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A friend of mine requested this type of story 

Chapter 01

Claire sat in the playpen playing with large blocks with a smile on her face, the young woman was enjoying her new life as an adult baby, it had always been her dream to find a daddy and a mummy that would take care of her while she could enjoy being treated like a baby and it was finally happening. Claire continued to play inside the playpen as Amanda entered the far end of the room with a coffee, she looked over at her infantile housemate and smiled, Claire was just wearing a baby blue short shirt and a rearz safari diaper whereas Amanda was wearing a red jumper and skinny jeans that showed off her long legs. Amanda placed her coffee on the coffee table then looked back over at her adult baby daughter and smiled when an idea came to her and she walked over to the young diaper-wearing woman.

Amanda stood on the outside of the playpen looking down at the brunette woman, Claire’s bright blue eyes were fixated on the blocks that she was busy stacking in front of her that she hadn’t noticed the tall red-haired woman standing beside her. Amanda bent down and without saying a word she gently pushed Claire forward and pulled her diaper away from her waist and peered in “Nope you haven’t gone poopy yet” she cooed as she stared down at Claire’s clean bum. Claire let out a little giggle as she continued to play with the blocks not bothering to look at Amanda as she let go of her diaper, Amanda stood back up and walked back to the coffee table she picked up her coffee and sat down and began to scroll on her phone as Claire looked over towards her with a smile “This is exactly what I wanted, no stress, no responsibilities just to play and get taken care of by a pretty mommy and a handsome daddy” she thought.

Claire swiped the blocks down with a giggle as she got up off her padded rear and onto her hands and knees and began to crawl the short distance to her teddy bear. Her bum wiggled side to side as she approached her favourite teddy, she quickly scooped the bear up in her arms as she sat back down on her bum and squeezed it tight. She let out a satisfied sigh as she closed her eyes “This is the only thing I kept from my adult life, I’ve had Charlie since I was a kid. I thought I would miss my other stuff, my phone or my laptop but with being in little space for so much of the day I don’t even think about them. When I get bored with being in here I make a fuss and then Amanda comes over and plays with me. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found her and her boyfriend Jake, I was so miserable as an adult, having to work and do chores never getting any time to be my true self but now I just sit around and play and let them take care of me” she thought as she opened her eyes.

Claire looked over at Amanda on the sofa sipping her coffee while scrolling on her phone “Yes it’s only been a week of living like a baby but I’m so happy. I’m still getting used to having them change me but that’s getting easier apart from having to mess myself and have them change me” she grimaced “I’m still not used to wearing my own poop but mummy and daddy said that they wanted me to be the perfect little baby so I just got to get used to it. I’m sure I will after time I may not even notice doing it in a few months” she smiled “I’m going to be just like a baby for a very long time” she thought.

Amanda stood up with a cheeky smile and walked back over to Claire, Claire looked up at Amanda with a puzzled look as Amanda bent down placing her hands between her legs “Daddy just text mommy and said he has finished work early today, he suggested we go and meet him for lunch, won't that be nice baby” she cooed with a smile but Claire’s jaw dropped open. She shook her head “Go outside dressed as a baby?” she thought as she swallowed hard, she looked up at Amanda’s smiling face “Me not wanna” she said in her baby voice. Amanda giggled “Poor baby but you don’t get a choice we are going out for lunch, now wait here while mommy finds a cute little outfit for baby to wear” she cooed.

Claire watched as Amanda stood up and quickly left the room as she began to shake “She wants to take me out dressed like a baby? Would she treat me like a baby outside? I’ve gone out wearing diapers before but they have been very hidden. Would she make sure my diapers are hidden? What type of outfit is she going to make me wear? Would it make me look like a baby or would she try and hide that I am now a baby. I can’t believe we are going out this is so stressful” she sighed.

Chapter 02

  Claire sat in the middle of the crib her mind racing as she strained to hear Amanda rummaging around somewhere in the house, she looked down at the diaper that was now her permanent underwear and shook. “I can’t let her take me outside while I’m wearing a diaper and dressed like a baby, what if I ran into someone I knew” she turned bright red “I now only live a few streets away from my family and even though my mum knows about my choice to live as a baby I would never want her to see me dressed like one or being treated like a baby by Amanda or Jake” she shook again “I knew it was going to happen that there would be times when I regret my choice but I didn’t think it would come so soon” she thought nervously.

