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 A continuation from Sarah's Toddler Life 

 Chapter 01

Jenn awoke suddenly when her mitten hand banged against the side of her crib, she opened her eyes and felt the warm afternoon sun on her face as she slowly shook her head “It’s going to take a long time getting used to sleeping in here” she thought with a sigh “I woke up so many times last night because of that, a new way of sleeping is always going to be difficult” she thought. She rolled over and felt her full bladder and smiled slightly “Well at least I’m not giving up like Sarah did, I think it’s been about a month now and I still haven’t lost any control, I don’t wet while I sleep or during the day it does mean that I have very full diapers when I do let loose but its better than losing control of my bladder and bowels” she scrunched up her face “I couldn’t even imagine having to go through the humiliation of being toilet trained again” she smiled again “Well it’s not happening to me” she nodded.

She stared up at the ceiling for a moment as her bladder began to ache “Well I had better use the diaper now, mother will be coming in soon to get me from my nap. She will then change me, so I won't have to spend too long in it. If I keep this up I won’t lose any control and by the time I get to grow up I will be back to normal life in days” she thought with a sly smile. She closed her eyes and opened the floodgates, she felt the urine rush into the diaper and instantly surrounded her lower half. Jenn blushed as she felt her most intimate area become warm with urine “I never really minded wetting diapers when I had a choice but having to wet them and then wait for someone to change me is disgusting, I just want to get out of them as soon as I can” she thought as she continued to soak the diaper.

Eventually she stopped her wetting and with her bladder now empty and her diaper full she opened her eyes and looked down past her pink shirt that read ‘Baby Jenny’ and down towards her bulging white crotch, she shook her head in disgust as she stared down at her lightly stained underwear “I hope she isn’t too much longer, I can’t stand to be in this any longer” she thought when she suddenly heard a noise coming from the door. Jenn turned her head in nervous anticipation “I don’t want to be babied by my mother but I do want this diaper off and I would rather be in the playpen than in this crib” she thought when the door opened and Jenn’s jaw dropped open “What is she doing here?” she screamed in her head.

Phoebe smiled down at her niece “Awww baby is awake already, don’t worry baby I will get you out of the crib soon” she cooed, Jenn turned bright red as she looked down at her full diaper “Oh god is she going to change me? No way, I’m not going to let Phoebe change my diaper” she thought as Phoebe entered the room. Jenn stared at her aunt as she slowly made her way towards her and sighed at the sight of her, Phoebe was wearing a denim mini skirt that showed off her shapely legs and a tight white top which made Jenn sigh again “I wish I could be wearing anything like that, a tight top that showed off my flat stomach and my chest instead of these horrible baby shirts that I have to wear” she thought as she continued to watch her cousin.

Phoebe stopped at the changing table and pulled out a bright pink diaper and Jenn went white as a sheet “Oh god she is here to change me, No I can’t let her change me when I get to grow up again I will never hear the end of it. I’m not going to be like Sarah and sit back and let this happen she will not change me” she thought with anger in her eyes.

Phoebe looked over at Jenn and laughed and without saying a word she unfolded the diaper and placed it between her legs. Jenn’s eyes widened “Wait what is she doing? She isn’t going to?” she thought as Phoebe raised up her skirt revealing her black panties and in one quick professional moment, the pink diaper was taped to her tightly. “What the fuck? Does she like wearing diapers too? Maybe being around Sarah and Katie for so long has made her want to try it?” she thought as Phoebe lowered her skirt and stood awkwardly for a second. Jenn looked up at Phoebe’s face as she took a step forward, she looked uncomfortable and quickly looked down at her now padded waist and shook her head.

Jenn looked on confused as Phoebe gingerly walked over to her crib, the diaper poked out from under Phoebe's skirt and it crinkled every time she moved “Why is she wearing it? She isn’t hiding it? Is she going to take it off before she leaves?” she thought when Phoebe lowered the side of the crib and looked down at Jenn’s soaked diaper “Wow baby you sure did a big wee wee, don’t worry your mummy will change you out of it soon” she cooed. Before Jenn knew it Phoebe’s hands went under her armpits and she was helped out of the crib.

