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 Chapter 01

Jarryd sat up suddenly with a worried expression on his face “Where the fuck am I?” he shouted out nervously into the darkroom, he frantically looked around but couldn’t see a thing “Where the hell am I?” he said to himself as he slowly moved and felt a strangely familiar feeling between his legs “What? I wasn’t wearing a diaper? Especially not one so big” he thought as he placed his hand on his crotch to feel the huge diaper between his legs when he touched something frilly coming from his waist “What the fuck is that?” he thought as he felt the fabric, he followed it around his waist and then felt cold “It’s a skirt?” he shouted out. He tried to pull it off him when he felt the fabric move away from his stomach and he shook his head “It’s not a skirt I’m wearing a dress” he shook as he moved his hands over his new clothing, he felt the frills on the arms and around the neck and shook his head “This is so messed up, why am I in a dress wearing a diaper!?” he shouted again.

Jarryd tried to think back “I had just got ready to go out, no wait I was in my car about to go out when...” he trailed off and placed a hand over his mouth “... Someone in a mask sprayed me with something from the back seat and then darkness. Fuck where am I?” he thought as he began to shake “Why would they put me in this? fuck fuck fuck” he said as he tried to look around the room again. The darkness seemed to go on forever and it sent a chill through him as he continued to sit on the soft floor “I need to see if there’s a way out of here, I don’t care what I’m wearing I will deal with that after I get out” he said to himself as he slowly moved around when he noticed something covering his feet.

“What are these?” he said as she reached down and felt the soft fabric that encased his feet “Are these booties? Am I wearing booties? This is seriously weird” he said as he continued to feel around his feet when he stopped at something metal “What’s that?” he fondled the item for a second then shook his head “It’s a lock? And it's running around my ankle? I’m locked into these stupid things!” he sighed “Well it’s not going to stop me I’m still going to get out of here” and with that, he slowly tried to stand.

Jarryd got up onto his knees and felt the thickness of the diaper between his legs once again “I can’t wait to get this off me” he said as he placed a foot flat on the ground when he stopped. Jarryd was on one knee wobbling around as he looked confused down in the darkness at where his foot was, he shook his head “Now what’s going on?” he asked the darkroom. He tried to get his foot to stay flat but it continued to wobble, he moved it around thinking it was the floor but that didn’t help, eventually, he swapped feet and the same thing happened “What the fuck?!” he shouted out. He sighed and sat back down on his huge padded rear while taking hold of one of his feet, he ran his hands around it again feeling the soft fabric when he moved to the souls of his feet and his eyes widened “I’m so stupid” he thought as he felt the rounded bottom of the booties, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth “I can’t fucking walk in them!” he shouted.

Jarryd sat in the darkness utterly miserable “I can’t walk, I’m wearing a dress and a diaper” he thought when he suddenly felt cold “That’s what's happening, someone is trying to turn me into a sissy!” he shook his head “No that’s not going to happen I’m 30 years old, I have a….” he placed his hands on his chin nervously and then over his cheeks “Fuck, where’s my beard? My beard has gone. Get me the fuck out of here!” he shouted.

Suddenly the lights turned on and Jarryd closed his eyes quickly, slowly he opened his eyes as they adjusted to the light and he looked down in shock. He stared down at the bright pink dress that covered him he lifted the front of the dress up and saw the pink plastic panties that covered the huge diaper that stuck out between his legs, that’s when he noticed his legs “My leg hairs have gone?” he then looked at his arms and they too were now hairless “This is going too far!” he said as he slowly looked up and saw that he was sitting in the middle of a nursery.

Jarryd looked around in stunned amazement “What the fuck!” he said as he examined the room, surrounding him was a pink fence that was a few feet away from him and at waist high while he was sitting down. Beyond the playpen that he was sitting in was a large pink crib a corner full of dolls and toys and a large changing table. Then a slight smile appeared on his face as he saw the door “Yes, all I need to do is get to that” he thought but then he looked down at his booties and the playpen fence that surrounded him and sighed “That’s going to be difficult” he thought when suddenly the door opened. Jarryd began to shake nervously “Who is it going to be?” he thought when suddenly his fears vanished and were quickly replaced with embarrassment as Jennifer his girlfriend walked into the room. She looked down at him with a smile that sent shivers down Jarryd’s spine and before he could say anything she stood with her arms crossed and frowned “Now baby girl, we can’t have you being such a naughty potty mouth can we” she cooed.