Claire didn’t move an inch inside the playpen when Amanda walked back into the room and Claire’s jaw dropped, Amanda was carrying a pair of pink and white checked overalls shortalls. Amanda held them out in front of her as she walked towards the nervous adult baby, Claire’s mouth was dry and her heart was racing as she stared at the infantile clothing “It even says baby on the front! A pink frilly heart with the word baby on it and I’m expected to wear that outside in public” she shook her head as Amanda stood in front of her with a smile. “Isn’t it perfect for you little girl” she cooed as Claire continued to shake her head “No” she said which caused Amanda to giggle “Well I like it so that means your going to wear it” she cooed.

Amanda stepped over the small pink wall of the playpen while still holding onto the overalls, she squatted down in front the diaper-wearing woman and smiled “Now give me your little feet baby and I can get you ready to go out” she cooed as she went to grab hold of Claire’s leg but Claire quickly pulled her foot away. Amanda frowned at her adult baby “Now don’t you be a naughty girl, I’ve said we are going out so we are and I have said you are wearing this so you are. Do you understand little one?”. The colour drained from Claire’s face as she looked at her new mommy, she swallowed hard “Pweez mommy, I don’t wanna go out wearing that” she said weakly. Amanda threw the overalls on the floor beside her and quickly crossed her arms “What did I say?!” she shouted which made Claire jump, Amanda continued “You do as mommy says or you will be punished little one! Now we are going out with you wearing this but are you going to have a sore bum bum when we go out?” she sighed and closed her eyes then let smiled “Now little one give me your little footsie” she cooed as she sat down on the padded floor of the playpen.

Claire had tears in her eyes as she looked down at the overalls on the floor in front of her “I don’t have a choice, if I continue to argue with her then she will spank me and then she will dress me like that. Will she really spank me? She hasn’t before but I haven’t been naughty like this before, she has given me swats on my diaper but not an actual spanking” she shook at the thought. “I can’t give in though and make this easy for her if she knows how difficult it is to get me to out then she might not try it again for a long time” she swallowed hard as she didn’t move a muscle and the smile slowly faded away from Amanda’s face. Amanda shook her head “You naughty little baby” she said with a sigh as she closed her eyes, Claire bit her bottom lip nervously when suddenly her arm was grabbed and she was hauled over Amanda’s lap.

Claire’s eyes were wide with panic as she felt Amanda’s arm pinning her down across her lower back “Why? Why did I let it come to this? I’m actually going to get spanked by her, I don’t want to get a spanking! Amanda’s a lot stronger than me and she won’t let me get away with it now” she thought as she scrunched up her eyes when tears began to fall down her face. Amanda looked down at Claire’s cute diapered bottom and smiled to herself as her free hand caressed the soft plastic, she started between Claire’s legs and slowly moved up over her small round bottom up to the waistband of the diaper. Her hand rested on the diaper gently, her eyes twinkled and she couldn’t stop smiling as she felt the young woman shake with fear. Suddenly she took hold of the waist of the diaper and pulled it down exposing Claire’s perfect bum and before she could react to her new vulnerable state Amanda’s hand came crashing down dead centre on her cheeks.

A loud cry entered the room as Claire felt the sting from the slap on her cheeks, tears were rolling down her face when Amanda’s hand came down onto her cheeks once again. Claire was now crying loudly as she felt her cheeks vibrate with pain but yet another hard slap landed and Claire yelled out in pain. Amanda nodded as she observed the red hand mark on Claire’s bottom and the smile quickly disappeared “Now are you going to be a good baby?” she asked. Claire wiped away the tears from her face as she tried to calm down “Me be good baby mommy” she said through sobs. Amanda quickly pulled the diaper back up and released her hand from Claire’s back, she quickly pulled the sobbing woman up and had her sit across her lap where she quickly wrapped her arms around her adult baby and gave her a hug. Claire’s head rested on Amanda's shoulder with tears dripping onto her shirt “Shhh shh baby, you know mommy doesn’t mean it but when you are naughty I have to” Amanda cooed softly “Now let’s get you ready to go out and meet daddy, he said he was missing you and wanted a hug off his special little girl. Won’t that be nice to give daddy a big hug?” she cooed. Claire slowly nodded the crying now almost stopped but the pain across her bum still remained “I can’t believe how much that hurt and how little it made me feel” a sly smile appeared then quickly disappeared as she eyed the overalls once again “I’m going to out wearing that” she thought nervously.

