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Chapter 01

 Kevin moved his right hand over the mouse as he stared at the computer screen, he had just finished playing a video game and had decided to open up Facebook, slowly he scrolled past the posts of his friends out, having fun and his blood began to boil as he saw his friends smiling faces. Kevin shook his head as he took in a deep breath “No, there is no use in getting angry with them, it’s not their fault I’m like this” he said to himself as he continued to scroll down when he got to suggested friends and his eyes narrowed and he squeezed the mouse hard as he stared at the picture of the suggested friend “Kirsty! No it’s her fault I’m like this!” he shouted as he clicked on her profile and stared at the pretty brunette woman standing out in the sun in short denim shorts and a tank top “She is out living her life while I’m stuck in this wheelchair, paralyzed from the neck down apart from my right hand. We were in that car together I was driving while she was drunk sitting in the passenger seat when she decided to grab the wheel which caused the car to run off the side of the road” Kevin shook his head “She escaped the crash with minor cuts whereas I was left like this” he sighed as he gritted his teeth and looked through Kirsty’s profile “Oh look at that, she is engaged, unbelievable we weren’t dating back then but she knew I had a crush on her and as soon as the crash happened she deleted me from Facebook, didn’t return any messages and she didn’t even come see me in the hospital. That heartless woman is now engaged and look at that he is in the army, been deployed for a week and she doesn’t know when he will be back. She doesn’t seem to upset with it” he shook his head again as he removed his hand from the mouse “No, I need to forget about her” he said as his mother entered his room “Right Kevin it’s time to go to bed, you have a check-up tomorrow” she said with a smile as Kevin sighed “24 years old and my mother now puts me to bed” he thought while shaking his head.

Kevin was lying in his bed just after his mother had left and he sighed as he stared up at the ceiling “I can’t forget about her! She did this to me, she needs to understand what it’s like to have no control to have somebody else do everything for you because you can't, She needs to experience some sort of Karma for her actions some form of humiliation like I have to go through on a daily basis. Come on universe how is this fair that I end up like this and she gets to live her life as nothing happened! Just give me some sort of redemption!” Suddenly there was a flash of bright light that surrounded Kevin and then everything turned to black.

Kevin shook his head as he slowly opened his eyes “What was that?” he thought when he noticed a bright light in the room “What’s that light? I was in darkness just a second ago” he thought when he rolled over and his eyes shot open “What?” he said but it wasn’t his voice that he heard but a woman’s. Kevin sat up straight in the bed and he stared down as the sheets fell from him exposing a pair of large breasts “What?” he repeated once again a woman’s voice replaced his own. He quickly placed his hands in front of his face and stared at the female hands in confused wonder “I can move but I’m a woman? What is going on?” he thought when he suddenly looked around the room “Wait this isn’t my room, where am I?” he thought when he noticed a phone on the bedside table. He picked up the phone and he pressed the button on the side as it light up he quickly dropped it “No way!” he thought, he quickly scrambled to his feet and walked out towards the door on shaky legs “This can’t be real, I must be hallucinating, something from those new tablets” he thought when he spotted a mirror on a wall. Slowly he walked over to the mirror and his eyes widened as he saw Kirsty’s naked body staring back at him “This can’t be real” he said and he watched the reflection mouth the words, quickly he placed Kirsty’s hands over her mouth “I’m in Kirsty’s body?” he thought as he pulled her hands away and slowly moved them down to her breasts.

Kevin stood for a couple of minutes admiring the naked body he now inhabited, he had moved her hands all over her body feeling every part of her skinny body “This is insane, how has this even happened?” he thought as he turned around to admire Kirsty’s bum in the mirror “I’m really in her body” he said in Kirsty’s voice and shook his head amazement. He turned Kirsty’s head away from the mirror and stared down at her naked body once again with a smile on her face when he heard “What the hell am I doing?” Kevin froze as he quickly looked around the house “Was that Kirsty?” he said when suddenly he heard “Who the hell are you? Where are you?” as he continued to look around the room confused “Why can’t I move?” he heard the female voice ask, Kevin stopped and stared into the mirror with a puzzled look on Kirsty’s face as he asked “Kirsty?”.

Suddenly there was a gasp “What? I didn’t say that? What the hell is going on? Why am I standing in the hallway naked?” Kirsty asked as a wicked smile appeared on her face “Hello, Kirsty it's me Kevin!”. Kevin didn’t hear a response and the smile began to vanish “Did I just imagine that?” he thought when suddenly he heard “Kevin! What’s going on? Why can’t I move, Where the hell are you? Why am I naked?” Kirsty’s disembodied voice asked. Kirsty’s face smiled once again “I have no idea if this is real or not but I’m in control of your body and I guess you’re here along for the ride” he began to laugh “This is so much better than I could have imagined, I have full control of your body and there isn’t a thing you can do about it” Kirsty’s body laughed as he moved his hands up and down Kirsty’s naked body. “Get your erm my hands off me. I can’t believe this is happening. It can’t be happening. Stop looking at my body Kevin!” she screamed inside Kevin’s head but he continued to admire the young woman’s body in the mirror with a wicked smile.