 Chapter 02

Jarryd sat stunned as his girlfriend stood over him with a wicked smile, her long flower printed dress made her body look skinnier that it was as she uncrossed her arms to brush her long dark purple hair back behind her shoulders as Jarryd slowly found his voice. He looked up at his girlfriend bewildered “What the hell is going on?” he stammered out as Jennifer continued to look down at him not saying a word and Jarryd suddenly became angry again “Get me out of this fucking ridiculous clothing!” he shouted.

Jennifer shook her head “Now baby girl that won’t do” she said as she crossed her arms once again, I will give you one last chance to talk like a good baby girl if you don’t then you will be in trouble” she said sternly. Jarryd frowned at his girlfriend “What the fuck is she talking about? I’m not going to let her do this to me” he thought as he said “Fuck you! Now get me out of this before I get really angry” he said. Jennifer looked at him for a moment then suddenly burst out laughing, Jarryd’s eyes went wide “Why is she laughing?” he thought when Jennifer said between giggles “You’re giving me threats like that while dressed as a baby girl” she continued to giggle “I mean come on baby, look at that diaper between your legs and that cute dress you're wearing you are in no position to throw out threats”.

Jarryd shook his head “I can’t believe her! Why is she doing this?” he thought as he opened his mouth but Jennifer cut him off “Well I gave you your last chance to be a good baby and you didn’t take it so your in trouble now little miss” she said and before Jarryd could respond a strange humming noise began from under him. Jarryd looked down confused as the humming got louder when suddenly his mitten hands shot down to the soft plastic of the playpen floor on either side of him, he looked down at his hands puzzled as he tried to lift them up with all his might but they wouldn’t move. Jennifer smiled as Jarryd continued to try and pull his hands off the mat, she stepped over the small wall of the playpen that surrounded her boyfriend and walked the short distance towards him.

Jarryd looked up with anger in his eyes “What’s going on?” he snapped as Jennifer stood in front of him shaking her head “I told you, you were in trouble baby girl” she said as she squatted down in between his legs when she produced an adult-sized pink pacifier from a pocket on her dress “Now baby girl open your mouth for your special naughty time pacifier” Jarryd stared at the pacifier and closed his mouth defiantly “I’m not going to let her put that in my mouth, not a chance!” he thought as he tried to lift his feet up but they wouldn't move either, he continued trying to lift his arms up but they wouldn't budge. Jennifer giggled “You silly baby girl your not going to do it, your special mittens and booties are made of metal and that humming you hear is the nice big magnet that has been turned on, it will keep your hands and feet pinned down until I say so. Now open up, don’t make me hold your little nosey” she said. Jarryd shook his head “Fuck she has thought of everything! How the hell am I going to get out of this?” he wondered as Jennifer sighed and took hold of his nose and squeezed it shut while pressing the large nipple of the pacifier to Jarryd’s lips.

Jarryd tried in vain to fight off Jennifer’s grip but it was no use, sweat began to drip down his face as he became light-headed “Fuck, I can’t hold on, I’m going to have to open my mouth” he thought as he eyes went wide and his face became purple. He closed his eyes as he knew his battle was lost, he opened his mouth taking a large gasp of air when immediately Jennifer poked the nipple inside his mouth. Jarryd could feel the large rubber nipple in his mouth and he tried to spit it out “I’m not leaving this in, Not a chance and she can’t make me leave it in my mouth” he thought. Jennifer released his nose but kept a firm grip on the pacifier as Jarryd squirmed on the spot to free himself of the infantile soother but with her free hand she pressed the centre of the pacifier and Jarryd heard a whooshing noise come from the pacifier as air was sucked in and the rubber nipple inside Jarryd’s mouth began to expand.

Jarryd stopped squirming as he stared down his nose at the pacifier, he felt the nipple inside his mouth fill up then stop. Jennifer smiled as she released her hands from the pacifier Jarryd tried to spit the infantile object out it was no use the nipple was now too large, his eyes went wide as he slowly looked up from the pacifier towards Jennifer who was smiling ear to ear “Awww don’t you look adorable baby girl, now when I come back I hope you have learnt your lesson and will talk like a good baby girl” she cooed as Jarryd frowned at her. Jennifer stood up and stepped over the wall of the playpen, she turned and looked down at Jarryd “Mommy will be back later to see if baby has learnt to be a good baby girl” she cooed and with that she turned and walked out the nursery.

