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Sweet Affection Update 0.9.7

Because renovations are still underway in and around my home, I haven't started work on the upcoming update, yet.

They assured me that work will be done on May 10th, at the latest.
But, my hope is that they are finished earlier so that I can start work on the upcoming update during the weekend of May 6th.

I said that I would work on the diary pages for the side characters in the meantime and continue work on my Patreon page.
But, after we were done with coding, beta-testing, and making/uploading all the builds.
My brain just powered down and has been telling me that it's time to truly take a break.

Not a break where I still work on small stuff here and there or try to work on the things that we want to implement.
But, truly taking a break without even thinking one second about work.
So, I decided that at least till May 6th, I'll be turning my brain off and have a real break.

I promise that the Diary pages for the side characters will still happen, this summer.
And, I'll continue to work on the Patreon page the moment I come back to work.

Q&A #3

Because I'm not expecting to do any work on the upcoming update before the next progress report,
I thought about something else that I could do in Week 18.
But, this time... a little bit different.

I like to ask you guys/girls a question for a change.
I would like to hear your opinions about the progress of Sweet Affection, but also about our creator page Naughty Attic Gaming.

Are there things that you think we could do better?

Are there things that you like to see differently?

Or, is there something else that you like to share with us?

We love to hear your thoughts, and I want to talk more about those thoughts in next week's progress report.
You can share those thoughts either here on Patreon or Discord.

I hope that people enjoyed the 0.9.6 update, and I'll be back with another
progress report on Sunday, May 6th.
Hopefully with good news that I started work on the update. :)

Thank you to everyone for your support.

And, see you next week!

- Naughty Attic Gaming



I do believe the main characters are the anchor of the story and the progression of their story keeps us coming back. While I dont mind the stories with the other side characters, I wouldnt miss them if they werent there. The 2 neighbor ladies is intriguing because of who they are to eachother, and how they are getting closer. That dynamic is what drives the game. If more of the side characters had the same dynamic, say the shop owners female caretaker comes to visit her and you are invited to dinner to meet her. Things could then develope between the 3 of them. Perhaps the teachers younger tenant comes back from college...........etc. etc. Granted, this is just my personal preferances. Everyone has thier own reasons for likeing this game. I hope more players share their thoughts and advise.


Time to answer some questions Are there things that you think we could do better?: no, I think y'all are doing a fantastic job with the artwork, story, animations, and characters. Are there things that you like to see differently?: Me, personally, I would like to see more of the side characters stories fleshed out, but hey everyones different here and I understand if that's not something y'all want to do atm. is there something else that you like to share with us?: Do you know the muffin man? P.S. I hope all repairs go smoothly for you and quickly (and not just so you can get back to working on updates).