Kevin we need to fix this, I can’t let you control my body” she said calmly as Kevin smiled into the mirror once again “Well I do have control and you know what I’m going to have some fun with this” he said as he turned and walked back to the bedroom “Fun with it? What do you mean? This can’t be real, we need to fix this!” she said as Kevin shook her head “What can I do to humiliate her, something that she wouldn’t dream of something I have to put up…perfect” he thought as he turned into Kirsty’s bedroom “We are going to go to the shops to buy you some new underwear for you” Kevin said as he opened the wardrobe “New underwear? Come on Kevin lets fix this I don’t need new underwear” she pleaded inside Kevin’s head but Kevin just laughed “I am fixing this, I’m giving you what I got. We are going to go and put you in diapers” he said with a smile.

Chapter 02

  Kevin was surprised he hadn’t heard from Kirsty as he picked out a mini skirt, a tank top and a bra from the wardrobe “Having her in my head is good but I would love it if she could see her body in the diaper, if she could easily see people looking at her” he thought with a smirk as he placed the items on the bed and stood at the end of the bed when suddenly he heard Kirsty scream “A What?” Kevin jumped suddenly as he stared at a naked ghostly version of Kirsty standing in front of him with anger in her eyes. “How did you do that?” he asked nervously as the ghost Kirsty stared at him “You are not putting me in diapers!” she shouted again as she stamped her foot and suddenly realized what had happened. She froze as she stared at her see-through hands and shook her head “How did I get out of here? Something weird is happening, I was inside my body but now I’m not” a smile appeared on her ghostly face “If it keeps changing like this then I will have my body back” she said as Kevin stared at the naked ghost of Kirsty with a confused look on Kirsty’s real face “Wait, I said it would be better if she could see everything and now she can, did I do this? Do I have control over her? I really hope this is real” he thought with a smile as he shook her head “Sorry Kirsty but I don’t think that’s how this is going to work” he said with a smile “Now it’s time to get ready to go shopping for diapers” he said with a giggle as Kirsty stared at him “Why a diaper?” she finally asked. Kevin stared at Kirsty, he opened her mouth but quickly closed it “She doesn’t deserve an explanation” he thought as he took hold of the skirt and slid it up Kirsty’s legs.

Kevin positioned Kirsty’s short skirt in place around her waist when he noticed that ghost Kirsty was now wearing the same skirt “So whatever I put on your body you wear?” he said as Kirsty looked down at her body confused “This so weird” she said as she touched the skirt. Kevin smiled “So you can feel that?” he asked with a tone of excitement in his voice Kirsty looked up at him and nodded “Yeah I can feel the skirt, so what?” she asked and Kevin smiled. He took hold of the bra and quickly placed it over Kirsty’s large breasts and clasped it at the back, he eagerly looked over at the see-through version of Kirsty as the bra appeared on her chest and he began to laugh once again. Kirsty shook her head “What's so funny?!” she shouted as Kevin placed his hands over her breasts “Well you can feel the bra and the skirt can’t you?” Kirsty rolled her eyes “Yes I’m just glad you are finally covering up my body” she said as Kevin smiled “Well if you can feel them then you will be able to feel the diaper wrapped around your waist as well” he continued to smile as Kirsty’s jaw dropped open “No please don’t put a diaper on me, if anyone sees me I will be a laughingstock” she pleaded but Kevin shook his head as he grabbed the tank top and placed it over her head and pulled it down over her bra.

Kirsty looked down at her ghostly body fully dressed as Kevin quickly spun around on the spot causing the skirt to rise up exposing Kirsty’s round bum “You're going to put some underwear on right?” she asked nervously. Kevin looked down at the skirt and shook her head “Nope, we are going out to buy your underwear remember” Kirsty’s jaw dropped open “Your not going to be spinning around like that outside, are you?” she asked with a dry mouth but Kevin shrugged his shoulders “It depends on how annoying you become” he smiled a wicked smile as Kirsty opened her mouth Kevin quickly cut her off “When we go out I want you to be quiet if you talk too much then I don’t know what might happen, I might fall over and what do I care if people see your bum” he said as he flicked up the skirt. “I mean it has been a long time since I’ve walked around and us paraplegics are awfully clumsy” his smile suddenly disappeared as his eyes narrowed and Kirsty swallowed hard as she looked down at the floor sheepishly. Kevin nodded “Good now it’s time to go and get you your diapers, we are going to look so cute in them” he said cheerfully which sent shivers through Kirsty as she watched her body walk out of the room.

