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 *All Characters depicted in this story are 18 years of age or over*

 Chapter 01

The Dark Lord had been defeated, those that were at the battle of Hogwarts seldom talk about what took place that day but everyone knew that Lord Voldemort was no more and that Harry Potter had saved the wizarding world. Harry, Ron and Hermione had sacrificed a year of their lives to destroy all the Horcruxes and finally put a stop to Voldemort once and for all but once the next year had rolled along only one of the good friends was on the train back to Hogwarts. Harry and Ron had decided not to return and instead believed they had enough knowledge and experience to become Auror’s, Hermione now 19 years old and a year older than her new class mates wanted to learn more and even after having a three-hour debate trying to convince Harry and Ron to return with her she was the only one on the Hogwarts Express.

Hermione’s first lesson of the year was the defence against the dark arts, she had made her way down to the dungeon where the class was now held out of respect to Professor Snape. The room was colder than up in the main castle and would have been quite creepy enough without the pickled animals floating in glass jars all around the walls. Hermione entered after all her classmates had seated, but she saw an open seat at the front and sat down next to Ginny Weasley, Ron’s  18 year old younger sister. “Did you see who the new professor is?” Ginny asked Hermione shook her head “No, McGonagall didn’t announce who the new professor would be last night and after all the teachers we have had it could be anyone now” Hermione thought back to all the professors they had through her years at Hogwarts. Professor Quirrell, Professor Lockhart, Professor Lupin, Professor Moody, Professor Umbridge and Professor Snape. Out of all the Professor’s Lockhart and Lupin were the only ones that didn’t have a connection to Voldemort, Lockhart was a fraud who stole the adventures and stories of other wizards and Lupin was a werewolf which when revealed caused him to be practically chased out of the school by the scared parents of students.

Hermione, Ginny and the rest of the class jumped as the door to the dungeon closed hard, they all turned around and saw a tall man standing at the back of the class, he slowly examined the room then smiled and walked to the front of the class. He wasn’t wearing a robe like all the other Professors or students but was wearing a long brown coat, under the coat was a blue suit and a red tie, but to Hermione the thing that stood out the most was the converse sneakers that he wore on his feet “How is he getting away with wearing them” Hermione whispered to Ginny, Ginny shrugged and was about to respond when the man announced “Well, Defence against the dark arts, dark arts, arts” he clicked his tongue as he walked back and forth “So I guess we could get started, just call me the Professor” he smiled and all the tension was lifted from the room and students suddenly relaxed. He stood still for the first time and looked at the class “I know a lot of you were part of the battle last year, I wasn’t, was dealing with a creature in a metal box” he broke off and looked out the window with a somber look then quickly snapped out of it and turned back to the class “Anyway so a lot of you know about the arts and how to defend yourself, but there are a few little things I could still teach you, I need a volunteer” another big smile beamed from his face and half the room had their hands up instantly, including Hermione and Ginny.

The professor scanned the room and finally lifted his hand and pointed “You there, come up here” Hermione smiled ear to ear as she got up from her seat and practically skipped to the front of the class. The Professor put out his hand and smiled “Hello there and who might you be?” Hermione blushed “I’m Hermione Granger,” she said as she shook his hand. “Of course you are, Well this should be easy for you” he turned to the class “Now there are some curses that can be defended by simply rebounding them back to the one that cursed you, the curse can change with the rebound, however, depending on how much power is used to rebound it”. The Professor took five paces back from Hermione “Now Hermione if you can give me a curse I will rebound it back and if you feel up to it try to rebound it back to me” Hermione was feeling nervous “A curse? What type of curse?”. The tall man smiled “Oh yeah” he clicked his tongue once again then said “How about a simple transformation curse, turn my lovely red tie into a long scarf, I haven’t worn a scarf for years” he smiled.

Hermione put her wand up and the professor quickly placed his hands up “Whoa whoa not just yet, a little more teaching first” he said with a cheeky smile, Hermione lowered her wand embarrassed “Sorry” she said sheepishly, the professor nodded his head and turned to the class “OK so the spell to rebound is Resiliant, you focus on the curse coming towards you and you picture it flying back and say Resiliant, sounds easy doesn’t it” he was practically beaming as he turned back to Hermione “Now if I put more power into the curse as it goes back it will change so it might not change your tie colour but might change your robes or something, it’s tricky as the outcome isn’t really known”.

The Professor put his hand into one of his suit pockets and pulled out a strange wand, the handle was made of a silver metal, it had ridges and buttons and a blue crystal at the base, Hermione and the rest of the class had never seen a wand like that and The Professor looked down at it “What’s wrong” he said, Hermione shook her head and quickly said “Nothing, just never seen a wand like that before” The professor flipped the wand in his hand and said “This thing? Oh yeah it’s my own design, want to be different you know how it is” Hermione smiled “OK you ready?” the professor put the wand at his side “Yep allons-y”. Hermione raised her wand “Colovaria” she pointed her wand toward The Professor who quickly lifted his wand “Resiliant” a blue light appeared out of the wand and made its way towards Hermione, Hermione only managed to say “Resi” when the light hit her, she stood there for a moment and looked down at her tie, it hadn’t changed colour.

Hermione was standing at the front of the class looking down at her clothing with a slightly worried look on her face but nothing had appeared to change to any of clothing. “Odd” The Professor said “Maybe it changed something else or maybe nothing at all, well thank you for the demonstration Hermione you can sit back down” he said and guided Hermione back to her seat “Now, class that is one way to repel curses I want you all to look up other ways, I will give you 20 minutes”. Hermione sat back down at her desk and The Professor sat behind his desk at the front of the class. Hermione had just opened her book when she felt something strange, she first noticed a warmth coming from her waist, she then felt it around her groin and then her bum, then suddenly she felt something thick appear. She looked down and could see that her skirt had become tighter and slightly inflated, she quickly looked up worried and stared at The Professor who had his eyes fixed on his desk as he was writing something. Hermione blushed slightly as she tried to put her legs together but there was a now a bulge between her legs that prevented her from doing so “Ginny” she whispered, Ginny turned her head and looked at her “What?” she whispered back, Hermione didn’t know what to say, she knew something had appeared around her groin but hadn’t thought about what it was until now.

Hermione’s jaw dropped open and her chest became tight as she suddenly realised what had happened to her underwear, her red underwear had changed into a nappy. Her mouth suddenly became dry and she could feel her cheeks burning as Ginny asked “What is it?” but Hermione just shook her head “Nothing, it’s nothing” she whispered nervously. Ginny shrugged her shoulders and went back to reading her book and taking notes as Hermione stared down with wide eyes at her new padded underwear.

Chapter 02

Hermione’s eyes darted around the room nervously, everyone had their eyes down concentrating on the task The Professor had assigned them but Hermione couldn’t think of anything else but the nappy that now rested between her legs, as she shifted in her seat she turned three shades of red as she heard the rustle of the plastic. She sighed as she stared down at her desk “Should I tell The Professor what has happened? If anyone finds out I will be known as Nappy girl for the rest of the year, If I get his attention I could tell him quietly and then be excused from class, would anyone be able to tell though? My skirt has got tighter I bet my bum looks so much bigger” she thought but as she looked up to get The Professor's attention when a strange noise rang out from behind him. All the students looked puzzled and Ginny turned to Hermione “Is that a new bell?” she asked, Hermione shook her head “No it’s coming from the office” she said.

The Professor stood up with a worried expression on his face and quickly turned to face the office then back to the class “Class is finished for today, all of you go” he said with a slight panic and the students looked at each other confused when the Professor shouted “Now!” the students quickly stood and began to leave the room as the Professor ran into the office and closed the door quickly behind him. Hermione hadn’t moved, she continued to sit nervously as her fellow students slowly left the room, Ginny had finished packing her books and stood up “Are you coming?” she asked, “Yes, I will catch you up” Hermione said which satisfied Ginny who followed her fellow students out of the class. Hermione blew a sigh of relief as the last student left, and she began to fill her bag with her books, she slowly stood up and turned bright red again as she took a step forward and heard the nappy rustle.

Hermione slowly left the classroom and made her way down the corridor behind all the other students “I hope nobody notices me” she thought as she slowly walked and quickly looked behind her to see her bum swinging from side to side in her tight skirt, and she noticed she was slightly waddling she blushed bright red as stared down at the floor “I’m waddling and my bum is swinging I need to stop this” she thought and as she tried to stop her self from waddling while making her way down the corridor. She turned a corner and saw the door to the girl's toilets and smiled “Perfect I will go in there and remove this nappy and nobody will know” she thought as she quickly entered the bathroom and let out a sigh of relief.

