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First, I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year!

Sweet Affection 0.9.3

Because the team took a little bit of time off after Christmas, there isn't that much to say about the work that has been done since the previous progress report.

I managed to get a little bit more work done before I took my time off, and started early today to get started on the rest of Donna's art for her level 3 events.

And, I'm expecting to be done with that by tomorrow.

After which, my focus will shift toward Rose her art.

I'm hoping to be finished with that by Friday so that I can turn my focus on creating all the planned M&S content.

I'm going to wait with writing Donna & Rose their content until I completely finished M&S their planned content.

One thing that I'm already sure of, is that it's going to be another big update.

But, I'll be able to give a bit more information about the 0.9.3 update, next week.


As I mentioned in last week's progress report, there is one thing left that I want to discuss.

For a while now, I have been unhappy with the spy-cam mechanic in the game.

They feel more and more out of place, and don't fit with the story that we are trying to tell.

When this project first started, the game was still heading in the direction of having multiple endings. And, they fit the narrative, quite well.

They even would have played a big role in one of the endings.

However, as everyone knows... during our development we came to the conclusion that it would be better to focus on one route instead and create that story to the best of our ability. (Romance / Love)

But, we feel that the spy-cam mechanic has no place in that route.

That it feels completely out of character.

And, before we put even more time into developing it further, we want to know what everyone thinks about this.

In a couple days, I'll be making a poll (Only for pledgers.).

And, I would appreciate it if people could vote on that. :)

We haven't decided what to do, just yet.

As always, I want to hear your opinions first and will listen to them.

If you have any questions or comments, you can always reach us here on Patreon or Discord.

And, thank you to everyone that is supporting us! :)

I'll be posting the Poll in a couple days and will make all the results public after a week.

And, I'll be back with a normal progress report, next weekend!

- Naughty Attic Gaming.


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