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Chapter 01

Brie and Nikki were twins born sixteen minutes apart with Nikki being the older of the two, Nikki loved sports especially soccer, wanting to get a scholarship to play in college until she broke her leg, Brie had a very artistic style, she loved to paint and draw. The twins lived on a farm with there 5'10 mother Kathy who had separated from the girls father a few years ago.

Kathy was Italian and Nikki and Bella's father was Mexican which made them both look exotic, they both had dark eyes and long brown straight hair. Both girls were 5'5 and they looked after their bodies, they had very slim hourglass figures with 32a bust size the girls were sort after by the men of the small town.

When Nikki was 18 she broke her leg playing football she was devastated at not being able to play until it was healed but she hated that her mother had suggested that she wear diapers until it was healed, the house they lived at was an old two-story house with one bathroom upstairs and Nikki's bedroom was on the first floor, after a few failed attempts to get to the bathroom in time and accidentally wetting herself in the hallway her mother suggested that she wear diapers until she could make it up the stairs. Nikki argued against it profusely but her mother bought a pack of adult diapers anyway and left them in Nikki's room. After Nikki awoke in the middle of the night with the urge to pee she reluctantly put the diaper on and forced herself to do her business but to Nikki's surprise she found that it wasn't so bad and instead of taking the diaper off after she had used it straight away she went back to sleep and from there Nikki's diaper fetish grew.

Once Nikki's leg had healed Kathy threw the remaining diapers in the trash to Nikki's disappointment but she soon found out where her mother had bought them and managed to get enough courage to go and buy more. Nikki had grown to love the feeling of multiple diapers between her legs and often used the bulk to help pleasure herself and because of this Nikki had several bags of diapers stored in the house, she had originally stored them in her room but after a very close call with her mother she decided to hide them somewhere else. Nikki didn't know what her mother's reaction would be to finding her diapers but she feared the worst, Kathy believed that her daughters should be proper and normal young women, she didn't tolerate piercings, tattoos or even hair dye. Nikki knew that if her mother found her diapers that she now wore for pleasure rather than any medical reason's then her mother would be very angry with her for not being ‘normal'.

Brie's bedroom was upstairs and next door to her mother's, it was smaller than Nikki's but it did have a very large walk-in-robe that Nikki also kept a few clothes in, to Nikki it was the perfect place to hide her diapers, her mother would have a hard time finding them and Nikki had a good excuse to be in there to get any that she wanted.

Nikki and Brie were now 19, both young women had finished school and were ready to start their lives. Nikki wasn't able to get a football scholarship because of her broken leg and was thinking of what she wanted to do next while Brie had applied for several colleges to study art, it had been a week after the girls had graduated when everything changed.

Chapter 02

Brie was sitting in her room reading when her mother entered her bedroom "I'm looking for a jacket, I can't find it in my wardrobe, I'm going to check and see if I put it in yours by mistake". Brie looked up from her book "You could have knocked" she said. Kathy looked at her daughter "Excuse me, I pay for this house and you don't pay to live here so if I want to enter a room I can" she said and then went into the wardrobe, Brie rolled her eyes and continued to read her book she was wearing black leggings and a tight-fitting white shirt which was vastly different from her mother's bright orange summer dress that she was wearing. Brie was still sitting on the bed reading when her mother quickly came out of the wardrobe and placed two bags on the bed "What are these?" she said angrily, Brie looked at the bag of diapers with confusion "I have no idea what they were doing in there" Kathy didn't look convinced, the anger in her voice raised "Well they were in your wardrobe, do you wear diapers now?" She stared down at Brie who opened her mouth in shock "No, they are not mine, they must be Nikki's" Kathy gave a sarcastic laugh "I through all the diapers out that Nikki used when she was hurt and they were just medium, these are medium and large sizes, she hated wearing them she told me and if they were hers they would be in her room, not yours" Brie looked at her mother with pleading eyes and calmly said "They are not mine". Kathy lost it, she didn't tolerate being lied to and practically jumped forward to grab Brie's arm, Kathy pulled her daughter off the bed and had her stand, Brie was terrified, her mother had always scared her when she was angry, as she stood at the foot of the bed she weakly said "But but they are not mine". Kathy looked at her daughter and calmly said "Put them on" Brie's eyes widened "What?" she spluttered out Kathy stared at Brie "You have them here to wear so wear them, now" she said. Brie began to tear up "But they are not mine, they must be Nikki's" she sobbed, Kathy reached behind her daughter and gave a sharp slap on her small bum, Brie moved a step forward from the force of the slap as tears continued to run down her face, Kathy pulled down Brie's pants exposing her black frilly panties, Brie was too scared to do anything as her mother slowly pulled down her panties and said once again "Put them on" Brie couldn't move even if she wanted to put the diapers on she was too scared to do anything. Kathy pushed Brie down onto the bed and pulled out a diaper from the medium-sized bag, she unfolded it and Brie's eyes widened at the sight of the diaper. Kathy placed the diaper on the bed next to Brie "Sit on it" Brie didn't know what else to do so she slowly moved onto the diaper, as soon as her bum hit the soft fabric her mother lifted the front and taped it on her. Brie looked down at her groin in shock and embarrassment, she could felt cold as she moved and heard the diaper crinkle.

Her mother stepped back and said "That's the first one, now for the rest, put them on yourself" Brie was about to protest again but her mother folded her arms and stared down at her which made Brie feel very small, she slowly sat up and grabbed another diaper out of the bag and winced when she unfolded it. She slowly put it underneath her already padded bum and lifted up the front and taped into position. Kathy hadn't moved and just said "Keep going, all of them, the full bag" Brie didn't look at her mother as she grabbed another diaper from the bag and once again taped herself in. She continued to put the diapers on and Brie quickly noticed that with each diaper she put on she could feel the bulge between her legs become more prominent, she felt her bum come further off the bed and she felt more embarrassed by each diaper that was taped in position around her expanding crotch. Brie put her hand once more into the bag and was relieved to find it empty, she had counted eight diapers were now fastened around her waist. Kathy pulled the empty bag off the bed and moved the second bag close to Brie and said flatly "Keep going" Brie felt fresh tears as she began to plead with her mother "Please, I don't want to wear any more and they are not even mine" Kathy got angry and grabbed three diapers out of the large size bag and didn't unfold them as she put them under Brie's bottom, she then quickly grabbed another large diaper, unfolded it and slid it under her very padded bum, she adjusted the three unfolded diapers so they were going over the crotch and then secured them down with the unfolded diaper. Brie couldn't believe the thickness that was now between her legs because of the three unfolded diapers, she felt utterly humiliated but her mother didn't stop as she continued to place another and another large diaper on her, soon the bag was empty and Brie was wearing 16 diapers including the three unfolded ones between her legs, Kathy smiled a wicked smile and walked back into the wardrobe a few minutes later she came back into the room and to Brie's shock came back with the third bag of diapers, this bag only had two inside it but Brie saw that the size of these diapers was XXL. "This is the last bag I can find, I will go back in a see if I can find any more, if I find any more you will be wearing them" Brie began to sweat as her mother pulled out the two XXL diapers and placed them under Brie's heavily padded bum, she quickly pulled them up and taped them into position and stood back "Ah I see that's why you got such a large size, the only way you could put on loads of diapers at once, those XXL size diapers make your big diaper look a lot neater, you big baby" Kathy mocked. Brie stared down at the huge mound at her waist, her bum feeling miles off the bed and her crotch being so blocked off from her. Kathy grabbed Brie's leggings and panties that were still around Brie's ankles and pulled them off "You wont be needing these" she said while holding up Brie's black panties, she then proceeded to put back on Brie's black leggings, she managed to lift them up mostly covering Brie's huge diaper "There we go, I don't want to see your baby underwear so you can keep your leggings" Kathy said, as she began to leave the room "Now you stay in here and think about what you did, you naughty girl" and she left Brie lying on the bed still trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Brie slowly sat up on the bed and looked down at her oversized crotch in amazement she said "How has mother done this to me? I'm wearing diapers, she has put me into diapers? They must have been Nikki's, Nikki wears diapers?". Brie slowly stood up and gingerly took a step forward "I can't put my legs together, the crotch is so thick, I have to waddle to walk, why would Nikki wear these?" she said as she took a few steps forward. Brie looked all over the diaper as she waddled around the room "My bum is huge, it moves side to side every time I move" she soon returned to her bed and sat down. "I still have no idea why Nikki would want to wear these, they make your bum look big and you can't walk normally so why did she have so many of them and why hide them in my room?". Brie didn't know what to do next "Can I take it off? No mother would go crazy with me if I took it off, how long do I have to wear it? Nikki comes home in a few hours she can tell mother that they are hers and she can be forced to wear them if she likes them so much she will like being forced to wear them".