As soon as she left the humming from under Jarryd stopped and he lifted up his mitten encased hands, he moved them straight to the pacifier “I should be able to get this off me at least” he thought as he tried to remove the large pacifier. After a few minutes of trying he slammed his hands on the matt “Fuck, I can’t even remove a pacifier! I’m completely stuck in here. How the hell did she do this to me? Why is she doing it?” he shook his head as soft baby music began to play. Jarryd looked around confused as the music got louder and a faint hint of words began, he strained his ears to hear the softly spoken words that were going along with the music. Slowly the singing got louder and Jarryd could hear the childish singing clearly ‘You are a baby girl, you speak like a baby girl. You are a baby girl, you use diapers like a baby girl. You are a baby girl, you crawl like a baby girl. You are a baby girl, you will be a good baby girl’ the singing continued in a loop as Jarryd sat in the centre of the playpen with tears in his eyes as the song repeated over and over again.

Chapter 03

Jarryd had been looking around the confines of his playpen for the last few minutes trying to find a way to get over the wall without being able to stand up, he was more determined than ever to get out of the prison that his girlfriend had placed him in. He shifted slightly on the spot and felt the large diaper under his pink plastic pants move and rustle he shook his head in annoyance “I wish that stupid music would stop!” he shouted in his head “I need to get out of here before I go insane, repeating that I’m a baby girl and I should use diapers. There is no way I’m going to use a diaper. I only usually wet diapers I will never mess myself” he shook “I need to get out of here before that happens, I need to get closer to the playpen to see” he looked over to the playpen wall then down at his booties and sighed “The best way to get to it is to crawl” he thought.

Slowly Jarryd got up onto his hands and knees “I feel so stupid” he thought as he slowly began to crawl towards the playpen wall, he could feel his padded rear sway and his dress move around as he crawled which made him blush “I must look so stupid like this” he thought. Slowly he made his way to the wall and examined it “Shit it's fixed to the floor so I can't even try to lean against it to knock it down” he thought as he continued to crawl around examining his prison with the music repeating in his ears. After a few minutes of crawling around, he stopped frozen, his eyes darted back and forth “What have I been doing? I stopped looking for a way out, I was just crawling around” he shook his head as he began to crawl again “Why would I just crawl around? I was meant to be looking for something to help me not to just waste time” he thought when suddenly he stopped again “Shit I’m doing it again!” he screamed in his head “Right I have to stop this” he thought and he quickly sat back down on his padded rear.

The music continued, it repeated the same words over and over again and Jarryd wanted to cry with frustration “Just stop it, bloody stop it! This is torture I have no idea how long it’s been going on for but it’s getting to me” he shook his head “Why would she do this to me, I don’t deserve this just because I wear diapers doesn’t mean I should be treated like this. I don’t want to be a baby and I definitely don’t want to be a sissy” he thought as the music continued “I need that music to stop! I will do anything for it stop, I will talk baby talk, I will crawl around I will do anything if it would just stop” he thought as tears began to roll down his face.

Jarryd shook his head it had been a long time and the music had continued when he suddenly felt the urge to pee, he looked down at his pink inflated groin and sighed “I don’t have a choice, I’m going to have to pee in it. I’ve wet a diaper before its no big deal but usually I change out of it pretty quickly, when will I get changed out of this one?” he shuddered “That’s a horrible thought not being in control of when I get out of a wet diaper. No, she wouldn’t leave me in here in my own mess, would she? Well, how would she know if I go? I’ve been here for ages with that horrible music going and she hasn’t returned I could have gone in that time and she wouldn’t know. I don’t want to be a baby, I don’t want to lose that freedom of just changing myself but she has already removed so much from me already. I can’t speak, walk or grab anything and I can’t even get out of a wet diaper. She is turning me into a baby” he shuddered again as he slowly felt the warm urine enter into his diaper.