It was a gloomy, depressing bathroom, under a large, cracked, and spotted mirror was a row of chipped sinks. The floor was damp and reflected the dull light given off by the stubs of a few candles, burning low in their holders; the wooden doors to the stalls were flaking and scratched and one of them was dangling off its hinges. Hermione looked around the room “Thank god it’s empty” she thought with a smile but as she took a step forward she stopped and thought “Why is it empty?” she thought then her smile disappeared as she realised the answer “No, this is Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, I hope she isn’t in here” she said to herself as she quickly looked around the gloomy bathroom “No I would have heard her by now” she thought, and she quickly waddled into a cubicle.

She closed and locked the door of the cubicle and just stood looking down at her waist “How could a simple spell turn my red knickers into a nappy?” she wondered as her face began to blush, slowly Hermione unclasped her skirt and watched in amazement as she pulled it down over the bulging nappy. Her eyes went wide as she stared down at the white plastic covered underwear which had a blue line going down the middle and two tabs on either side. Stunned she slowly turned her head to look at her rear and was amazed at how much the nappy was sticking out “Wow, it looks just like a proper nappy, an adult-sized nappy is now wrapped around my waist. How did this even happen?” she thought “Anyway time to take it off” she said as she put her hands on the tabs and pulled.

Hermione pulled hard but the tabs didn’t move she moved her hands off the nappy in a slight panic when suddenly she could see the nappy get bigger, her eyes went wide as she stared down at the slowly expanding nappy when it finally stopped she saw it was sticking further out at the front than before and thickness between her legs had grown bigger. She began to shake as she slowly looked behind her and saw that her bum had also grown larger. She looked up and stared at the cubicle door as she shook her head “What’s happening?” she thought as panic ran through her “I have to take this off” she said and she placed her hands back on the tabs again and once again pulled hard but once again they didn’t move.

Hermione quickly removed her hands from the nappy and placed them over her mouth in shock as it once again expanded, she began to shake as the nappy grew larger all around and she had to move her legs apart as the thickness between her crotch got larger forcing her legs further apart. She removed her hands and looked down and could only see the tips of her toes now the nappy was protruding 10cm out from her body all the way around and she felt cold “What can I do, I should go back to The Professor's class and see if he could help” she said with panic in her voice, but she then looked down at her skirt and sighed “That’s never going to fit over now” she said glumly. She continued to stand in the cubicle with the huge nappy around her crotch when she heard a little giggle coming from the toilet, Hermione went white as a sheet as she slowly turned and saw moaning Myrtle slowly appearing up from the toilet, her hand over her mouth giggling.

 Chapter 03

“Well, what do we have here” Myrtle giggled while staring down at Hermione’s huge nappy, Hermione blushed and angrily said “It’s nothing! Just go away Myrtle!”, Myrtle looked sad and slowly flew around the nappy wearing girl not taking her eyes off Hermione’s padded waist, she stopped in front of Hermione and finally looked at her face “So you have decided to wear nappies then come and see me? Are you trying to mock me? I moan and cry like a baby. Well, I’m not a baby!” she shouted as Hermione’s jaw dropped open “What? No?” she shook her head and let out a deep breath “ A spell went wrong” Myrtle looked at Hermione with a puzzled look “Well why don’t you just take it off? If I didn’t want to wear something I would take it off”.  

Hermione gritted her teeth and clenched her fists “Don’t you think I have tried that? It’s the first thing I wanted to do!” Myrtle looked hurt for a second then smiled which caused Hermione to feel terrified as the ghost said “I will help!”. Myrtle reached down and towards Hermione’s nappy, Hermione began to panic as she watched Myrtle’s ghostly hands go for the tabs of the nappy she instinctively placed her hands in front of the nappy to try to stop her but Myrtle’s hands passed through hers as the ghost grabbed the tabs and gave them a big pull.

The tabs didn’t move and Hermione looked down in horror as just as before the nappy expanded, it continued to get bigger and bigger, Hermione had to once again move her legs further apart and finally, the nappy stopped growing. Myrtle giggled “Well that’s interesting” Hermione gave her a death stare “Thanks a lot!” she shouted as she looked down at the nappy “Oh god it must be now 30cm out from my body and I don’t even know how wide it is between my legs” she shivered. The nappy was now taking up a lot of the room in the small cubicle and Hermione was becoming slightly claustrophobic “I need to get out of here before I get stuck” she said nervously. Hermione slowly backed as far back into the cubicle as she could and reached out for the handle of the cubicle door, slowly she pulled the door open and it quickly got stuck on the nappy Hermione cursed under her breath as she squeezed back further she had to practically stand on the toilet to finally get the door to open. Once the door was open she waddled out of the cubicle and let out a sigh of relief when she suddenly realised “anyone could come in a see me wearing this thing” her eyes fixated on the door and she began to shake “I need to lock it” she thought and she began to waddle over to the door slowly, her legs were so far apart that she was unable to waddle quickly otherwise she would lose her balance and fall over. She waddled over to the door her huge bum swinging side to side as she did and eventually arrived at the door and quickly locked it.  

She sighed and turned around and rested her back against the door “What am I going to do?” she asked nobody while she shook her head. She lent against the door for a long time trying to think “OK there has to be a way to get this off me, a counter curse or something” she said out loud, Mytrle was standing in front of the sink giggling to herself “I could give the tabs another pull, that might work” she placed her hands over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Hermione clenched her fists, gave her a death stare and shouted “No it won't work Myrtle, just leave me alone to think this through you are not helping at all!” Myrtle stopped giggling “Well fine then be like that, get your bum out of that nappy yourself” She stuck her tongue out at Hermione then flew into the sink turning the taps on full as she vanished down the plug hole. Hermione slowly released her fists and let out a sigh as she stared up at the ceiling, “Finally now I can think” she said quietly but as she repeated “There has to be a way to get out of it” she quickly got distracted by the running water now splashing onto the floor, she looked down at the taps and she felt cold all over as she shouted out “No I need to pee”. She looked down at her inflated groin and began to shake with embarrassment “I can’t pee in a nappy, I need to hold it, It will be a lot easier to hold it if I’m not constantly reminded of running water I need to turn that tap off” Hermione slowly waddled over to the taps feeling very self-conscious about the way she walked and the sway of her bum as she did so “I hope nobody else comes in here and sees me like this like nearly headless Nick or Peeves” she shuddered at the thought as she reached the taps. She turned off the taps with a sigh of relief and looked at herself in the mirror, the pretty young woman stared back at her, she smiled but then she caught the reflection of the nappy and she blushed bright red “This is what I look like? I look like a giant baby?” she gritted her teeth and quickly span away from the mirror but as she turned around she slipped on a wet patch on the floor and went tumbling down onto her padded bum.

Hermione’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped as the unexpected fall had caused her bladder to let loose and slowly she felt the urine enter into the huge nappy. She scrunched up her face as she felt the warm pee leave her body and run over her groin and between her legs over her firm buttocks, she felt cold as she sat stunned in the thirsty nappy “How is this happening? I’m now wetting the world’s largest nappy in a public toilet at school! I need to get this off me!” she screamed to herself. She tried to stand up by herself but because of the mass around her waist, she was unable to do so. She rolled her eyes and she reached up to the sink and gingerly pulled herself up, once standing Hermione looked down at the nappy again, the blue line had faded and she noticed something else “Have you shrunk?” she questioned, she looked at it for a long time with a puzzled expression on her face then decided to take a step forward and she slightly smiled “It has its smaller, I’m not waddling as much!” she felt a rush of happiness run over her then shame came crashing over her “I still did just wet a nappy thought” she shuddered. She stood staring down at her inflated waist for a while when eventually she asked “What made it get smaller? Was it me falling? Standing still?” then her eyes went wide and her chest became tight “It got smaller because I wet it? I have to use this nappy before I can take it off?”

Chapter 04

“I heard a story, more like a fairy tale of magical nappies that are used for toddlers that want to take them off all the time, I thought it was just a story to scare toddlers to keep the nappy on until they had used it” Hermione looked down at her protruding waist and swallowed hard “I use it and it comes off? How can I use a nappy?” she rolled her eyes as she felt the warmth of her pee against her “Well how can I use a nappy intentionally? I’m too old to be in one in the first place” Hermione blushed bright red “I don’t have a choice, that’s the spell it’s locked on till I use it. If I hadn’t pulled on the tabs so much it would probably be off me now” Hermione suddenly clenched her fists and gritted her teeth “If Mytrle hadn’t pulled on them I wouldn’t have to wet it as much”.

Half an hour has passed and Hermione was still standing in the middle of the girls toilets with the very big nappy between her legs, she had been trying to get the courage to use the nappy again and after debating it in her head she had decided that enough was enough she would now do anything to get out of this situation. After she had made up her mind she spent the next twenty minutes drinking water from the taps and her bladder felt like it was going to burst “OK I can do this, I need to do this to get out of it” she said to herself and she tried to pee. A few minutes had passed and Hermione was getting annoyed with herself “Why can't I do it? Maybe it’s my stance” she then squatted down a little and spread her legs “This feels ridiculous I shouldn’t be in this situation, I’m a very famous witch now and I’m now squatting while nappy trying to pee in it” as she finished that thought she felt the warmth of the fresh urine entering the nappy and a slight smile appeared across her face as she continued to fill the nappy.