Chapter 03

Nikki opened the front door and was overcome with the smells of dinner "Yes Spaghetti bolognese, my favourite" she said to herself as she entered the house. She walked towards the kitchen "Hi that smells nice, the pool was so nice, is dinner almost ready?" Nikki asked, Kathy, turned around and looked at Nikki, she was wearing denim shorts and a bikini top "You know what your sister has done?" Kathy said ignoring Nikki's questions "Erm no, what has she done?" Kathy began to dish up the food as she continued "Well you won't believe this, I went to find a shirt in her wardrobe and guess what I found?" Nikki's heart was beating faster as she said the first thing that came to mind "Erm dirty clothes?" Kathy tutted "Dirty clothes I can deal with but no she had bags and bags of adult diapers" Nikki acted shocked while her head was spinning. Kathy continued "And she tried to tell me they weren't hers but yours, can you believe that?" Nikki pretended to laugh "Mine? What?" Kathy nodded "That's exactly what I thought so I did to her what you do when you catch your kids smoking" Nikki's eyes widened "What do you mean?" Kathy smiled "You will see" she then walked to the table with the plates of food "Brie come down dinners ready" she shouted.

Brie gingerly left her room, she waddled towards the stairs and looked down at the state of her crotch, the huge diapers protruding from her waist, her leggings only hiding the bottom half of her diapered prison "Once Nikki says they were her diapers I will be out of this and mother will have to apologise to me" she said to herself as she began her march downstairs.

Nikki's eyes widened, her jaw dropped, she felt her cheeks turn red and felt her heart beating hard in her chest as she saw her sister slowly walk down the stairs in the biggest diaper she had seen. Brie shot daggers at Nikki who sheepishly looked away. Their mother sat down at the table "Brie come sit down and eat, Nikki go put a shirt on" Nikki took the opportunity and quickly left the room before Brie could do anything. Brie waddled over to the table and sat down, she felt so foolish but knew that it would be over soon.

Nikki arrived at her room and grabbed a shirt "Oh shit, what am I going to do? Brie is going to want me to say they are my diapers. How can I admit to mother and Brie that I like to wear diapers, will she then take all those diapers off Brie and put them onto me instead?" Nikki got a tingle at the thought but quickly shook it off "No, who knows what my mother would do, make me wear diapers all the time" another tingle went through her and she sighed "It's to embarrassing, I'm sure Brie will be ok, just have to wear them to bed then mother will allow her out of them" She put the shirt on and went to rejoin her family.

Nikki sat down at the table with Brie still staring at her, after a minute of silence Brie shouted out "Well tell her Nikki!" Nikki and her mother both looked shocked. "What are you talking about Brie?" Kathy asked. Brie continued to shout "Nikki admit they are your diapers" Nikki pretended to laugh "What my diapers? I'm not the one wearing them?" Brie's eyes began to water "They are yours admit it" Kathy stood up and grabbed Brie's arm "No more shouting at the dinner table young lady" she pulled Brie up and half dragged her to a corner in the room "Now I haven't had to do this in years but I think you need a time out young lady, stay standing with your nose in the corner until I say you can join us again". Brie was about to protest but her mother gave her a quick slap on her diapered bottom, it didn't hurt Brie but she knew her mother meant business and stood in the corner quietly sulking. Nikki sat in amazement, her sister was now being treated like a child while wearing diapers. Nikki had long thought what it would be like and she was slightly jealous of her diapered sister but she wasn't going to show it and so she carried on eating her food.

Chapter 04

Nikki finished her dinner while keeping her eyes on her twin sister's diapered bottom "Erm can I be excused, mother?" Kathy smiled and nodded and Nikki slowly got up and walked to her room. Kathy went over to Brie and grabbed her hand "Come on sit down and eat" Brie waddled towards the table and sat down, she was brimming with anger but didn't say a word knowing she might get into more trouble. Brie ate very little not feeling hungry at all, Kathy looked at her daughter "Now, Brie, Nikki has said they are not her diapers, they were found in your room, now if you tell me the truth then this will go a lot easier for you" Brie looked down at the table wanted to scream out that they were Nikki's but she breathed slowly and calmed herself. "Do you have anything to say" Brie continued to look down at the table while thought long and hard and finally through gritted teeth said "They are mine" Kathy smiled "See that wasn't so bad, now why do you have them?" Brie just shrugged her shoulders, Kathy sat back in her chair "That's not an answer young lady" Brie tried to think of a reason why someone would have adult diapers stashed away but couldn't think of anything "I'm waiting for a reason" her mother continued, Brie still tried to think of something Kathy lent in close "Tell me now" "Because they are comfy" Brie blurted out, she quickly covered her mouth, she had shocked herself with the reason she gave the last thing she thought of the diapers were they were comfy. Kathy looked at her daughter puzzled "They are comfy? Are they comfy right now?" Brie blushed and shrugged her shoulders. Kathy leaned into her daughter again "If you shrug your shoulders once more you will be in so much trouble, I am trying to have a conversation with you, now are you comfy now? Brie shook her head "No" Kathy nodded "and why not?" she asked, Brie, blushed again and said, "Too many" Kathy smiled and said "Good". Brie finally looked up at her mother confused "Good?" she asked, Kathy nodded "I did to you what I would have done if I had caught you smoking, I knew if you liked them then there would be a limit to how much you liked them" Brie looked down embarrassed again, she hated that her mother thought that she liked to wear diapers, she just wanted to get out of them as soon as possible. Brie swallowed hard hoping for the answer she wanted "So can I take them off?" Kathy scoffed "Not yet" Brie began to tear up as she looked at her mother "When?" Kathy sat back in her chair and thought "We will see, now I have more questions" Brie didn't want to answer any more questions she just wanted to be free of this horrible situation, Kathy looked at her daughter "Do you want to be a baby again?" Brie thought about the strangeness of the question for a long time, she thought about Nikki and if she wanted to a baby, Brie thought it must be the reason that's why she has so many different sizes to make it feel more like a baby diaper. "Well?" her mother said and without thinking, Brie said "Yes" Kathy sat back and Brie froze "Wait I mean no" Kathy was unconvinced "You want to be a baby, don't try and deny it now you already said yes. Fine if you want to be a baby you can be a baby, it's past your bedtime off to bed now" Brie looked up at her mother and opened her mouth to argue but Kathy cut her off by pointing at the stairs.