Chapter 04

Jarryd sat in the middle of the playpen sobbing to himself, his diaper had become cold and itchy but there was nothing he could do to stop it, his mouth was dry from the large inflated nipple covering his entire mouth and the music continued in a loop. He couldn’t control the tears that ran down his face as he sat on his padded pink bum “I will do anything, I don’t care what she wants me to do, I will speak like a baby, I will crawl around I will do anything if she just turns off the music, removes this horrible pacifier and takes this wet diaper off me and let me rest, I’m exhausted and I can’t sleep with any of this going on” he thought miserably “I can’t believe I’m saying it but yes I will do it, I will be her baby it can’t be as bad as this is right now” he sighed. Jarryd continued to sit in the middle of the playpen, every so often fresh tears would fall down his face as he sat miserably in his pink dress and diaper when suddenly the music stopped and the door opened.

Jarryd’s eyes lit up as he watched Jennifer walk into the room she was still wearing her long flower printed dress and she had a large smile on her face “Is baby girl ready to be a good little baby for mommy?” she cooed which caused Jarryd to blush “I said I would do anything to get out of this” he thought as his heart began to race and he slowly nodded. Jennifer clapped her hands in excitement “Good baby girl, now I want to see how much of a good baby girl you can be for mommy” she said as Jarryd shook nervously “What is she going to make me do?” he thought nervously. Jennifer nodded “Right an easy one first, a position you will be in a lot from now on, I want you to get ready for a diaper change, with your legs up in the air” she giggled as Jarryd hung his head “A position I’m going to be in a lot? How long is she planning on keeping me like this?” he shuddered as Jennifer cleared her throat and Jarryd jumped slightly “I said I would do anything to get out of this diaper and have this pacifier removed so I will” he thought as he slowly lay back on the floor and raised his legs up into the air “This is so humiliating, the diaper is staring her in the face, this is going to be harder than I thought” he thought with a sigh.

Jennifer giggled as Jarryd continued to lie on his back “Awww baby girl you look simply adorable but it’s not changing time yet” she giggled again as she placed her hands on her hips “Baby girl, I want you to crawl around your playpen” Jarryd closed his eyes “Right well I have to do this, it will get better if I continue to do as she says” he thought as he opened his eyes and slowly sat back up, he got onto his hands and knees and began to crawl around the playpen. Jennifer practically squealed as she watched her infantile boyfriend’s diapered bum wiggle side to side as he crawled around the playpen “Good baby girl, now I want you to get on your knees and perform a curtsey for mommy” she said with a smile as Jarryd blushed “A curtsey? She really wants me to be a sissy doesn’t she” he sighed as he got onto his knees, he placed one in front of the other as he took his mitten hands and placed them under the pink dress, he then bent backwards while bending his back forward and lifted his skirt high up to reveal his pink frilly plastic pants. He stayed in that position for a while nervously looking at the floor waiting for Jennifer to say something but she didn’t “What is she waiting for? Is she still there? Why hasn’t she said anything?” he thought as he slowly lifted his head and in the shock he fell down on to his padded bum.

Jarryd shook as he nervously looked up to wear Jennifer and another woman was standing “Who is she? When did she get in here? Oh god, I’m dressed like a baby” he thought as a wave of shame came crashing over him. The woman had dark hair, a very pretty face with a cute smile, she was a lot shorter than Jennifer and looked younger than her as well, she was wearing tight yoga pants and a blue tank top that showed off her incredible figure and her large breasts. Jennifer laughed as Jarryd continued to blush bright red “I don’t think she expected that did she Rachel” Rachel smiled, “I don’t think she did, poor baby girl don’t be shy I’m Aunty Rachel and I’m here to help your mummy look after you”. Jarryd’s heart ached as he looked down at the playpen mat “Who the hell is she? How can she see me like this? It was bad enough that Jennifer saw me but her seeing me like this as well it's totally humiliating” he thought as Rachel cleared her throat “Excuse me baby girl, the grown-ups are talking to you, don’t be rude and look at us when we are talking to you little girl” Jarryd closed his eyes “This is horrible I don’t want to look at them but if I don’t then will they just leave and turn that music back on, I can’t listen to any more of that” he thought and with a shiver he looked up at the two grinning women “Good baby girl” Rachel said which made Jarryd blush. Jennifer turned to Rachel “The baby girl is showing she can be good, I think it’s time for a treat for her” Rachel nodded as Jennifer turned back to Jarryd “It’s time for baby to have some yum yums” she said. Jarryd looked at them confused as Rachel slowly pulled off her shirt revealing her large breasts.