Hermione continued to smile “Yes I’m doing it, I’m finally peeing” then the smile suddenly left her face as she began to feel foolish “Oh how embarrassing, I was happy about wetting a nappy just like a toddler” she shook her head as she felt the urine enter her nappy and spread all over her groin. She eventually stopped peeing and eagerly looked down at the nappy “Come on, Come on, shrink” her prayers were answered as she watched in happy amazement the nappy slowly shrink around her and the blue line became almost invisible.

The nappy was now 10cm all around her and Hermione frowned at her inflated underwear “Is that it? I drank so much and it’s gone down to that size?” she shouted at the nappy as she stamped her foot on the stone floor. She sighed as she started the process over again and once again drank the water from the taps. It had been another thirty minutes and Hermione needed to pee once again she rolled her eyes as she squatted again and began to pee “I hate that I’m getting used to this, getting used to peeing in a nappy and getting used to the feeling of it but this must be the last time and then it’s off me” she thought as once again she began to pee into the nappy and she turned bright red as she felt the warm urine swim around her groin and her bum then slowly soak up into the huge nappy.  

As the last drip left her, she stood up and once again looked down at the nappy in eager anticipation. She carried on looking down hoping it would work but the nappy didn’t move, it was still the same size. Hermione stamped her feet against the floor and shouted “What’s going on now? I’m using it, it should be going down” she let out a sigh as she shook her head. She wanted to scream as she stared down at the nappy “I still can’t leave here and seek help, it’s still too big to go over my skirt and if I could, who would I see in a wet nappy?” She shook at the thought. “Wetting it made it go down the first two times but not the third, why?” she thought long and hard then a chill ran down her, and she turned white as a sheet “I haven’t used it properly yet” she looked over her shoulder at her padded bum.

“No way, I can’t do that” she had begun to waddle up and down the room “It’s disgusting” she continued her thought then abruptly stopped “I have to do it, I have to, it’s the spell I have to use the nappy for it to come off” she swallowed hard “I have to mess myself” she felt nauseous at the thought of it. “I do it then it will be used and can come off and I can clean myself up and finally get out of here, no I can’t I need to find another way” she said to herself. She thought for another five minutes and her head began to hurt, the nappy had become hard between the legs and the urine had now cooled and was becoming itchy.

She let out a sigh and shook her head “I want this off now and I can’t think of any other way” she shuddered as she looked down at the nappy “How am I going to do it? Squatting out here like a toddler, no I still have some dignity, I will erm sit on the toilet, it will be easier that way” she sighed and waddled to a cubicle. She closed the door and sat down on the toilet, her nappy poking through the toilet seat “I can do this, I can”. Hermione sat for a while unable to do anything until her stomach grumbled and her eyes widened “Oh god I actually have too anyway? It’s going to happen one way or another. This is wrong” she thought as she held her breath and slowly began to push and then suddenly stopped “Oh no I can’t do it” she looked down at her padded groin and scrunched up her eyes and once again she pushed she grabbed the sides of the toilet seat and clenched hard.

It wasn't as easy as she thought it might be, the poop was solid and it was hard to push it into the confines of the nappy, she then sighed “I can’t do this on the toilet, It’s not going to work” she shook as she stood up slightly and walked forward and squatted low, and she began to push once again. Tears began to roll down Hermione’s face as the poop slowly entered into the nappy pushed up the back then down into the crotch. She felt light-headed “I’m actually doing it, I’m messing myself, at my age I’m messing a nappy like a baby” she thought with disgust. Finally, she was finished she wiped the tears from her face and looked down at her now messy nappy exhausted and ashamed, she felt a cold chill when she got a nose full of the mess that was now resting between her bum cheeks. Hermione gingerly stood up trying not to move too much and out of habit closed the toilet lid, she could feel that the nappy was much heavier now which only confirmed what she had just done.

She looked down and watched her nappy with nervous anticipation “Please let this work, Please, Please, Please” she pleaded. The nappy slowly shrank down and was now at its original size and the blue line had completely disappeared. Hermione gave a little smile “Yes” she said but didn’t want to get too excited until she checked one more thing but before she had a chance to put her hands on the tabs Myrtles head came shooting through the door and Hermione shrieked and fell backwards onto the toilet seat with a squelch. She wanted to be sick as she felt the poop squish and spread all over bum a fresh smell of poop quickly entered the room and Hermione froze.

Myrtle looked at her with a puzzled look “Were you celebrating that you pooped yourself, good baby Hermione” she giggled but Hermione slowly looked up at the ghost with a dagger expression and Myrtle suddenly stopped giggling. Hermione gritted her teeth as she now felt the poop spread to the front of her nappy she clenched her fists “You tell anyone about this then I will put such a curse on this bathroom that nobody will ever enter”. Myrtle was about to speak but thought better of it and slowly her head vanished through the door. Hermione felt cold chills run through her as she looked down and saw a brown stain at the front of the nappy “It’s everywhere, not just over my bum but my groin, this is disgusting I have poop all over. Myrtle was right I’m just like a baby I should have just gone and got this fixed from the beginning now I’m sitting here with a poop filled nappy. It’s going to take me ages to clean myself up and with no showers, in here I will still have to leave smelling like I have messed myself” she thought.  

Slowly Hermione stood up and felt the nappy sticking to her bum, she looked behind her and the once white nappy was now a light brown colour and she wanted to cry again at the shame of what she had done but suppressed it focusing on the next task. She held her breath as she put a hand on one of the tabs, slowly she pulled it. Nervously she stared and watched as it slowly pulled away “Yes!” she shouted as she grabbed the other tabs and removed them all and the nappy fell to the floor with a messy thud.  

Chapter 05

Hermione couldn’t help but smile even with the foul smell of the messy nappy on the floor “Finally it’s off me” she said to herself, but then she frowned “and now I have to clean the poop off my bum cheeks” she looked for toilet roll but there was none in the cubicle, she frowned and shook her head “I’m having the worst look today, I’m going to have to go to a different cubicle” she thought. Hermione looked down at the soiled nappy and winced “I can’t believe I messed a nappy” she said to herself as she opened the door to the cubicle to see a stunned Ginny on the other side staring at her in disbelief.

Hermione stood frozen the messy nappy still at her feet and nothing covering her from the waist down, Ginny gave a cheeky smile and said “You messed a nappy? Are you a baby?” Hermione blushed and quickly covered up her private area with her hands“H How, How did you get in here? I locked the door!” she stuttered out. Ginny looked over at the door “Myrtle unlocked it for me” Hermione turned red with anger “I’m going to curse this bathroom, she isn’t going to get any visitors ever again” she thought. Ginny couldn’t take her eyes off the older girl standing in front of her naked from the waist down and a dirty nappy at her feet “So what happened?” she asked, Hermione sighed and recounted the full story to Ginny who listened intently, once Hermione was finished telling her story she began to close the cubicle door but Ginny stopped her “Wait I think I have an idea” Ginny said with a smile on her face, Hermione looked at her confused “What?” she asked as Ginny brought out her wand and pointed it at the nappy on the floor “We just need to reverse the spell that will fix it” Hermione looked at her shocked and began to speak but Ginny quickly waved her wand and said “Novis”.

At first, nothing happened and Ginny looked upset, Hermione finally said “What were you trying to do?” Ginny looked at Hermione “I was trying to reverse the spell and turn your knickers back” Hermione looked at her confused “I don’t care...” she stopped midsentence as she suddenly felt a warm mush press up against her bum, she went white as a sheet as she slowly looked down terrified, her worst fears were answered the nappy had flung up off the floor and was now back up around her waist.

Hermione shouted as loud as she could “What have you done!?” she couldn’t take her eyes off the used nappy around her waist, Ginny too hadn’t moved her eyes off Hermione’s crotch and weakly said “I I I was trying to help, I’m so sorry Hermione” Hermione snapped “Let me think” Hermione didn’t look up at the ginger-haired girl in front of her she continued to stare down in shock. Hermione took a few deep breaths and calmly said “I don’t want to pull on the tabs in case it gets bigger again” Ginny nodded but Hermione didn’t see “Why don’t we go to a teacher” Hermione finally looked up at Ginny “I can’t go to anyone like this, I’m wearing a full nappy” she shivered at the thought “It’s bad enough you seeing me wearing this!” she shouted again.

