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This week, I'm going to keep things a little bit shorter.
Mostly because I'm planning on writer a longer post, next week.

And, I hope that everyone that was able to play the 0.10.1 update enjoyed it. :)

Sweet Affection 0.10.2

Because I'll be taking time off between December 10th and December 31st, I started working on the December update the second I released the 0.10.1 update.

Having done a lot of prep-work while we were coding, I was able to start working on the new content, straight away.

My goal is to have all the art finished by Tuesday and all the writing by Sunday.

As mentioned before, 0.10.2 is going to be a smaller update than you are used to from us.
Likely somewhere between 450 - 500 images and between 12.500 - 17.500 words written.

Even though a part of me feels bad not giving you guys a full update, because you deserve that.
I have to stick with the plan and take some real time off.
And to make sure I do that, I won't even be home between the 11th and 20th.
(But more information about that in next week's progress report, as well the release schedule for the 0.10.2 update.)


Also, a quick reminder to all the Patron's who haven't seen the poll yet.
This poll will be active until December 10th and you can find it ---> here <---

The results of the poll will be made public afterwards so everyone can see what it is about. :)

As always, if you have any questions, you can reach us here or on Discord.
Thank you to everyone that is supporting us.

And, I'll be back with the first preview of the 0.10.1 update, Wednesday.

- Naughty Attic Gaming



it'll be early update? Or usual?


Definitely a bit early, how early I'll be able to say, next week. :)


I'm glad that you are taking some time off to enjoy life and recharge!