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A continuation of Baby Dawny - Part 01  

Chapter 01

Baby Dawny woke up inside her crib, she yawned as she looked around her nursery and saw through the bars of her crib that the sun was just coming up “Oh god it’s morning, the day is going to start soon. I don’t want this day to happen, why did I wake up early for it?” she thought as she pulled the pink blanket off with her mitten hands and looked down at the white-footed onesie that covered her body, she sighed as she felt the cool dampness between her legs “Wet again” she sighed “I can’t believe I’m now a bed wetter. When this whole thing started I never thought that I would actually lose control but I now wet while I sleep and I have no control during the day, I only just have control over pooping but still with having to wear a diaper 24/7 there isn’t any point in holding it” she thought as she heard the birds begin to sing.

Almost a year, an entire year of my life gone. I turn 41 today well I think I do as Karen put me in here last night she told me that it was my first birthday today and there was going to be a big surprise for me and as I never see a calendar and have no idea what day it is she could be lying, it could actually be the anniversary of the day they caught me and turned me into this” she shuddered “That horrible day when my adult life ended and my baby life began I thought I wanted this but to be treated like a baby 24/7 especially by your daughters is horrible. The idea of going into baby space and actually enjoying this life has gone out of the window as soon as you know that there isn’t any getting out of it. No pretending to be a baby for a few hours then go and do whatever you like. When you don’t have a choice in anything, what to wear, eat or even when to get out of a used diaper the whole idea of going into baby space vanishes. I wish I could go back and stop myself from wearing that day and none of this would have happened, I wouldn’t be sleeping inside a crib in what was the spare room and now my nursery. I wouldn’t be wearing a wet diaper and I definitely wouldn’t be waiting for one of my daughters to come in a change me out of it” she rubbed a stray tear from her eye.

This year has been the worst time of my life, I’m embarrassed on a daily basis I can't get used to being in a wet or messy diaper around my husband or daughters” she scoffed “Like he is my husband anymore, we don’t do anything like a married couple would, he is just my daddy now” she wiped away another tear “My daughters are definitely not my daughters anymore, they are my nannies and they treat me just like a baby, the entire humiliating experience. I get my diaper changed by them and I even get punished by them” she shook “I never wanted this, to be a baby 24/7 and as Steve said on the first day it’s forever. I’m never going to get out of this I’m always going to be a baby. How can I live the rest of my life as a baby? What if my daughters have kids of their own, and they come over and see grandma playing in a playpen wearing a wet diaper” she closed her eyes then quickly opened them and looked around her crib “Where is it?” she thought when she finally spotted her pacifier under the blanket, she smiled as she placed the pacifier in her mouth and began to suck.

She let out a sigh as she continued to suck on the pacifier “I am a baby though, look at me I’m getting stressed and worried and the first thing I want is my pacifier to soothe me, I can’t keep a diaper dry anymore and I probably can't even walk with just crawling for the last year” Dawn closed her eyes as she continued to suck on the pacifier when suddenly she thought “What did Karen mean by a surprise? What do they have planned for me? It’s not going to be anything good I bet or maybe it is, maybe they have become bored with treating me like this and will now let me become an adult again” she smiled “Yeah I mean it’s been a year maybe they think that I have learnt my lesson which I have I definitely don't want to be a baby” when suddenly the smile vanished “Would they though? They haven't shown any signs of stopping this, all of them continue to treat me like a baby” she shook her head “No that won’t be it, Its stupid even to get my hopes up then what would the surprise be?” she thought for a moment then gasped “It is my birthday maybe they have planned a day out” she shook with embarrassment “Oh god I hope not, I hate going outside in this sorry state, the last time we went out they put me in the bright pink dress that they found me in on the first day. They put me in four diapers before we went out for a picnic and then covered them with locking panties, so I had no way of escaping the diaper prison while outside. I sat shaking as they fed me from the bottle and talked at me just as if I was a real baby the worst part of it all was when Grace changed my diapers. I wanted to die as I lay there shaking in the middle of a field with my vagina on display for anyone to see. I really hope it’s not another family outing” She thought as she slowly drifted back off to sleep.

 Chapter 02

“Baby Dawny, it’s wakey wakey time” Karen cooed to her infantile mother, Dawn slowly opened her eyes as her daughter smiled down at her “Happy first birthday baby girl” she cheered which made Dawn blush bright red as she sucked silently on her pacifier “It’s not my first birthday, it’s my 41st” she thought. Dawn’s eyes adjusted and saw that Karen was wearing a black silk see-through nighty, Dawn could see her daughters slim figure and underwear through the nighty which made her blush “My daughter looks so grown up and I’m lying here in a full body onesie while sucking on a pacifier and wearing a wet diaper” she sighed as Karen lowered the side of her mothers crib “I hope baby had a good sleep because we have a big day for you little one” she cooed once again as she placed her hands under Dawn’s armpits. Dawn’s head was spinning as she was helped out of the crib and deposited onto the floor “A big day? What kind of big day? Maybe the big day is that I get to grow up?” she smiled slightly as Karen began to walk out away from her. Dawn sighed as she looked up at her daughters bum hiding behind her sexy underwear, swaying casually side to side as she walked “I have to crawl around after my daughter with my wet diaper resting between my legs, I wish I would get changed as soon as I wake up but that never happens, it's so embarrassing to wear a wet diaper around the house” she thought as she got up onto her hands and knees and crawled forward.