Jenn tried to stand out of defiance to her aunt but quickly fell to the floor when Phoebe removed her hands, Jenn landed with a squelch as she landed on her wet bottom she sighed as she looked down at the rounded booties that encased her feet “I hate these things, I hate the mittens even more but mother won't take either of them off, not since I tried to remove my diaper and make a run for it. How long is she going to keep these horrible things on me for, I can’t do anything with them on” she sighed. Phoebe smiled down at her and cooed “Now follow me little one” with that she turned around and Jenn stared up at her pink diapered rear “She is leaving here wearing a diaper? If my mother is home would she do the same to her as she did to me? Why would she risk that? She must have plenty of opportunities to wear diapers when nobody would catch her” she thought as she got on her hands and knees and followed her out of the room.

Chapter 02

  Jenn crawled out of her nursery, down the hall and towards the family room when Phoebe stopped and picked something off the table beside them, she turned towards her niece and squatted down with a rustle which made Phoebe blush “Not going to get used to this” she said as she looked down at her pink padded crotch then back up at Jenn “Now baby, open up” she cooed, Jenn looked at her Aunt with disgust as she saw the adult sized pacifier in her hand “I have to accept it, if I don’t I will be punished and I know how good Phoebe is at punishing people that’s what got her the job babysitting Katie” she thought as she sighed and opened her mouth. Phoebe placed the nipple into Jenn’s mouth and quickly pressed the centre, Jenn heard a quick intake of air come from the pacifier and suddenly the rubber nipple began to expand in her mouth. Soon Jenn found her mouth full with the rubber nipple, unable to spit it out or speak she hung her head in shame “Why the hell is she making me wear this to go into the living room?” she thought as Phoebe stood back up then stood to one side, Jenn looked up at her confused but Phoebe smiled and gestured for her to continue as she opened the door. Jenn slowly crawled into the dark room, the curtains were closed and the lights were all turned off, Jenn’s heart began to race as she slowly made her way into the dark room followed by her diaper wearing aunt “What’s going on?” she thought nervously.

Suddenly the lights were turned on and people shouted out “Surprise!” Jenn’s eyes widened as she stared at the faces smiling down at her, Jenn suddenly turned bright red as she continued to stare up at the small group of people. Jenn’s cheeks were now bright red as she continued to stay on her hands and knees in the centre of the room with her diaper clearly on show, “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she screamed in her head “Stephanie, Amy, Laura, Bailey and Ashley! Why the Fuck are they here? My best friends are here and fuck I’m wearing a wet diaper!” she shuddered. Jenn’s mother Jessica stood in front of her daughter and smiled down “Look baby, all your friends are here to support you” she cooed. Jenn couldn’t comprehend what her mother was saying she couldn’t move her body had frozen as she stared at her mother with anger “What the hell is she talking about, they are here to support me? What the hell is going on” she thought when Stephanie took a step forward, her long blonde hair tied up into a ponytail she wore a pink shirt that showed off her slim figure when Jenn heard a familiar rustle and then she noticed for the first time the white diaper wrapped around her best friends waist.

Jenn quickly looked around the room and saw everyone apart from her mother were wearing diapers of all different makes and colours “What the fuck, why are they wearing diapers? What the hell is going on?” she thought when she turned back to see Stephanie was now squatting down in front of her with a smile “Your mother told us that you wanted to be treated like a baby again, we couldn’t believe it but then she showed us the photos and after a long discussion we decided if it’s what you want then we will be here for you” she smiled as Jenn heard the red-headed Amy wearing a safari diaper say from beside her “We love you Jenn” and Laura continued “We just want you to be happy” she said while curling her black curly hair with a finger while wearing super boomba diaper, Jenn shook as tears formed in her eyes “They think I want this? I don’t want this! I can’t even tell them with this pacifier in my mouth” she thought as tears rolled down her face which Ashley commented “Awww she is so happy that we are here for her that she is crying” the group of woman smiled down.