Chapter 05

  Jarryd stared at Rachel’s breasts while his heart raced “Does she really mean it?” he shook with embarrassment as the two women looked down at him smiling “I’m going to get breastfed by her?” he blushed bright red as he felt his penis slowly become erect which caused him to look down at the playpen floor. He let out a large sigh from behind the pacifier feeling utterly ashamed “I can’t get turned on by this! I don’t want to suck on her boobs I don’t even know the woman. I’m not a baby and I’m not a baby girl. Yet here I am sitting inside a playpen wearing a wet diaper dressed like a girl, this is so humiliating! How am I going to stop this? It was different when it was just Jennifer but now there are two women treating me like this. I want out of this wet diaper so much but that means I have to behave like a good baby to get out of it, how am I going to go through with this?” he wondered with embarrassment.

Jennifer giggled as she stared at the different emotions running over her boyfriends face “I think the baby girl can't wait for her yum yums” she mocked which caused Jarryd to blush. She smiled down at her infantile boyfriend “Now baby girl, you be a good baby and ask aunty Rachel for yum yums from her boobies” she giggled once again as she looked at Rachel who nodded “Great idea” she said as they both turned toward Jarryd with wicked smiles plastered across their faces. The two women stepped over the small playpen wall, Rachel stood still while Jennifer walked towards the nervous young man and smile down at her boyfriend “Now baby girl I’m going to remove your pacifier and in your best baby girl voice I want you to ask aunty Rachel” she cooed. Jarryd shook all over as he looked down at the mat “I don’t want to ask for that but if I don’t then I will be a bad baby and I might not get out of this horrible wet diaper for ages, I don’t have a choice but to say it and be a good baby girl” he thought with a sigh. He slowly looked up at Jennifer who bent down in front of him and placed her hand on the pacifier “Now you be a good baby girl for mommy” she cooed as she pressed a button and Jarryd felt the nipple inside his mouth slowly become smaller. Jarryd looked down his nose with anticipation as Jennifer slowly removed the pacifier from his mouth, quickly he moved his tongue around and let out a sigh “I didn’t realise how horrible it was until it was removed, I would rather keep away from it if I can help it” he thought as Jennifer stood up and placed her hands on her hips “Come on baby girl” she commanded.

Jarryd could feel his cheeks turn bright red and his heart began to race as he opened his mouth and looked up at Rachel standing the short distance away from him “I don’t even know this woman and I have to now talk baby talk to her and ask to suck on her breasts, this is so humiliating” he thought with a large sigh. He faked a smile and took a deep breath in “I have to be a good baby girl” he thought “Awty Wachel pweez can me have yum yums from you boobies” he lisped out in a high pitch voice. He suddenly felt sick as the two women cooed over him “That was adorable baby girl, you are being such a good baby girl” Jennifer said which made Jarryd smile but he quickly hid it with confusion “Why did that make me feel good? Her telling me that I was good?” he shook his head. Rachel nodded “Of course you can you little baby girl, come over to aunty for your yum yums” she cooed as she sat down on the floor with her legs out straight in front of her. Jarryd stared forward and the attractive woman sitting in front of him with her large breasts staring back at him and he felt a shiver run through him as he once again felt his penis erect inside the diaper “This is so wrong, I don’t want to get turned on by this I’m being treated like a baby but she is very pretty and her boobs are hot. I can’t believe I now have to crawl over to her but I had better do it soon otherwise I won't be a good baby anymore” he thought.

Slowly he got up onto his hands and knees and began the humiliating task of crawling towards the young woman, he could feel the diaper between his legs as he moved forward and as he crawled past Jennifer he felt her eyes fixed onto his wet bottom which made him blush “How have they both made me into this? I’m completely under their control and it hasn’t taken any time at all” he thought with a sigh as he arrived at Rachel's waist. Rachel smiled at the blushing man who kept his gaze fixed on the floor “Yum yum time” she announced and before Jarryd could react she took hold of him and flipped him over. Jarryd found himself on his back with his upper half resting over Rachel’s legs and his face inches away from her breasts, he began to shake as his penis throbbed inside the diaper while Rachel began to stroke his face “It’s OK baby girl, you will like it” she cooed. She moved a hand behind Jarryd’s head to lock him in position while her other hand took hold of her breast and guided it towards his mouth, Jarryd stared wide-eyed at the nipple that quickly approached his mouth “I don’t want to do this!” he shouted in his head but he couldn’t help but open up his mouth and latch onto the nipple and slowly begin to suck.


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