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Thanks for being patient with me there folks, I’m having some work done on the house because there’s an issue of rising dampness. I live in the fens of England, which is literally the wettest part of the country, so it’s to be expected, but it should be resolved soon. The work is interrupting my workflow a bit, but I should be able to get the colours done for this page tomorrow.




Skiv made new friends!


I'm sorry for the wet problem, here in Italy often lacks, even the rain


Polel seems to be shipping Skiv and Gengrik together, and honestly, I bet that everyone here will also do the same. Anyway, this look very good as always lad. I can't wait to see this page painted and the following ones.

Zom Vector

Skiv already trying to repopulated the race. Also how long does Skiv’s race live (I forgot their name).


Just fuck water, who needs it. ALSO If I don't see Gen and Skiv fanart in the discord I'm gonna do something drastic