Jessica walked over to her daughter “Let's sit down and have a chat” she cooed as she placed her hands under Jenn’s armpits and lifted the shocked woman up quickly and sat down on a nearby chair with Jenn on her lap. Jenn’s head was spinning as her friends and Phoebe sat down on the chairs surrounding her, each girl sat with a rustle as they smiled at Jenn’s bewildered face. Bailey looked up from her white diaper to Jenn’s mother “I think she is confused why we are wearing ermm...” she blushed as Stephanie giggled “Well Jenn...” “Baby Jenn” Jessica interrupted which caused Jenn’s friends to giggle as Stephanie nodded “Your right Baby Jenn we decided to have a coming out party for your new baby life but your mother said that you would be very shy about it, so I suggested we do something that would make you less embarrassed by it all and...” she looked over at Ashley with her short brown hair and pink diaper “I thought if we all wore diapers just like you do then it would help, everyone was keen for it, well everyone apart from Phoebe we practically had to twist her arm to get her to put one on” the girls giggled as the looked at Phoebe who turned her head away.

Jenn shook “My mother let them all come here under the pretence of supporting me and have them wear diapers, what is going on it in her head? Why would she do this? This is so wrong and humiliating I don’t want to be a baby!” she thought as she stared at the floor. Phoebe sat uncomfortably in her seat “Can I take this off now that we have shown our support?” Jessica laughed “Yes you can” Phoebe smiled and quickly stood up and left the room. Stephanie and the other friends continued to sit “I’m going to leave mine on so Jenn, sorry Baby Jenn doesn’t feel so weird” Stephanie said with a smile as the other girls agreed. Stephanie continued as Jessica began to bounce her infantile daughter on her knee “Now don’t you worry nobody is going to know about this and nobody is going to come looking for you, we have told everyone you got a job overseas and that you are very happy so you can continue this life for however long you want” she smiled as Jenn felt suddenly cold “That’s why she is doing this! Nobody is going to come to look for me nobody is going to come and save me. I’m stuck like this for however long my mother wants to treat me like it. It could be years like Sarah!” tears ran down her face.

Chapter 03

   “Awww look how happy she is” Phoebe said as she entered the room, Jessica nodded “She must be so happy to have friends that will support her no matter what” she said with a smile down to her daughter, Stephanie smiled “Oh that’s why she is crying she is crying for joy, I thought she was upset” she shook her head as Phoebe faked a laugh “Nope that’s a happy cry, I want to do the same now after taking that diaper off” the room erupted in laughter. Jenn continued to bounce up and down on her mothers lap in complete misery “I really can’t believe they have everything worked out, I can’t even cry now without it being misunderstood as something else. What if I swing my arms and kick my feet what would that do?” she shook her head “Mother would probably say that I’m celebrating that all my friends are here. If I sit and just let them believe this is my choice it’s giving into my family and letting them win though. I really can't see anyway of getting out of this and I want to keep so dignity even though I’m sitting in front of all my friends being bounced on my mothers knee while wearing a wet diaper” she let out a sigh from behind the pacifier as the tears stopped.