Chapter 03

  Kevin walked Kirsty’s body into the hallway with a smile on his face “I can’t believe I get to do this, I get to humiliate her and she has no other choice but to watch it” he thought when suddenly the ghost form of Kirsty appeared beside him. Kevin stopped as he looked at the Kirsty’s shocked face “What happened?” he asked Kirsty shook her head “I, I don’t know, you walked out of the room and then suddenly I was pulled across the floor and stopped beside you. What the hell is going on?” she asked nervously. Kevin smiled as he continued to walk down the hallway, Kirsty didn’t move as she watched her body walk away when suddenly she was pulled across the floor and once again found herself beside her body “What is happening!?” she shouted. Kevin laughed as he stopped once again “It appears you can’t leave your body, you have to stay with me at all times. Which means you won't miss a single second of when I get your diapers” he smiled as Kirsty’s jaw dropped open.

Kirsty shook her head “How is this happening? It must be a nightmare, how are you doing this?!” she shouted as Kevin shrugged her shoulders “I don’t know how this is happening but it's a dream come true for me” he smiled as he continued down the hallway towards the front door. Kirsty stood in shock as she watched Kevin in possession of her body bend over revealing her naked rear from under the skirt, her firm buttocks stared at her as she repeated “This can’t be real, it just can’t!”. She watched Kevin put her white strap on shoes on and as he did so she felt them on her feet, she looked down at her ghostly feet that were now wearing the same shoes and she shook her head in disbelief “If he really does put a diaper on then I’m going to feel it, I can’t let him do this” she said to herself as Kevin opened the front door and walked outside into the warm sun.

Kirsty found herself beside her body once again as Kevin walked her body towards her car, Kirsty quickly began to walk with him “Kevin you don’t have to do this, we can sort this all out just please don’t do this, I will be humiliated I can’t be seen buying diapers and I can’t wear them it’s so degrading” she pleaded. Kevin stopped and shook her head as he took hold of the back of her skirt and lifted it up showing off Kirsty’s round bum to anyone who could potentially walk past he turned to Kirsty while still holding up the skirt “You say another word at all and I will do this inside the shops, I don’t care if anyone sees just try to test me. I have had to wear diapers because of you and now you will wear them because of me” he said coldly as he lowered her skirt and quickly turned back to the car. Kirsty stood shaking as she watched her body get into the car “I can’t do anything, I  can’t stop him and now if I even speak he is going to humiliate me even more” she wanted to cry but no tears would come out “I hate this its so unfair” she said as Kevin began to drive away and suddenly she was pulled across the floor and she found herself sitting in the passenger seat of her car as Kevin drove to the mall.

Kevin drove to the mall in excited silence as Kirsty looked on nervously beside him “She is going to experience what it’s like to wear diapers, to be humiliated and have no control of her own actions. This is great!” he thought with a smile as he drove into the car park of the mall. He parked her car and turned towards Kirsty who was looking around frantically at all the parked cars with a nervous look in her eyes, Kevin smiled “Now remember don’t say a word, I really don’t care who sees your round bum and I will show it off to the world if you utter a single word, do you understand?” he asked. Kirsty swallowed hard as she slowly nodded which satisfied Kevin “I don’t know if I’m going to be able to keep quiet especially if he is really going to buy diapers” she thought nervously as Kevin got out of the car and began walking towards the mall.

Kevin walked into the mall with a smile on his face as Kirsty suddenly appeared by his side, he rubbed his hands over the back of her skirt and let out a little laugh as Kirsty looked at him with disgust. Kirsty couldn’t take her eyes off the skirt and prayed it would stay down “I can’t believe the number of guys that are turning around to look at my body, I knew I was attractive but I never thought that so many people looked at me after I walked by them” she thought while blushing when she suddenly noticed Kevin walking towards the pharmacy and all colour drained from her face. Kevin quickly found the isle of adult diapers and smiled as he approached the selection “Now which ones?” he mused as Kirsty’s jaw dropped open “There are so many? Please don’t pick any just go, you have proved your point that you're in control, you don’t have to do this” she thought with pleading eyes. Kirsty watched on nervously as her body stared at the different brand of diapers when she noticed a young woman walk down the aisle towards them “What does she want down this aisle? She doesn’t need to get diapers so why she here?” she thought when the woman stopped beside her body controlled by Kevin and smiled “Hello, is there anything I can help you with?” she chirped.