Ginny looked hurt for a second then shook it off “How about we go back to our dorm? you might have some books that could help” she suggested. Hermione turned her head around and stared down at her brown stained behind “I can’t leave here wearing this” she said on the verge of tears. Ginny shook her head “Well we can’t fix anything from in here come on” she said and to Hermione’s surprise, Ginny walked towards her grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the cubicle, Hermione grimaced as she felt the mess in her nappy move as she did. Ginny reached down to the floor and grabbed Hermione’s skirt that she had pulled off so long ago, she then turned to Hermione and smiled “This will fit over it, let me help” Ginny said as she began to wrap the skirt around Hermione’s nappyed waist. Hermione stood in stunned shock as the younger witch was now dressing her, soon the skirt was back around Hermione’s waist pressed tightly against the nappy that it now hid “That will do” Ginny said then she circled Hermione and began to brush down the skirt, Hermione winced when she felt Ginny’s hand push against the back of her nappy and push down. Ginny then stood in front of Hermione and smiled “Let's go” she said and grabbed Hermione’s hand and pulled her along the bathroom towards the main door.

Chapter 06

Ginny slowly opened the door and poked her head through, she looked up and down the long hallway to check if the coast was clear. Hermione was shaking with fear inside the bathroom “I don’t want to leave the bathroom, anyone might see me or even smell me. Someone might walk close to me tell what I’m hiding under my skirt by either the way I’m walking or even the shape of my bum from under this tight skirt. I would rather just stay in here” she thought. A chill ran through her as she sniffed the air and could smell what she had hidden in her pants and feared that everyone in the school would be able to smell her soiled nappy as soon as she left the bathroom, she shook her head realising that was silly but it didn't ease her fears as Ginny pulled her out through the door into the hallway.

Ginny led Hermione down the hallway keeping a tight grip on Hermione's hand as she walked, Hermione was a step behind the younger witch her eyes darting around hoping that nobody would join them, her free hand was on the back of her skirt constantly pulling it down out of fear that a freak gust would come out of nowhere and blow it up. Hermione tried to pull away from Ginny's tight grip a few times, she wasn't happy about the speed she was being pulled around which made it very difficult to walk normally, Hermione blushed bright red when she realised she had an obvious waddle to her walk, but Ginny kept her grip tight and guided them down the hallway.

Soon they arrived at the stone stairs that led up to Gryffindor tower and Hermione let out a sigh of relief, Ginny turned to her and smiled “Almost there” she said, Hermione gave a half smile as Ginny once again led the way up the stairs. They stopped a few steps up as they heard a familiar voice coming from behind them “Oh Hello” Hermione stood still her hand shot towards her skirt as she heard the owner of the voice speak again “Have you seen the baby Crumple-Horned Snorkack?” she asked. Hermione turned her head and saw looking up at them expectedly was Luna Lovegood, Ginny quickly responded “No Luna, nobody has ever seen one” Luna sighed “Someone told me there was one around here, Oh well” she said in her dream-like voice. She looked up at the girls questionably “What you doing?” she asked, Hermione was lost for words and looked at Ginny with her eyebrows raised, Ginny returned the look then looked back at Luna “We didn't feel well, must have been something we ate so we are going to our room”Luna's expression didn't change as Ginny turned quickly and continued up the stairs pulling Hermione behind her.

As they walked up the stairs Hermione looked behind and saw that Luna was still staring at them she quickly pulled on her skirt when suddenly she fell down. In Hermione's distracted state she had forgotten about the vanishing step and her left leg had fallen through the hole and as she fell she pulled Ginny down. Ginny fell backwards, she landed hard on her back her head narrowly missing the hard stone steps. Hermione had fallen forward onto her stomach she had managed to stop her face smacking into the stone with her hands instinctively stopping her from getting seriously hurt. She lay in shocked silence for a moment then she slowly turned her head and saw Luna staring up at her and it was then that Hermione blushed and shook at the same time.

Her right leg was sprawled behind her and her skirt and made it’s way up her waist so that her soiled nappy was clearly on show to Luna. Hermione quickly pulled her leg out of the hole while also trying in vain to pull down her skirt, eventually, she was free and Hermione and Ginny stood up both feeling shaken when Luna broke the silence “Ah a nappy is that a thing now?” she asked which caused Hermione to blush bright red as she quickly snapped “No just forget it Luna” Ginny grabbed Hermione's hand once again and led her back up the steps with little protest from Hermione as she followed, Luna shouted out “If you need a hand changing that then let me know I've had plenty of practice” she smiled as Hermione and Ginny went from view.

Ginny and Hermione had come to a halt in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady “Er…” Hermione said glumly, for the life of her she couldn't remember the password, she stood staring up at the Fat Lady, who smoothed the folds of her pink satin dress and looked sternly back at them, Ginny said “Ginger Beer” the fat lady said “Correct,” and her portrait swung open towards them like a door, revealing a circular hole in the wall behind, through which Hermione and Ginny now climbed in with Hermione keeping her hand on her skirt still trying to hide her secret. The Gryffindor common room looked as welcoming as ever and Hermione breathed a sigh of relief when she saw it was empty, it was a cosy circular tower room full of dilapidated squashy armchairs and rickety old tables. The room was empty so Hermione and Ginny quickly headed straight for the door to the girls’ dormitories.

Chapter 07

Hermione and Ginny went into their dormitory and closed the door quickly, Hermione sighed with relief as she looked at the two four-posters hung with deep red, velvet curtains. Their trunks were at the foot of the beds filled with their belongings. Hermione was glad that Ginny and herself were the only ones staying in this room as she began to waddle over to her trunk when Ginny stopped her “Why don’t we try to take it off with the tabs?” Ginny suggested as she passed Hermione and walked towards the window “We need this open” she said as she opened the window to let the fresh air in, Hermione looked at Ginny questionably “Last time I tried that it got bigger, that’s why!” Hermione said bluntly. Ginny sighed “But that’s when you hadn’t used it, now you have and we are safe up here we might as well try it and if it works great it’s off you” she suggested and Hermione blushed “But if it doesn’t work I’m back wearing a huge nappy” Ginny smiled “It’s only me and you up here, if that does happen we will then find out how to get it off you” Hermione looked down at her skirt “It might be the simplest of ways to get this off, she might actually have a point but I don’t want to wear a large nappy again” she thought with a sigh. Slowly she nodded “I know your right but I just don’t want it to get any bigger than it is” Ginny gave her a sympathetic look as she walked towards her “Let’s get your skirt off just in case” before Hermione could react Ginny had removed her skirt and for the second time that day she was standing in front of her with the soiled nappy on display which made Hermione blush bright red “What a horrible day” she thought.

Hermione stared down at the nappy and held her breath as she slowly moved her hands towards the tabs, Ginny looked on biting her bottom lip “Good luck” she said, Hermione half smiled as she placed her shaking hand over the tab. She tried to pull the tab but it didn’t move, Hermione looked up at Ginny with tears in her eyes as she felt the nappy once again expand. Her legs were forced open as she looked down at the ever-expanding nappy, it was roughly 10cm all around her waist once again and Hermione expected it to stop but to her horror, it continued to grow “What? Why?” she stumbled out as the nappy expanded more and her legs were forced even further apart now. The nappy finally finished growing and Hermione looked down “It, it’s back to how it was before” she shrieked “It must be sticking out 30cm all around my waist and between my legs!” she shouted. Ginny walked over to Hermione “I’m sorry” she said Hermione raised her head and looked at her with anger in her eyes “You should be sorry, this is your fault, if you hadn’t cast that stupid spell I wouldn’t be in this mess!” she shouted. Ginny was taken aback “I was just trying to help,” she said, Hermione looked back down at her padded underwear “Well you didn’t did you”. Ginny wanted to say something but as she opened her mouth no words came out, the two witch’s stood in silence staring at the nappy for a long while.

Ginny eventually said “I think I have an idea” Hermione rolled her eyes “What is it this time?” she said with a hint of sarcasm, Ginny said “We should try the tabs again” Hermione looked at Ginny like her head had just fallen off, Ginny continued “Well think about it last time you pulled it once and it went to 10cm then you pulled it again and it got bigger this time you pulled it once and it went straight to big, maybe the spell I did mess it up and if we pull again it will shrink back down”. Hermione didn’t look convinced “And what if it doesn’t work and it gets bigger again?” Ginny shrugged her shoulders “What if it does? It’s a big nappy anyway” Hermione blushed “Let's see if we can find something in our books first,” she said as she turned to walk to her trunk. Ginny couldn’t help but giggle as she looked on at Hermione, her bum was swaying side to side as she clearly waddled towards her bed. Hermione turned around “Stop laughing” she shouted at Ginny. Ginny was fed up with Hermione shouting at her and she rushed towards her “I don’t care if it helps or not” she said as she put her hands on the tabs and pulled. Hermione pushed her away but it was too late “Why did you do that?” she shouted at Ginny again. Ginny shouted back “Stop shouting at me, I’m trying to help you”, Hermione opened her mouth to shout back when she felt a great weight around her waist, she looked down with panic in her eyes but the nappy hadn’t grown any larger.