Brie's head was spinning she couldn't comprehend what her mother was talking about, she slowly stood up from her seat and took a step toward the stairs when her mother said "Get down on your hands and knees and crawl baby Brie" Brie looked at her mother with pleading eyes "I meant no, I was thinking about something else" Kathy put up the palm of her hand and repeated "Get down on your hands and knees and crawl baby Brie". Brie didn't know what to do so she just stood there in shock, her mother stood up from the table and tears began to roll down Brie's face "Please mother, I don't want to be a baby, I really don't" Kathy walked over to her frightened daughter "You said you do, you are just too embarrassed about doing it in front of me, well you will have to get used to it young lady, now get on your hands and knees and crawl like a baby or do I have to give you a spanking?" Brie continued to cry as her mother walked closer to her she slowly got down onto her hands and knees her mother stood behind her and gave her diapered bum a poke with her foot. Brie slowly began to crawl forward towards the stairs her bum swaying side to side as she did and then once at the stairs she crawled up them with her mother following close behind. Neither of them knew that they were being watched by a gobsmacked Nikki.

"She is going to be treated like a baby? She just crawled on her hands and knees, what is mother going to do to her next?" a shiver ran through her "I'm getting turned on by my sister being forced to be a baby? It must be an envious turn on. Would I want that? To be made to crawl around?" another shiver and she sighed "Wow, I really should help Brie out, I have no idea what mother has in store for her but I know Brie is going to hate it. Or maybe she will grow to like it, well whatever I can't tell mother tonight. Will give her the night to calm down then I might tell her tomorrow" Nikki then walked to her room and shut the door.

Brie got to the top of the stairs and began to crawl to her bedroom when her mother stopped her "Actually you're going to sleep in my bed tonight" Brie looked up at her mother with a questioning look "Get moving Baby" Brie looked down in shame and began to crawl towards her mothers bedroom. Once in the bedroom her mother closed the door behind them, walked passed Brie and patted the bed "Come on up" she said, Brie got up on her hands and knees and got onto her mother's bed as instructed. Her mother looked down at her "Now get under the covers" Brie sighed and did as she was told "No more sighing Baby Brie, you do as I say and if you roll your eyes, back talk or sigh then I will punish you just like the little girl you are, do I make myself clear?" Brie nodded out of fear, her mother continued "Good now lie down and close your eyes its sleep time" Brie lay down on her back and reluctantly closed her eyes, she waited to hear her mother leave but she didn't she could feel her mother standing in the same spot. After a few minutes she heard her walk away but the door didn't hear any door open, she strained her ears slightly and heard typing, Brie scrunched her eyes up in anger when she realized her mother was at her computer desk. Brie was unable to sleep not just because it was only 7 pm but because of the unfamiliar feeling of the huge diaper between her legs, she also now felt like she needed to pee but was too afraid to tell her mother. An hour had passed and Brie's bladder felt like it was going to explode she decided she had to and she opened her eyes and said: "Mother I need to use the toilet" Kathy laughed "Baby you are wearing your toilet now go to sleep" Brie's jaw dropped "But I.." Kathy quickly stood up and walked towards her daughter she folded her arms and stared down at her "Baby Brie, you will use your diaper like a baby, you will go to sleep early like a baby, you will do loads of other things like a baby from now on and that includes talking" Brie looked at her mother shaking with fear, Kathy continued "I want to only hear garbles from you if I hear one word come out of that mouth then you will be punished, now close your eyes". Brie closed them quickly as tears began to flow down her face once again. Her mind was racing with what her mother had said, she couldn't keep a single thought straight for long and it had begun to give her a headache. After a few minutes Brie gave in and she began to wet the diaper, she felt the warmth of her urine against her and felt ashamed at what she had done. She silently began to sob and with the humiliation of wetting herself and being treated like a baby by her mother, she soon found herself feeling very tired and even though she felt very uncomfortable she forced herself to fall asleep and temporarily escape from the madness.

Chapter 05

Nikki was pacing up and down in her room, she was unable to sleep knowing what was happening to her sister "She is being treated like a baby right now and it's because of me, I should feel guilty about it but for some reason I don't" Nikki paused "Does that make me a bad person?" She shook her head and continued "No, anyway I bet mother has taken off the diapers now and Brie is getting a telling off, I will probably get up tomorrow and see Brie eating breakfast wearing her normal clothes" with that Nikki yawned "Well I guess I should sleep, I really wish I had some diapers down here, it's the perfect night to wear" she slowly undressed and once naked she got into bed.

Kathy was still sitting at her desk looking at article after article about adult babies she was amazed at a number of websites she found then she found a website that unintentionally made her smile, the website had adult baby clothing, furniture, and loads of accessories. Kathy surprised herself when she began to add different items to the cart and when she was satisfied with what she had chose she filled in the details and clicked express post before she clicked the ‘finalise payment' button she turned around to see Brie fast asleep now lying on her side with the huge diaper still surrounding her waist she smiled again but this was a wicked smile "Lets see how you like spending the summer as a baby, maybe that will stop this diaper fetish of yours" she turned back around and with the same wicked smile on her face she clicked.

Brie had a very restless night sleep, she woke up every time she moved and felt the huge padding between her groin she rolled over and saw her mother sleeping beside her and thought about running from the room but knew that she would be in even more trouble, she began to tear up at the injustice of it all, she hadn't done anything wrong but here she was wearing a wet diaper and her mum treating her like a baby, every time she thought of what her mother might do to her in the morning it made her shudder. Eventually, Brie drifted off back to a night of restless sleep.

Chapter 06

Brie was sleeping on her side when she woke up with a start as her mother began to pat her diapered bottom "Wakey wakey baby Brie" she mocked. Brie rolled her eyes as she rolled onto her back and looked up at her mother who was standing over her "How did my little baby sleep" Brie opened her mouth to speak but her mother quickly placed her hand up "Remember baby Brie I only want to here gurgle coming out of your baby mouth". Brie's eyes widened and she slowly closed her mouth deciding it's better to not make a sound rather than make stupid baby noises. Kathy smiled "Come on baby girl" she bent down pulled Brie out of bed, Brie stood in front of her mother in her wet diaper for only a moment when her mother folded her arms and frowned "Remember what I said baby Brie, you crawl like a good baby or mommy will have to punish baby" Brie blushed but didn't move "Get down on your hands and knees young lady" Brie looked down at the floor but didn't move, suddenly Kathy grabbed her daughters arm and pulled her over her knee. Kathy sat on the edge of the bed with Brie across her knee pinned down, her bulging diaper in a perfect position for a spanking.