Dawn was led down the hallway into the living room and finally into the kitchen where the ever-present infantile high chair waited for her like it did every morning. Karen stopped beside the highchair as Dawn sat down on her wet bum and looked up at her daughter with pleading eyes “Please let this stop now, it’s been going on for far too long” she thought but Karen smiled down at her mother “Upsie time” she cooed as she bent down and placed her hands under her mothers armpits and helped her into the large high chair. Dawn sat in the high chair miserable as she watched her daughter prepared breakfast “I’m 41 today and I’m going to be spoon-fed by my daughter I shouldn’t have to go through with this on my birthday!” she screamed in her head as Karen returned with a warm bowl of porridge. As she placed the bowl on the table she quickly tied a bib around her mothers neck “Don’t want to get all messy” she cooed as Dawn stared down at the infantile garment “Oh yeah getting porridge on my onesie, what a mess that would be” she thought as she rolled her eyes “You make me crawl around in a poop-filled diaper I don’t think a few stains is that bad” she thought with anger building up as Karen removed her pacifier and produced the first spoon full of breakfast. Dawn let out a sigh “I don’t have a choice if I protest or resist then I will get punished, if not by Karen then by Grace or Steve” she felt a shiver run through her as she opened her mouth and accepted the warm food.

The messy feeding continued till Dawn finished the bowl, she could feel the warm sticky mess around her mouth and her chin, she formed fists as her daughter continued to feed her and more of her breakfast ended up around her mouth “I wish I could wipe this off me, every meal I have to go through with this, have someone feed me and make my face a mess with mush. Like I can’t feed myself I’m a grown woman I taught Karen how to feed herself and now she won't even let me do it. Why does she take such pleasure in treating me like this” she thought as the last spoon full passed her lips. Karen smiled down at her mother “Good baby, now you stay right there while Nanny Karen washes up” she cooed and she quickly took the bowl and turned towards the sink.

Dawn sat in the confines of her highchair her face a warm mess as her diaper suddenly became warm also, tears formed in her eyes as she felt the warm urine enter into her diaper and spread around her lower half “I didn’t even know it was happening, how am I losing control during the day?” she thought as a tear ran down her face “I would have loved this to happen over a year ago, to become diaper dependant but that would have been by choice and I would be able to stop at any time. Now though I’m going to need diapers, even if they let me grow up again I’m still going to need them” she sighed as Karen turned back around to face her.

 “Awww baby, what’s the matter? Did baby go poopy?” she cooed as she walked towards her blushing mother, Dawn shook her head slowly “She loves to embarrass me and I hate to admit it she does it so well” she thought when Karen placed her hand on the front of her diaper and gave it a pat “Hmmm nope I don’t think it’s poopy, maybe baby went tinkle, well I will change you later little girl” she said. Karen wiped her mothers face clean with a damp flannel as she removed the tray, she helped her mother back down onto the floor as once again she walked forward and Dawn obediently crawled behind.

Karen walked back into Dawn’s nursery and to Dawn’s surprise she walked past the changing table and back towards the crib, she stopped at the crib and Dawn looked up at her daughter puzzled, when Karen quickly bent down and helped her mother up and placed her back inside the crib. Karen frowned at her mother “Lie down baby girl or Nanny spank baby” she said sternly, Dawn shook as she slowly lay on her back looking up at her daughter worried “Why am I back in my crib? Why is she making me lie down” she thought as Karen lifted up the side of the crib and folded her arms “Now, little baby, the grown-ups have a lot to do today for your special day so we decided that it would be best that you stay in your crib till we are ready, now you be a good little baby and stay quiet or baby will get punished, does diapered Dawny understand?” Dawn quickly shook her head not wanting to be punished she stayed perfectly still as Karen smiled down at her.

Karen quickly left the room leaving Dawn once again lying in her crib, the fresh warmth of her wet diaper a constant reminder of how far she had fallen “What are they planning? I have never been put back in my crib after breakfast? Oh god what do they have planned for my birthday?” she thought with terror.

Chapter 03

Dawn was shaking as she heard movement and giggling going on outside of her nursery “What are they doing? Oh god I wish I could just stop this, tell them that I’ve had enough of being treated like this and return to a normal like” she sighed “Last time I tried that though it didn’t work” she scoffed “It didn’t work at all, it had only been a few days after my family had decided to turn me into a baby and I couldn’t deal with it anymore, I didn’t care if they had threatened to punish me I was done with it and I wanted to return to my normal life of wife and mother. I was sitting on the floor sucking on a pacifier wearing a T-shirt and a very wet diaper, Steve and Grace were sitting on the sofa while Karen was coming over to check on my diapers and I just couldn’t deal with it. I couldn’t deal with my daughter once again coming to check and possibly change my diapers I had enough and I told them”.