Chapter 03

   Amanda gently lowered Claire back down on soft plastic of the playpen “Now baby, will you be a good little girl for mommy?” she asked in a soothing tone, Claire continued to stare at the pink checkered overalls “I guess I don’t have a choice, she has decided that’s what I’m going to wear so I’m going to wear it” she sighed as she looked up at Amanda nervously and slowly nodded. Amanda smiled “Good baby, now give me your little feet and I can slide this cute little thing up your legs and over your diaper” she cooed which caused Claire to blush bright red but she didn’t move once again. Amanda sighed and shook her head “Now little baby do you want to go out in just your diaper and shirt because if you don’t move then that’s how you are leaving this house” she said sternly. Claire turned white as a sheet “She wouldn’t take me out just wearing this?” she thought as she looked down at the safari-themed diaper protruding from her groin “If I don’t move would she really take me outside in just a diaper and shirt” she scoffed “No she wouldn’t, not a chance would she take me out like just wearing this” she thought.

Amanda shook her head “Fine then, times up little one” she said as she grabbed the overalls in one hand and took hold of Claire’s hand with the other, she quickly stood up pulling Claire up with her. She tightly grabbed onto Claire’s hand as she stepped over the playpen and walked across the room, dragging the scared Claire behind her. Claire was shaking nervously as she was dragged across the floor, she tried with all her might to release Amanda’s vice-like grip from her hand but to no avail “Where is she taking me? Is she going to sit on the sofa and put me across her knee again and spank me? I hope not my bum still hurts from the last spanking” she thought as tears formed in her eyes.

Amanda dragged Claire past the sofa and to Claire’s horror they were headed towards the front door “No please I can’t go out like this!” Claire wailed but Amanda just shook her head as she opened the door. Claire felt the cool air wrap around her body, she never felt so cold before as Amanda stepped forward out the door. “Please I can’t go out like this!” she shouted which caused Amanda to stop and turn towards the young woman, she looked down at Claire and said calmly “I said times up now you are going in the car like that, if you scream and shout then everyone is going to see what a big baby you are, if you are good and quiet then nobody will notice and then I will put on your overalls when we arrive. This is happening baby girl now follow mommy”. Claire stood stunned “She is really going to do this!” she thought as her eyes darted around “She is right if I make a fuss then people will notice, I just need to quickly get to the car then after that she will put the overalls on me” she sighed as she felt Amanda tug her out of the house.

Claire tried to pull her blue shirt down to hide the large diaper that rested around her waist but it did very little to obscure the large padded underwear, her eyes darted around as she waddled towards the car close behind her new mommy. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she suddenly felt hot when she heard kids laughing nearby, she quickly looked around but couldn’t see anyone. Her mouth was dry and her legs felt week as they finally approached the car doors.

Amanda guided Claire to the rear passenger door and opened it up, Claire was about to get in when she stopped and stared at what was in front of her, sitting in the passenger seat was a large car seat. Claire couldn’t believe her eyes when suddenly she felt Amanda’s hand pushing her diaper towards the car and Claire suddenly realised what she was wearing, she turned bright red and she quickly jumped into the car and sat in the tight-fitting infantile chair. Amanda leaned into the car and threw the overalls onto the other passenger seat, when she turned back to Claire she quickly swatted her hands away from the straps “That’s for grown-ups, now baby you just sit there while mommy gets you all safe to go out” she cooed. Claire sat nervously in the chair while Amanda placed the straps over her arms, around her waist and up over her diaper squeezing it tightly against her. Claire looked down at herself in disbelief “When did they get this? Did they always plan on using it for me? I can’t believe I fit in it. I must look just like a baby” she thought with a sly smile and blushing face.

Amanda smiled down at Claire “Perfect, you look so adorable baby girl” she then paused and shook her head “Silly mommy, I forgot something, you wait right here little one” she cooed and she quickly stood up and walked back towards the house leaving the car door wide open. Claire’s heart once again began to rumble in her chest as she stared out of the door nervously “What if someone walks by and sees me like this? I look just like a baby? I’m only wearing a diaper and sitting in a car seat” she thought frantically when suddenly Amanda reappeared, she was holding a pair of pink shoes “Silly mommy forgot to get shoes for baby” she said with a smile, she placed the shoes on the floor of the car and quickly closed the door and made her way over the drivers side. Claire began to calm down as she looked around the car “I should be OK now when we get to wherever we are going mommy will put the overalls on me and I won’t look as much as a baby as I do now” she thought with a sigh.

