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I'm going to keep things short this time. (Or, that's what I thought.)
Simply because there is not that much to talk about.

Sweet Affection 0.10.0

In the past couple of days, I already did a little bit of prep work for the October update.
Making sure I can start on the new content the moment I come back from my time off.

Now, let's talk a little bit about the level-up event.
This level-up won't be as extensive as the Level 8 ---> 9 one, but more in line with the level-up events that came before that.
It will follow the journey of M & S & MC throughout the weekend.

However, there will be one big difference from the previous level-up events.
This time, when the event ends, we will make a small jump into the future.
Just a couple months, but that will allow me to show the next step in their journey together more accurately.

Now, if you are anything like me, you might be worried that we are skipping chapters in their journey together.
That you don't get to see what happened in those months.

You don't have to worry about that at all.

Throughout level 10, the three characters will sometimes re-visit some of those events that happened in those couple of months.
Making sure we get to experience every single step of their journey with each other.
And we don't miss a single thing. :)
But, I'll talk more about level 10 in general once we finish the level-up event.

The level-up event is going to be very long, as you can imagine.
However, because no one likes to stop when they are right in the middle of an event.
I will make sure that I implement a couple moments where you can take a break.

To make sure everyone is ready to play the level-up event when it comes out.
Here are the requirements that will be in place in order to start it.

- Both M and S need to be Level 9 with 100 Affection.
- You need to have played all Cosplay events with both M and S.
- You need to have played all lingerie events with both M and S.
- You need to have played all the date events with both M and S.
- The MC needs to have $1000,- on him.

If you have any questions or comments about our plans for October and level 10.
I would love to hear your thoughts about them. :)

Time Off

Starting today, I'll be taking my time off as planned as well.
I have planned the 0.9.92 build to be released on October 6, 23:59. (GMT)
Apart from that, I won't be active here or on Discord during that time.
(If there are problems though, there will be other people who can help on discord.)

Any mails, I will answer once I come back on October 10.
As well as any other messages that I will receive during that time.
I decided not to cancel the progress report for next week though, however, it will be a couple days later than you are used to on October 10.

I hope that everyone will have a great time in the coming week and I'll be back in a short while.
But, before I go I'd like to thank everyone for the amazing support, once again.
Thank you for allowing me to continue the journey of all these wonderful characters. :)

- Naughty Attic Gaming



I can't wait for the incoming developments... I'm really in love with your characters!


Enjoy your time of and thanks for all the hard work to get us here!