Dawn sighed as she felt her wet diaper “I didn’t change a thing, I looked Karen straight in the eyes and told her that that was it, I was not going along with it any longer. I then stood up to the shock of everyone in the room and began to walk out the room, well I only got a few steps away when Steve quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me over his knee. I told him to get off me and it had gone on for far too long but it fell on deaf ears, to my horror he pulled down my damp diaper and began to spank my bum hard. I swore at him at first but soon I was crying the pain was too much and eventually I reverted to talking like a baby in between cries, I begged him to stop in my best baby voice and eventually he stopped, but he told me that my punishment wasn’t finished. I began to shake as he lowered me down onto the floor with my diaper still around my knees, Karen then took hold of my hand and led me to the naughty corner. I stayed in that corner for hours with my red bum on show for everyone. Eventually, I was told I could leave the corner, as I turned around I saw Karen was kneeling beside the changing mat and beside her was a mountain of diapers. I crawled towards her with pleading eyes but it didn’t help and I was positioned onto the changing mat, to my horror Karen pulled my wet diaper back up and then proceeded to put more and more on me. I lost count of how many were wrapped around my waist I was so far off the floor by the end and had no way of bringing my legs together. I was forced to sit there for the rest of the day and I didn’t get changed out of that huge diaper for two days, it definitely taught me that things could be much worse” she shivered.

Baby Dawny closed her eyes when suddenly the door to her nursery opened, she jumped as she watched her daughter Grace enter her nursery her eyes wide “What the hell is that?” she thought. Grace was walking into the nursery while pushing an adult-sized baby stroller, it had a bow tied to it and Grace cooed “Look what we got baby for her birthday” she cooed as Dawn stared at it in disbelief “Oh god, I hope they don’t want to take me outside in that” she shook as Grace placed the stroller beside the crib. Dawn sighed as she looked from the stroller to her daughter, she was wearing a short tight cocktail dress that hugged her curves and left little to the imagination “Why is she wearing that? I hate when my daughters wear something so grown up and I’m lying here in a wet diaper” she thought as Grace lowered the side of her crib.

Grace smiled down at her mother “Time to get you changed baby” she cooed as she slowly unzipped the front of Dawn’s onesie exposing her breasts and her damp diaper then she helped her mothers hands out of the arms of the onesie and then her feet, once her mother was freed of the onesie Grace then took it out of the crib leaving Dawn wearing nothing but the wet diaper. Grace looked down at her infantile mother and cooed “I think that diaper can hold out for a little longer” she cooed. Dawn looked down at her crotch blushing bright red as slowly shook her head “What? It’s soaked! I need changing now” she thought.

Grace smiled down at her mother pulled out an adult-sized pacifier from her pocket and brought it towards Dawn’s mouth, Dawn sighed as she opened her mouth and accepted the large rubber nipple and without thinking she began to suck on the infantile soother. Grace smiled at her mother “Almost ready” she cooed as she bent down, Dawn looked at her daughter confused as she reached down to the stroller and lifted something out “What does she have planned?” she thought nervously as Grace stood back up holding a pair of bright pink mittens “More presents for baby” she cooed.

Dawn swallowed hard as she stared at the infantile accessories “Mittens? I don’t need any more baby stuff, I have a full wardrobe of the horrible stuff” she sighed as Grace bent over and grabbed Dawn’s left hand “Put your fingers together baby” Dawn reluctantly did so as her daughter slid the mittens over her hand the mittens gave her only a minimal ability to move her fingers autonomously and left her unable to use her thumb “I’m not going to be able to pick anything up wearing these” she thought as Grace placed her right hand into the other mitten. Grace bent down once again “One more present for baby” she cooed as she revealed adult-sized pink booties and held them for Dawn to see before quickly placing them on both feet, Dawn looked down at her new footwear “What? Not only booties but they are rounded at the bottom, I won’t be able to stand wearing them. So I can’t stand at all now and I can’t use my fingers, why would she get these horrible things?” she thought.

Grace smiled down at her mother “There we go now you are all ready for the day” she giggled as she placed her arms under her armpits and helped her out of the crib and placed her in the stroller, she quickly strapped her mother in and went behind the stroller and cooed “Time to go to the party baby” Dawn’s eyes widened and she began to shake “Party? No a birthday party? A birthday party for me?” she thought with dread as the stroller left the room and she began to hear voices.

Chapter 04
Baby Dawn’s heart was racing as she looked up at the ceiling and saw balloons and banners that read ‘Happy 1st Birthday’ her chest tightened “It’s not my first birthday, it’s my 41st why are they doing this to me?” she thought as she was slowly pushed down the hallway and the voices got louder and she began to panic “Oh god, who is here? Fuck I’m just wearing a diaper, I’m naked apart from a diaper and these stupid horrible mittens and booties” she began to shake “I need to stop her but with these bloody mittens and booties on I can’t do anything. What if I put my….” but it was too late and she rounded the corner into a sea of onlookers.

Dawn’s heart ached as she stared into the eyes of her family and friends, her head was swimming as she began to hear a few people chuckle at her she quickly looked around at the staring faces while still sucking on the giant pacifier, she felt a cold chill run through her “Holy Fuck, I’m wearing a diaper and Maisie is here, fuck she was my best friend, why is she smiling?” she shook as she continued to scan the room not wanting to but unable to stop herself “Our cousins Graham and Stephanie, oh shit that’s Grace’s friend, another woman younger than me seeing me like this and...” she gasped “No way, my mums here? Why is she here? She is seeing me like this? Why is nobody stopping this? I’m a grown woman sitting in a stroller wearing a wet diaper” she shook again. Grace walked behind from the stroller and announced “Now will everyone welcome Baby Dawny, it’s her first birthday” half the crowd giggled as the other half looked on confused, Dawn blushed bright red as Steve appeared beside her “Now a few of you already know that this is what Baby Dawny wanted, her mother knows and is very happy for her. Dawny wants to be treated like a baby full time, she still gets shy and with everyone around she might be very shy but believe us she asked for this and she loves being the family baby” he smiled as Dawn’s chest ached once again “I can’t get out of this even today, if I try and act out they will just think it’s because I’m shy” a tear rolled down her eye as she watched a few people she knew shake there heads and turn to leave.