Hermione’s knees began to shake as the weight from the nappy got heavier after only a moment her legs gave in and she fell down onto her messy padded bum. Ginny looked at Hermione confused “What did you do that for?” she asked, Hermione looked up at her with tears in her eyes “It got too heavy, I, I couldn’t stay standing”. Ginny felt horrible “I’m sorry,” she said “I got angry at you shouting at me” she continued. Hermione looked away still feeling angry but trying not to show it she took a deep breath as she looked down at her stained underwear “It’s OK” she swallowed “I know you were trying to help” she rolled her eyes “I just need to try to keep the peace otherwise she might get angry and go and tell everyone about this” she thought. Ginny smiled “Can you stand?” she asked, Hermione shook her head slowly “I don’t know, it doesn’t feel as heavy now” she got onto her knees easily and then stood up “Yeah the weight has….argh” Suddenly a huge weight pulled her down as she fell onto her hands and knees.

Chapter 08

Hermione was on her hands and knees her huge nappy surrounding her waist, she looked up at Ginny with tears in her eyes “I can’t stand” she cried out, Ginny looked down at her older friend “Is there any weight now?” she asked as Hermione shook her head and said weakly “No, but I think this is as far as I can get up, if I try to stand the weight comes back” Ginny began to panic “What are we going to do? I should get a professor” Hermione shouted out “NO, I am not having anybody else see me like this, we won't be telling anyone, understand?” Ginny weakly nodded “But what if..” Hermione cut her off “Nobody” Ginny lowered her head and said “OK, we can sort this out” she said with a smile.

Hermione sighed as she began to crawl towards her trunk, she could feel her bum swinging from side to side “I bet I look ridiculous” she said under her breath as she approached her trunk she scrunched up her eyes “Oh I have to do it, don’t I” Ginny spoke up behind her “Do what?” she asked, Hermione, looked back at Ginny and said “I’m going to have to sit down” she said it like it was the worst thing she had ever had to do. Ginny looked glumly at Hermione “Yeah your not going to be able to stay on your hands and knees all day” Hermione sighed once again and slowly sat down on her padded rear.

She could feel the mess from earlier press against her bum as she sat in front of her trunk and it made her want to be sick, the poop inside her nappy had cooled and her most sensitive parts were becoming itchy. Ginny walked towards Hermione as she opened up the trunk and began to pull out books “Do you need a hand with anything?” Ginny asked. Hermione paused for a moment “If you could go down to the library and find a book on wizard babies or how to raise babies that might be able to help us” Ginny smiled “I will find them” and quickly turned away and began to head to the door “Oh Ginny” Hermione shouted and Ginny stopped “Yes?” she asked “If any of the professors ask where we have been say it’s ermm Auror business and if they need to check then contact Harry Potter, that should scare them into leaving us alone” Ginny looked at Hermione curiously “But what if they contact Harry?” Hermione smiled “He will say that we are doing work for him, you don’t have to worry about that” Ginny smiled as she opened the door and walked out leaving Hermione to go through her books on her own.

“Now I can concentrate and try to get out of this mess,” she said to herself as she began to look through the books not moving out of fear and disgust of feeling more mess move around the nappy. After half an hour Hermione had made her way through half of her books but hadn’t found anything that would help her when she suddenly paused and her jaw opened. She looked down at her inflated underwear and the colour drained from her face as she felt a warm stream of urine enter the nappy “What? What? I, I” she stumbled as she continued to stare as more and more urine entered the nappy and spread around her groin and under bum mixing with the mess that was already inside.

She had tears in her eyes as she stared down at the nappy “I didn’t, I didn’t even feel the need to go” she said through sobs. She soon felt the urine stop and her chest tightened as she looked down, very slowly the nappy began to shrink, it continued to shrink down and Hermione felt herself slowly lower as the thickness in her bum vanished and the nappy returned to normal size. Her eyebrows raised as she continued to stare at the now normal sized adult nappy “What? Why has it gone back to normal? Can I take it off now? Is that all it needed? I needed to use it one more time?” she thought. She didn’t dare to move as she continued to look down at her messy underwear. “Can I now stand up? Maybe I can now that it’s gone back to normal” she thought as she swallowed hard “I hope so anyway I don’t want to fall back down onto my bum” she shuddered at the thought. Slowly she stood up and smiled slightly “No weight pulling me down? No huge nappy between my legs? Can I really take it off?”

Chapter 09

Hermione grabbed her wand and quickly waddled towards the toilets at the opposite end of the room, she entered the small room that had a toilet opposite the door and a small sink on the wall, she closed the door and stood for a moment. She looked down at the nappy that had made her so miserable for most of the day and hoped that it was finally over. She slowly put her hands over the tabs and held her breath as she slowly pulled, one by one the tabs came undone and the nappy fell to the floor with a messy thud. Hermione quickly held her nose as the stench of the nappy filled the room she whipped out her wand, waved it, muttered something, and sent a jet of the same bluebell flames she had used on Snape many years ago. The nappy went up in flames in an instant and was soon no more and Hermione couldn't help but let out a little laugh as she looked at the burnt stone floor where the nappy sat just seconds before. Hermione then began the monstrous task of cleaning herself up and after half an hour she was finally satisfied with the cleanliness around her groin and with a smile, she opened the door and walked back to her trunk with a smile on her face”

She got to her trunk and pulled out a pair of white knickers and quickly slipped them on, she looked behind her at her white underwear hugging her bum “That looks much better” she said as she grabbed her skirt and wrapped it around her. She looked down and smoothed her skirt out and felt practically giddy that it didn’t feel tight and that she couldn’t feel anything between her legs. She walked over to her bed and fell down with a sigh of relief “Yes it’s over, I don’t have to deal with that again” she then began to laugh as it felt a great weight had left her. After a while she sat up and looked at the time “Yikes I only have one class left I have missed so much, I wish I still had the time-turner” she sighed “What lesson is it anyway?” she lay back down and thought “Oh yeah its History of Magic, I can miss the first day, Professor Binns won't even notice I’m not there and he would only be reading from the textbook, which I have already finished, I think I deserve a little time to enjoy my freedom”.

After half an hour had passed Ginny returned to the room downhearted “I’m so sorry I couldn’t find anything, I’m not as good as you at the research bit I bet if you go down we will be able to find something” Hermione smiled which puzzled Ginny “What are you smiling at?” she asked, Hermione was half tempted to fling her skirt up and show Ginny her underwear but instead just said “It’s gone” Ginny looked more confused “What you mean it’s gone, how?” she asked again, Hermione blushed and said “Well erm it doesn’t matter, I took it off and I set a blue fire on it and it’s gone” she smiled once again. Ginny took a moment then a smile crossed her face “Fantastic” she said, “So are you going to go to class?” Hermione shook her head “I only have History of Magic I will be fine to miss that” Ginny nodded “Yeah your right, well I better go I have Divination and I should go before Professor Trelawney notices I’m not there” she laughed and began to leave before turning back to Hermione “I’m glad it’s all sorted” Hermione nodded “Me too, thank you, Ginny,”.

The rest of the day went by as usual once the lessons had finished Hermione went down to get food and was surprised nobody had asked her where she had been all day. While sitting in the great hall she found out that The Professor had also missed his remaining lessons and most the students thought they were gone together, which caused Hermione to blush. As Hermione was leaving the great hall she walked past Luna Lovegood who eyed her up and down then smiled “Do you need a hand, Hermione? I have changed many Umgubular Slashkilter’s when they were small, about the same size as you actually so I can help” Hermione turned three shades of red and pulled Luna to one side “Listen Luna, We, I, it didn’t happen OK, just forget about it” Luna looked at her oddly then slowly nodded. Hermione smiled and began to walk away when Luna shouted “Nappies are easy to change” Hermione continued to walk but turned her head and gave her a nasty look.

It was many hours later and Hermione and Ginny were tucked in bed, Hermione had fallen straight to sleep after such an exhausting day, Ginny was still awake catching up on the lessons that she had missed while with Hermione. Hermione was tossing and turning in her sleep she was dreaming that she was sitting in a playpen in the centre of the great hall surrounded by students, she was wearing nothing but a nappy and sucking on a pacifier as the surrounding students pointed and laughed, in the dream Hermione couldn’t understand why they were laughing she was enjoying being in the playpen but all the laughter and pointing upset her, she then felt her nappy become warm and she looked down and it swelled up. Hermione shot up in her bed which made Ginny drop her quill “Oh Hermione you OK?” Ginny asked. Hermione looked over to Ginny with tears in her eyes as she weakly said “I’ve wet the bed”.

