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Hey friends!

I wanted to apoligize that I spontanously disappeared yesterday. My sister called me yesterday, all in tears. Hey boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) bit her nose...can you believe that? They had a fight and then he fucccin bit her in the nose...?!?! Some people really wanna make a criminal out of me man...goddamn πŸ˜ͺ Of course he ran away but this story surely isn't over...man, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with this.. 

Alright, so the question is, did you like the sketch marathon? Should I continue it on some other day? Let me know and give me some feedback please πŸ–€

Stay sticky!



Alex Batts

Damn! So sorry that happened! Feedback, loved the marathon, would definitely love to see it continued! :)


Oh man! He bit her nose! Who bites a nose?! I hope she is ok. Love all the sketches! You did great!