tomorrow life will be back to normal and nobody outside of this house will have to know about my embarrassing secret” she thought when the door opened.


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