Chapter 04

   Claire nervously looked out of the tinted windows as Amanda drove down the road “I know they are tinted but somebody might still be able to see in, see me like this wearing a diaper and sitting in a car seat just like a baby” she blushed as she looked down at the safari diaper that poked out of the straps that secured her to her infantile seat when suddenly the car stopped at some lights and a car pulled up beside them, Claire’s heart began to race as she nervously looked over to the car,  in the back seat of the car directly across from her was a young man with his window down staring directly at Claire. Claire couldn’t look away as she sat in her car seat transfixed on the man “Can he see me? Can he see through the window? What must he think? I’m strapped into a car seat, if he can see me thank god he can’t see my diaper, this is so horrible” she thought when the lights changed and the car beside her took off first. Claire wiped away the sweat from her head as she shook “What would she do if I protest when we get where ever we are going? Would she spank me outside? Would she take me out in just my diaper and shirt” she shook as she pictured herself walking down the street hand in hand with Amanda with her diaper clearly on show “No, She wouldn’t do that though would she?” she looked up at Amanda in the drivers seat and sighed “I actually think she would, she would happily take me out dressed in only a diaper if I continue to be naughty”.  

Amanda pulled the car into an underground car park which caused Claire to shake nervously as she looked around “Oh god, it’s pretty busy, there are more cars here than I expected. I’m going to go out in public dressed like a baby. I’ve only been a full-time baby for a week and I’m already going out as one, this is embarrassing but also thrilling. I’m so confused as what to feel I just need to let her do this” she looked over at the pink checkered overalls and sighed “Put that on me is definitely better than me going out in my safari diaper and shirt I just can’t believe she is going to make me go out wearing that, it says baby across the chest” she shook her head “I just got to own it, to not look embarrassed about wearing but to look like I’m enjoying wearing it, if I do that then at least I won't get as many looks. I will just be an adult wearing pink overalls because she wanted to” she thought as Amanda parked. She turned around to her adult baby and smiled “Let us see if you will be a good baby for mommy now, otherwise you will be going out in just your cute diaper and shirt” she cooed as Claire swallowed hard “I won’t be going out like that” she thought.

Amanda removed her belt and got out of the car as Claire sat in her car seat her heart racing as she watched Amanda walk around the car towards her “I have to let her put this on me, I can not go out in public in just a diaper and a shirt” she thought as Amanda opened the door with a smile. Amanda bent down and picked up Claire’s pink shoes and pulled out two white socks with frills on the ankles and Claire watched curiously as Amanda quickly placed the socks on both her feet and then placed her pink shoes over them and tied them uptight “Why is she putting my shoes on before the overalls?” she thought. Amanda smiled down at Claire and gave her a kiss on the forehead “Now you have been a naughty little baby for mommy this morning but you can make up for it by being a good little girl and doing everything I say without question. Do you understand little baby?” she said firmly. Claire swallowed hard as she nodded “What is she going to make me do? Whatever it is I have to do it or this could get a lot worse” she thought with dread as Amanda began to release the restraints on the car seat. Once all the straps were removed from around Claire, Amanda lent over and grabbed the overalls from the seat beside her and flung them onto her shoulder as she took Claire’s hands and gently pulled her out of the car seat towards the door of the car.

Claire’s eyes widened and she began to panic as Amanda pulled her out of the car, she stood outside of the car shaking with fear as she quickly looked around the underground car park “Oh god I’m standing outside in a diaper, I’m outside in a diaper and a shirt. This is so humiliating, I hope nobody can see me like this. Thankfully it’s not to busy just please hurry and put the overalls on me” she thought as Amanda smiled down at her adult baby “Good baby, now its finally time for me to put these overalls on you, you don’t touch” she cooed. Amanda took the overalls off her shoulder and squatted down in front of Claire, she held open a pant leg and took hold of Claire’s foot and guided it over her foot to her ankle, she quickly took hold of the second pant leg and did the same. Claire watched in nervous anticipation as Amanda guided the overalls up her legs and towards her diaper “Please hurry up and cover these diapers” she thought. Amanda pulled the loose overalls up and over Claire’s diaper, Claire’s eyes widened as she stared down at the pink checkered pants that hid her diaper “Oh thank god they are baggy, hopefully it won't be too easy to tell I’m wearing a diaper, I just now got to act like everything is normal when we go to meet daddy” she thought nervously as Amanda finished off dressing her.