Grace and Steve walked away from Dawn into the crowd as they began to ask them questions about the baby of the party when Dawn’s mother walked over to her with a large smile, she squatted down in front of her daughter and pinched her cheek “Awww Baby Dawny, happy first birthday, you look simply adorable maybe in the future I can babysit you” she giggled as Dawn blushed bright red and sucked furiously on the pacifier “Babysat by my own mother while wearing a diaper and being treated like a baby? She’s in her 60’s she shouldn’t be seeing me like this and she definitely shouldn’t be babysitting me” she shivered as her mother stood up and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Dawn looked back up and noticed that several people had left while the rest were talking between themselves, all glancing down at her and pointing she felt like she was about to die from embarrassment “I can’t believe this is actually happening, for a private fetish a year ago to being paraded around in just a diaper, it’s so humiliating I just want it to end” she thought. She sat miserably in the stroller sucking on the pacifier when suddenly Maisie walked up to her nervously. She looked down at her once best friend and cocked her head “So you wanted to be a baby all this time? Why didn’t you tell me? I guess because it’s pretty weird” she half-smiled as Dawn closed her eyes “How could I tell you about this, I’m wearing a diaper like I’m just a baby and everyone is treating me just like a baby” she sighed as Maisie continued “Well it’s OK, you do look adorable” she giggled as she squatted down in front of her when she held her nose and looked down at Dawn’s crotch “Have you wet the diaper? Oh god you use the diapers just like a baby” Dawn turned bright red as Maisie shook her head “Awww that’s so cute, you really are just a baby now aren't you” she said as a tear ran down Dawn’s face “I’m not a baby” she thought when Maisie nervously moved her hand out and rubbed her friends diapered crotch “Wow yeah you do need a change” she said and before Dawn knew it she turned her head and saw Karen close by “Karen!” she shouted out, Karen turned and looked down at Maisie “Yes?” she asked while Dawn wanted to scream as Maisie’s hand continued to rub the front of her wet diaper “Please don’t say anything” she pleaded to the gods but Maisie shouted “I think the baby needs a diaper change!”. Karen laughed slightly she watched her mothers face, the whole room was now looking at the adult baby and her wet diaper when Karen shouted back “Yes I think she does, don’t worry baby I will get the changing mat and we will get you all cleaned up and into a fresh new diaper”

Chapter 05

Dawn was shaking frantically with nerves as she watched Karen quickly walk past her with a wicked smile on her face and leave the room, she sucked on the pacifier frantically as she thought of what her daughter had just said “Changing mat? She wouldn’t change me out here in front of everyone would she?” she felt light-headed as she scanned the room and saw that she was the centre of attention once again, she quickly averted her eyes not wanting to meet anybody's gaze. Her mouth was dry as she continued to sit in the stroller “She wouldn’t? Not in front of all these people?” she swallowed hard as her heart raced, she looked down at her wet groin and shook her head “No she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t let everyone see my vagina” she thought with dread.

Quickly Karen returned with changing mat in one hand and a bag in the other, she placed the changing mat on the coffee table in front of Dawn and turned to face her infantile mother “Time to get you out of that wet diaper baby Dawny” she cooed with her wicked smile. Dawn wanted to scream as she stared down at the plastic-covered changing mat “No way! No, it’s not happening!” she thought with anger in her eyes “I’m not going to let everyone see me get my diaper changed, nope not happening!” she thought while shaking her head as Karen walked towards her.

Dawn scrunched up her face as she began to fling her arms around she spat the pacifier out and shouted “No, No”. Grace quickly stood beside her sister and shook her head “She is being difficult well we can’t have that” she said. Grace leant forward and took hold of one of her mother's arms while Karen unstrapped her and in one quick motion Dawn was hauled out of the stroller, Grace sat down on the coffee table and pulled her mother over her lap pinning down. Dawn had tears in her eyes “Oh god is she going to spank me? Someone must see I don’t want this now” she thought when Steve announced loudly to the onlookers “This was one of our rules for Baby Dawny, we didn’t want her to do whatever she wanted and not have any consequences so whenever she is a bad baby she gets punished, I know it’s a little strange but you just got to forget that she is an adult and think of her as a baby I mean she does have wet diapers like a baby” he smiled as he took a drink of wine “Now does anyone need a drink?” he asked as Dawn went white as a sheet.

Dawn felt like she was going to be sick as she saw multiple feet surrounding her as Grace said something to Karen that she couldn’t hear. Dawn bit her lip “I can’t say anything, they won't do anything to help me they think this is what I want. Oh god, they are going to see me get spanked just as if I was a naughty baby” she shook with embarrassment as she heard Grace say “Thank you” to someone. Tears streamed down her face as she felt hands on the top of her diaper “No!” she shouted out again as her diaper was pulled down exposing her bare bottom “No! No! No!” she shouted out as Grace shook her head “Does anyone know where baby Dawny’s pacifier went?” The crowd looked around the floor as Dawn cursed the world “Holy shit, my ass in on show for everyone to see, from my mother to my best friend and even people younger than me are seeing me being treated like nothing but a baby. This is so humiliating! If they ever let me return to normal how am I ever going to live this down?” she shook hard which made her bare bottom wiggle.