Chapter 10

“You have done what?” Ginny asked as Hermione hung her head in shame “I’ve wet the bed, what do I do?” Ginny shook her head then said “Go clean up” Hermione blushed “It’s not what I meant but she is right I need to clean it up” she thought as she nodded and got out of bed her nightdress clinging to her. She grabbed her wand and walked towards the toilets, once in the toilets she placed her wand in the sink and pulled off her nightdress and hung it on the back of the door as she turned back around she looked down at the once white knickers that she wore to bed, they were now a light shade of yellow and it made Hermione shudder. “What’s going on? It can’t be from that nappy” her chest tightened when she suddenly remembered “I wet the nappy without knowing it, that’s when it came off me, No it didn’t do this did it? How could it?” she sighed and slowly peeled off her damp underwear and began to clean herself up, after she was satisfied she was clean she grabbed her wand and muttered a few words and a light came out of the wand and engulfed her nightdress, in an instant the wet stain on the front was gone and Hermione smiled she pointed the wand at her damp knickers and muttered the same words and the same thing happened, her underwear was once again a bright white with no stains. She pulled on her underwear and slipped the nightdress back on and left the bathroom. She noticed Ginny was still in her bed reading when she returned “Everything OK?” she asked, Hermione half smiled “Yeah, must have been dreaming about earlier today” she lied. She turned towards her bed and noticed it was dry, she smiled and turned back around “Thanks” she said, Ginny smiled and went back to reading. Hermione placed her wand next to her bed and jumped back in and lay down.

Hermione’s mind was racing “Did the nappy do that? Do I have any control now? Should I do a Transfiguration spell to turn my underwear in to a nappy for the night, just in case?” she blushed at the last thought “How am I thinking about wearing a nappy to bed, I only just got out of the worst nappy in the history of Hogwarts” she took a deep breath “It’s better to wake up tomorrow to a dry nappy than wake up to a wet bed, why do I have to be so practical” she thought. She looked over and saw that Ginny was still reading “I will wait till Ginny has gone to sleep then I will do it” she began to feel nervous as she waited.  

An hour had passed and Ginny had finally finished reading and turned out her light, Hermione waited another half an hour when she finally grabbed her wand a nervous energy was flowing through her “Am I really going to do this, change my underwear into a nappy?” she took a deep breath and focused “Yes, I have to, I can’t wake up to a wet bed again and when it’s dry in the morning I will just turn it back to my underwear and nobody needs to know” she thought as she lifted up her wand, she slowly pulled up her nightdress revealing her underwear and concentrated then with a flick of the wrist her underwear turned into a nappy. Hermione first smiled at completing the spell then she frowned as she was now wearing a nappy for the third time that day.

Chapter 11

Hermione couldn’t sleep, it had been hours since she turned her knickers into a nappy and every time she moved she heard the rustling of the nappy between her legs, she was becoming very frustrated with her inability to sleep, all she could hear a short distance away from her was Ginny lightly breathing, as the night went on Hermione became more and more frustrated with her roommate. “Why do I have to put up with this while Ginny gets to sleep peacefully, it’s her fault I’m now wearing a nappy to bed if it wasn’t for her and her stupid reversing spell I would have been out of that nappy much sooner”. Hermione thought about what Ginny had done over and over again and got angrier as time passed “She should be wearing a nappy, with what she has done to me” she looked over at her wand and a slight smile crossed her face “I could do it, turn her underwear into a nappy and then she will know what it feels like” she let out a little chuckle and grabbed her wand “Am I really going to do this to her?” she moved slightly and felt the nappy between her legs and her eyes shot open “Yes, she needs to know what it’s like”.

Hermione slowly removed the blanket that was covering her and let the cool air of the room hit her body, she looked over at Ginny’s bed and could make out the silhouette of her sleeping friend in the darkness, she was sleeping on her side facing Hermione which made her even more nervous as she scooted over to the edge of her bed and gently put her feet on the cold stone floor. She waited for a moment then stood up off the bed, she took a step forward and quickly stopped as she heard the rustle from her nappy echo across the room. She looked at Ginny and noticed she hadn’t moved and let out a sigh of relief “Good, now stay sleeping” she thought as she slowly walked towards her friend's bed. After a very long time, she finally made it to Ginny’s bed, she smiled as she looked down at the sleeping girl. Hermione slowly squatted down next to the bed when she sighed “I didn’t think this bit though, I need to be able to see her underwear to transfigure it” she stayed still for a while “If anyone could see me now they would think I’m acting just like a toddler, squatting down while wearing a nappy, out of bed messing around when I should be sleeping” she shook her head “Why am I thinking like that? I know I need to make her roll over, if she rolls over to the other side then I can lift up the blanket and do it” a smile crossed her face as she pointed her wand up at the bed and whispered “Ventus” a small gust of wind came out from her wand and blew straight into Ginny’s face she mumbled and groaned as Hermione quickly lowered herself and her wand under the bed, Ginny pulled up the covers over her head and then rolled over facing the other way. Hermione smiled “It worked, great,” she thought as she continued to wait “Make sure she is back to sleep and then I can carry on”. After a few minutes, Ginny’s soft breathing had returned and Hermione nodded “Let’s get to it” she thought as she slowly grabbed the blanket and put her head under it. Hermione fumbled for her wand in the darkness under the blanket then very quietly said “Lumos” the end of her wand lit up illuminating the small space. Hermione blinked a few times and then realised she was staring at Ginny’s bright pink knickers, a smile crept across her face as she stared at the underwear “Goodbye knickers and hello nappy, just your not going to know what it’s like to be locked in them” she pointed out the wand and concentrated but as she flicked her wrist Ginny moved slightly which caused Hermione to lose concentration and the thought of “Locked” entered her mind as the spell took effect.

She stared in nervous anticipation at Ginny’s bum when suddenly her pink underwear began to inflate and Hermione’s eyes widened as she began to panic “What have I done” she thought as she began to creep out from under the covers, the last thing she saw as she left from under the blanket was the cotton fabric of the underwear turn plastic. Hermione landed on her padded bum with a rustle and she slowly scooted herself across the floor towards her bed, keeping her eyes fixed on Ginny’s bed. She saw Ginny role onto her back and held her breath “Please don’t wake up, how am I going to explain this?” she thought as she reached her bed. She quickly jumped up into her bed not caring about the rustling of her nappy as she pulled the covers over her and closed her eyes, she took a deep breath when she heard Ginny shout out “What? What is that?”.

Chapter 12

Hermione had only a moment to think as Ginny made the lamps turn on and Hermione opened her eyes and threw the blanket off “Why am I wearing a nappy again?” She shouted out. Ginny stared at her “Why am I wearing a nappy?” she asked back. Hermione acted shocked as she stared at Ginny’s big pink nappy and said “Wait did you do this to me?” Ginny’s jaw dropped “What? Why would I put a nappy on you?” Hermione shrugged her shoulders “I don’t know you did earlier today” Ginny looked hurt “I was trying to help, anyway why am I now wearing one?” Hermione acted confused “I have no idea what’s going on” Ginny looked down at her pink nappy “Should I try to take it off?” she looked up at Hermione scared, Hermione shook her head “I wouldn’t remember what happened to mine” Hermione laughed inside her head as she looked at Ginny shake her head “But it can’t be the same spell, can it?” Hermione yawned “I don’t know but I know I can’t figure this out while tired, try to get some sleep and we will work on it in the morning” Ginny’s jaw dropped “I can't sleep wearing a nappy, I’m 18 I shouldn’t be wearing nappies to bed” Hermione lay down and said bluntly “I’m 19 and I had a much worse time with them than you, this is the tip of the iceberg” Ginny was about to say something but closed her mouth and Hermione continued “In the morning we will have clear heads and can deal with this and not make it any worse for ourselves” Ginny hung her head and stared at the pink nappy “I hate that your right” she said and slowly she lay back down on her bed and sighed “I’m never going to get to sleep with this on” Hermione smiled “I’m sure you will” she said but thought “Serves you right”.