Jessica smiled “Alright well I think its time for this little one to have her diaper changed” she cooed to her daughter which turned Jenn bright red “Don’t mention that in front of my friends!” she screamed as her mother looked up at the woman and smiled “Anyone else need changing?”. Jenn’s friends looked at her wide-eyed as Laura looked down at her blue diaper and shook her head with an awkward smile as the other girls laughed. Phoebe placed the changing mat on the floor in the center of the circle of women and Jenn’s eyes almost bolted out of her head “No fucking way! You are not going to change me out here now! No!” she screamed in her head as Phoebe placed wet wipes and a safari diaper beside the changing mat. Stephanie nervously laughed “Are you going to change her here? Now?” Jessica nodded with a puzzled look “Yes, she is a baby and babies get changed where its easiest. I know she is going to put up a fight now but she should have thought about that before she chose to be a baby and if she does then I will have to give her a spanking” she said. Jenn shook her head “A spanking in front of my friends?” she shook “I didn’t want this and I’m not a baby, I can not let my friends see me have a diaper change but she has it thought out if I fight then I’m just playing into her hands but if I do nothing then I’m acting like this doesn’t even bother me and I am just a baby. I can’t win!” she thought. Phoebe nodded “Yeah she is treating her just like a baby, I babysit during the week and baby Katie gets her diapers changed in the living room when at home or if we are out for the day I change her in the park. Its easier than taking her back to the nursery every time she needs changing or waiting till we get home” she said with a smile.

Amy, Laura, Bailey and Ashley sat in shocked silence, the exchanged bemused looks between each other but didn’t say anything as they watched their friend get lowered down onto the changing mat, Stephanie on the other hand was fascinated and had hundreds of questions for Jessica “So this isn’t the first time you have changed her? Does she usually get changed out here? Do you spank her often?” she asked. Jessica smiled “Of course I have changed her before, I’ve lost count how many times and yeah I change her out here otherwise I will change her in her nursery, I have had to spank her a few times for being naughty or cheeky, she knows how to behave like a good baby but she sometimes finds it more fun to be naughty so I have to punish her” she said as squatted down at the feet of her daughter. Stephanie nodded as Jenn had turned bright red and placed her mitten hands over her face “I can’t believe she told them that I get spanked! They must now believe that I’m just a baby and I really did want this. Fucking hell! I just need to block them out, I want to fight and scream but I know my mothers threats and if she has said she will spank me then she will and getting spanked and then having my diaper changed is more humiliating” she thought with a shiver.

Stephanie squatted down beside Jessica with a rustle from her own diaper and stared down at her friend with wonder in her eyes as Jenn looked up at her briefly then looked up at the ceiling “My best friend is watching so intently while I get my diaper changed while she herself wears a diaper. How has my mother and Phoebe organized this so well? After I get free of this Stephanie has definitely some explaining to do, maybe somebody should force her to be a baby and see how they like it!” she shouted in her head as she stared up at the ceiling when she felt the front of the diaper being opened. The room fell silent as everyone watched the nineteen-year-old woman’s diaper being pulled away revealing her smooth vagina and the inside of pee strained diaper, Jenn’s heart was pounding in her chest and she couldn’t stop herself from looking around the room at her friends who were all staring down at her naked humiliation. Jenn felt her mother clean her once most private parts with the wet wipes and soon the used diaper was removed, a fresh diaper was placed under her round bottom and she was powdered and taped tightly into her infantile underwear. Jenn let out a long breath “That was the longest diaper change I have ever had! It lasted for ages I can’t believe how long I was lying naked in front of my friends!” she thought.

Chapter 04

  The diaper change felt like hours to Jenn, she felt so humiliated that they had seen her in such a vulnerable position, not even putting up a fight as her mother changed her wet diaper. In reality, the diaper change was a quick one and when it was all finished the room sat in stunned silence, soaking up what had just happened. Bailey’s phone began to vibrate which made her and Ashley jump, she blushed as she took out her phone “Oh we have to go, we have swimming practice”. Amy, Laura, Bailey and Ashley quickly stood up and all with a rustle from their diapered underwear “Erm what you want us to do with the diapers?” Laura asked nervously while twirling her long curly hair with her finger. Jessica shrugged her shoulders “Whatever you want, I can’t use them any more” she said. The girls looked at each other and laughed nervously “I’m taking mine off” Bailey said, Ashley and Laura nodded as they picked up their pants and quickly left the room to change. Jenn couldn’t help but smile from behind the pacifier “Yes they are leaving but why couldn’t that change have happened five minutes later and they wouldn’t have seen anything! Fate is horrible!” she thought as she slowly looked towards Stephanie slightly puzzled.  