Kathy brought her hand down hard on Brie's diapered bottom and even though it didn't hurt Brie let out a yelp, Kathy continued to slap her daughters padded behind "I know this doesn't hurt because of your big diaper but I hope it shows you that I can punish you whenever and however I want, I could easily pull your diaper down and spank your little bum bum but I'm being nice" Kathy stopped the swatting but continued "Now, I don’ think you need your leggings on, we want everyone to see how much of a baby you are don't we” and quickly she pulled off Brie’s black leggings. Kathy frowned “My daughter the adult baby” she shook her head and then said “Now be a good baby and get on your hands and knees and crawl" Kathy stood up. With tears in her eyes, Brie feeling utterly defeated and humiliated got down onto her hands and knees. Kathy smiled "Good baby, now follow mommy" Kathy left the room and Brie slowly followed her. Once at the stairs Kathy looked at Brie and said "You can bump down the stairs on your bum, just like you used to" Kathy walked down the steps and Brie slowly flipped positions and now was sitting on her wet padded bum and she slid downstairs on her bottom. Returning to crawling, Brie followed her mother into the living room where she saw Nikki sitting on the sofa, her mouth open wide. Brie straight away felt anger boil up at the sight of her sister, she continued to crawl not taking her eyes off her that she hadn't noticed her mother stop and she collided with the back of her legs. "Silly baby" Kathy giggled "Now you sit here and I will bring your breakfast" Brie blushed and slowly sat down not taking her eyes off Nikki.

Nikki was in shock and felt horrible at the sight of her sister being treated like a baby "Morning Brie" she said nervously, Brie looked over to where her mother was and sighed, knowing that her mother could hear if she spoke she looked back at Nikki and with fire in her eyes mouthed "Tell her". Nikki's chest began to pound hard and shook her head and mouthed back "I can't" Brie's hands clenched and Nikki quickly changed her mind "OK" she said "You say something Nikki?" her mother called from the kitchen. Nikki swallowed hard and looked at Brie sitting on the floor in so many diapers miserable but couldn't bring herself to say anything. "I said did you say anything Nikki?" Kathy asked as she returned to the room with a bowl and a spoon. Nikki opened her mouth to speak when her mother sat down in front of Brie and began to scoop porridge from the bowl onto a spoon she then moved the spoon towards Brie's terrified face. "They are my diapers," Nikki said with a look of shock on her face. Brie looked relieved as her mother stopped moving the spoon towards her face. Kathy looked at Nikki "They are your diapers?" she asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Chapter 07

Nikki swallowed hard and nodded "Yes," she said and looked down at the floor terrified of what her mother would do next. Kathy took a moment then looked at the spoon in her hand and then at Brie then back at Nikki and calmly said "My purse is on the side, go to where you got those diapers and buy replacements right now" she then looked back at Brie and continued to move the spoon towards her mouth, Brie didn't know what to do as the spoon got to her mouth so she slowly opened her mouth and her mother put the spoon inside. Nikki was still sitting on the couch in shock when her mother turned to her and shouted "Now Nikki" Nikki quickly jumped up and walked over to the table and grabbed her mothers purse "So erm.." Kathy was still spoon-feeding Brie when she stopped and sighed "I said go and get diapers now go" Nikki quickly left the house.

Kathy continued to feed Brie until the bowl was empty when she sat back "If they are Nikki's she will be back with the same brand of diapers that were up in your room, I think she is just trying to save you like the good girl she is. So until she gets back you are still the baby". Brie had a mixture of emotions run through her she felt angry and upset that her mother didn't believe her but also felt happy and relieved that once Nikki got back she would be out of this nightmare.

Suddenly there was a knocking at the door and Brie began to panic she was in direct view of the front door the tight-fitting shirt that she wore did nothing to hide the bulging diapers between her legs and as her mother stood up and walked towards the door Brie began to shake "Please" she weakly said, Kathy turned around and angrily looked down at her daughter "Excuse me baby?" she said and Brie looked down at the floor in shame with tears in her eyes she shook her head "That's right" Kathy said and continued to the front door. Brie hoped that her mother would only open the door a short way and hide her shame but it was not to be, her mother got to the front door and opened it fully, Brie quickly looked at the floor as a man stood at the door, The man was a young blonde haired man, he looked at Kathy with a smile and said "Good morning Mrs Bella we have a delivery for you" Kathy smiled and nodded her head "Yes yes, can you please bring them in and place them in front of the baby" Brie turned bright red as she felt the eyes of the man turn upon her "Ermm yes certainly Mrs Bella" he stammered, Kathy walked back into the room and stood behind Brie as the man brought in a big box, he didn't stop staring at Brie as he placed the box down, he brought in another three smaller boxes and then stood back at the door "And that's it" Kathy smiled "Great thank you" Kathy looked down at Brie "Wave goodbye to the nice man Baby Brie" Brie froze she was feeling utterly humiliated until her mother said "Baby Brie, wave goodbye or do you want a spanking?" Brie slowly lifted up her hand and waved to the man, the man nervously laughed and smiled "Bye" he said and closed the door. Brie was shaking she quickly realised that the man now knew her first name and last name and that she was sitting on the floor wearing diapers if he knew anybody she knew then the entire town would know of the giant Bella baby by the end of the week.

Kathy opened up one of the small boxes and smiled "Great" she turned to Brie "Follow mommy" she said as she picked up a box and walked out of the living towards the stairs, Brie quickly got onto her hands and knees not wanting to be punished before Nikki got home and crawled after her mother. They arrived at the top of the stairs and Kathy led them towards the bathroom, once inside the bathroom Kathy closed the door and placed the box on top of the toilet, she then turned to Brie "Sit down baby girl" Brie sat down on her diapered bum and her mother sat in front of her on her knees once again. Kathy leaned forward and to Brie's shock and excitement she began to take off the diapers, one by one they fell to the floor and Brie felt happier and happier as they fell open to the floor and her waist got slowly smaller but then she saw the box sitting on the toilet and felt very uneasy as she wondered what was inside.

Chapter 08

Kathy was slowly removing all the diapers from around Brie’s waist and Brie was very happy until it came to the second to last diaper, she nervously looked down at her crotch as her mother removed the diaper and revealed the last diaper. She stared at the stained diaper and felt a great wave of shame wash over her and she blushed bright red as her mother placed her hand on the front of the diaper “Awww don’t worry baby, mommy will soon get you off your wet diaper and then it’s bath time” she smiled at her daughter which made Brie blush more. Kathy went to the tabs of the diaper and Brie’s chest became tight she didn’t want her mother to see her naked again but she had little choice if she wanted to get out of the damp diaper so she sat and held her breath as her mother pulled open the diaper. Brie looked down at her crotch as the front of the diaper was removed and her vagina was exposed, she felt a slight relief to finally get out of the diapers but that was overwhelmed by the shame of now sitting naked from the waist down in front of her mother. Kathy grabbed hold of Brie’s tight-fitting shirt and quickly lifted it up, the colour drained for her face as more of her nakedness was exposed to her mother and she now sat naked on a pile of diapers feeling very vulnerable.

