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Buckle up, people, this is going to be another long post. :)

Sweet Affection Update 0.9.6

My original plan was to get started on the 0.9.6 update the moment I finished the 0.9.5 update.

But, I felt so tired after the release, that I decided to take 2 days off.

Otherwise, I knew that the quality of the content would suffer from me being tired.

I'm still not completely rested, but I feel good enough to power on for the next 3 weeks until I can take some real time off.

I started work on the 0.9.6 update, today.

So, unfortunately, there isn't that much to say, yet.

It's a smaller update than the previous 3 updates, as I already communicated earlier, but I am going to make sure that there will be plenty of content for everyone to enjoy.

I should be able to say more in next week's progress report.

Q&A #2

Since the last Q&A, I've been receiving a lot of questions again.

And, I thought that now would be a good time to answer some of them.

1. Do you feel happy and comfortable with the project you are building?

Absolutely, yes!

Working on Sweet Affection, it's not just a job for me, but it's also something that

I love doing.

Giving life to all the characters in the game, developing their story, and seeing how

everything comes to fruition

It is such a joy to work on Sweet Affection, and an even bigger joy to see how many people are enjoying what I create.

And, I'm proud that we have come this far.

And, that we stuck to our plans and ideas.

I know that Sweet Affection could be so much more popular and successful if we introduced a couple different genres within the game or reworked some of it.

But, we stuck with what we wanted to create, and I feel like that because of that, we have some of the best fans in this industry. :)

And, that we made and are making a unique project.

2. When do you think Sweet Affection will be finished?

I wish that I could give everyone a definitive answer to that.

But, there is still so much content to make before the game is truly finished.

Even though M&S are Level 9, and getting close to their ending levels.

There are a lot of side characters that need to be fully developed as well.

And, most likely M&S their content will be finished before the side characters are.

The only definitive that I can say is that I am going as fast as I can. :)

3. Any news out of the plan for this year or future plans?

There was a big plan for me earlier this year, something that I was excited to talk about.

But, unfortunately, that plan fell through.

I was supposed to join an already well-established development team as a writer.

I would help them with writing their scenes during the evening, every now and then.

But, unfortunately, at the last moment, they didn't feel that I could create enough content for them, and they went with someone else.

A real shame, because I was convinced that I could do it and would have done something great with it.

And, the income of it could have helped me to push Naughty Attic Gaming to the next level.

As for now, these are the plans for 2023

- Continue development of Sweet Affection.

- Practice with DaZ in case I'm able to continue/restart Private Community.

- Keep my head out when any writing positions open up that I can do without it impacting my work on Sweet Affection.

I really do want to start a second project, next to Sweet Affection.

But, at this stage, I have barely any time to work on it, and I don't want to develop something and then only update it once every 6 months.

If I start something, I want to do it well. :)

4. Planning your holiday time this year?

Because of the work being done in and around my home in late April and early May, I have about 2 weeks off planned during that time. :)

Apart from that, not yet.

I might plan some time off around the end of the year as well, but that depends on how the coming months go.

5. If you could change 1 thing about Sweet Affection, what would it be?

I would have only introduced a handful of side characters and developed them fully before introducing any others.

I love every one of them (Which I will get to in the next question.)

But, if I would have done it differently, people wouldn't have to wait so long for their favorite characters to be updated.

6. Do you feel comfortable with side characters? All of them?

Your favorite side character who you are proud of with the result:)?

I am very happy with all the side characters in Sweet Affection.

I believe that they all bring something unique and have a unique story.

But, most important (for me) is that people find it easy to immersive themselves into their stories.

For me, that means that I made the characters believable and relatable, and that is my goal. :)

As far as my favorite character.

My favorite side character is the one that I'm working on, at that moment.

I always put a lot of myself into all the events, and it's an absolute joy to see their lives develop and change throughout the levels.

And, it's always hard for me to pause their development and continue with the next character, but a joy at the same time to continue the next journey.

Because even though I already know how each and every story will turn out.

I want to see it happen as much as everyone here. :)

7. Has Naughty Attic Gaming been what you hoped for?

That is a tough question.

I want to start with that I'm so proud and honored to have so many incredible fans.

People that have supported me since the start of this page.

And, my gratitude couldn't be any bigger.

Each day, I could make a new post on Patreon saying how thankful I am that you give me the chance to continue Sweet Affection.

But, I had hoped that we would have met some of our goals by now.

That I would have been able to hire someone and either produce a second game or produce Sweet Affection at an even faster rate.

I hope that doesn't sound ungrateful, because if I'm one thing, it's grateful for all the support, thus far. :)

And, I also realize that the type of game we are making, that it's not for everyone.

It is just a simple desire from me to develop Sweet Affection in an even faster rate and bring more and more content to everyone. :)

8. Final question. Will there be another project?

100%, definitely. Yes.

I have so many ideas for future projects, ranging from short novelle to big open-world games like Sweet Affection in different settings like Fantasy or apocalyptic.

But, also obviously the restart of Private Community.

Either with enough support, I'll be able to hire someone to help me with that.

And, I'll be able to develop it alongside Sweet Affection.

Or, that will happen the moment Sweet Affection is 100% finished.

But, either sooner or later... there is going to be another project. :)

If I forgot your question, please let me know and I'll make sure to answer that one as soon as possible. :)

Otherwise, you can always send me questions in the future and I'll answer them in a future Q&A.

If you have any comments or questions about the Q&A above, you can reach us here on Patreon or Discord

And, I'll be back with another report, next week!

Thank you to everyone that has been supporting us. :)

- Naughty Attic Gaming



Just keep doing the great job you are doing


is there a full version i can download with all updates


Hey! You are Tier 1, it seems. So, only Update 0.9.4 is available for you, as for now. https://www.patreon.com/posts/sweet-affection-79327195 Update 0.9.5 will become available for Tier 1, next week.