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 Emma was in darkness, unable to move she could hear nothing and feel nothing as she slowly began to panic, she opened her mouth but only gibberish came out “What’s going on? Where am I?” she thought as tears began to form in her eyes. Slowly a soft light surrounded her, and she began to calm slightly as the warm pink walls were slowly lighting up “I’m in a pink room? How did I get here? Why can’t I move or talk?” she thought nervously when she noticed a dark strand of hair coming over her eye “Black hair? I don’t have black hair? What’s going on?” she thought when she then looked down and saw the pink checked frilly dress that covered her “What the hell is this? Who put me in this horrible childish dress?” she thought as tears rolled down her face.

“Welcome Baby Emma” a mans voice came from in front of her, Emma opened her mouth to speak but couldn’t form any words, she frowned “I wanted to ask who the hell he is, why can’t I talk?” she thought. The voice laughed “You can’t talk because I don’t want you to talk, you can’t move because I don’t want you to move, you are wearing that lovely dress because you are now my baby girl” he said. Emma’s mind was racing she tried to speak again but only gibberish came out, she tried to move but couldn’t even move her little finger “What is he going to do with me?” she thought. The voice laughed “I’m your new daddy and this is your new life baby Emma” Emma’s eyes widened “What the hell? I am not a baby, and he is definitely not my daddy” she thought.

“You don’t think you're a baby? Well In a second I will show you how much of a baby you are and after that your new life will begin. I’m going to have the cutest little baby in the world. Now why don’t you lift up your skirt and have a look, I don’t think grown-ups wear diapers” Emma watched as her hands moved down and lifted up the front of the dress revealing what the voice had said and that she was really wearing a diaper.

Emma’s eyes went wide with panic as she stared down at the pink diaper hiding under the white tights that she was now wearing “A nappy? I’m really wearing an adult nappy? What does he want from me? How did he get me into these clothes? Why a nappy?” she screamed in her head as she slowly looked up into the darkness where she heard someone walking towards her. A tall skinny man in a purple suit appeared from the shadows with a smile on his face “Perfect” he said as he stared down at Emma. Emma felt cold all over as she averted her eyes from the man’s wicked gaze “Miss Watson, I’m sure you have a lot of questions” he said with a sliver of his tongue. He stood in front of Emma and reached out towards her, Emma’s eyes nervously fixed on his hand that approached her as his hand touched the front of the diaper. She heard the diaper crinkle and she could feel the mans hand press-up against her padded underwear “This will work perfectly” he said as he removed his hand and took a step back.

“Miss Watson, welcome to your new home” he announced while raising his arms up “You will find everything I need for you is here, your crib, a playpen and plenty of diapers” he smirked as Emma looked at him finally with tears in her eyes “Plenty of diapers? Why would I need plenty of diapers? He doesn’t expect me too...” she suddenly felt sick. The man slightly bowed “I will be your host, you can call me Killgrave and I have full control of you, you see it's a little gift I have, for example turn around and lift your dress up higher”. Emma watched as her hand lifted the front of the dress up and her body spun around on the spot “Why am I doing this? I can’t stop myself!” she thought as she stared down at her diaper. Killgrave smiled “See you have to do what I say, now look at me baby Emma” he said and Emma looked over her shoulder at the tall man in shock as Killgrave continued “Now I wanted some honest income coming in and In my twisted mind this was a plan I came up with, you will be on a 24/7 live stream as an adult baby. It should bring me some good money” he laughed as fear ran over Emma’s face and she looked down at her padded rear sticking out “An adult baby? That’s why I’m wearing a diaper? Oh god, no people are going to see me like this?” she shuddered as Killgrave continued “I decided adult baby because it’s a small community but they will pay for quality work, I dyed your hair to help with the illusion that you are a look-alike and not the real Emma Watson. I can’t wait to get this show up and running and all we need are your babysitters” he smiled his wicked smile as he spun around and shouted “Jessica Nigri go and introduce yourself to the new baby, I think she is about to mess her diaper”.



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