Kathy examined her daughter's pretty body “Such a waste” she said and Brie looked at her confused “Well you have such a pretty young body and you want to be a baby” she shook her head and tutted. Brie opened her mouth to argue but quickly closed it knowing that she might get punished if she spoke, she wished Nikki would arrive soon. Kathy leaned over the bath and turned the taps on, water began to fill up the bath and steam gradually filled the room when all of a sudden Kathy turned the taps off. Brie looked into the bath confused it was only high enough to reach her waist when her mother stood up and reached down and began to lift her up, she was helped up to her feet and then over the bath with her mother guiding her daughter with her hand on her firm bottom. Brie shook at the invasion to her privacy but resisted with all her might the urge to say anything as she was carefully placed into the bath. Brie felt so foolish sitting in a bathtub in front of her mother naked, Kathy soaked a flannel and smiled at her daughter as she squeezed the excess water out of it and began washing her daughter. Kathy started on Brie’s arms and tears began to roll down her face as she realised her mother was going to wash her. Kathy continued onto Brie’s face, neck, chest, legs and then to Brie’s horror she began to wash the places that Brie had once assumed her mother would never see. Brie was blushing bright red at the embarrassment of her mother cleaning areas that only yesterday were so private to her. “Baby get onto your hands and knees” Kathy chirped and Brie looked at her mother confused but Kathy quickly helped her up onto her knees as Brie shook with humiliation, Brie looked down and saw the water dripping off her small chest into the shallow water and felt horrible as her mother washed her back and then to Brie’s horror she moved onto her bottom. After washing her body Kathy had Brie sit back down in the bath and she then washed her hair. Finishing the bath Kathy took Brie out of the tub and laid her on the bath mat away from the mountain of diapers that Brie was forced to wear only moments before. Brie shook at what just happened, she hated every minute of her bath, her mother cleaning her like she couldn’t do it herself.  

Taking a large fluffy towel, mother dried her daughter off. After blowdrying her hair Kathy sat at her daughter's feet and turned towards the box on the toilet and grabbed it off and placed it beside her “Now Baby Brie” she said with a wicked smile “I can’t wait to put this on you”. Brie began to shake as her mother opened the box and pulled out a bright pink plastic covered item, Brie looked at the item confused until her mother held it in both hands and Brie’s jaw dropped open. Kathy was holding up a pair of pink plastic pants that had padding running all around it which made it appear very thick, Brie began to shake her head “No, No, No more please” she pleaded to her mother. Kathy frowned “Yes baby and what did I say about talking, you bad baby, you will be punished after I put these on you” she gave a wicked smile to Brie who had begun to tear up once again.

Chapter 09

Brie was shaking as her mother frowned at her “We need some diapers for baby Brie though don’t we?” she looked over to the small mound of diapers and then back at Brie with a wicked smile “Yes, there are three unfolded diapers in that pile, we can use them to go over your cute little tush”. Kathy placed the plastic pants on the floor turned to the pile and began to sift through the pile of diapers until she found what she was looking for, she smiled as she removed the unfolded diapers that she had placed on Brie the night before.

Brie shook as the three large-sized diapers landed next to her, she stared at the small pile on the verge of tears she wanted to shout and scream at her mother that she didn’t want to wear any more diapers, but she feared what would happen if she did, so she sat in silence with tears in her eyes as her mother picked up the top diaper.

Brie looked at her mother with pleading eyes but Kathy ignored her daughter as she leant forward and gently pushed her down onto her back, staying hovering her daughter Kathy calmly said “Now you're going to be a good girl and not complain while I put these on you are you baby Brie”. Brie began to sob, she closed her eyes tightly and slowly nodded her head which satisfied her mother who sat back down on her knees at Brie’s feet “Let’s get to it” she cheered as she unfolded the diaper.

Kathy lifted Brie’s legs up with one hand and slid the diaper under her daughters round bum, Brie shook as she felt the soft fabric go under her cheeks, her mother lowered her legs back down and straight away Kathy pulled the front of the diaper up over Bries smooth vagina and taped it tightly in place.

Brie tried to focus on something else as she lay on the floor naked apart from the infantile underwear that now surrounded her groin, she tried to think about TV shows, movies and wrestling, but nothing could distract her from the feeling of the diaper that covered her. Tears rolled down her face, she wanted to scream out once again as her mother lifted up her legs and placed the second and third diaper under her bum at the same time. Her legs were lowered, she felt the front of the diaper lift up and her mother tightly tape it on then straight away the third diaper was lifted up and taped on which caused Brie to shake as she slowly opened her eyes and looked down at her padded groin.

Kathy quickly grabbed hold of the pink plastic panties and shook her head “I can’t believe your a baby again” she shook her head as she placed the panties over Brie’s feet and quickly pulled them up her legs “You better enjoy this little girl, they cost a lot of money, now lift your bum up, so I can get them on you” she commanded. Brie wiped away a fresh tear from her face as she lifted her bum up and the very thick plastic pants were guided up over the diapers.

Brie couldn’t take her eyes off her pink crotch, she tried to put her legs together but there was firm padding throughout the infantile underwear, her eyes went wide when she noticed a metal chain around the waist, she looked up at her mother questionably who let out a wicked laugh. Kathy leant forward once again and grabbed hold of the chain “Oh this, this is to make sure naughty baby can’t get out of her diapers” and with that she pulled on the chain and locked it tightly around Brie’s waist, Brie went pale as snow as she tried to comprehend what her mother was talking about but before she had a chance Kathy stood up and looked down at her “Back downstairs baby Brie” she commanded, she opened the bathroom door and began to leave.

Brie began to panic as her mother left the room she was about to stand up when she remembered that she had to crawl everywhere, she rolled her eyes and tried to sit up but the diaper makes it difficult, she began to sweat knowing that her mother would get angry with her so she quickly reached up and grabbed hold of the bathtub and lifted herself up into a sitting position, from there she managed to get herself onto her hands and knees and quickly crawled out of the bathroom towards her mother on the landing.

Kathy looked down at her questionably but to Brie’s relief she didn’t ask any questions she just pointed to the stairs “On your bum to go down the stairs baby” Brie sighed and moved back onto her bum and scooted forward towards the stairs and gingerly slid down the stairs on her huge padded rear followed by her mother. Once at the bottom of the stairs Brie slowly managed to get back on her hands and knees and crawled forward into the front room. Kathy followed her adult baby daughter into the living room and pointed towards the corner of the room “Now Baby...” she began when the front door opened and in came Nikki carrying a bag of diapers.

Chapter 10

Brie was smiling ear to ear as she watched Nikki enter the room carrying the diapers, she thought that now Nikki was home she would soon be out of this horrible situation and her mother would be apologising to her and Nikki could now be the humiliated baby. Nikki was shaking nervously as she looked at her mother “I’m home” she said with fear in her voice. Kathy slowly nodded her head and sighed “Good” and she turned back to Brie and pointed towards the corner of the room again “Baby go and sit in the corner” she commanded. Brie’s smile quickly disappeared as she felt her world come crashing down, she was about to protest when her mother frowned at her and she suddenly felt small. Quickly she turned and continued to crawl into the corner of the room as Nikki watched in wonder as her sister crawled into the corner and sat down on her padded bottom.

Brie stared at the wall with tears rolling down her face, she had believed that this was the end, as soon as Nikki showed up she would be out of this horrible state. She hated the feeling of the diapers between her legs and the humiliation of being treated like a baby by her mother but there was no way of getting out of it, not with the plastic pants locked into place. Brie wiped away her tears as she took a deep breath and hoped that she would be free to be an adult again soon.

