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As always, you can find the changelog at the bottom of this post.

Sweet Affection 0.9.3

This month has been pretty crazy, but I'm happy to say that we managed to finish all

the planned events in time.

However, we did run into some issues with the planned level 3 phone texts for Donna and Rose.

The choice was between postponing the entire update for 4/5 days and including them or releasing the update without the texts.

And, we choose to release the 0.9.3 update without the planned texts and add them at a later stage.

I'm really sorry, and I'll try to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

All the other promised content will still be included.

And, even without the texts, this is by far the biggest update we have produced thus far. :)

I'm planning to release the 0.9.3 update for Tier 3+ in about 50 hours from this post.

Sweet Affection 0.9.4

In the meantime, I'm turning my gaze toward the February update.

Because the month only has 28 days, our schedule will be a bit tighter than usual.

But, I'm quite looking forward to advancing Suzie's story.

More information about the update during next week's update.

Also during next week's progress report, I'll be posting our content plan till Juli with a roadmap for each month.

And, I'm hoping to find some time to work on our Patreon page as well.

If you have any questions or comments, you can always reach us here on Patreon or Discord.

I hope that everyone will enjoy the update, and we'll be back next week!

And, thank you to everyone that is supporting us!

- Naughty Attic Gaming

Changelog 0.9.3

M&S Content :

Home Level 9 M : 09:00 Bedroom    : 232 Images - 01 Animations - 7221 Words

Home Level 9 M : 09:00 Weekend    : 308 Images - 02 Animations - 10.116 Words

Home Level 9 S : 09:00 Bedroom    : 240 Images - 01 Animations - 7860 Words

Home Level 9 S : 09:00 Weekend    : 239 Images - 01 Animations - 8025 Words

Home Level 9 M&S : 10:00 Home     : 044 Images - 00 Animations - 1553 Words

Diary Pages Level 9 M + S         : 014 Images - 00 Animations - 5123 Words

(09:00, 10:00)

Neighbor Content : 

- Donna & Rose : Level Up 2 ---> 3   : 281 Images - 00 Animations - 5231 Words

- Donna  : Level 3                   : 490 Images - 03 Animations - 16.543 Words

(Apartmemt)    : (09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 24:00)                         

- Rose  : Level 3                    : 625 Images - 03 Animations - 20.310 Words

(Apartmemt)    : (10:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00)     

(College)      : (12,00, 13:00)

- Donna & Rose : Level 3             : 199 Images - 00 Animations - 6.631 Words

(Apartment)    : (21:00, 22:00, 23:00)

Total                                : 2672 Images - 11 Animations -  88.613 Words 


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