Chapter 05

   Claire stood looking down at the infantile clothing that she was now wearing in shock “I look so childish, I can’t believe I’m in a car park dressed like this, I’m obviously dressed as a baby. I’m wearing a wet diaper and baby clothes out in public I never thought this would happen. I hope daddy isn’t far away then we can have lunch and then we can go back home and I continue this life in privacy” she thought as Amanda locked the car “Now lets go and find daddy little one” she cooed as she took hold of Claire’s hand and pulled her away from the car.

Claire’s eyes were daring around nervously as she was pulled along behind Amanda “Where are we going? Where is he meeting us at?” she thought when suddenly she saw the entrance to the mall and she froze on the spot “I can’t go in their dressed like this” she thought as Amanda sighed and turned around to face her adult baby. She placed a hand on her hip as she looked down at the smaller woman “Now you stop being a naughty baby! You will walk along with mommy right now and if you don’t then I’m going to pull your overalls off and give you a spanking then we can go into the mall with you just in your shirt and diaper, is that what you want little miss?” she said sternly. Claire’s eyes went wide “She would do it wouldn’t she, she would have me walk around the mall in just a diaper, what would she care if people see me like that” she quickly shook her head “No mummy” she half-whispered out of embarrassment. Amanda smiled down at her adult baby “OK baby then let's go” she cooed as she turned back around and walked towards the mall with Claire beside her.

Claire’s heart was racing as they approached mall “Right I need to own it, just got to stop looking embarrassed, which is easier said than done. I can do this just need to smile and act like it doesn’t bother me” she thought as she placed a false smile on her face. The two women entered the mall and straight away Claire noticed a couple of guys about her age stop and stare at her with bemused smile’s which caused Claire to forget about her plan, she blushed bright red she immediately wanted to run and hide but Amanda gave her a playful squeeze of the hand and Claire looked up at her new mummy, Amanda gave her a gentle smile which eased Claire somewhat. Claire swallowed hard and faked the smile once again as they walked towards the food court which made Claire’s chest ache “There are so many people here” she thought nervously as she noticed a couple turn and look at her “I have to just keep pretending” she thought but then she saw a more look at her and point and she couldn’t help but blush “I’m sure they can tell I’m wearing a diaper, I just want to go home or...” she stopped mid-thought as she spotted her daddy Jake sitting at a four-person booth “...cuddles from daddy” she finished her thought with a genuine smile. Claire and Amanda walked towards Jake, he was a tall skinny man with short dark hair, a short beard and glasses.

Jake stood up as soon as he saw his two girls and placed his hands out in front of him “There’s my brave little girl” he cooed which caused Claire to blush bright red. Jake bent down slightly and gave Claire a large hug, Amanda released Claire’s hand and bent down to give Jake a kiss on the lips “Been waiting long?” she asked, Jake shook his head as he released Claire from the cuddle and took hold of her hand and guided her to the booth where he had been sitting. He helped her up by placing his hand on Claire’s bum which caused her to blush bright red as she scooted along towards the wall and Jake sat down beside her “I can’t believe that all just happened, he cuddled me while kissing Amanda, he pressed his hand against my diaper bum. He doesn’t care that we are in public he is still going to treat me like his little baby girl” she couldn’t help but smile and blush at the same time as she looked up at him.

“So how has she been?” Jake asked and Amanda shook her head “Your little princess has been very naughty today, haven’t you baby?” she said sternly which quickly removed Claire’s smile and she quickly looked down at the table as Jake looked at her “This is cute but also so embarrassing treating me like a naughty child while out in public” she thought as Jake cleared his throat “Mummy asked you a question baby, you better answer her” he said with no sense of warmth in his voice that he had only a few moments ago. Claire continued to look down and she began to fidget with her hands nervously as she slowly nodded while Amanda continued “She didn’t want to get dressed so I had to punish her” she said, Jake nodded and turned back to Claire “What did mummy have to do to baby girl?” he asked. Claire bit her bottom lip as she nervously shook “Me gots a smack bum” she said while turning bright red. Jake couldn’t help but smile as he nodded, he quickly hid his smile before saying “Did baby learn her lesson?” Claire slowly nodded as Jake continued “Which was?” Claire continued to fidget with her hands as her heart raced in her chest “I hate talking like a baby in public, what if someone hears me?” she thought when Jake cleared his throat again and Claire quickly said “That me do what mummy and daddy say”. Jake and Amanda both nodded and Jake leant over the table and gave Amanda another kiss on the lips “Good work” he said. He sat back down and wrapped his arm around Claire “Good now let's forget about it and have a yummy lunch baby” he cooed and Claire looked up at him with a smile.  