Kathy smiled to herself as she watched Brie sitting on her big bum in the corner of the room and then turned back to Nikki and shook her head “OK, Nikki put the diapers on the floor” She said calmly. Nikki did as she was told and when she stood up she looked over at Brie sitting in the corner with her huge padded rear and felt her chest tighten with guilt she couldn’t even imagine what she was going through or how she was feeling, but she wanted to make it up to her sister even if that meant being punished herself. She quickly turned back to her mother “See they were my diapers, Brie had nothing to do with it” she turned bright red as she continued nervously “I stored them in Brie’s room because I could hide them better in her wardrobe, I’m sorry mother but they are mine, Brie is innocent in this” she pleaded. Kathy sighed again “OK, put one on then” she said calmly as she folded her arms, Nikki’s eyes widened “Put one on? Now?” she asked and her mother nodded, Nikki shook her head in shock “But I don’t want to” Kathy laughed “Do you think Brie wanted to? Now, look at her being a good girl and sitting in the corner. Either you put one on now or I will put it on you” she said with a frown. Nikki began to shake again as she slowly nodded “OK” she said nervously, she swallowed hard hoping that this would free her sister from her embarrassment and she bent down to pick up the bag of diapers when her mother held out her hand “No, leave them there, you are going to put it on right there” she said.

Nikki stared at her mother “No, I can’t put it on out here” Kathy pointed down at the floor “Right there right now or I will have to punish you just like I punished your baby sister!” she shouted, Nikki jumped and felt tears build up in her eyes she couldn’t think of any way to get out of this, she would rather put the diaper on herself than have her mother do it and if she did as her mother said then maybe she would stop punishing Brie.

Brie had turned bright red at being referred to Nikki’s baby sister but she was happy that Nikki had proclaimed her innocence and thought her mother would soon free her of the locked diaper. Nikki sighed and slowly lowered herself onto the floor as her mother stared down at her, she opened up the bag of diapers and blushed bright red as she felt the soft plastic on her fingers. She pulled a diaper out of the bag, unfolded it and placed it between her legs and was about to move onto the diaper when her mother shook her head “No Nikki, put it on properly, take off your shorts and your panties and put on the diaper like you normally would!” she half shouted down at the young woman.

Nikki went white as a sheet as she looked from the diaper up to her mother “You want me to take off my shorts? Out here?” she swallowed hard as Kathy nodded her head “Yes, Right now or I will do it for you young lady” Nikki shook all over as she looked down at her denim shorts. She looked over at Brie who hadn’t moved and was still sitting on her huge padded bum in the corner and swallowed hard, she knew she had to do it for her sister and she turned back to her shorts and in one quick motion she pulled off her shorts and her panties revealing her shaven vagina to her mother. She quickly covered up her groin as she continued to stare down, she couldn’t bring herself to look up at her mother as she stared at the diaper. Nikki turned bright red as she slowly moved onto the diaper, she smiled to herself as she felt the familiar comfort of the diaper under her soft bum cheeks. She enjoyed the feeling of the diaper under her but even though she tried to hide it from her mother, Kathy noticed and rolled her eyes as she watched her daughter quickly lift up the front of the plastic diaper and tape it around her waist tightly. Nikki’s chest was tight as she knew this wasn’t the end and slowly she looked up at her mother who was now smiling down at her, it sent a chill through her as her mother cooed “Alright, so I now have two babies”

 Chapter 11

Brie blushed with embarrassment as she looked across the bathtub at her naked sister, her mother was rubbing Nikki’s chest clean with a flannel as Brie sat naked in the shallow water watching on sucking on a pacifier and playing with a rubber duck she was dreading the moment when it was her turn to be cleaned by her mother. The two 19-year-old twins sat facing each other naked, it had been three months since their mother had turned them both into full-time adult babies with Nikki accepting the role a lot quicker than Brie. Brie had noticed that Nikki would smile at moments that sent embarrassing chills down her own spine, she couldn’t get used to the new role of baby that she was forced to play. Kathy had finished cleaning Nikki’s chest and turned to Brie “Baby Brie’s turn” she cooed with a smile she took the rubber duck from Brie’s hand and handed it to Nikki who quickly began to play with it in the shallow water as Kathy poured baby soap onto the flannel, and then she began the humiliating task of rubbing the flannel over her daughters breasts. Brie closed her eyes tightly shut as she felt her mothers hand caress her supple chest, she turned bright red as her mother cooed to her “Get baby Brie all clean, just like your baby sister, you're being such a good baby, yes you are. You are mommies good little baby girl and soon you will be nice and clean”.

Brie bit her lip she wanted to scream out, she wanted to jump up and run away, but she was too afraid of punishment from her mother that she stayed completely still as her mother moved the flannel down to her stomach. Brie had been punished a lot more than Nikki since this new humiliating life had started, she wanted to be free of the embarrassment of having to wear and use diapers and had tried on many occasions to remove the infantile underwear but her mother had always caught her and in turn she delivered humiliating punishments to the young woman. These punishments did bring Brie back in line, for a short period anyway, as the good adult baby that Kathy wanted her to be from now on.

Brie opened her eyes as her mother began to clean her arms and looked at her naked wet sister sucking on her thumb that she very rarely removed from her mouth. In the early days of the twins transition to their new baby lives Kathy had decided that she didn’t want to get the girls mixed up and that they were too little to tell her who was who, so she had Brie always sucking on a pacifier and Nikki sucking her thumb whenever she was sitting or lying down and that way she would always know which girl was which.

Kathy smiled at her infantile daughter “Now baby onto your hands and knees” she cooed, Brie sighed from behind the pacifier as she slowly got up onto her hands and knees, her face was now inches away from her sisters as she continued to suck on her thumb and play with the rubber duck. Nikki continued to look down at the water, she tried not to look at her sister in the face anymore as every time she looked at her being so miserable it made her feel horrible that this was all her fault.

Nikki hadn’t enjoyed the transition from full-grown adult to adult baby, but she had adjusted to it and tried to find good parts in the little things. She now couldn’t stop herself from smiling when her mother was about to change her diapers because she hated being surrounded in her mess, she smiled when her mother turned on the TV and even though it was baby shows it was a slight distraction from what was happening to her and Brie and she would try to get lost in the shows as an escape. Nikki did enjoy wearing diapers when they were dry and she did like the attention she got from her mother, it made her feel loved but she hated not having any freedom and would gladly return to her previous life if she could.

Brie was blushing bright red as she felt her mothers hand rub her bum cheeks and go in between the crack, she closed her eyes tight as she prepared herself for what was coming next. Once Kathy had cleaned her daughters bum she then moved her hand down and began to clean her daughter's vagina. Brie shook as she usually did when her mother cleaned her vagina, she hated the feeling of her mother's hand cleaning her there and she wanted to scream at the invasion to her private area but she continued to suck on the pacifier as her mother finished. Kathy stroked Brie’s hair “OK baby, back on your little bum bum” she cooed and Brie quickly sat back down in the shallow soapy water, Kathy turned to Nikki and took the rubber duck from her and handed it to Brie “Your turn baby” she cooed as Nikki quickly removed her thumb from her mouth and got up on to her hands and knees. Nikki was once again inches away from Brie’s face as Brie gave her an angry stare Nikki quickly looked down at the water at her own body, the water dripping off her breasts in the water which distracted her enough to get through the humiliating wash.

