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As always, you can find the change-log at the bottom of this post.

Sweet Affection Update 0.9.91

It was a very, very long week but I finished almost all the work for the upcoming 0.9.91 update.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to implement the Level 4 texts for Sidney.
But, I will make sure that those are added in the upcoming 0.9.92 update.

I did manage to implement everything else and it ended up being one of the biggest updates I ever made for Sweet Affection. (Perhaps even the biggest.).

We are currently in the process of coding en are planning to start beta-testing, tomorrow.
If everything goes well, my aim is to release the 0.9.91 for Tier 3 and above on August 31, 14:00 GMT

Sweet Affection Update 0.9.92

In the meantime, I'm already turning my focus to the next update.
The final update before the long awaited Level up 9 ---> 10 event.

The dates are always fairly long and complicated events, the bridge between the normal hourly events and the Level-Up.
Next to the normal 2 dates that M&S have during the weekend, I'm also going to add 1 more date for each of them for during the week. (something that has been requested for quite some time.)
So, I hope that people will enjoy that addition. :)
(Meaning, both M&S will have 3 dates each this level.)

I'm also going to use that update to fix some things in the game.
- Soundtracks don't always play out correctly.
- And, affection gain is not always accurate.
- And, just smaller things that I didn't have time to fix.

So, I'll be doing that as well.

Level 10 and above.

Speaking about Level 10.
Let's talk about the future for a little bit.

Like everyone knows, Sweet Affection is nowhere close to being finished.
Even though all the characters are slowly moving towards the end of their journey, there is still so much more content planned for M&S and the side-characters.

However, people have been asking me if I'm going to finish M&S their journey before I finish all the side-characters.

M&S their journey won't be ending any-time soon, because I still have a full level 10 worth of content planned, as well as the shorter ending levels after that.

And, those ending levels is something I'd wanted to talk about because I've been receiving a lot of questions about them.

Level 10 will be the last full level as you have been used to from us from the past years.

After that, M&S their journey will keep on going but we will make small jumps into the future and then take some time to show their life at that stage.
(Those jumps will be ranging from 3 to 12 months in the future.)

How long will the levels be?
M&S will still get the usual hourly events but we will limit the hourly options.
So, no more Knock, Open, Peep at that stage... but just a single interaction with occasionally multiple choices within these events.

Still plenty of story to tell for M&S and all the characters.
So, don't worry about that. :)

The final level will be somewhat different though. (not only for M&S, also for side-characters.)
My aim is to give everyone as much freedom as possible at that stage.

- Choice between all interactions/actions wherever they are at home.
- Choice to go anywhere in town, whenever they want. (For example, go to the spa or dates.)
- Choice to pick any of the available outfits. (cosplay / lingerie.)

And just being able to do whatever you want. :)

0.10.0 Update / Spy-Cam removal.

Now, the removal of the Spy-Cams.

With the start of Level 10 soon, it's also time to remove the spy-cams.
We are going to do that during the Level Up 9 ---> 10 Level-Up.

However, we are going to ask everyone to start with a new full build at that stage.
This way, we can guarantee everyone that it works as intended and keeps on working.
We know that's a lot to ask, so for that update I'm going to give everyone as many download options as possible, including a torrent.

The Future

As you can tell, there is still a lot more Sweet Affection content planned in the future.
However, I also decided that I'm no longer going to wait with starting a second project.
Because I'm still working full-time on Sweet Affection, I don't have the time or financial capacity to work on a game as large as Sweet Affection.

But, I am planning on giving you guys some smaller VN type of games in the future instead.
And, I hope to give you guys more information about that, next month.
(Nothing that will impact my work on Sweet Affection.)

Now, I think it's time for me to end this post.
If you have any questions, you can reach us here on Patreon or Discord.

I'll be back with another progress report, next week!
Thank you to everyone that has been supporting us.

- Naughty Attic Gaming

Changelog 0.9.91

M&S Content :

Home Level 9 M : 23:00 Lingerie    : 243 Images - 02 Animations - 7.108 Words

Home Level 9 M : 24:00 Bedroom  : 326 Images - 03 Animations - 10.037 Words

Home Level 9 S : 23:00 Lingerie      : 253 Images - 02 Animations - 7.613 Words

Home Level 9 S : 24:00 Bedroom   : 378 Images - 03 Animations - 11.063 Words

Diary Pages Level 9 M + S              : 010 Images - 00 Animations - 4.925 Words

(23:00, 24:00)

Sidney Content : 

Sidney  : Level Up 3 ---> 4      : 305 Images - 00 Animations - 8.720 Words

Sidney  : Level 4                       : 847 Images - 03 Animations - 26.919 Words

Sidney Apartment :                (09:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 24:00) 

College :                                 (11:00, 13:00, 15:00)

Diary Pages : Level 1, 2, 3, 4 Diary Pages : 46 Images - 0 Animations - 15.134 Words

Total                          : 2408 Images - 12 Animations -  91.519 Words 


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