Stephanie slowly stood up and took hold of her pants and began to place them on, it wasn’t until she got to the diaper she noticed Phoebe and Jessica staring at her “What?” she said while blushing. Jessica shook her head “Nothing” she said unconvincingly, Stephanie pulled her pants over the diaper “I don’t have time to go and change out of it” she swallowed “and when we get there we will be getting changed anyway” she said with a shy smile. Jessica nodded and glanced over to Phoebe with a raised eyebrow, Phoebe nodded and shook her head. Jessica lifted Jenn up off the changing mat and once again had her on her knee as the young women returned, they all quickly said their goodbyes and promised to keep the secret while promising to come over again. Stephanie quickly began to smile “Oh maybe even to babysit her or have a play date” she said eagerly. Jessica nodded and Jenn turned white as a sheet “No chance! I can’t even imagine getting babysat by them especially not Stephanie she seems far too eager, why is she so fascinated? It’s like how I was when I found out about baby Sarah, no way! She can’t have found them comfy that’s why she is still wearing it. What if my mother finds that out will she tell her mother? Could this really happen to her?” she wondered.

The room was silent apart from the crinkle of Jenn’s diaper being moved up and down on her mother's lap when Phoebe shook her head “Well that was unexpected”. Jessica nodded with a sigh “Yeah I didn’t think Stephanie would act like that maybe Jenn will have a baby friend in the future and it could work out very well but that doesn’t matter for now they all said they will help keep Jenn in her baby life and her diapers” she said as she looked at her infantile daughter and began coo to her “Won't that be fun baby, new babysitters and everyone happy to help you be the baby that you are, my precious little baby girl”. Jenn swallowed hard as she blushed bright red “Having my best friends treat me like a baby? I will have to learn how to communicate with them while I have this stuff on. It gives me another chance to get away from this. I need to look at it like that and not the embarrassing situation of having my best friends change my diapers like I’m just a baby” she thought as Jessica stood up and carried Jenn over to the playpen in the corner of the room, she lowered Jenn into the confines of her infantile prison. Jenn sat on her padded rear in off to the side from her aunt and her mother as they began to talk about some TV show that Jenn had never heard of, she cringed as she thought back on what had just happened.

I still can't believe I was naked in front of them, my best friends!” she shook her head “How am I ever going to live this down? I will always be the friend that had her wet diaper changed, even when I get out of this they will feel guilty about not doing anything to help me that they probably won't want to look me in the eye again” she thought with sadness. She picked up a toy with both her mitten encased hands and began to clumsily move it around in front of her as she continued her thoughts. “Stephanie liked wearing the diaper, Phoebe and mother both noticed that, where is that going to go though?” she looked up at her mother nervously “Is she going to wear them secretly when she comes over just like I did when I went to see baby Sarah or will mother contact her parents and let her know. I would hate for Stephanie to have to go through this but I would also really like to not go through it on my own. Would mother let her act like a baby while she is around here? It would reinforce the idea that I wanted this if she could pretend to be a baby whenever she came around” she scrunched up her face and sighed from behind the pacifier. “Stephanie could make this even more difficult to get out of here if she goes along with that though, she wouldn’t want Amy, Laura, Bailey or Ashley to ruin her diaper supply if they told someone. She could keep them in line and make sure they didn’t tell anyone, it doesn’t matter how sad I look or how much I moan from behind the pacifier she would keep them in check. I really hope I’m jumping to conclusions but with how she acted and what she said when she left I really think that I could be sharing my playpen with her in the near future” she thought with another sigh.

Chapter 05

   Jenn sighed from behind her pacifier as she picked up a toy doll and began to move it around in around slowly in front of her “I’m now sitting here playing with a doll inside a playpen while my friends are going swimming, they have all the freedom in the world and here I am being forced to wear a diaper. I bet they are talking about me now, saying how much of a baby I am and how surprised they are that I use the diapers. I wish I could tell them that I don’t want to be treated like this. All I wanted to do was wear diapers, have a naughty secret that made me smile. There was always the thrill of being caught and getting away with wearing them for so long. I should have stopped but I got careless and now my secret is not so secret any more” she thought with another sigh.