Once Nikki was washed Kathy placed her hands under her armpits and helped her out of the bath where she was placed on a changing mat, Nikki quickly placed her thumb back into her mouth as she sat on the soft plastic when her mother began to slowly towel dry her. Brie sat in the shallow water watching her mother out of boredom when she suddenly felt the urge to pee, she looked down at her smooth vagina and as she continued to suck on the pacifier and shrugged her shoulders slightly thinking it would be better to do it now then she would stay in a dry diaper for longer. Nervously she began to let loose and she felt the surrounding water warm up slightly and a slight smile broke out on her face when a sudden horrible thought came to her head. She looked over at her sister who was having her legs dried and shuddered at the thought that Nikki might have had the same idea when she was sitting in the bath with her, Brie looked down at the water and shuddered when she heard her mother announce “All dry baby, now time for your diaper”.

Chapter 12

Nikki continued to suck on her thumb as she watched her mother unfold the diaper out in front of her the strange feeling of excitement and embarrassment ran through her as her mother placed the diaper on the floor between her legs. Nikki still enjoyed the feeling of diapers under her, the soft plastic surrounding her and the noise it made every time she moved but she felt very embarrassed about her mother placing the diaper on her and knowing that she would only be free of it when she had used it like the baby she was now treated like. Nikki lifted up her bum slightly off the ground as her mother placed the diaper in position, she lowered back down and felt the familiar softness surrounding her round bum. Kathy took hold of the baby powder and sprinkled a generous amount onto her daughter's groin, as she placed the bottle down she began to rub the powder in which caused Nikki to blush profusely. Once the powder was rubbed in then Kathy took hold of the front of the diaper and pulled it up and taped each side tightly, sealing Nikki inside the infantile underwear.

Kathy pointed to a corner of the room “Now baby, over there so I can diaper your sister” she cooed, Brie turned bright red at the thought of having to wear a diaper again but she couldn’t think of any way to stop her mother without getting severally punished. Nikki removed her thumb from her mouth and got onto her hands and knees and crawled the short distance to the corner of the room that her mother had pointed out, once in the corner Nikki popped her thumb back in her mouth and Kathy handed her a rattle which Nikki began to shake. Brie began to shake as her mother turned towards “Diaper time” she cooed which caused Brie to grimace. Kathy quickly stood up and helped her naked daughter out of the bath and began to towel dry her, Brie felt her mothers hands all over her pressing the towel into areas that Brie thought her mother would never see again let alone touch. Soon Brie was dry and placed onto of the changing mat like her sister before her, she nervously sucked on the pacifier which had become a form of coping mechanism whenever she felt embarrassed or stressed even though it had occurred to her that the fact of sucking a pacifier at her age was a form of embarrassment.

Kathy once again unfolded a diaper and placed it on the floor between her daughter's legs, Brie watched as the humiliating underwear was placed in front of her but she didn’t move. Kathy rolled her eyes “Bum up baby” she said Brie swallowed hard but couldn’t move, she didn’t want to wear a diaper again and she definitely didn’t want to use it, she sat shaking as her mother began to frown at her. Kathy sighed “Baby Brie lift your bum up now” she shouted Brie jumped as she slowly lifted up her round bum off the ground with tears in her eyes, Nikki watched on in wonder from the corner she couldn’t believe that her sister was still fighting being put into diapers it had been three months of wearing diapers 24/7 and almost every night after bath time Brie would try and postpone being put back into a diaper and Nikki could tell her mother was getting sick of it. Kathy shook her head as she pulled the diaper under her daughters bum and Brie sat down on the soft fabric with a shudder, Kathy once again powdered her adult baby daughter which caused tears to run down Brie’s face and then the diaper was taped tightly into position. Brie looked down at the humiliating underwear and sighed from behind the pacifier when her mother turned around and opened up a draw, Brie watched on with a confused expression as her mother rummaged in the drawer until she pulled out the pair of pink locking panties.

Brie shook her head “Pweez no mommy” she said from behind the pacifier but Kathy didn’t say a word as she took hold of her daughters feet and quickly guided the thick panties up her legs. As the panties reached the bottom of Brie’s diaper Kathy looked her daughter in the eyes and said “Bum up baby” Brie swallowed and slowly lifted her bum up and her mother quickly pulled the panties up. Brie felt the thickness of the plastic pants all around her, the bulge between her legs made it impossible for her to put her legs together and she felt like she was far off the floor with the thick fabric in the rear. Kathy quickly locked the panties tightly around her daughters waist and began to pat the front of the diaper as she stared at Brie “Now I’m quite sick of you being a naughty baby after bath time, I need to get your diaper on you as soon as possible before you wet the bathroom and you being a naughty baby and not lifting up your bum bum stops me from doing that. So for the next week, you will be wearing your favourite panties and you won't be getting any baths. You will only be changed twice a day, in the morning and after your nap in the afternoon”. Brie froze she stopped sucking the pacifier as she stared forward, she hated wearing the thick panties but that wasn’t the main problem Brie had with her punishment when she was a treated like an adult she would always poop before going to bed and that hadn’t changed when she began her baby life. Brie would always poop in her diaper before bath time, she thought it was the best time to do it as she would be out of the diaper soon and cleaned off fully in the bath but with this punishment, she would have to wear her own mess until the morning. She felt sick at the thought and she was about to protest with her mother when Kathy pointed towards the door “Come on baby girls it's crib time” she announced. Brie knew better than to argue with her mother now, if she said anything then she might make it even worse for her, so with a heavy heart, she slowly got onto her hands and knees and crawled after her sister out of the bathroom.

Chapter 13

  The two adult babies crawled out of the bathroom and down the hallway, Nikki was leading the way towards their cribs as Brie followed behind. Brie miserable crawled behind her sister with tears still in her eyes she stared straight ahead at her sisters white padded rear. Kathy had told her adult baby daughters that when they crawled they had to look where they were going and that they always had to follow right behind the other sister, this meant that anytime that Brie or Nikki crawled around they were forced to stare at each others diapered bum. Brie hated being so close to her sisters diapered bum and wish she had been able to lead them towards the cribs, but she did think it was the best time to have to follow. Before the bath Brie had messed her diapers knowing that she would get changed out of them soon and when her mother had called for bath time Brie led the way to the bathroom with Nikki following crawling behind, Nikki  was stuck staring into her sisters full diaper as they crawled towards the bathroom she couldn’t wait to get away from the brown stained foul-smelling underwear that covered her sisters bum.

Nikki crawled into the bedroom and looked at the large crib in front of her against the wall, she quickly turned and crawled past her mothers large bed in the middle of the room and towards her crib on the far side of the room, Brie crawled towards her own crib and both adult babies sat down on their padded rears as their mother entered the room and followed Brie towards her crib. Nikki quickly placed her thumb back into her mouth and began to suck as she watched on patiently. Kathy lowered the side of Brie’s adult-sized pink crib and pulled away from the soft white blanket then turned her attention to her infantile daughter who was sitting nervously on her diapered bottom sucking on her pacifier. Kathy announced “Well we don’t need to put you in your onesie tonight so you can just go to bed like that” she then quickly bent down and placed her hands under her surprised daughter's armpits and lifted her up and placed her inside the crib.