Maisie smiled as she bent down and picked up the pacifier “Erm here it is” she said, Grace smiled “Good can you put it back in her mouth she gets cranky without it” the crowd giggled. Dawn blushed bright red “I get cranky when placed over my daughter's lap with my ass on show for everyone to see” she thought as Maisie stood in front of her, she squatted down with the pacifier in hand and awkwardly smiled at her friend “Open up Baby” she cooed. Dawn looked at her with pleading eyes but Maisie just held the pacifier closer to her mouth “She must help me” she thought as she mouthed “Help” but Maisie gave her a sympathetic smile and pushed the nipple against her lips “It will be over soon baby” she said. Dawn sighed as tears ran down her face “Nobody is going to help me, they are just going to sit back and watch my daughter spank me” she thought as she grudgingly accepted the pacifier and began to suck on it unconsciously. Tears continued to roll down her face as she looked down at the floor “I’m about to get spanked by my daughter in front of everyone then get my diaper changed. They are going to see me fully exposed and revealed. I hate this! I hate it so much I just want it to end” she thought as Grace brought something down hard on her soft bum cheeks. Dawn cried out in pain as her bum began to burn “Fuck! She isn’t using her hand” she thought as she nervously looked around and saw Grace’s hand raised high while holding onto her hairbrush. She quickly turned away and looked at the floor as the hairbrush came down once again hard on her bum once again, she let out another cry as the pain ran through her body and more tears ran down her face.

Grace continued the hard spanking for another three smacks then placed then brush on the coffee table next to her as she began to rub her mothers red bottom, she turned to her infantile mother “Now will you be a good baby and do as your told?” she asked. Dawn was sobbing as she felt her daughters hand rubbing her tender bum “I have to say yes or I will get more spankings. Oh god, I have to say it in front of everyone here. I’m going to have to say it sooner or later it’s better if I just get it over with” she thought as she swallowed hard, her chest hurt as she closed her eyes “Me be good baby for nanny” she lisped out in her high pitch baby voice. The crowd giggled and Grace smiled “Good baby, now does baby need her diaper changing?” she asked Dawn shook “Fuck I have to say more? Why is she making me do this? She wants to humiliate me” she thought as she sighed “Me need diapee change,me did...” she swallowed again as her head began to ache “...me did wee wees” she said once again in her baby voice. Grace smiled “OK baby, Nanny will change Baby Dawny’s diaper” she cooed.

Chapter 06

Grace smiled down at her mother then looked up at her dad drinking and chatting “Dad can you pick Baby Dawny off my lap please” she asked, Steve smiled and placed his drink down “Sure sweety” he said as he walked towards his daughter and wife, he looked at his wife’s red bottom and shook his head “Naughty Dawny, you know better than to be a bad baby” he said as Dawn blushed “Shut up Steve, you enjoy this far too much!” she thought as she continued to suck on her pacifier. Grace pulled the wet diaper back up over her mothers red bottom which made Dawn shiver as she felt the damp diaper against her sensitive bum cheeks.

Steve bent down and lifted his wife up and spun her around, so she was facing him, his hand under her wet bottom supporting her as Grace adjusted the changing mat on the coffee table. Grace smiled at her dad “OK you can put the baby down now” she said, Steve nodded and gave his wife’s wet bum a pat which caused Dawn to roll her eyes as he lowered her down on her back on top of the changing mat with her legs dangling off the end of the table. Dawn shook as she looked up at the staring faces “This can’t be happening, I can’t be getting a diaper change in front of so many people I know! This is so humiliating and I can’t do anything to stop it. I protest then I’m just going to get spanked again. I want the world to just swallow me up this is so embarrassing” she thought while sucking on the pacifier frantically.

Grace was standing at her mother's feet smiling down at her with a diaper in hand “Time to get you out of that wet diaper and into a fresh new one little baby” she cooed as the crowd giggled and Dawn closed her eyes tightly “This isn’t happening. It’s just not happening” she repeated in her head. Grace squatted down in front of her mothers diapered groin and quickly untapped the wet diaper as tears formed in Dawn’s eyes, she took hold of Dawn’s feet and lifted them up into the air with one hand while pulling down the front of the wet diaper with the other. Dawn chest hurt as she felt the fresh air on her shaven vagina and heard people murmuring around her “Oh god, they have seen it! They are all looking at me naked now. My friends and family are seeing me like this. Fuck my mother is seeing me in this pathetic state, my cousins, my best friend everyone that I thought cared about me is watching me go through the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me”

Dawn shivered as she felt the cold wet wipe against her skin, the surrounding crowd continued to mumble as Grace cleaned up her mother's urine-soaked groin. Dawn tried to block out the comments but she couldn’t help but blush as she heard someone say “Wow, look she has no hair” she heard giggles “Yeah she looks just like a baby” another person replied, “She must want this, look at her sucking on the pacifier while her own daughter changes her” she heard someone else agree as tears rolled down her face.