Kevin smiled as he turned Kirsty’s head and looked at the young woman “Hi, I’m Kirsty, what's your name?” Kevin said which made Kirsty want to faint on the spot “Why did he tell her my name? Oh god!” she thought as the woman said “I’m Bonnie, do you need some help?” Kirsty shook as she saw her head nod. “Yes, I need some diapers, plastic-backed ones with the tapes, ones that will hold up to a lot of wetting” Kevin said which caused Kirsty to shake all over as the woman asked “Alright, who are they for? A grandparent? What is their waist size?” she asked. Kevin shook his head “They are for me, I need to wear diapers now and I want to make sure I don’t leak or anything” he said with a smile which made Kirsty’s legs become weak, she stood on rubbery legs her chest aching as she watched the humiliating conversation go on in front of her. Bonnie smiled awkwardly as she turned towards the diapers “These will probably be the best Molicare Maxi they hold a lot if you really need them” she said unconvincingly. Kirsty wanted the earth to swallow her “I’m really in a shop asking about diapers, if anyone I know sees me then there is no way he will let me get out of it easily. Just hurry up and get them and then we can get out of here” she thought nervously. Kevin quickly reached out and took hold of the bag of diapers and nodded “Perfect” he said with a smile as he turned towards Bonnie “Now is there a bathroom where I can put them on?”.

Chapter 04

  Kirsty stared at Bonnie while gritting her teeth, she wanted to scream and shout but stood in her ghostly form silent. “I can’t believe he asked her where he could put them on! He is really going to do it, he is going to make me wear a diaper while I’m at the shops! I can’t do anything and even if I plead with him to stop he might go through with his threat and lift up my skirt for everyone to see my naked bum or worse” she shook with disgust as she looked over at her body standing beside the young woman with a smile. Bonnie looked at the young woman standing in front of her curiously “We have a toilet you can change into but you will have to pay for them first” she said suspiciously. Kevin smiled “Of course not a problem” he said cheerfully through Kirsty’s mouth. Kirsty stood beside them holding her chest “This can’t be happening, none of this is possible! Kevin stop this you can’t put me in diapers! I wish he would stop this I don’t want to be seen buying diapers” she shouted in her head as a cold chill ran through her. Bonnie smiled to Kirsty’s body “Follow me then” she said cheerfully as she turned and began walking to the counter, Kevin closely followed her while carrying the bag of diapers with a wicked smile plastered across Kirsty’s face. “It’s finally about to happen, I’m going to humiliate her. She is going to feel what it's like to wear diapers and soon she is going to find out there’s a worse feeling than just wearing them. I can’t wait!” he thought with a slight giggle. Kirsty was dragged along, nervously looking around the store at the small group of shoppers “I hope nobody recognises me, I hope nobody comes in that knows me. I wish this was all a dream and I was back in my house” she thought as heart continued to race. Bonnie went around the counter and took the diapers from Kevin and scanned them through, Kevin paid with Kirsty’s money that he found at her home and took hold of the bag of diapers “Now where can I put these on?” he said loudly. Kirsty’s jaw dropped open as her eyes darted around the shop to see people staring at her body standing at the counter with the diapers in hand. Bonnie lifted the counter up and gestured for Kevin to walk through which he did eagerly as Bonnie pointed “Down there and to the left” she said. Kevin nodded “Thank you” he said cheerfully and quickly walked towards the toilet.

Kirsty was dragged along behind her body as Kevin entered the toilet, he closed the door behind him and walked over to the toilet and placed the bag of diapers on top, Kirsty walked beside Kevin, she looked at her slim body and shook as Kevin opened the bag. “Please don't! I will do anything! I’m sorry for what happened to you just don’t put me into diapers! I can’t wear diapers while out in public, please!” she pleaded, Kevin shook his head as he continued to stare down at the large white diapers resting in the bag “You’re acting like such a whiny little baby that you need these, I just wish they were more baby looking, bright pink thick diapers to go on you for being such a big baby” he laughed as he looked up at Kirsty’s ghostly image standing beside him with tears in her eyes. “I can hardly wait to put these on you, it really doesn’t matter what you say but if you continue to whine and moan about this then I will be taking this skirt off and leaving here in a diaper and your top for everyone to see how much of a baby you are” he said firmly. Kirsty felt tears roll down her face as she looked up at the ceiling “I hate you for doing this to me, for embarrassing me like this” she said as she clenched her fists and tightened her jaw when she heard herself laughing. Slowly she lowered her head as she looked at Kevin laughing while staring down towards the diapers, she followed his gaze when she suddenly gasped and took a step back. “How did you do that?!” she shouted as she stared at the bag of bright pink diapers. Kevin shook her head as he pulled out one of the diapers from the bag “I have no idea but its exactly what I wanted, it's much thicker and bright pink. We are going to look so cute in these” he said as he laughed again.


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