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Alright, this post is going to be a little bit longer again.

Mostly because there is going to be some information regarding the upcoming updates.

Sweet Affection 0.9.0

I'm happy to say that I finished all the writing.

And, that means that all the content for the upcoming update is finished.

It's been a challenging month, and I'm glad that I managed to complete everything that I planned.

We started coding this weekend and are hoping to have that finished in a couple of days so that I still have plenty of time to do all the beta testing.

And, my goal is to release the 0.9.0 build for Tier 3 and above on October the 30th.

Sweet Affection 0.9.1

I started work on the November update as well, today.

Mainly doing prep work so I can get started on the new content the moment I release the 0.9.0 update.

One thing that I can already say is that Sidney's level-up event is going to be a lengthy one. :)

But, more information about that update once I start work on the actual content.


I already mentioned it briefly in the previous progress report, but my wrist is finally feeling better again.

I'm able to work the same hours that I did before my injury, and without any pain or discomfort.

I did re-arrange my work schedule a little bit though, making sure my wrist gets enough rest and making sure I don't end up in this same situation again.

My flu is also pretty much gone, entirely.

So, I'm looking forward to just working on Sweet Affection in the coming months without any distractions. :)

Future Releases.

Speaking about the coming months, I've updated the roadmaps for the upcoming 4 updates. You can find those --> here <---

November 0.9.1 : M&S Level up, Part 2 + Sidney Level Up & Level 3 content.

December 0.9.2 : M&S Level 9 Home content. (And, I'll be working on side character content for January.)

January  0.9.3 : M&S Level 9 Home content + Donna & Rose Level up & Level 3 content.

February 0.9.4 : M&S Level 9 Home & Office Content + Suzie Level up & Level 3 content.

I am going to try and finish the Donna & Rose side character content for the December update.

But, because they are basically two side characters, and because I have a lot of content planned for them I want to be safe and don't promise something that I might not be able to do.

If I'm able to release it in December, Suzie's content will be moved towards January, otherwise she will be getting her new content in February.

But, this way everyone knows the minimum of what they can expect in the next 4 updates.

If you have any questions or comments, you can always reach us here on Patreon or Discord.

And, thank you to everyone that is currently supporting us. :)

I'll be back with another progress report on Friday, and as always it will include the change-log.

Enjoy your weekend, and see you soon!

- Naughty Attic Gaming


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