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Cammy and Lili stood across from one another, the onlooking crowd letting loose a mighty roar as they stood in the middle of the street with the warm sun beating down. They stared daggers into each other's eyes, their guards up, waiting for the other to make the first move.  

Cammy let out a smile, her blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight while both her long blonde pigtails and small forelock moved gently in the wind. She had a muscular body and was wearing her green thong leotard, which showed off her bubble butt, and her signature red beret. Her feet and arms wore the most of her protection, which came in the form of black combat boots and red gauntlets.  

Cammy slowly shifted to her right and so Lili moved to her left, her eyes narrowing as the sun almost hit her eyes. She was a strikingly attractive Monegasque teenager with violet eyes and long blond hair with full-fringed bangs covering her forehead.  

Lili's outfit, meanwhile, was based on the Japanese "Lolita" fashion with a frilly white dress possessing long sleeves, a red cravat, and beneath it a short skirt and high-heeled white boots.  

Cammy shifted to her right again and so Lili moved to her left, now with the sun directly in her eyes. Cammy smiled as she saw Lili squint and, seeing her opportunity, rushed towards the young woman.  

The crowd erupted as Cammy landed a strong elbow to Lili's jaw, the force of which sent the young woman flying to the floor.  

"Run home to mommy." Cammy mocked, smiling down on Lili.

Lili looked up, her eyes burning with anger, and she wiped the fresh blood from her mouth as slowly rose to her feet.

"I think you need to run to a mall and change that outfit. You're fighting in a thong, don't you get wedgies?" she laughed "That must be distracting."  

Put her guard up once more, she stood to the side so her body faced her opponent, one arm down blocking her waist and the other blocking her body.  

"I'm going to rip that thong off and put you in something more appropriate" she giggled, then her expression changed in an instant and she was ready to fight.  

Lili rushed forward and let loose on Cammy, throw blinding punches and kicks, but Cammy blocked them all and backed up against a wall.

"Seems like you are all show" she sneered.  

Lili once again rushed forward.  

"I've got you! Here's the Cannon Spike." Cammy shouted, her leg flying up in front of her.  

Cammy was aiming for Lili's jaw, but at the last moment Lili moved and the kick narrowly missed. She looked on in shock as Lili quickly spun on the spot and unleashed her Peacock Kick, which smashed her through the wall.  

Lili walked over the rubble of the wall and into the dust-filled building where she found Cammy on all fours. Lili's jaw dropped as she stared down at Cammy, her red beret lying on the floor next to her and a large cut across her back that had caused her thong leotard to rip.  

The crowd also peered in through the gap, stunned silent, as Lili took the opportunity to look around the room. The two fighters were now standing in a nursery!  

Women and children were huddled on the other side of the room, watching in terror as Lili made her way towards the injured Cammy.  

As Lili walked she suddenly laughed and said "Yes! Maybe we can find something more appropriate for you here."  

Cammy's eyes widened and with great pain she rose up, holding her stomach tightened as she stood in defiance of Lili. She gritted her teeth and threw a kick at Lili's head, only for it to be blocked. When she returned her leg and moved to follow up the attack, however, she felt something strange between her legs and slowly looked down confused.

Cammy stared down at the long thin fabric resting in front of her feet, and she quickly looked over her shoulder in shock to see her naked rear was on full display. The back of her leotard had ripped open when she threw that kick, and now nothing was covering her big bum.  

Looking back up at Lili and the crowd, who were all laughing at her now, and with rage she shouted "Shut up!"  

Lili stopped laughing and in an instant rushed to Cammy, and gave her a knee to the stomach that sent her falling forward in enough pain she nearly blacked out. Cammy came to her senses quick enough and was surprised to find that she hadn't fallen to the floor. Her stomach was still in a lot of pain though, and as she looked towards it she saw that Lili's knee was digging into it enough to keep her off the ground.  

Lili looked down on Cammy doubled-up over her knee, and with a cheeky smile, her hand came down hard on the exposed bubble butt. The pain shot through Cammy and despite trying to keep it in, she was unable to hold back a scream of pain as slap after slap continued to land on her defenceless bum.  

Soon it became very red and Cammy was close to tears as Lili made her bum feel like it was on fire.  

When the spanking stopped and Cammy felt like she was about to faint, she heard a ripping noise, and her eyes widened as cold air rushed around the top of her body. Next, her plump breasts lost their support and flopped down in front of her.  

Instantly, she was rolled off Lili's knee and sat on the floor naked for the crowd to point and laugh at her. It was all too much for the proud fighter and tears began to roll down her face.  

Cammy, unable to move from the pain and embarrassment, merely looked up to see Lili staring down at her with a smile. She bent over Cammy and quickly pulled off her black boots and red gauntlets with little fight from the crying fighter.  

Lili smiled at that and then walked behind Cammy, who simply wiped away at her tears as she sat on the floor with the crowd still watching. Some were laughing while others pointed, but all looking at the naked fighter with amusement as she tried to move.  

It was futile as Lili returned and pushed her down to a lying flat, causing Cammy to let out a small scream as she fell back on the floor. Lili walked closer until she sat down on Cammy's knees and giggled "Found something perfect for you."  

Cammy looked up to see she held up a giant diaper.  

The blonde felt like she was in a dream state as she tried to scream, but was unable to do anything, even as she watched in disgust as Lili unfolded the giant diaper in front of her. She simply watched as it was placed under her bum and, with one quick motion, the diaper was pulled up over her vagina and taped tightly closed.  

Cammy felt the soft fabric all around her groin. She felt the strange padding around her bum and between her legs. There was no mistaking it, she was wearing a diaper.  

"How adorable you look, see that suits you much better" Lili mocked, giggling as she stood up.  

As Lili turned towards the crowd, Cammy suddenly snapped out of her dream-like state and felt anger boil up in her. She had one thought on her mind and that was to finish Lili. Ignoring the immense pain that she felt, she pushed the rustle of the diaper out of mind as she stood tall.  

Lili turned in time to see the blonde woman standing naked apart from the diaper between her legs, and let out a loud laugh. Cammy screamed out and rushed forward, but Lili was too quick, and once again she spun on the spot to let loose another of her Peacock Kicks.  

This one connected with Cammy's stomach and sent her flying back fast enough to create a gust of wind until her legs hit a soft bar and spun her until she landed on a soft surface. Cammy felt like an eternity passed as she held her stomach tightly until she finally looked up and found that she was now lying inside a crib.  

Before she could process this, let alone move, her stomach tightened suddenly let loose. With tears in her eyes, Cammy felt the warm mess enter the seat of her diaper and go everywhere until even her lower back and front were filthy. As she stared down at the now messy diaper she snapped and burst into tears, unable to keep herself from shouting "Mommy" between cries.  

Lili smiled and picked up Cammy's clothing, walking towards the crib and looking down at the pathetically crying woman. She placed the shambles of Cammy’s uniform on the mobile that hung above Cammy's head and turned the mobile on.

Taking a sniff Lili quickly held her nose and walked away from the crib. As she was leaving, all she could hear was the crying of Cammy “Killer Bee” White.  

Stopping, she looked at one of the spectating women and said "Mommy will be back for her soon." With that, she smiled wide and left the nursery.


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