Brie looked down at her naked chest and the pink plastic pants that covered her diaper, she wanted something to cover up her shame of wearing a diaper even if that was a onesie she didn’t want her mother to see her just in a diaper but she knew she didn’t have a choice, so she slowly looked around the infantile prison. She was surrounded by pink bars, underneath her was a soft pink sheet that blanketed a plastic covered mattress. She looked up at the head of the crib and sighed at the blank space where a pillow should sit but her mother had deemed it to grown-up for such small babies so all Brie had inside the crib was a blanket. Kathy looked up at her daughter “Lie down baby it’s time for you to go sleepy” she cooed. Brie scrunched up her face as she looked towards the window with the sun still in the sky but she rolled her eyes and slowly lay down in her crib, her mother covered her with the blanket and tucked it in, gave her a kiss on the forehead and raised the side sealing her in for the night. Kathy walked around her bed towards Nikki who was still sucking on her thumb, she lowered the side of the crib, pulled away from the pink blanket and once again picked up her infantile daughter up and placed her in the crib. Nikki sat in her crib still sucking her thumb, she looked down at her diaper and sighed as she felt the warm pee enter in, she could feel it spread through the front of her diaper and into the back warming her bum cheeks, she closed her eyes in disgust knowing that she wouldn’t get out of the wet diaper till the morning.

Kathy quickly went into a draw nearby and pulled out a baby blue snap crotch style onesie, she held it out in front of her and Nikki saw that on the front of the onesie in bright pink letters it read ‘Baby Nikki’, before Nikki could react to the humiliating clothing her mother was guiding the onesie over her head. Kathy gently pulled the onesie down while guiding her daughter's arms through, Kathy smiled as she reached the bottom of the diaper “Bum up baby” she cooed and Nikki did as she was told and Kathy pulled the onesie around the still warm diaper. Kathy took hold of the snaps and began to pop them together sealing her daughter into the infantile nightwear, Kathy gave the front of the diaper a pat and cooed “Now it’s time for you to go to sleep baby Nikki” Nikki slowly lay down on her white sheets and her mother covered her with the pink blanket, she gave her a kiss on the forehead and pulled up the side of the crib locking her in. Kathy walked over the window and closed the curtains which did little to reduce the light entering the room she then walked to the bedside table next to her bed and turned on the baby monitor and the night light “Now you two babies be good girls I don't want to hear a peep out of either of you” she said while looking down at Brie “Mommy loves you very much my little babies” she continued. She smiled at both her daughters and then left the room leaving Brie miserably sucking on her pacifier with the warmth of the plastic pants surrounding her groin and bum and Nikki sucking on her thumb with the warmth of her wet diaper surrounding her.

Chapter 14

  Brie slowly opened her eyes out of frustration she shook her head, the feeling of the large plastic pants wrapped around her waist had made for a very restless night, she looked out from crib and could see that her mother was sleeping and it was very dark outside. She let out a sigh and then realized that her pacifier wasn’t in her mouth, frantically she felt around the crib for it when she finally found it she let out a large sigh of relief and quickly placed it back in her mouth and began to suck on the infantile soother. Brie closed her eyes slowly when she felt a cramp in her stomach and her eyes shot open, she looked down at her flat stomach shocked and confused. Brie couldn’t understand how she needed to poop, now in the middle of the night, she had gone at her usual time just before bath time and that was usually enough to last her till the next day but here she was on the verge of messing her diaper in the middle of the night. She sucked on the pacifier and tried to will herself to sleep, to put it off till the morning at least but with each passing moment the urge became greater and greater and Brie knew that after months of eating mushy food and using diapers that she could not hold out for long and soon she would be wearing a smelly diaper.

Her eyes shot open in surprise as she felt her body give up and the warm poop began to fill the seat of her diaper, tears ran down her face as she shook her head she was almost back to sleep when her body failed her but as soon as she had started she stopped. She could feel her rear caked in the warm mess but she was glad it hadn’t gone any further she let out a sigh as the foul familiar smell of a messy diaper drifted up to her nose and she cursed herself for not making sure she had let everything go before bath time. She looked over to her mother and wished for her to wake up so she could get her diaper changed when suddenly her chest ached and the realisation of her mothers threat came flooding back “You will only get changed twice a day, in the morning and after nap time” her mouth suddenly became dry and she wished she knew what time it was. Brie didn’t know what to do as she lay inside her crib, usually if herself or Nikki had messed themselves at night they would try to wake up their mother by either crying or talking baby gibberish and once awake their mother would change the messy diaper, clean up her daughter and put her back into a fresh diaper and then go back to sleep but with Brie’s punishment she didn’t want to wake up her mother and make her angry.

Time had passed and Brie’s bum had cooled and was now itchy as she lay in her messy diaper, unable to sleep from the discomfort she couldn’t help herself and she began to cry from behind her pacifier. Getting louder and louder her mother eventually woke, she sat up in her bed and quickly held her hand to her nose “Oh I hope that’s your bum Nikki” she said to herself which made Brie blush as she quietened her crying. Kathy removed the bed sheets revealing her naked slim body and sat up “Oh it’s baby Brie, what's the matter baby, did you make a stinky?” she said as she stood up and walked towards Brie’s crib. Brie was shaking with nervous energy as she watched her naked mother walk towards her she didn’t know what was going to happen next she hoped for a diaper change but wasn’t holding out much hope of that. Kathy lowered the side of Brie’s crib and began to stroke her daughter's hair “Shhhh baby” she cooed. Kathy took hold of the blanket and quickly removed it from over Brie exposing her breasts and large plastic pants that hid her messy diaper “Did baby make a poopy?” she cooed. Brie turned bright red but still crying she was unable to answer her mother, Kathy moved down to Brie’s waist and to Brie’s shock she took hold of her ankles and lifted them up and back. Brie’s knees were sitting just above her breasts, tears continued to run down her face and she shook with fear as she knew she wasn’t going to get her diaper changed.

Kathy took her free hand and placed it on the seat of Brie’s diaper “Ah baby has gone poopie” she cooed and to Brie’s horror, she felt her mother begin to pat her bum. She scrunched her eyes up as she felt the mess in her diaper spread around with every firm pat to her padded rear “Yep baby has gone poopie but baby not going to get a diaper change till the morning so you will have to just get used to it baby” she cooed while still patting her daughters messy rear “Now I don’t want baby to wake up mummy again or these pats will become a lot harder” she said and to emphasize her point she gave a hard swat to Brie’s bottom spreading the mess everywhere. Brie swallowed hard as fresh tears rolled down her face she could feel the mess between her legs and on her lower back now as her mother lowered her legs back down on to the mattress and approached her again “I will change you in the morning little baby, now go back to sleep” she cooed as she bent down and gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead.

Kathy placed the blanket back over her infantile daughter and lifted up the side of the crib and walked back to her bed and lay down. Brie continued to sob in silence as she felt the cool sticky mess between her legs, she wanted to shout and scream, she hated being treated like a baby she wanted her old life back. She let out a sigh from behind her pacifier as she shook her head, she wiped the tears away from her face knowing that her old life may never come back and she was stuck as an adult baby. She closed her eyes trying desperately to sleep and get away from the smell and the feeling of her poop-filled diaper when she felt a warm stream of urine enter into her diaper and she soon found herself crying herself to sleep.


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