Grace continued the changing with her expert hands and soon Dawn’s wet diaper was removed and a fresh diaper was placed under her bum, Grace powdered her and then tightly taped the diaper tightly in position and lowered her mother's legs back down which caused the crowd to applaud. Dawn couldn’t stop crying as she heard the clapping “They are applauding my daughter changing my diaper, this is so wrong. I just want to run away but I’m not even allowed to get off this table on my own. I have to stay here till someone helps me off it doesn’t matter how long that’s going to be” she thought as she continued to cry. Grace patted the front of her mother's diaper “All dry baby” she cooed as she stood up. Grace frowned down at her mother who was still crying from the embarrassment “Oh I think baby needs a bottle to calm her down. Karen, can you get a bottle for the baby?” Karen nodded and went to the kitchen as the crowd slowly dispersed leaving only Grace and Maisie. Maisie approached Grace and said “I can give her the bottle if you want to go and have some fun” Dawn’s eyes widened as she looked towards her friend “She wants to bottle-feed me? Oh god is this going to get any worse?” she thought as Grace smiled at Maisie “Yeah that’s a good idea, give you some practice in feeding her” she said.

Karen quickly returned with the bottle and handed it to Maisie as Grace walked over to her mother “You sit there and I will bring the baby over to you” she said to Maisie who nodded and quickly sat down on the sofa. Grace walked towards her sobbing mother and placed her hands under her armpits “Feeding time baby” she cooed as she helped her off the table, Grace kept hold of her mother for the two steps towards the sofa and helped her onto her Maisie’s lap. Tears were still rolling down Dawn’s face as she was positioned on her friend's lap “I just want this all to end! Spend the rest of the day in my crib away from everyone!” she thought as Maisie smiled down at her “Open up baby, time for your bottle” she cooed as she moved the large nipple towards her mouth.

 Chapter 07

Maisie nervously looked down at her once grown-up best friend lying across her lap and still couldn’t believe that she was now a full-time baby and that she was lying across her lap while wearing nothing but a diaper. Dawn slowly opened her mouth letting the pacifier fall down onto her chest as the rubber nipple of the bottle made its way towards her and between sobbing Dawn closed her mouth around and began sucking on the infantile bottle while looking away from her friend too ashamed at what she had become.

Dawn began to calm down as she sucked down the milk from the bottle, her head continued to ache as she let out a sigh “I just want to get out of here! I don’t want anybody else seeing me like this! It’s so humiliating, I still can’t believe that they watched while I got my diaper changed” she shook suddenly and Maisie shushed her gently “Don’t worry Dawny, it’s almost over” she cooed calmly which caused Dawn to blush once again. Dawn closed her eyes as she continued to suck on the bottle “Maisie and I used to go out drinking and dancing, she was always a hit with the guys even though she was so shy and we would tell each other everything, well almost everything I could never tell her about me wearing diapers. What if I had thought would I have been able to go around to hers and wear diapers? My family would have never found out then and I wouldn’t have ended up like this” she glanced up at her friend who smiled down at her then quickly looked away embarrassed “No I could never have told her about this and I need to stop thinking about what-ifs it will drive me crazy. I need to try and accept it now, everyone knows now” she shook again. “Fuck everyone knows that I’m treated like a baby, that I wear and use diapers and have my daughters change me. If I ever get to grow up how am I ever going to face them? Even my mother who wants to babysit me, would she treat me like a baby? Change me? Feed me? How the hell am I ever going to look her in the eyes again after that” she thought as she finished the bottle.

Maisie quickly removed the bottle and smiled down at her infantile friend “Good baby” she cooed as she reached for the pacifier that was still resting on Dawn’s chest, she quickly popped it back into her mouth and Dawn quickly began to suck on it. Maisie lent forward and placed the bottle on the table as she gently moved Dawn around on her lap and had her sit on her knee so that her head rested on her shoulder. Dawn felt the diaper between her legs push up against her friend's leg and blushed bright red as Maisie began to rub Dawn’s back to coax out a burp. Dawn nervously looked up over Maisie’s shoulder at the group of people that were standing in the kitchen talking and laughing and she quickly frowned “How dare they laugh and have a fun time while I’m going through this! I’m being treated like a baby and they get to drink and talk like nothing has happened” she thought.

Dawn saw Steve talking to her cousins Graham and Stephanie while Grace’s friend stood beside him laughing, Dawn looked at her confused “What was her name again? I’m sure she is Grace’s friend but what is she called?” she thought a moment while Maisie continued to rub her back and gently bounce her up and down on her knee “That’s it, its Rebecca! I should have known that Grace has been friends with her for years. How did I forget her name? I guess it’s just not important anymore and after spending a year being treated like a baby I must have forgotten it. Oh god, what else have I forgotten though? Basic normal things like could I tie my shoes? Do my hair? Use a knife and fork? If I get to grow up again will I have to learn all of that again? No, I’m sure I can still do all of that. I think I could anyway. But what else am I going to forget? I forgot Grace’s friends name what if I forget Steve’s all I hear every day is my girls call him dad and I have to call him daddy what if he keeps treating me like this and I just forget that he was called Steve” she slowly shook her head “No that’s just stupid” she thought as she looked up and a small involuntary little burp bubbled up, which satisfied Maisie and as she was moving Dawn around she noticed from the corner of her eye Rebecca touch Steve’s arm.

Dawn’s eyes went wide as she sat across her friend's lap, Maisie was talking to her but she wasn’t paying attention as she strained to look back over at her husband but it was no use. Dawn looked down at her padded groin as fresh tears formed in her eyes “I saw that I’m sure I did. She touched his arm! She touched his fucking arm! What are they doing? Has he cheated on me? Did he turn me into this so he could run off with her? I won't stand for it I will not let him get away with this” she thought as she began to fuss on Maisie’s lap. Maisie shook her head and shouted out “Ermm Steve, she is being really fussy and still crying maybe she needs to go down for a nap it’s been a very busy day for her” Steve nodded and made his way towards his infantile wife with a smile “I think your right, it’s time for the little baby to go sleepy” he said while giving Dawn a mocking smile.

