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As always, the change log will be posted at the bottom of this post.

Sweet Affection Update 0.9.6

I'm happy to say that we finished all the content for the upcoming update.
We are planning on starting coding tomorrow, and hopefully, start beta testing either Wednesday or Thursday.

And, I am 100% sure that we can have a release for Tier 3+ on April 29th.

With 949 images and 35.000 words, the update is quite a bit smaller than the updates of the past couple of months.
But, I tried my best to implement as much content as possible in the time that I had.
And, I'm happy that I managed to implement that Spa content as well, to give you guys something extra.

The coming 2 weeks.

As mentioned a couple times already, tomorrow the renovations will start in and around my house.

So, for the coming 2 weeks, it might take me a bit longer to answer your messages
My apology for any inconvenience, but I promise to come back to everyone as quickly as possible.

I am going to try and take some real time off as well, but I'll also be working on the diary pages for the side characters in the meantime.
As well as continue work on the Patreon Page.

I already managed to prep some things regarding the Patreon page in the past couple of days and am hoping to fully implement everything later this week.

Next week, there will be a progress report as usual.

However, because no work will be done at that stage, I'm not quite sure what the progress report will be about.
But, I'm sure I'll think of something. :)

If you have any questions, you can always reach us here on Patreon or Discord.
And, thank you for all the support, and I wish everyone a great weekend!

- Naughty Attic Gaming

Change log 0.9.6

M&S Content :

Home Level 9 M : 13:00 Weekend   : 201 Images - 01 Animations - 6.532 Words

Home Level 9 M : 15:00 Backyard  : 090 Images - 01 Animations - 3.182 Words

Home Level 9 M : 16:00 Backyard  : 075 Images - 00 Animations - 2.480 Words

Home Level 9 S : 13:00 Weekend   : 239 Images - 01 Animations - 7.950 Words

Home Level 9 S : 15:00 Backyard  : 065 Images - 00 Animations - 2.003 Words

Home Level 9 S : 16:00 Backyard  : 083 Images - 01 Animations - 2.948 Words

Home Level 9 M&S : Wknd Spa      : 187 Images - 00 Animations - 5.735 Words

Diary Pages Level 9 M + S        : 009 Images - 00 Animations - 4.183 Words

(13:00, 15:00, 16:00)

Total                            : 949 Images - 04 Animations -  35.013 Words


Anthony Docimo

thanks for the heads-up, and you take as much time as you need, with the repairs and all else


This game has been a huge inspiration for me - how sweet and loving the main character is, that's refreshing. So I decided I wanted to make something too so I've been learning Renpy and messing around with HS2. One thing I can't figure out though....I don't like the rooms/backgrounds available in HS2. Do you create your own and if so, how? I'd like to learn how to do this myself as well. I like how well the design of the house works (and the overhead map). Looking around on the internet though, I couldn't find much on creating custom rooms for HS2. Anyway, love the game so much and thanks for all the updates!