“So how’s baby Katie?” Jessica asked and Jenn’s ears picked up as she looked over at her aunt who was nodding “She is good but she can be a naughty little one” Phoebe said. Jenn looked puzzled “How can she be naughty? She has been living her life as a baby now for over a year, what would she do that would be naughty now?” she wondered. Phoebe continued “So I get to Emma’s at 8:00 am, at this point, Katie has had her breakfast but she hasn’t been changed out of her nighttime diaper, so that’s one of the first jobs I have. Emma goes to her desk to write and I take Katie into her nursery and change her usually soaked diaper and put her into a fresh one then I have her crawl into the living room where I put her in the playpen while I begin to clean the house. A few times now though she poops her diaper while I’m busy cleaning”. Jessica laughed “You must love that first thing in the morning” she said in between chuckles, Phoebe shook her head “I don’t know why she has started doing it, she never usually poops until after her nap time in the afternoon”. Jessica smiled “Yeah Jenn poops just after dinner in the evening like clockwork, it works out well I can change her messy diaper and put her into her onesie for her crib time”. Jenn blushed bright red as she looked down at floor “Stop talking about me messing myself, it's so humiliating. I only do it then because its what I did when I was an adult and it makes the most sense. I don’t usually have to stay in it for long and it's at the end of the day so I don’t have to be reminded that I did it” she thought. Phoebe smiled “Yeah that would be good then I wouldn’t have to deal with it” she laughed “Baby Sarah poops in the morning, mother usually waits until after breakfast to change her though and it doesn’t seem to bother baby Sarah to be left in a messy diaper. Baby Katie hates it though, I changed her straight away the first time she messed her diaper while I was cleaning but after that, I leave her until I have finished. You should see her she looks so adorable pouting inside her playpen wanting a change and as soon as I announce its changing time a huge smile appears. She really must love her diapers” the two sisters laughed.

Jenn shook her head “Is this what its usually like? They talk about us just like we are babies? That we actually like what's happening to us? I’m sure Baby Sarah doesn’t like being in a messy diaper but I know what grandmother is like and she wouldn’t let Sarah ask for a diaper change until she had her breakfast. Katie would just be happy to finally be free of her own mess that she would be smiling. I really need to think about what I do that might make me look like I enjoy this, I’m sure I have smiled without thinking about it at the prospect of having my diaper changed” she shook with embarrassment. “Where’s Katy at?” Phoebe asked, Jessica shook her head “I don’t know” she said with a sigh. Phoebe gave her a sympathetic smile “She's still not talking to you?” Jessica shook her head again “Nope, well not really. We haven’t had a proper conversation since I brought Baby Jenn home”. Phoebe shook her head “She will come around, it took me a while to get used to having a baby sister. I think it felt normal for me when mother made me play games with her, we played a game every night and one of the first games I played with her was wheels on the bus. Baby Sarah was lying on the floor sucking on a pacifier and wearing nothing but her diapers and I had hold of her feet, I moved them around while singing the song and I looked down at her and it just hit me that she is my baby sister” she smiled. Jessica looked over at Jenn “Yeah maybe that could work, it would be nice to see them playing together” she said. Jenn blushed bright red “Oh god I would hate that, having my younger sister playing games with me? I’m so glad she is out so much these days I would hate her here treating me like I’m some stupid baby” she thought with a shudder. Jessica looked back at Phoebe “That’s if she comes home, she is always at the gym these days she has lost a lot of weight and gained some muscle. Not sure what she is training for though but whatever it is she is putting a lot of effort into it”. Phoebe smiled “Well its good that she is keeping busy and not being naughty like some babies we know” she said with a laugh as Jessica nodded and looked over towards her blushing daughter sitting in the playpen.


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