Chapter 06

  Amanda opened her bag and pulled out a colouring book and a couple of crayons and placed them in front of Claire “So baby doesn’t get bored” she cooed, Claire blushed as she looked around “They want me to colour while sitting here? Its obvious now that I’m just a giant baby” she thought nervously as Jake opened the book and took hold of crayon and placed it into Claire’s hand and guided her hand over the paper “Like this baby, that's a good girl” he cooed as he looked up at Amanda “Isn’t our baby a smarty-pants” he said which made Claire blush bright red. As Claire’s mommy and daddy talked between themselves she concentrated on the colouring book when she felt the urge to pee and without thinking she began to soak her diaper. She suddenly stopped colouring and her eyes went wide “Why did I do that?” she thought as she continued to pee into her diaper “I didn’t even think about it but I should have, I’m out in public” she thought as the warmth of the urine spread through the diaper covering her and making the diaper swell up even more “What if its so big now that it makes it even more difficult for me to walk? What if it begins to smell? Everyone is going to know that I’m wearing a soaked diaper” she blushed as she stared down at the colouring book “Why didn’t I think it through?” she thought with a sigh.  

“Has she pooped today?” Jake asked Amanda, Claire’s heart began to race as she blushed beside her daddy. Amanda quickly shook her head “Nope not yet, maybe she will after she has had her lunch” she said as she looked over at her adult baby “I will check her diapers after she has had her yum yums and see if she needs changing before we go home” Claire felt cold all over “Change me before we go home? No! I’m not going to get my diaper changed at the mall” she thought as Jake began to stroke her hair “I’m sure baby would love to get changed out of her diaper at the mall, what a new experience for baby” he said as Claire shook with nervous energy which caused Jake to laugh.

Claire slowly continued to colour while in deep horrible thoughts about getting her diaper checked and then being changed in such a public place when Jake’s phone began to ring, he pulled it out of his pocket and sighed “Work? What do they want?” he said as he shook his head and answered the call. Claire continued to colour in the book “She will take me to a baby changing room to check me but what if somebody sees us going into there while I’m wearing this, it would be obvious that I’m going to get my diaper changed” she shook her head and smiled “No, nobody is going to think that who would think that a grown woman is wearing a diaper” she looked down at herself and sighed “But I don’t look like a grown woman right now, I just want to go home” she thought. Jake hung up the phone and turned to Claire “Sorry baby but daddy has to go back to work” he cooed as he gave her a kiss on the forehead and turned to Amanda “Sorry, there was a breakdown, I might not be home till late now” he sighed and stood up. Amanda gave him a sympathetic smile “It’s OK you gotta do what you gotta do, I will look after our baby until you get home”. Jake smiled as he bent down and gave her a kiss on the lips “Love you” he said, Amanda smiled back “Love you” Jake turned to Claire once again “You be a good little baby for mommy” he cooed. Claire smiled and nodded at her daddy “So does this mean we are leaving too?” she hoped. Amanda smiled “Oh she will, I’m going to go check her diaper and maybe change her then we are going to go home” she said and Claire’s heart began to race.

Jake left and Amanda took hold of Claire’s colouring book and crayons and placed them back in her bag and stood up from the table “Come along baby” she cooed as she held her hand out, Claire’s mouth was dry and her heart was racing as she scooted across the chair to the end. She quickly looked around and sighed as she took hold of Amanda’s hand and stood up from the booth, Amanda smiled “Let's check you diaper baby” she cooed which caused Claire to blush. Amanda quickly walked forward and Claire almost stumbled keeping up with her as she was led towards the toilets with her large wet diaper swaying side to side as she half waddled behind ‘Mommy’.



Off to a great start :-)