Hermione was amazed when she woke up the next morning, she couldn’t remember going to sleep but knew it must have been soon after Ginny turned the light off. She rolled over and she felt it, all the colour drained from her face as she felt the dampness between her legs “Oh god I wet it, I need to get up before Ginny and go and clean up” she then looked over at Ginny’s bed and was surprised to see it empty “Where is she?” she thought. She then heard Ginny come out of the toilet at the end of the room crying and Hermione sat up “You ok?” she asked as she saw the big pink nappy poking out from her under her nightshirt. Ginny waddled to her bed and sat down with a crinkle “It won't come off” she said between sobs, Hermione was shocked “You tried to take it off and it won't?” Ginny shook her head “No and look it hasn’t got bigger like yours did, it’s just stuck on” Ginny wiped away the tears with her hand and continued “Have you tried yours?” she asked and Hermione froze “Erm no not yet” she said nervously. Ginny stared at her “Well try it and then we will know if they are the same” Hermione looked down at her wet crotch “OK” she said when she noticed Ginny twitching out the corner of her eye she looked back at her “You OK?” Ginny blushed, her hands were between her legs and she kept moving them “Yes I’m fine” she said sharply. Hermione raised an eyebrow “It doesn’t look it” she said, Ginny frowned at Hermione and stood up and walked back to the toilet, Hermione fell back down in her bed “Why won't it come off her?” she thought hard on what happened then shot up in her bed “It’s locked, I locked it on her and I’m the only one that can unlock it” a slight smile rose from her “Good lets see how she likes a wet nappy” suddenly she remembered “Oh I need to get rid of this before she gets back” she reached for her wand and pointed it at the nappy she muttered the same words she used last night to clean her nightdress and a light came out of the wand but nothing happened “What?” she tried the spell again but still she sat in the wet nappy “What’s going on? It worked last night before I turned it into a...” she trailed off “That’s it, it's because it already has a spell on it, it won't accept another one” she let out a sigh. Hermione saw Ginny slowly waddle out of the toilet the pink nappy still wrapped around her waist with her head facing the ground, she slowly made her way to her bed and sat back down “You Ok?” Hermione asked Ginny, looked up with tears rolling down her face “No I’m not alright, I’m wearing a wet nappy, I tried to hold it but couldn’t any longer and now..” she trailed off as the crying got louder. Hermione began to feel bad “What have I done? I just wanted her to feel what it was like to wear one, I didn’t mean to make her feel like this” she looked at Ginny “I’m sorry” Ginny wiped away her tears “You don’t have anything to be sorry for, I just wish I could take it off” Hermione smiled “I know” she said and pointed out her wand “I will just unlock it for her and then say I did the same for mine only a second ago” she thought as she flicked her wrist and a beam shot out towards Ginny’s nappy. Ginny’s jaw dropped “What did you do?” she said amazed “I remembered a spell only a minute ago and I used it on mine and it seems to have worked” she smiled “Try it” Ginny stood up and pulled on the tabs of the nappy and it fell to the floor “Yes” Ginny screamed out with excitement then looked down and blushed, she quickly hid her groin with her hands from the view of her friend “Wait, if it’s worked why haven’t you took it off?” she asked Hermione sighed “I didn’t want to take it off in bed, I erm...” she blushed and Ginny nodded her head “I understand”. Hermione slowly got out of her bed and waddled towards the toilet, once in the room she sat down on the toilet and sighed “Well that worked but what about my other problem, I wet the nappy yesterday, I wet the bed last night and the nappy while I slept, should I put another nappy in case I wet again?” she sat thinking for a while then shook her head “I’m sure I will be OK, I will not wear a nappy in front of people again, it was to embarrassing” she said as she stood up and removed her wet nappy.

Chapter 13

Hermione got ready for classes and tried to forget about the events of the last twenty-four hours, she happily went down to the great hall for breakfast and after gathering her food she sat down next to Ginny who once she saw Hermione blushed bright red “Has anything else happened?” she asked Hermione who was placing the third piece of bacon into her mouth. Hermione shook her head as she ate the bacon, Ginny half smiled and Hermione could tell she looked nervous. After Hermione swallowed her bacon she cheerful said “Don’t worry it was just a freak accident and we won't mention it again, will be our secret”. Ginny smiled but the smile quickly faded when she appeared to be looking over Hermione’s shoulder, Hermione stopped grabbing another piece of bacon and turned to look at what Ginny was staring at and her smile disappeared too. Sitting at the Ravenclaw table staring at the two girls was Luna Lovegood, her eyes were transfixed on Hermione lower back that she hadn’t noticed that she was now being watched. Hermione let out a loud cough which shook Luna from her stare, she slowly looked up from Hermione’s back to her face and then gave a little smile and waved then went back to eating her breakfast. Hermione turned around and shook her head “I thought I knew her a lot better after what we went through but she is still a mystery to me” Ginny nodded and quickly said, “But do you think she would tell anyone?” Hermione thought about it for a while “No I don’t but even if she does who is going to believe her” she laughed which set Ginny at ease a little.

As people began to leave the great hall for classes Hermione was about to stand up to go herself when she felt a rumbling in her stomach, suddenly her stomach tightened and she wrapped her hands around her waist and closed her eyes in pain. Ginny had just stood up to leave herself when she saw Hermione “Are you OK?” she asked, Hermione nodded “Yes just a stomach ache” she said through gritted teeth “I will be along soon” she continued, Ginny wasn’t convinced “You sure?” she asked, Hermione, nodded and faked a smile “I’m fine it will pass” Ginny nodded her head and slowly left the great hall while looking back at Hermione. A few minutes had passed and the pain hadn’t gone away she lent over grabbing at her waist “What is this?” she asked herself when suddenly she let out a fart, she blushed bright red and looked around to see if anyone had noticed but they were all busy with getting ready to go to classes which Hermione let out a sigh of relief. Another minute had passed and the great hall was nearly empty and a lot quieter than it was a few minutes ago “I hope I don’t do that again, how embarrassing pumping with so many people around” she thought. Her stomach suddenly got a lot worse and she pressed her head against the top of the table “Please stop this” she said to herself and at that moment she let out another fart and she quickly sat up with her eyes wide as she felt a warm feeling around her bum “No!!” she screamed inside her head as she felt a wet mess enter into her knickers and spread around her bum, the colour went from her face as she smelt the fresh mess coming from her knickers. The stomach pains had almost gone when another harder poop pushed its way into her underwear, Hermione had to adjust herself as it made its way around her already full knickers. Hermione sat frozen “I can’t believe I have just messed myself. How has this happened?” she thought as she got a fresh sniff of the contents of her knickers and her face contorted.

Chapter 14

Hermione quickly buried her face into her hands as she shook her head “Right I just need to wait for everyone to leave then I can go and get out of this, then I need to go see Madam Pomfrey” she blushed bright red “How am I going to explain this?” she thought. Her head was spinning and she felt like she was going to be sick as she smelt the mess she had made once again, she could feel the poop sticking to her skin and to her knickers, she felt the mess between her bum cheeks where it hadn’t had found any more room to exit and stayed squished between her cheeks. Every time she thought about the state of her rear she wanted to scream, she took in a few deeps breaths and finally she looked up from her hands as white as a sheet.

She swallowed hard as she slowly looked around the great hall and saw that a few people were still around “If I go out now then people might smell what I’ve done and know it’s me but I have to walk into the girls toilets and then clean myself up” she shook her head in disgust as she continued to sit in her mess “What is going on, how is this happening from a simple spell being rebounded at me to now messing myself. I spent most of yesterday wearing a nappy, having to use it just like a baby and now I don’t have any control if I wee or poo myself” she closed her eyes as her head began to pound “How am I going to get out of this? I can’t just sit here till the hall empties, it very rarely does people use it to study during free periods and the longer I stay here the worst it’s going to get” she thought miserably.

Hermione smelt the contents from her underwear once again and shook all over “At least with the nappy it hid a lot of the smell” she thought as her eyes widened “Am I really thinking that, I spent all of yesterday trying to remove a nappy from me and now I’m actually thinking of using a Transfiguration spell on my underwear” she sighed as she looked down at her skirt “It will hide the smell and I don’t know what the state of my underwear is like, I hate to admit it but this is probably the best idea to try to hide what I have done” she shook her head as she removed her wand from her robes and placed it under the table, she opened her legs and pointed the ward at her groin and swallowed hard she pictured the nappy that she wore yesterday in the girl toilets, trying to picture every detail of the horrible object that had brought her so much misery when she was satisfied she nervously said “Liberoivs”.

Her eyes widened as she felt her knickers change, the silk fabric turned into a soft fabric between her legs and around her bum, she felt herself lift up off the chair slightly as the thick padding surrounded her and she heard the now-familiar sound of the crinkling of a nappy. She still felt the mess that now sat inside the nappy and between her bum cheeks as she adjusted slightly as she heard the nappy crinkle once again she shook her head “I did it, I made myself wear a nappy. I’m 19 years old and I know this is a school of magic where anything can happen but how is this actually happening” she looked around the hall nervously “Well at least nobody has noticed now it’s time to stand up and walk out of here and to get this thing off me then go see Madam Pomfrey to fix this problem once and for all” she thought as she placed her hands on top of the table ready to stand up when her stomach began to ache once again.

The colour drained from her face as she looked down at her stomach “No not again, I can’t do it again” she thought as another stomach cramp appeared and quickly left. She shook her head “Should I go now, I could walk out and to the toilets before it happens but what if I don’t make it and halfway walking there I begin to poo” she blushed bright red “Poo in a nappy with people around, just like a baby. I can’t just sit here though. No there is a chance I can make it before it happens I just need to walk fast” she thought as she quickly spun around.

Hermione quickly stood and she felt the weight of the nappy between her legs for the first time “Right just act like nothing is wrong, everything is fine” she thought as she began to waddle forward towards the exit of the great hall. She found herself sweating with nervous energy as she tried to adjust her walk but everytime she did she was very conscious that it made her now large bum swing “I either waddle or make it obvious that I’m wearing a nappy, neither are great I guess I will just waddle” she thought as she continued to waddle towards the few remaining people in the hall. As she approached a couple of students her stomach rumbled once again and she blushed bright red as one looked up at her with a puzzled look on her face. Hermione stared dead ahead at that point not wanting to look at the girl staring at her, she had just past them and with the doors to the great hall only a few meters away she looked to be in the clear. Suddenly though she felt that her battle was lost the colour drained from her face as she stopped dead in her tracks “What am I doing? Why am I not moving?” she thought as she stood perfectly still with her legs apart when she let out a large fart and a wave of warm sticky poo entered into her already messy nappy.