Chapter 08

Dawn began to shake with anger as her husband walked towards her with a cheeky smile “It’s night night time baby Dawny” he cooed as tears continued to run down Dawn’s face. Dawn scrunched up her face as Maisie popped the pacifier back into her mouth as she stared at her husband “Is he really cheating on me? Would he cheat on me?” she sighed “Well it’s not like we are husband and wife anymore he is basically my daddy now and I’m a just a baby. No, he still wouldn’t though and not with Rebecca she is the same age as Grace, she wouldn’t be interested in him. I’m going to drive myself crazy thinking that way” she thought as Steve stood in front of her.
Steve placed his hands under his wife’s armpits and lifted her up, Dawn quickly wrapped her legs around him as Steve rested her against his hip. She nervously held on tight as she felt Steve’s hand cup her padded rear which made her blush as he began to walk towards the group of people. Dawn began to shake with fear as more tears rolled down her face “What is he doing? Why can’t he just take me away?” she thought as Steve cleared his throat which got the attention of the party guests, Dawn hid her face in Steve’s shirt as she became the centre of attention once again. Steve smiled at the group of people “Baby Dawny has come to say night night to everyone” he announced as Dawn gasped from behind the pacifier “He wants me to say night to everyone? No, he wants me to speak in my baby voice and talk like a baby in front of everyone” she thought nervously when she felt Steve’s hand squeeze against her padded rear.

Steve looked down at his infantile wife and shook his head “Baby must be shy, come on baby Dawny be a good little girl and say night night to everyone and thank them for coming to your first birthday” he cooed which made Dawn shake nervously “He is doing this on purpose the longer I put it off the more I will have to say. Fuck” she thought with a sigh. Slowly she moved her head away from her husbands side and looked up at the many faces of friends and family staring at her, she quickly turned bright red as she bit on the pacifier, she closed her eyes as she cleared her throat “Get this over with and then I get to go away from all of this, away from everyone looking at me like this” she thought. She opened her eyes once again and shook with fear as she said in her best baby girl voice “Fank woo for coomin to me first birthday. Night night evewyone”. Dawn quickly buried her head back into Steve’s chest as some in the crowd laughed, some awww’d and a few said night night back to the infantile woman, Dawn felt sick as she felt Steve begin to walk again “I can’t believe this day! How have I fallen so far? How have I become an adult baby with no way of getting out of it?” she sniffled as she heard a door open.

Dawn looked up at her crib and couldn’t help but smile as Steve walked towards it “Finally I’m going to be left alone. Nobody else is going to see me like this” she thought as Steve lowered the side of the crib and gently placed her in the crib on her back. She looked up at Steve with pleading eyes “Can I ask him to stop this now? Would he listen or would he punish me?” she thought for a moment when a large yawn escaped her mouth. Steve smiled down at Dawn “Awww baby, you sure have had a busy day don’t you worry we will try to keep quiet so you can have a good sleep little one” he cooed. Dawn shook her head and looked at him again and nervously from behind the pacifier she said “Steve...” but before she could continue Steve frowned down at her. Dawn was shaking with fear and knew she was going to be punished now as Steve stood over her “You naughty baby, I am called daddy” he shook his head as Dawn trembled with fear.

Steve quickly took hold of his wife’s hand and placed it into the restraint that ran up from under the crib, before Dawn could move Steve lent across her and did the same with the other hand. Fresh tears formed in her eyes as Steve moved down to her ankles “I’m never going to be able to sleep like this. I’m going to be stuck in here thinking of how horrible my life is miserable” she thought as Steve strapped her feet down at each corner of the crib. Steve nodded “That’s just the start of your punishment little baby, now what do you say?” he said firmly while staring down at his infantile wife, Dawn swallowed hard as she looked up at Steve and from behind the pacifier she weakly said “Me sowwy dadda, me be good baba for wooo” she turned bright red as Steve finally smiled “Good baby, now lets just adjust this” he said as he took hold of a pink blanket and placed it loosely around her legs and covered up the restraints on her arms. Dawn looked down at the blanket resting just under her diaper with a puzzled look “Why hasn’t he covered me up? He has only covered my hands but why?” she thought when Steve began to play with something at the foot of the bed as he moved away Dawn saw a red light shining from something small.

Steve smiled “That should do it” he said as he turned to the little table beside the crib and picked up a tablet, Dawn watched on still confused sucking on her pacifier as Steve stared at the tablet then moved back to the end of the crib and moved the red light and looked back at the tablet “Perfect” he announced. Dawn felt nervous as Steve smiled down at her once again “We can try out the new present we got” he said as he turned the tablet around and Dawn’s jaw dropped open. She was staring at a live feed of herself, she looked at the red light then back at the tablet “It’s viewing me? Of course, it’s a camera how didn’t I see that before? What the hell is he going to do with that?” she thought as she nervously sucked on the pacifier. Steve lifted up the side of the crib and smiled down at his wife once again “Now I’m going to take the baby monitor out to the party so we can make sure you're being a good little baby but don’t worry baby someone will be watching you at all times and we can even see if you need changing” he smiled a wicked smile as Dawn blushed bright red.

