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First, I'd like to remember all the people that are pledging to us that the poll is still going on.

You can find the poll ---> Here <-- 

Sweet Affection 0.9.3

The past week has been very productive.

I managed to finish all the art for Donna & Rose and managed to finish quite a lot of art for M&S as well

And, if everything goes alright, I should be done with that later this week.

After which, my focus will shift towards writing all of M&S their events and Rose & Donna their events.

It is going to be rather busy this month, but I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to release all the content on time.

An early release is not likely, simply because a lot of content means that there is a lot of testing as well.


I'm also going to spend the next couple of weeks on updating the Patreon page a bit more.

I already changed the banner ( Take a look if you haven't seen it yet! :) )

I'm also going to change the Tier Images as well as a better explanation of our team and project.

I wanted to do that last year, but I was always focused on making as much content as possible.

But, I now realize that if we want to grow as a page, we need to make it more interesting for new people as well. 

I'm also looking into some other possibilities to grow as a creator, but I will share more information about that once I have something concrete.

As always, if you have any questions, you can reach us here on Patreon or Discord.

Thank you to everyone that is supporting us!

And, we'll be back with another progress report, next week!

- Naughty Attic Gaming



All I ask is that you guys don't feel the need to rush yourselves. SA is a slow-burn game. Pretty much everyone subbed to this channel knows that by now, and we're prepared to wait for quality. Please, on behalf of everyone here, do it right and not fast. Also, I know I'm a bit late by now, but happy new year to you all. You're coming to the end of a long road, and I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as we did.