Chapter 15

   Hermione blushed bright red she shook all over as she felt the weight of the poop sitting inside her nappy “How have I just pooed myself again? What is going on with me? What has that spell done to me?” she thought nervously. She shook her head in frustration as she tried to move her legs “I need to get out of here!” she shouted in her head as she began to will her legs to move, with every fiber of strength she had she felt her knees begin to wobble which caused her to grit her teeth “Come on!” she screamed in her head as sweat began to drip down from her forehead as she clenched her fists when eventually she began to move her feet forward. She felt exhausted as she slowly and awkwardly walked forward out of the grand hall, she stared down at the floor as she felt the eyes of everyone who still remained in the hall fixed on her “Did she poo her knickers?” she heard one girl ask which caused Hermione to tear up “They know what happened” she thought when she heard the reply from another girl “I don’t think it was in her knickers, look at her bum”. A cold shiver went down her spine and she found the energy to move her feet faster “No, they can’t know I’m wearing a nappy!” she screamed as she finally walked past the large doors and exited the great hall and entered the hallway.

Hermione eyed the girls toilets and continued her awkward short walk towards them with a horrible feeling in her stomach “If they know that I’m wearing a nappy then in a few hours the whole school will know! I’m going to be a laughingstock. Hermione the Nappy girl. It doesn’t matter that I helped Harry defeat Voldemort last year this year I’m the girl that poos herself” she grimaced as she reached the door. She opened the door and went inside, closing it firmly shut on the other side she quickly locked it and lent her back against the door and let out a sigh. These toilets were a lot nicer than the ones that Myrtle inhabited, much cleaner and brighter with a large ceiling and large windows that looked out onto the forest that surrounded the school. She wiped the sweat away from her face with her hand as she let out another sigh and looked down at her waist “What am I going to do? I can't risk going to see Madam Pomfrey now what if something like that happens again and I use the nappy once again?” she shook. As she looked back up she quickly went white as a ghost as she stared at Luna’s curious face “You used a nappy? How interesting?” she said in her dream-like voice, she looked Hermione up and down and quickly turned to look out the large window “It would mean I wouldn’t miss out on seeing a baby Crumple-Horned Snorkack if I didn’t have to go to the toilet” she thought out loud.

She turned back to Hermione who was blushing bright red “I have had plenty of practice with changing nappies, do you want me to help?” she asked, Hermione swallowed hard, her throat was dry and she wasn’t able to open her mouth as she stared wide-eyed at Luna “No way do I want her to help me!” she thought but her head began nodding up and down “What am I doing?” she wondered but she couldn’t stop herself she tried to open her mouth to speak but was unable to as Luna nodded back. “OK, you lie down that will be the best way to change you” she said with an unchanged expression which caused Hermione to shake “I’m not going to lie down and she is not going to change me!” she shouted in her head. She stood away from the door and took a few steps forward towards Luna “What am I doing now? I can’t stop myself” she thought nervously when she stopped. She looked down at herself and shook “My body is going crazy, Why can’t I control myself?” she wondered as panic ran through her body. Hermione’s knees began to shake as the weight from the nappy got heavier and she began to panic “No not again!” she thought as her legs gave in and she fell down onto her messy padded bum with an audible squish, she grimaced as she felt the mess spread against her cheeks and move all over. She looked up at Luna with tears in her eyes “Please don’t change me, it would be so humiliating. Just leave!” she wanted to say but her mouth still wouldn’t open so she sat on the floor with tears in her eyes unable to move as Luna looked down at her.

Chapter 16

 Hermione’s heart was racing as she sat on the cool floor of the girl's toilets, she could feel the warm mess in her nappy covering her bum and the foul smell that came with using her nappy once again. She shook as she looked down at the floor “I want this nappy off me, I want this all to have never happened and I was back home and this was one horrible nightmare. I wish it was but it's not I’m really sitting here in a messy nappy but I can’t let Luna change me, how will I ever look at her again after this. What is going to happen after this? This spell has gone crazy it was only meant to be a rebounding spell but now my body is regressing what is going on with it? Is it meant to do this or has it been corrupted with the other spells that Ginny and I used? I'm 19 years old! I wish I had never come back to Hogwarts and this had never happened to me, how is it that this year is worse than last year! I need to get out of this!” she screamed in her head as tears began to roll down her face.

Luna squatted down in front of Hermione and smiled a warm smile “Don’t worry, I will remove that nappy for you and you won't have to cry anymore, now lie down and I will prepare a new nappy for you” she said in her usual dreamy voice. Hermione swallowed as her body slowly lay down on her back, she went white as a ghost as she looked up at the large ceiling “What am I doing? No she can’t do this, I need to stop her” she thought as she began to panic. Luna pulled out a large cloth from her backpack “I was going to use this to wrap the baby Crumple-Horned Snorkack in but I will use something else” she said as she pulled out her wand, a quick flick of her wrist and the large cloth turned into a large white plastic covered nappy. Hermione looked down at her feet at her squatting friend and swallowed hard as she stared at the large unfolded nappy in her hand “No not another nappy, I’m not a baby I don't need nappy changes and I don’t need any more nappies!” she screamed in her head. Luna placed the nappy on the floor and quickly stood up “Need to get some supplies” she said as walked into a cubicle and returned with a roll of toilet paper in hand “Right already then” she said as she sat down on her knees at her Hermione’s feet. She smiled down at Hermione as she took hold of her feet and slowly parted them, Hermione blushed bright red as her legs parted “She can't see right up my skirt now, she can see the nappy. I wish I could do something to stop this but I can’t move, this is really going to happen isn’t it” she thought with dread. Luna nodded to herself as she shuffled on her knees to just below Hermione’s knees, with Hermione’s legs on either side of her she lent over and took hold of the bottom of Hermione’s skirt and rolled it up revealing the stained messy nappy wrapped around her waist. Hermione looked down at the large white nappy for the first time and sighed “Why did I put a nappy on me again, I should have thought of something else, anything else than to wear this again” she thought as Luna rolled the skirt up out of the way and looked down at the poop stained nappy “Maybe it's not such a good idea to wear nappies” she said in her dreamy voice.

Hermione quickly looked up at the ceiling as a wave of shame came crashing over her “I hate this, I’m one of the smartest witches here, I helped save the world and yet here I am unable to stop Luna from looking at my stained nappy. When this is all over I’m never coming back here I can’t show my face in the school again, those other students knew what was happening when I left the great hall and now this. I need to disappear from here and never return” she thought miserably. Hermione’s heart skipped a beat when she felt Luna’s hand on the nappy, she took hold of a tab a quickly removed the first of four. Hermione held her breath nervously as she closed her eyes “Its really happening, I can’t believe its really happening” she thought as the final tab was removed. She felt cold all over as the front of the nappy was pulled away from her and her nostrils were assaulted by the foul smell of her own mess, she felt sick as she lay on the floor with her eyes closed and fresh tears running down her face. Luna didn’t react as she took hold of the toilet paper and unraveled a large amount and gently she began to wipe clean Hermione’s hairless vagina, Hermione quickly scrunched up her face at the invasion to her most private area but she couldn’t do anything to stop it. Luna finished cleaning what she could and deposited the used toilet paper into the front of the nappy, she leaned back slightly and took hold of Hermione’s ankles and quickly lifted them up into the air, presenting Hermione’s poop covered bum to her. Hermione gasped as she quickly opened her eyes in shock as she stared at her feet in the air “I’m not looking down, I know what's going to happen next and I hate it. I feel so vulnerable, she can see everything and she will be touching everything. This is horrible” she thought as Luna took Hermione’s ankles in one hand and grabbed hold of the toilet paper with the other and began the large task of cleaning Hermione’s bum clean.

Hermione sighed, gasped, and shook her way through Luna cleaning her and after what seemed like an eternity for Hermione she was cleaned and the messy nappy was removed and quickly replaced by the fresh white nappy. Luna slid the fresh nappy that she had conjured earlier into place and lowered Hermione’s legs down onto the new nappy. Hermione groaned as the nappy rustled and she felt the large thick soft fabric against her bum “It's so thick, why did she make it so thick! My bum is high off the floor, this is horrible!” she thought. The front of the nappy was pulled up and Hermione quickly felt the large plastic padding between her legs “I’m not going to be able to put my legs together with this on me, how is my skirt going to hide this nappy? How am I going to get out of here?” she thought miserably as Luna taped the front of the nappy together and sat back “There you go, I hope I did a good job” she said with a smile.



Good story would love to see more of this