 Chapter 09

Steve turned the light off and left Dawn alone in the nursery as she stared up at the red light at the end of the crib she blushed profusely as she quickly turned her head away while still sucking on the pacifier “I hope he isn’t showing everyone” she shuddered and sighed “I’m sure he is though, I bet he is showing everyone how I’m being the good baby lying in my crib sucking on a pacifier with my diapers on display for everyone to see” she thought as she tried to move her hands but they were locked tightly down to the crib.

Dawn continued to feel anxious as the red light of the camera continued to shine down on her “I’m never going to be able to sleep knowing that someone is always going to be watching me, my mum could be watching her 41-year-old daughter lying in a crib wearing diapers and sucking on a pacifier right now while she is joking around with my daughters. Anyone could be watching me now and I can't do anything about it, my breasts and diaper on display for anyone to see whenever they want” she shook again as she closed her eyes.

Time passed and Dawn could hear laughter and chat coming from outside her nursery which made her feel angry “How dare they have a good time! I have the most humiliating day of my life and they are having a good time at my expense. I can’t believe they all went along with it, Maisie my best friend had me across her knee while I sucked from a bottle. Fuck everyone saw me get a diaper change! They saw my most private and intimate parts and nobody said a word about it, they just acted like I was just an overgrown baby” she let out a sigh from behind the pacifier.

Well, maybe I am. Everyone knows now and everybody I know and care about has seen me like this maybe I should just accept that this is the way it is and nothing is going to change. I’m an adult baby. A year ago saying those words would have made me smile but now it just makes me hurt. I’m missing out on so much and I’m going to continue missing out on things. I won’t get to be there for Grace and Dawn when they get married or have kids of their own” she shuddered “It’s going to happen I’m still going to be treated like a baby while my girls have kids of their own and there isn’t anything I can do about it. I just need to accept it, I’m an adult baby. One point in time I wanted this and if I just accept that I can’t change that then I might get to enjoy it like I once did. It’s been a year and I haven’t been able to but that’s because I thought it would end eventually but after today I know it won’t” fresh tears ran down her face “I’m an adult baby, I just got to accept it and remember why I wanted this in the first place” she thought.

Suddenly the door opened and Dawn opened her eyes nervously to see who was coming towards her when her eyes widened. Standing in the doorway her face being illuminated by the tablet that she was holding was Rebecca, she slowly walked towards Dawn with a nervous smile. Dawn began to shake as the young woman neared her crib “What does she want? Why is she in here?” she thought while clenching her fists underneath the blanket. Rebecca stopped beside the crib and placed the tablet down on the table while still smiling down at the infantile woman “I was watching you on the baby monitor baby Dawny and I saw that you were still awake and I thought that maybe a story would help you get to sleep” she said softly. Dawn frowned at the younger woman standing over her “Who does she think she is? Coming in here and treating me like, I’m old enough to be her mother!” she thought as Rebecca continued to smile down at her.

Rebecca squatted down slightly so she was eye level with the adult baby woman and cleared her throat “This story begins almost one year ago with a very confusing phone call, a confused and upset Grace called me and told me everything. She told me how you had wanted to be an adult baby for years and that they found you wearing a diaper...” Dawn’s eyes were wide “Why did she tell her that? I can’t believe Grace told someone so soon after this miserable life started for me” she thought as Rebecca continued “… and she wanted to know if I could help her with something, now I don’t know if your little baby brain remembers anymore but my father is a carpenter and Grace was wondering if he could make some new items for her baby Dawny”. Dawn slowly looked away from Rebecca and looked around her crib “Her father made this? Did he make all of it? The changing table? The highchair? The Playpen?” she shook as Dawn continued “I told her that he could and I wouldn’t tell him who it was really for and that the secret would be kept between me and her” she said with a smile.

Dawn’s fists finally relaxed “Well I guess that’s good at least, if she had told him then everyone might have known a lot sooner” she thought. Rebecca nodded “Yes now this is where it gets interesting” she said with nervously “Now Steve would come into see how the progress of the furniture was going after my father had left of course and after a few visits we….” she blushed “….Well we connected” she suddenly stood up and looked away as Dawn began to fill with rage “I was right! Oh god no, I was right!” suddenly the rage turned to sadness and tears ran down her face, her heart ached and her head was spinning as she furiously sucked on the pacifier.

Rebecca continued “Our relationship has continued to get stronger and stronger and last month we told Grace and Karen. They were a little surprised but they have come around to the idea and well I’m telling you this because I will be moving in” she turned back to Dawn who still sucking on the pacifier which caused Rebecca to smile slightly “Which means Baby Dawny you will have a new mommy to look after you”. Dawn’s eyes went wide and without meaning to she began to wail just like a baby, the pacifier fell from her mouth as Rebecca stood back nervously “Oh no, shhh baby. It will be OK I will take good care of you” she said but Dawn continued.

Rebecca swore and quickly left the wailing woman, leaving Dawn alone in the nursery crying in the darkness she tried to fling her hands around but they were strapped down “She isn’t going to look after me! She won't! I’m not going to let that happen! Steve is my husband and she can’t have him! I will get out of this!” she thought as tears streamed down her face and fresh warm urine entered into her diaper.

The End of Part 02

Baby Dawny - Part 03 



Almost a bit sad for dawn